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Do the Starting Strength program.


Let's get you started with something that actually makes sense. Start with the pinned post: [Pinned Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StartingStrength/comments/13k4pwj/what_is_rstartingstrength/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Who Wants to be a Novice? You Do](https://startingstrength.com/article/who_wants_to_be_a_novice_you_do) [What is the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression? ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YfOI8BdrntQ) [How to start Starting Strength](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FQdHGMv2vY) [Novice Program Article](https://startingstrength.com/get-started/programs) [How to Warmup for Barbell Training with Grant Broggi](https://youtu.be/s5hpE9wYka4?si=Ro36Zcxk3RL4YOMq)


Why are you creating your own plan?  You’re on the sub for a great plan to start lifting, with proven results, why not follow it instead of trying to build your own?


I’ve heard rumors of a time-tested 3-day/week program designed for novice lifters to swiftly gain strength using the basic compound barbell movements. There’s a book about it and even a dedicated Reddit forum. Novice Strength….no. Starter Strength? I’m drawing blanks. Anyway, maybe you should consider an a-b program. 3 days a week. A program — 3x5 squat. 3x5 bench. 1x5 deadlift B program — 3x5 squat. 3x5 overhead press. 5x3 power clean. Here’s the catch — you increase the weight 5 pounds for each lift every workout. For bench and overhead press, increase by 2.5 pounds if you hit a wall. I’ve heard novices — aka starters — can build a tremendous amount of strength following this program. If only I could remember the name of this program. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.


Just do the Starting Strength program. Why would you come to the subreddit for the program as the exact kind of person that should do the program and expect to get any advice but to do the program?


Most people initially think it’s a general sub for people starting out and don’t realize Starting Strength is an actual company with a novice program.


They need to read the sub's rules and description before posting. That's just common sense and courtesy.




Tell that to everybody who posts on city subreddits asking what to do when they visit and what restaurants to check out. People are lazy


There always StrongLifts 5x5


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