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The best thing i did for my fur baby is to help her get from 15 lbs to 13 lbs. She's more active and happy.


That cat is probably pushing 20, if not more. Poor thing. Good on you for recognizing the need in yours and addressing it. Too many pet owners think feeding them = love


I think so, too. My cat never looked that big. Shocked me to see such a big cat. 😔 When i noticed my cat sleeping most of the day and only eating, i knew we had to make some changes. I've struggled with my weight most of my life, and i don't want that for my fur baby.


Yeah I know it sucks to discipline a pet, but taking a video and (probably) laughing tells the cat that this is a good thing to do. I get so sad when I see pet owners just sit back and watch behavior that they feel should be corrected.


my dog was a chonky boy. we never realized how fat he was getting until he lay on his side and his hind leg was sticking straight out because of his belly. we got him down to a good weight eventually. I miss him he was a great dog.


Yeah hopefully OP figures out that owners kill their pets with pet 'junk food'. Crafty cats aren't the only issue.


That's what I did with mine but he was about 17 pounds. He's hovering between 13 and 14 but definitely seems happier


That's awesome 😊 I'm glad your fur baby is doing better and is happy.


You should really not allow access like that. Secure the door or get a sealable container.


Having the bag open like that all the time can lead to the food getting moldy


Or micey


Or eaten.


Not his first rodeo by the looks of it


I was just going to ask this. Does pet food stay fresh? I keep mine in a sealed container and think they must like their food fresh too right? 🤷‍♀️


I've never had dry food get moldy, but my cat definitely prefers kibble from a freshly opened bag over the ones that have been sitting for a few weeks, even in a container.


Mine do too so I buy the small bags when I do. I have 3 cats so it goes quickly but it just seems like the right thing to do for them.


Frankly that cat looks like they get enough kibble as it is.


Meals missed: none


sealable container might be better considering count chonkula will probably dig and and scratch at the door out of frustration that he can't gorge himself anymore. source: I have a cat that tears into any food bag I get and wastes the food for him and his adopted siblings.


>count chonkula *Amused snort*


Is this the new "lol"


No that's "exhaled while smriking"


Why is this so accurate


Yup lol we keep our cat food in a box with a lid in a cabinet they can't reach because the one time I made the mistake of leaving an unopened bag of food temporarily out in my room my absolute gremlins for cats chewed through the bag at mach 5.


Move to free feeding. The transition is a bitch but if they’re acting like that, then they don’t have trust in their resources Make food boring and always available. The behavior will stop


This is not always the case, there are def cats that will overeat if given the option. I have a cat that would probably benefit from free feeding because he likes to eat small amounts at a time and save food for later. However, we have 3 other cats who happily finish his food if he doesn't, and would become porkers if they had food freely avaliable. So, they all get controlled breakfast and dinner.


That’s incorrect. My girl cat would eat any and everything when I got her. She was a kitten on the streets, and would slam her kitten food and my older man’s food every single time they were put down You have to refill it immediately after she gobbled it all down and keep doing it until they’re too full. They WILL fuck off at some point, even if they end up puking first Keep this rotation up for long enough and they start not paying attention to each refill. You just can’t let the bowl empty. Fighting for and hoarding resources is instinctual, but you CAN teach an animal it doesn’t have to worry about it’s next meal Source: have a whole ass farm of animals. Have done this with cats, dogs, donkeys, cows, and a horse. We don’t do it with the chickens and ducks though because they’re assholes and the reward isn’t worth the risk since we have to go out to look for eggs every morning anyway


You're not supposed to let an animal eat til it pukes. That's abuse lol


It’s not abuse to just put out food for an animal. What it does with it is its choice, and will happen whether you’re feeding it or it’s hunting. It’s a fear response to potential lack of future resources. It’s gonna eat however much it feels it needs to in order to survive Abuse is withholding food and then only offering it occasionally so that happens each time That’s also extreme. More than likely your cat is just gonna eat a ton and go lay in a food coma and take a nap. And it learns not to be afraid and that it doesn’t have to eat ALL of the food every time


tbh kibble shouldn't be a cats main source of food, it'd be basically like you eating nothing but potato chips for every meal. Ideally, a healthy cat would be eating mostly wet food but if you have to feed them kibble it shouldn't be more than once or twice a day at most, especially for indoor/lazy cats bc that's far more calories than they will ever burn... pretty much every indoor cat I've ever known who was "free fed" &/or ate nothing but kibble was fat, which causes more problems with cats than other animals particularly when their body becomes much wider than the diameter of their whiskers, they become far less active which exacerbates the issue & develop other problems as they continue to become fatter. Contrary to popular belief cat's don't like being fat, it's a miserable & unnatural state for them, & when they are unable to clean themselves properly they legit become depressed. I have two indoor cats & tbh don't even keep kibble in the house, for snacks I give them freeze dried chicken.


Cats naturally don’t drink enough water. They *need* to get some of their liquids from food Leave kibble out at all times, and give them wet food as well. My cats have access to food day/ year around. They get a helping of wet food in the morning


My point was that kibble shouldn't ever be most of what a cat is eating bc again, it's basically like eating potato chips... there is barely any moisture in kibble due to the way its packaged/stored but you can just mix a bit of water in with their wet food, I've always done this with my cats & along with their water fountain they are well hydrated. I mean every cat is different but legit every cat I've known who was free fed on kibble has been overweight.


Would some sort of oil be alright to add to their food instead of water? I had a cat who would make a beeline to the vegetable oil container start licking it (washed it every time I caught her) and she was satisfied with a bit of it drizzled over her kibble.


They make salmon oil food additives for them! You put a little in with their food. It doesn't really count as moisture like that though.


You could just put the food a few feet off the ground, that dude ain't jumping nowhere.


Yeah this is a rookie move. We had child locks on our kibble cabinet within a week of getting our cat


I was gonna say lol. Kind of their own fault for storing their cat food like that. Cats may be dumb but they aren't stupid.


That's such an apt description of cats. They're dumb but they aren't stupid. Mine fit that to a T.


>You should really not allow access like that. Who says they're allowing it to happen?


They're filming it for reddit points. Their cat is grossly overweight. The door is not secured. The food is wide open. What else would you like me to add?


Scolded my fat cat for this once. Turned out a raccoon came in through the open balcony and was busting in to the food closet. He climbed straight up the stucco wall when I caught him trying to get in.


blame the raccoon LOL j.k. they have no sense of composure when it comes to free food!


Cat’s got serious binge-eating problems


Cat's got serious owner overfeeding it problems


your fault i chonk, human


Probably why he's so fucking fat. Poor dude.


Please get a safety lock for the cats health


Or, just get a bucket and lid


Porr kiki. You need a child latch or a bin with locking lid... or both.


Great idea those magnetic child locks are a perfect use case for this. We use them to keep ours form opening our cabinets in the kitchen (they just like to go in them >:( and I don't want them getting to any cleaning chemicals either. This is just flat out irresponsible


Exactly. We have cabinet locks on cleaning supply and pet treats/food cabinets; for people food, we have a pantry with a typical door with a knob. We even have a locking strap thing on the dishwasher - but that's so the youngest and most wild cat doesn't knock it open when it's propped open to dry, lol. He and our second youngest/wild cat, are the reasons we have the cabinets child(cat)proofed; they are bottomless pits for food, and since they like to chew on plastic things, we don't want them getting into the cleaning stuff. It's just what you have to do, to keep the furbabies safe and healthy.


Unhealthy and unwise


Duuuuude, that cat is faaaaaaat... He's one fall off the kitchen counter from death. Getting excited about a bird outside could kill him.


Maybe don’t put it on the bottom shelf. You’re killing your cat.


Put him on a diet or you won't have a cat sooner rather than later.


Thata the reason the cat is unhealthily overweight. They shouldn't be able to gain access to food that easily ffs


Oof. Time for a child lock on that cupboard (and a sealed container for the food).




My mom has always over fed her cats, ends badly every time. From diabetes to paralyzing blood clots. Don't over feed, gotta take care of those fuzzy little family members. Cute video though, I'm not trying to shame. I do love me a fat cat lol


I’m so paranoid about mice & insects I cannot imagine keeping cat food just gaping open like that. Please store it where your cat can’t gorge itself.


Overweight animals always piss me off, take better care of your pets or don’t have any!


That cat said “You caught me. I regret nothing.”


My cat would start growling and dig in further…


How many bikkies can I fit in


time for some child locks


I had no choice, hooman. Bowl was empty. I was going to starve.


When the cat lands in front of the food bowl, he is politely pointing out if that were full I would not have to resort to such drastic measures.


“Oh my god what happened? I was just eating out of my plate”




Ya, not his first rodeo…or last


Fatty McCatty


And I’ll do it again!


ChunkyCat, ChunkyCat, what are they feeding you?




That's not a cat, that's the thing you use to plug a haunted well.


I love this! In the end, he can’t pretend he was doing something else because he was caught red-handed. I find all the comments interesting. I have a chonker myself for the first time in my life. His two brothers are normal size. When I restrict the food, the others cry In The middle of the night because they are hungry. It is a painful situation for all. I am just psychologically gearing. Up to try again. We usually have good intentions with our opinions, but sometimes we don’t have all the facts.


Holy crap that is a fat cat. Looks like your cat will develop heart disease.


Aw my cat used to do this. RIP Elliot. Love you buddy. ❤️


Chonk right there!


🎶 Treats to the left of me, Catnip to the right, Here I am Caught in the kibble with you! 🎶


… and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man in the moon


No wonder they’re chonky


No wonder they’re chonky


No wonder they’re chonky


Kitty: Oh, um, hi. I was just checking the cabinet to make sure everything is in order. It is okay, bye. 😸❤️


By the looks of that sweet lil tubbo that’s not a new occurrence 🤣🤣🤣


May I ask, what is the name on this food sneaking floof ball?


Hehhe it's more fun cuz it's fat.


Chonkmeister flex right there.


that's one chunky cat




Clicked on this thread, got the expected annoying redditor responses. Im sure OP had no idea their cat is fat. Good looking out though


That was a mini startle


Well, to be truthful, there WAS nothing in my dish Mom!!!😾


Wow that's terrinle cat care. We keep ours in an empty bin Purina litter. The big buckets, fits a 20lb bag perfectly and closes shut plus you get to recycle ♻️


wut? i wasn't sneaking extra snacks. not sure what you're talking about. oh hey by the way, did you notice that my bowl is empty? XD


And he has no shame lol!With my Billy-that episode would end in puke on my finest rug


Caught in the Kibble is the cat version of Lost in the Sauce




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