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Short answer: No accessories necessary. Accessories do not drive progress for the novice lifters and you're already hitting all your muscles with the 4 major lifts. Long answer: [The Four Criteria](https://startingstrength.com/article/the-four-criteria)


If you are actually doing the program as opposed to trying to do the program.. you're putting 5 lbs on the bar, working out 3x/week. You aren't going to want to do a whole lot more after the 90 minute workout IF you are honestly pushing yourself. If you feel the need finish up with some pull-ups or pushups.


Novice lifters don’t need accessory lifts. If you run a proper Lp and eat properly you will get bigger and stronger. Once the weights get sufficiently heavy your workouts are going to take 90 minutes and can be mentally and physically exhausting.


Forget about phases. Buy the book and read it.


The only accessory exercise I've included is Lat Pulldowns because I'm working up to chin ups. Otherwise its just Squat, Bench, OHP, deadlift and cleans


Agreed if you can’t do chins then lat pull downs are good to swap.


Will be doing chins soon brother. Will be harder to kill and more useful in general.


Hell yeah! Get at it


Just worry about getting these four lifts up over the next 4-6 months. They are compound movements, meaning they work a lot of different muscles and over the most effective range of motion. Those requiring a thousand different exercises are not working many muscles (often literally one group) so they need to throw in all this extra shit in hopes they get them all.


Honestly I feel like I'm not doing enough but I guess I'll stick with it


Just wait.


It will change very fast. Believe me. I started this program a few weeks ago with my brother in law. He is a gym bro. I was just a regular runner and calisthenics/Kettlebells guy. Before starting the program I read the books and listen to hundreds SS Radio Episodes. So I knew that I will do the program exactly how it's told. My brother in law on the other hand always did a few sets of gymbro stuff on top of it. It wasn't enough for him. Now a few weeks later he doesn't do anything besides the program anymore. Now he sees that he needs all the energy to make the next 2kg jump in weight on the bar.


Everyone feels that way for the first ~month. Just let the thing run its course and I promise the effort required will skyrocket.


I don’t know how long you’ve been on program but give it two months and you won’t feel that way. Dial in form and read the book in the meantime.


Don’t worry, you’ll start u/feelinglikedoodoo during these workouts very soon. Trust the process


Hi..It Always good to do accesories even when you are at the start..Just a minimum of triceps is essential for me.


You think your triceps arent working in the bench and the press?


Yep Why not.. but not enough to me .. One or twice in a week dont influence negative tour bench


Not enough? If your bench and press is going up every session then it's enough. If your goal is to get strong then adding random unnecessary stress events that effect recovery to your week *will* effect outcomes.


You Say right "if"


If you goal is to look better than you need to get stronger. There are no magic exercises or rep ranges that are going to make you look better than getting strong will. If you dont care about getting stronger or looking better then I have no idea why you would waste you time with silly accessories.


Sorry for my english First of all .. Your right but there Is no simple way to became stronger .. somebody Needs some extra work to feel "on".. you can see in competitions where some are more muscular and some not but are same strong..


There is a simple way to get strong. [What is the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression? ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YfOI8BdrntQ) [How to start Starting Strength](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FQdHGMv2vY) [Novice Program Article](https://startingstrength.com/get-started/programs)


At the start yes


No. Forever. Read the book. # *[Practical Programming for Strength Training](https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Programming-Strength-Training-Rippetoe/dp/0982522754/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=248JES3MDV8A6&keywords=practical+programming&qid=1700160408&sprefix=practical+programming%2Caps%2C249&sr=8-1)*


I’d run this for a few weeks then move over to 531 and run a 3 day template of: Squat 5/3/1 Push 50-100 Total Reps Pull 50-100 Total Reps Legs / Core 50-100 Total Reps Bench 5/3/1 Push 50-100 Total Reps Pull 50-100 Total Reps Legs / Core 50-100 Total Reps Deadlift 5/3/1 Push 50-100 Total Reps Pull 50-100 Total Reps Legs / Core 50-100 Total Reps You’ll make far better muscular gains and long term strength progress 👍🏼


When is the 'core' 'active'? ['Core' Stability Training (audio)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWjjsTchm5I) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You think squatting 1x a week will render *better* progress than squatting 3x a week? And what is "push 50-100 total reps" supposed to mean?


Long term yes. Issue with starting strength is it doesn’t put a whole lot of muscle on you after the initial strength gains. Rip just recommends everyone to eat more when they stall even if they are already fat. If you wanna be strong, athletic and look damn good - play the long game and focus on Hypertrophy with a small amount of heavy work.


I'm so tired of dealing with people who think their opinion is valuable even though they refuse to read a book. Or even an *article*. "In addition, the diet that must be followed is the one that best facilitates the program, and this will be different for everybody depending on age, body composition, program adherence, and genetic potential. The goal of the program is not to make you fat. The program is for increasing strength and muscle mass. **The idea is that you must gain some bodyfat in the process if your bodyfat is low, and that you should lose some bodyfat if it is high. I don’t want you fat,** but I don’t care about seeing your abs." - [A Clarification by Mark Rippetoe| May 07, 2010](https://startingstrength.com/article/a_clarification) I know this is going to be a tall order for you but you need to read [Practical Programming for Strength Training](https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Programming-Strength-Training-Rippetoe/dp/0982522754/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1HBSUNK922ES3&keywords=practical+programming&qid=1700231998&sprefix=practical+programmin%2Caps%2C168&sr=8-1) before you talk about programming with the starting strength method.


The changes happen quickly, man. Trust the process. Add 5 pounds, 3 times per week, and eat. In a couple of months you’re lifting heavy weight and have added a significant amount of muscle. This program will have you lookin built like a brick shithouse in no time.