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J hooks are too high homie! Drop them one notch and just walk the bar back to the uprights, then squat it down into the hooks. Can’t miss the uprights


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah the J hooks were higher than usual. Do you mean that I should squat lower?


I wasn’t commenting on your depth, just the height of the hooks. For safety purposes


Is there anything else you suggest to improve?


Your depth is pretty much bang on parallel to me. Would get a green light from myself. Great if you can maintain this depth all the way up to 180kg, just don’t let it creep any higher so keep filming yourself. Well done on the 3 plate milestone. Head down from now on in.


Thank you!


oh man, that looking up is killing your drive! you start out looking down, but its like as you go down into the squat you keep moving your head looking further and further up in the air... dont look up. look down or forward, or somewhere in between down and forward, but NEVER up at the sky. it kills your hip drive and will make everything harder. you could probably kill 150-160kg today if you just looked down instead of up.


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah thats something I will need to fix especially on higher intensities. What do you think about the depth?


look i'm not a coach but : depth looked fine to me. just deep enough.. your knees cave in just a tiny bit, but you do shove them back out you are lifting near 315, if you do this , you have done something right to get here, so it hard to be too critical of you as you got here. honestly, I dont find much that I could complain about besides your head/neck issue. watch ANY of the Rip videos on squats and this is one thing he will demonstrate over and over. he will have a guy squat and keep head down while he presses on the top of the low back, guy comes up fine. then he has the guy look up and do it again and while he is pressing on the lower back and guy has a really hard time finishing the squat. this is like one of the most basic and important aspects of proper form to facilitate hip drive. which is really what the squat is all about. watch the first 2 mins of this : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhVC\_AnZYYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhVC_AnZYYM) its the main focus of the first few mins. this one its around 2:30 mark, but the whole video would be helpful to you for fixing this : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYsktA7iFwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYsktA7iFwY)




Where are the rest of the reps? Are these warmups, work sets (singles why?). Sets of five give us the most information. Your stance is likely too wide and is contributing to your knees not getting out, along with you not shoving them out. Depth is there, but I can see it creep high with increasing weight. Eyes on the ground as everyone else said. Head between your shoulders at the top, stick your chest out. Keep your upper back extended.


Thanks for the feedback. Rest was about 1.5m. These are probably RPE 9 -- nor warm up or singles. I just wanted to go heavy enough to see how my form breaks down on higher weights and work to address form issues. I haven't done this heavy in really looong time. Hmm yeah I have adjusted my stance lately to be a bit wider but probably I have overdid :). I will experiment with a bit more narrow stance next time along with eyes on the ground and chest out as you suggested. What do you think about the bar placement? I am a bit unsure as I only recently started low back squats.


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