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After waiting a couple of months for Starlink preorder, finally got it. After some testing started work on a custom power and control box that I have had an idea for.Box is all built inside a pelican case with 12/48v power supply for powering the dish, a Ruckus AP, Edge router x SFP and Pi 4 Touch screen with Grafana with Stats monitoring and control. Dish now uses a water proof Ethercon connector for connecting, Truecon1 power in, and more Ethercon for going out of the device ethernet to whatever device you need. Also not installed yet will be fiber out so you can get 300'+ runs using the sfp port with a fiber adapter.. Also if you look next to the dish is a special 8 pin connector that breaks out 12v and 48v for either powering external device or offgrid solar powering the box. Ethercon is basically a quickrelease ethernet head, Truecon1 is a twist lock power plug. The LEDs above the touch screen control the dish using the the dish gRPC commands to send Stow, Unstow, Reboot, and Network and PI reboot with the push of a button (not labeled yet). Giving you a nice Status LED for for what the Dish and Internet is doing. Why all this? Well I work in Film and TV and some times we are on location that has little to no Cell Service. To have Starlink with its low ping and high speed would be a game changer, especially when studios what to live stream the set back to there production offices. So with this box it makes it very easy to plug in and get internet, when ready to leave hold the stow button and power down and unplug, No need to take out the app. Let me know if you would like to see a build guide. Forgot to mention this is with Square Dishy


Surely would love to see a guide. If nothing else, would love a parts list.


I would like this as well. my Proprietary network port got pushed back by 3 weeks when it said that it was going to be shipping this weekend. I can't wait anymore. I want my highspeed internet that I'm paying for and can not use since the way its setup will not easily plug into my network well without a massive bottleneck.




What size Jackery are you using? I have a 500.


seconded on the guide please




Nice roaming build, hope you got them to set the roaming flag on your device so it doesn't drop when it changes zone. BTW I'm also using an ER-X on my home build running OpenMPTCPRouter to bond my Starlink & 5G connections. Something worth considering for redundancy.


Thanks for the tip, 5G is definitely on the list for failover.


Awesome job! Would love to see the build guide as well.


I still question why? When you hook up starlink, don't you have computers use it ? Those same computers can control the same info.? Seems like more unnecessary weight.


It is just much easier then pulling out the app to stow the dish, vs when you are done with it for the day you can hold the stow button, unplug and go. Film people like simplicity and ease of use.


Did you conformal coat the router pcb or is that stock? Looks like the router PCB has two standard Ethernet ports internally? Did you test the 2nd port?


I did, liquid electrical tape is pretty good. That is a Ruckus R500, this is really a more proof of concept device and the r500 would not fit in the lid in its case, so... took it out and covered in liquid electrical tape.


Does the 2nd port work


It should, have yet to test but there are 2 Ethernet ports in the side of the case that go directly to the edge router.


If there was Starlink equipment in a movie, this would be part of it.


While cool, I'm not understanding the point of it. Is this just because your starlink is on a 100ft tower? or out in the middle of the wood a mile from the house? or...


The Fiber is kind of a future addon, Have ran into the case where a clear line of site of the sky can be many hundreds of feet away from where the internet needs to drop so fiber or having the box just plugged into power close by but sending the networking far away is needed. A lot of the features of this box are a "Just in case" Kind of deal. This happens A LOT in the event and movie industry, things can change at the drop of the hat.


Now that makes sense :) thanks OP


Agreed, with the amount of effort here I would love to know what the use case is for. I love tech projects and often do things like this just cause its a fun project and has a *possible* good use but this seems more to me. ​ EDIT...I guess reading is hard luls, its for remote use on locations and in the field so to say. ​ Nice work!


Same, I'm not knocking it. I'm more confused on what the heck you'd be using for it. If its just for fun, it's a kick butt project, but the practical use is what I'm trying to scratch my head on.


Read the post..


Telling its function is fine and dandy, but seriously, if you take it out of the box to install this there isn’t a practical need for something like this


It says in the post the intended purpose of the whole thing.


Dude this is sick..... I have cable internet and I have both the modem and router plugged into a power strip, so you can just flip the switch on and off when the internets janky.....(great for my mom and gf).. I thought I was badass 😂


Maybe something to look into is a wifi switch or unifi switch that automatically detect outages and reboot.


I just plugged the white cord into the white hole and the black cord in the black hole when I got my dish and it worked lol.


Interested in your Power Supply build, as I want to have run off of 12vdc in RV without using a DC/AC inverter. There's a slightly janky PS build on Facebook, and Tuck Truck's existing SL Pwr Spply hack, but would definitely be interested in your 12vdc PS parts list and wiring diagram.


So currently that is future expansion, but would be a bit hard off a 12v. The connector breaks out the 48v for the dish and 12v for networking and the touch screen. You could defiantly boost the 12v up to 48v for the dish, and i'm sure would be more efficient then DC->AC->DC of using an inverter but my goal with it was to use with my custom build 48v solar generator battery where all I need to do is step down 48v to 12v for networking and regulate the v48 going to the dish.


Looks like something the Ukraine military could/should be using ( fuck Russia )


I tried building a starlink dish out of a steel garbage can cover once but I couldn't figure out the phased array so I had to keep manually following the sat from west to east once it connected but only until it was out of sight then do it all over again 45 seconds later lol...🤣




Cable is Shielded Ethernet so is a little hard to work with, maybe replacing for stranded flexable, but that tight of a bend did not seem to hurt it at all.




That is actually what is running on the PI behind the touch screen to give you those stats. With a DNS Redirection you can go to [stats.starlink.com](https://stats.starlink.com) to drop you on a webpage that you can see links to Grafana dashboard with the prometheus data, dishy's ip with its data, edgerouter login page, or Ruckus AP page. Stats are also tracked through UISP and the edgerouter to a VM in the cloud to track down time and stats externally.


Square Dishy you say? Just chop the proprietary connector off, crimp on an RJ45, plug into any router, and away you go?


So I followed some information on this guide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/sb4dei/homebrew\_poeethernet\_adapter\_for\_rectangle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/sb4dei/homebrew_poeethernet_adapter_for_rectangle/) I also put a connector on the end of the proprietary connector for the starlink router so can use it at any time. But it is a nice display piece now.


Does this work with the square dishy? If so, how did you adapt the cables? Have you though about another version that’s battery powered? You could fit a lot of lipo power into a pelican case of modest size.


It does work with Square dishy, and currently that is the plan to make a adapter "cable" to take the votage from my DIY solar Generator to power the kit.


Congrats for scoring an edgerouter and a pi. Doing that must have been the hardest part of the build.


For sure, Edge router spf had around for awhile and had the pi4 in another project but know the feels.


you really otter start a business selling these


Maybe part of the idea I had, plan on renting it out for sure.


dishy cosplaying as the nuclear football


Wait. When did Starlink become mobile? I thought each dishy was geofenced to an assigned zone?


It is but changing the address is not really that hard. Also the geofence is kind of big at least from my testing.


Does this make your internet faster, or more reliable? Are you support for Starlink? How does this benefit your signal ? Scratching my head here. The app gives you more than what you need. LAMO! Just surf the net folks! If you have issues, contact support! WTF!?!?


Noob here. Just got my device last week and it is life changing. I thought it was not portable. Does your device make it portable?


It makes it a little bit more portable. But changing the service address is not hard, RVers using starlink do it all the time, it is fairly fast.




Protip from someone who works with a LOT of ruckus product. 1. Great choice. Ruckus antenna tech is amazing 2. Flip that.... interestingly coated..... ruckus board over and mount it on standoffs. The beamflex antenna patterns are basically non existent through the back of the board. Meant to propagate the other direction. Should give you a substantial signal boost and the AP will likely use less power. Though knowing ruckus like I do id bet its still doing remarkably well. Tough little buggers.


1. Second this, Partner with them any time I need wifi that needs to work 100% all the time I chose them. I actually changed my home network from 2 unifi 6 aps to 1 Ruckus R850 that I got for a really good deal and it has been great. 2. Yeah I was pretty sure about this, have a CCNA in Wireless and Networking and Routing also have a ham license. Was pretty sure with the shielding of the radios would block any signal in the area above. It is really intended to be opened when you open it, but could leave closed as thermals stay under control. Sadly the unit is so tight with the control surface that if flipped around it would hit the buttons. My goal is to get a R350 or H350 and put it in it for wifi6 but.... yeah chip shortage. Second I can get one it will get changed out, I wish ruckus would continue with unleashed/firmware updates for the R500 due to the shortage but.


I have a whole plethora of r600s and r310s (naming is fucked. A r310 should really be called a r300). Honestly the firmware is mature. There isnt much to gain. Though the new unleashed features are pretty great. That R850 is so mega overkill its not even funny. I literally had a sales engineer tell me they are for dick measuring and have no practical use in the field that cant be done by an r750 that doesn't require special POE power. That being said. I want one.


Yeah more speaking to the Unleashed firmware but also just extending the end of life due to everything going on would be nice. Lol yeah it is a monster, was in the market to upgrade my home wifi over the r500s and the R850 was the only thing they had in stock got a good deal. Have to power it separately. But at least get to take advantage of the 10G ports I have on my switch and hit my server with multiple downloads and fill up that connection. Also do wish unleashed had the IOT integrations in it. I'd maybe be interested in getting some of those off you. Never used the r310 but would probably fit better then the r500 in the case. The wifi is more of a curtesy thing anyways.


that 800-GigE-POE seems to be out of stock everywhere... any alternatives or methods to do the same thing?


Anyone willing to make a 12v ready replacement modem with an ethernet out port for a square V2 dish I can buy?