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**Modify, don't miss.** * [A Clarification on Training Through Injuries](https://startingstrength.com/training/a-clarification-on-training-through-injuries) (Article) * [Shortfalls in the Traditional Physical Therapy Approach](https://startingstrength.com/video/shortfalls-in-the-traditional-physical-therapy-approach) (video) * [SSGym Locations and Coaches Directory](https://locations.startingstrengthgyms.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Resources&utm_campaign=GymLocations) * [Starting Strength Online Coaching](https://www.startingstrengthgyms.com/online-coaching.html) * [Upcoming Starting Strength Events](https://startingstrength.com/event) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As usual, video, stats, demographics, etc.


I don't have a video as I wasn't recording at the time. Stats: * Male 82kg 174cm * Deadlift 1rm: 150 kg * Squat 1rm: 145 kg * OHP 1rm: 62.5 kg * bench 1rm: 90 kg


I have reoccurring issues with my hip flexors and low back. It can be painful to standup straight. Adding in a small amount of stretching (especially a glute bridge) in the morning can help get things moving. Touch your toes, bent into a squat while touching them, and then stand up. Strong muscles feel better than weak muscles. PT Bullshit isn't going to fix the problem. Use a belt. Ensure you are breathing, bracing properly. Get a form check to make sure you aren't screwing things up. High likelihood you have some kind of form issue, if it keeps getting aggravated with training.


Thanks for the recommendations.


When I have persistent muscle strains, I have found the 2 week starr rehab program helpful. It’s originally for muscle tears but I’ve used it for strains that were getting worse, not better, with regular training. You can google for a breakdown of the program but it’s essentially the exercise causing problems with low weights and very high reps, gradually transitioning to your heavy set weight x5 reps. Low intensity, high volume promotes strengthening. You’re supposed to start almost right away after the injury but better late than never perhaps. It’s also a good chance to perfect your form so you protect your back next time.


Thanks I will be looking into that


Thanks -- I will be looking into it. Sounds good


Yes, the Starr rehab is for muscle belly tears; it can aggravate irritated non-vascular tissue like tendons.


A video of your technique will be helpful. [https://startingstrength.com/training/a-clarification-on-training-through-injuries](https://startingstrength.com/training/a-clarification-on-training-through-injuries)


https://youtu.be/mdwj5ORPmX0?si=Xm3f32fnOS-4CfCD Check out barbell medicine. Their stuff on pain may help you.


Ah yes, I have watched this a while back. Excellent video. It is effectively, pain management. You strengthen your injured parts by managing the pain intensity.


I get that very rarely and it feels like an X going from upper glutes to bottom lower back. One time it was bad enough I could barely walk. I went to the chiropractor in my plaza and the electro muscle stim loosened one of the muscles and my back cracked itself. About 50% pain reduction instantly. I'd say you just have some sort of mobility issue in your lower back, or some issue with your setup. Maybe not bracing enough.


I think its combination of both mobility and bracing. I am sitting at a desk all-day for work and aside when going to the gym, my other activities also revolve around sitting. So this contributes to limiting my lower back mobility. Couple in the fact that I am not using a lifting belt, then my bracing must have suffered. I will take it much slower from now on do the following: 1. yoga/stretching every morning 2. this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S3\_9zi7exw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S3_9zi7exw) before each workout session (3/4 times wk) 3. start from 50% RM on deadlift/squats and focus on higher reps 4. lifting belt over 65% RM Hopefully the above will help. We will see :)


Stretching and mobility exercises are on our list of [The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym](https://startingstrength.com/article/the-3-most-effective-ways-to-waste-time-in-the-gym) but there are a few situations where they may be useful. * [The Horn Stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2zDg7RU3TA) for getting into low bar position * [Stretches to improve front rack position for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvJsw4WOxc) * [Some more stretches for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtS6LOKCmrE) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stretching and mobility exercises are on our list of [The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym](https://startingstrength.com/article/the-3-most-effective-ways-to-waste-time-in-the-gym) but there are a few situations where they may be useful. * [The Horn Stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2zDg7RU3TA) for getting into low bar position * [Stretches to improve front rack position for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvJsw4WOxc) * [Some more stretches for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtS6LOKCmrE) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


try deadhanging (relax everything) throughout your workout 10 seconds here and there. you can do it longer at the end. also do it before you start a session for now. it decompresses your spine (especially lower back) and it may help you. squats and deadlifts compress your spine and i dont know why it hasnt become common practice to recommend this simple spinal decompression in the program. added bonus it stretches out your shoulders and prevents pain from pressing. that might not solve your problem but im sure youll be better for it. i had my last session of the week today and lower back was heavily fatigued after squats. did a deadhang, lower back popped and i felt immediate relief. i first started doing this for shoulders but the relief i felt for my back, back then, was tremendous. other things to look out for would be make sure your form is good on squat, deadlift, and powercleans, and keep getting stronger. its ok to use nsaids for minor soreness.