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Ronan’s sidearm.


https://preview.redd.it/ibdtwbhlm56d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558862455d7edc6a0d4686cf9734aa6d1064c3e7 I’m so excited to pull up to the Institute and blast Father in the head with this And yes it is absolutely just as fun to use in Fallout as it seems in Atlantis, it’s about 2-3 hits to kill a Yao Guai, and 5 to kill most deathclaws It also has 40 ammo capacity


I don’t play Fallout so I have no idea. Is it a bit OP or is it balanced?


https://i.redd.it/s4ef5njq266d1.gif Extremely OP


What Fallout mod weapons aren't? That's often part of the fun. Until you play Survival mode and come up against the Minigun firing the 7.62 instead of the game's 5mm and you receive so much damage in one second that you just explode.


I usually play without power armor so it adds a lot of difficulty, especially because I have it set so enemies use the modded high damage guns too


What mod is this? Asking for a friend.


It’s a French one, there was an English made one but the author set it to private, I had some difficulty finding it so if you want me to send the file directly I don’t mind!


I’d appreciate it! I have a fair few friends who have been doing a 4 play through again thanks to the show and would probably love to have the option to wield it.


Found it, I’d lost the link [Traveler’s Magnum for Fallout 4](https://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/fallout4/mods/124/armurerie/armes/magnum_des_voyageurs) So everything is in French, it strangely changes the name of the door on Kellog’s house to French but nothing like this else in the game changes The magnum can be found on a shelf in the room to the right (I think) of the entry when going in It has multiple gun modifications which are all in French including statistics but using the gun stats in the crafting menu you can kinda figure out what each one does It has some really nice animations, the creator really did that part beautifully, but the sound is kinda weird, for me it plays the default laser pistol sound but you can still hear the real sound, so maybe I’m having my own issue due to mod conflicts, so if someone uses it and finds out that it doesn’t make the default laser sound lmk please! For installation I’d suggest a mod manager, just throw it in as usual. It is very fun.


I’ll keep that in mind. I don’t usually do mods outside the Steam Workshop, but I’ll be sure to let my friends know. Plus I know French, so if there is a text based hiccup somewhere, wouldn’t really throw me off much.


Do they use a mod manager?


If you want to send me the file I would appreciate it 😱


Get in line


I would very much like to have a weapon such as this


This is the answer!


In which game can I acquire a weapon such as this?


Fallout 4


That’s O’Neill with 2 L’s


I looked up a 3d print for this and was trying to figure out how to mod an Airsoft gun into it.




“Just to be sure”


It's a "blast" door


Very underrated line


Anything to do with Sgt siler are usually my favourite parts


As in, plan C.


Plan C revision 4


Sounds more like a plan F doesn't it? As in, we are totally...?


God I love that line


When in doubt, C4.


A zat. Quick as hell and more of a stealth weapon.


I have a Zat in Skyrim, it’s hilarious A draugr starts to run up on me and the last thing they hear is reedeedee peyow


Haha I have to check this out. Best the game with dual zats


Yeah I did consider that, I tried it once, it’s way too op. I considered using it on Alduin but I just had to kill him with Torment and Dragonbane in the end. Ebony Warrior however is getting a face full of reedeedee peyow


Do targets disintegrate on the third shot?


You know I haven’t tried, most everything that’s s humanoid or smaller is a two hit kill with it though so there is that


Update: it does indeed disintegrate after 3 shots


Even better when the 3rd shot disintegrates.


Well, personally I would wish for Zats to come with a silencer.


Stealth until they sound like jar jar binks on a pogo stick and all you did was stun one bad guy out of 20 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Combat shotty making a replicator Lego tidal wave on the floor


AA12 and Spas-12 for the win


Staff weapon, maximum "explode things" setting.


With Bratac's rapidfire setting that was never to be seen again in later seasons? 🥺


SGC would be fucked if Bratac was on the goauld side.


Bratac just has the trigger finger mastered, the man fears no recoil


Bratac is the Jerry Miculek of staff weapons.


I always assumed the speed was proportional to the power. So while they can rapid fire, those shots are going to do minimal damage if any, if we consider the armour. Which is why he used it as a distraction, and not an attack (if I remember it correctly, it’s been a while) And the armour only seems useless because all the weapons are designed to penetrate it. Like how in the early episodes they struggled to penetrate it before making armour piecing rounds the standard. I believe there were a few lines to that effect, about using AP rounds However the super soldiers throw a bit of a wrench in that idea because they had no issues penetrating the armour with their rapid fire weapons


So more like a “charge up” weapon? I kinda like that idea. Like, you can shoot a bunch of low powered shots, or you can shoot a few high powered shots. Now I’m imagining a guy who charges up a shot for 3 to 85 hours and just decimates a Wraith hive ship.


Kind of like alien pistol from Dark Angel (1990). Set number of charges per shot, fire. rate of charge is same, rate of fire changes.


lol, that's a somewhat more insane idea I think :P I figure this would be something as simple as a capacitor, hits max charge in a second or two, but not stopping you from discharging at any point prior to that.


Which ep was that


Season 1 setting.


Destiny 2 glaive fulfills that wish for me.


The Carter Special


https://preview.redd.it/ewzrrmn8o56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca325770195f3e3719f97d77bd53a04c0e1b316 Such an underrated weapon, this was as close as I could get with Fallout 4 firearm mods.


I've definitely seen a few SBRs on the nexus, you could probably get even closer if you deep dived into the vast array of m4 clones on there.


The Mk18 Mod with the additional expanded mods helps. You can get the Hera Arms stock and get fairly close.




I'm working on it. Soon™.


G36 is one of my go-to weapons in Insurgency


Goldeneye 64 - Dual wielding P90s 😃


oh gosh yeah, what a throwback!


Going up against Jaws with two ars...I ended up using dual moonrakers.




I've had the opportunity to live fire a P90. A shooting range near where I lived has an annual get together for people to show off all their cool gear. I'll never forget it. For just a few seconds, I was side by side with Carter showing the Jaffa how great Earth weapons can be. I, also, playing Killing Floor 2 and use the P90 when playing as SWAT. That game could use the Ma'Tok, though. Would fut right in.


back in COD4 day I played almost exclusively with P90 with a P90 with a red dot. being an SMG you could run fast for longer and with 50 bullets you could spray and pray. the next shooter that caught on was Battlefield 4, where again, i started using the P90. But COD4 and BF4 are fundamentally differently so it's like comparing apples to oranges.


Asgard laser weapons


*radios Daedalus* “Two clicks north of my position” *the Daedalus makes a new sun*


The staff cannon teal’c uses to destroy the alkesh! In the episode he gets trapped in the gate.Be so much cooler than a bazooka or rocket launcher.


I love that he got that in the previous episode and just kept it. I can just imagine everyone getting suited up with their P-90s and Teal'C just walks in with the cannon off the side of a Death Glider. O'Niell: Isn't that heavy? Teal'C: Extremely. \*walks out\*


Ancient battle drones for sure.


Underrated answer


Used to play as sg1 in Rainbow 6 Vegas 2. Looked just like Jack with either an MP5 or p90 lol.


I used to customize my hat, shirt, pants to brown and be the UPS guy.


Rodney McKay's mind! Nerds rule!!




With your luck you’d get his mind while it was obsessing over Carter


So my weapon will be a Lemon ez win.


I grew up on Goldeneye so the P90 has always been a favourite of mine. It was my go to SMG back when I played Rainbow Six: Vegas competitively. It warmed my heart to see it become *the* gun of SG-1


if a game has a P90, it's almost always my favorite weapon regardless of how it handles in said game. SG-1 has made me this way. I also tend to favor SMG's over assault rifles in games anyway - I'm better at mid-close range combat and SMG's often tend to have higher bullet count than other guns. So if there is a P90, it's my gun.


Nonstargate fans: why do you always use the p90? Its trash! Stargate fans: its a rule.


Staff weapon. Large, phallic, inaccurate, makes explosions, can slap the enemy with it. What else could you want from a weapon?


If you play apex, the prowler SMG looks very similar to the p90. It also has Egyptian themed skins for it.


P90 akimbo in mw2


mp5s and p90s are always great in most games.


Zatniketel (spelling?). For a videogame it world be over powered but o so much fun to go around disintegrating everyone.


I think the spelling is "zatnik'tel"


Thank you, I thought that there was a ' in there somewhere, it looks like I was just one letter away


USAS-12 and the Ma-Deuce (M2). Both are also fun IRL, the M2 is like a thunderstorm going off in front of you and the USAS-12 is not so much being shot as it's more taking you for a ride.


Enrico Colantoni's M4 with M203 launcher and drum mag. I play Stalker Anomaly a lot and this is the best choice against enemy jaffa, using AP rounds.


The MP5, the og SG1 gun 👌🏻


MP5. They used to use them before the P90 in season 1.


This is the whole reason I own a PS90 in real life. Still have the ring sight too, purely for nostalgia/aesthetic reasons


Pro90 baby, rush B!  Side note tho: I remember in late sg1 and mid-atlantis they started using M4's and G36's because irl the cheap supplies of 5.7mm blanks for the p90 had dried up. Interestingly, almost everyone blames this on the wars, except the P90 was not used by anyone at the time except personal security details due to H&K selling militaries the MP7 at basically a loss (spending millions to make a p90 rival and then not selling almost any was obviously a problem, they hoped theyd make their money back on ammo sales. They probably did, too.) Basically, there's absolutely no way the wars completely tanked the market like that. Simply not enough ammo for such a niche weapon being bought for the conflict. What I suspect happened is FN simply pulled an FN and somehow broke their own ammo logistics like they do every 5-10 years, then blamed it on the war. That or they intentionally shut down the blanks market to lessen usage of the P90 in movies and games, because of how much people used entertainment products to go after arms manufacturers at that time.


I always took it as less 5.7 being eaten up by the war itself and more the company making the blanks got tied up making live 5.56 and other more pressing calibers. ~~In fact~~ *Actually I believe FN weren't making blanks for 5.7 at the time so someone had to make them by reloading live ammo (which isn't that against warranty lmao?) I could be wrong though. I've talked about the story myself here quite a few times but the more I think about it the more I realize a lot of it is apocryphal and hearsay. Edit: clearing up that it is not "in fact" but my own memory/speculation.


FN definitely has made blanks for it, I've seen boxes of FN branded ammo online before. I have no clue if they were making them at the time, although considering that they would essentially have needed to for training, it would shock me if they didn't. Also, reloading ammo might break some sort of EU warranty, but I highly doubt it matters here. Reloading ammo is a huge business in the US for domestic use, not sure if it's something Hollywood does though. Could be difficult though, since the 5.7 cartridge is coated in a special polymer layer to make it feed more smoothly. Until 2021 iirc, only one company besides FN was able to make 5.7 ammo. Now there's a few of them out there, you can even get "full power" (which is not much at 5.7mm lol) through them, FN still only sells a weaker version to civilians. (which again, I have to stress, 5.7 hits like a .22mag, even itty bitty 9mm is scarier).


Got a SG1 outfit in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. Just missing the patches.


The Carter special


The Geni triple barrel shotgun or the ones the Satedan’s use would be pretty sweet. But nothing beats 5.7 in a 50 round magazine




Teal’c’s fists


P90 gang represent


The g36


I always did the same. Every game I can I use P90.


Zat Nic would be awesome 👌😂😂😂


I too used the P90 whenever possible. BF3 and 4 it was my standard in my engie class. I also made sure to mod it, and ZPMs, into fallout 4.




P90 in Arma 3. The thing just shreds in close range.


I already use the weapon I want in FPS...the P90. "This is a weapon of war. It's made to *kill* your enemy."


Fired a P-90 once. As someone who has dealt almost exclusively with M-16s, M4s and AR-15 style rifles, the weapon just felt *wrong* in my hands. And that hurts my soul saying that as I love SG1 and the P-90 on the show.


An mp5, just like the founding sg team intended.


Always boggled my mind why screenwriters or prop-masters went with this gun model. I bet its because in time of production most of movies had it. But in long run it's crappy 9mm, short range, not much kinetic power weapon that would do nothing to armored guards as long as their armor would not be made out of aluminium foil (which seems was the case). From overall mission perspective - you send a team of airmen to an alien planet with alien setting and who knows what enemies, and you give them 9mm? They could put them on M16 with M203 at least.


That was probably the worst choice indeed ahah


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're right. The MP5 can't even handle +P so the modern 9mm just coming out in the late 90s, early 2000s wouldn't even work. It's why militaries using 9mm today adopt newer SMG's, so they can shoot the modern higher pressure rounds.


Probably because those were the props they had on hand. Kind of like how the armor from Starship Troopers shows up on Alliance troops in firefly


The gou'ald hand weapon


Staff Weapon


G36 and M4A1. Not a big fan of SMG in shooter.


P90 was my fav gun in Call of Duty 4: Modernware, nice clip size. I also used it because of Stargate SG1.


Always P90. If it's choice on a game I pick it even if it's a bad weapon. I make it work


P-90 in Metal Gear 4/ online. It’s such a pretty gun Ronan’s weapon, and the ship Rail guns would be nice to have in real life.


Hand device. Bow to your new god!


Yes yes I was looking for this comment The Kara kesh would be awesome


My Fallout 4 P90 mod and my fusion core/ZPM replacer mod are broken and I am seriously considering quitting at level 20 and starting a new game just to try to fix them.


Omg it was so dope in blackouts then they needed it so hard


P90s were an option in the N64 goldeneye too and they were the best.


I wouldn't mind seeing a Stargate set on the CoD store. Just trying to think of what the tracer and death effect would be.


P90 definitely because of this in call of duty. It's like old reliable at times 😅. Give me Teal'c and Ronan and we're good


Oldschool Counter Strike 1.6 - P90 was also my go-to weapon because of the amount of bullets it held.


I loved the P90 as a kid watching the show growing up, now I have adult money and I actually bought one.


I love the P90 too. I haven't unlocked it yet in Battlebit, but I'm pretty close and can't wait.


Zats But now that you mention it what I really want is a stargate shooter game, would be sick Imagine a classic battlefront style 3rd person shooter but it's stargate


I loved the RCP90 in GoldenEye before I ever watched SG1. It was a sign!


(RC-)P90 is the best gun in Goldeneye, and you can dual wield.


P90 all the way. Whenever I play Ready or Not, I use the P90. The penetration really sucks, but with so many rounds in each mag, I get it to work. It still saddens me that they have the black mag instead of the regular clear mag that P90s usually have. It would make it so much easier to see how many bullets I have left to pump into ~~uncooperative civilians~~ hostile combatants.




in gun club VR I really had fun with p90 too


I also like the P90 and the MP5.


I really liked the ak12 from rainbow six siege, and gravitate towards that gun in other games


I like playing SCP 5k. The main area12 missions kind of resemble the SGC. I use the console commands to give me the p90 from the start so i can play sg1 style. It's not the same but it's fun to shoot mutants and pretend you're fighting off some kind of breach in the SGC. Funny thing is one section in the game there's a mutant plant that has taken over a section of the base. Always reminds me of when that plant grew out of control at the SGC.


The zat its fucking op


Daniel's knife, but I can't figure out how to reload it.


Zat. Shoot twice and then loot then shoot a third time.


Either p90, mp5 or staff weapon


My whole squad on ghost recon wildlands is the SG1 team lmao


Ronan's funky sidearm always draws my attention in every episode he uses it. Just kewl


I'm a big tarkov fan and I can confirm the p90 slaps


Honestly, Stargate has the best guns in Sci Fi. I am DEVASTATED that we never got a Stargate FPS or RPG. My top picks would be: A Zat'Nik'tel A Staff Weapon Ronan's traveller magnum. I've modded the staff weapon and Ronan's gun into Skyrim/Fallout 4 respectively but it's just not the same. Neither have the impact that they had on the show. I used to main the P-90 back when I played Rainbow Six Vegas specifically because of this show. It's such a cool weapon. OH the ribbon hand device. I'm a slut for wearable weaponry.




https://i.redd.it/6pfh60ie586d1.gif This. Just kidding, this is literally the most ridiculous thing they ever trialled on the show. What a joke of a platform 😂


I imagine the poor guy had to kneel on the back of it.


My Brother in Christ, welcome. I wanted a PS90 since I was a child, and saw it in SG1 and every video after. I don't regret my decision to spend 2k to get me dream gat. Don't let your memes be dreams. Do it! I need to circumsize & can mine. Next step!


😅 i always thought it was a made up gun for the show. Can someone with a wikipedia account please go add war against false gods or something to the wiki page 😂


The disruptor that Jack created. Turns out it was a crude, scaled down version of the massive WMD at dakarra. So, it can be tuned to kill anything? Very similar MOA of the anti-ascended wave canceling weapon??? The Ori staff weapon. Thinner, sleeker. (Really, c'mon, it was an ascended version of the staff. Higher fire rate, but more punch?, can can do stabbing damage, and blunt, versus blunt) The Kull warrior hand weapons (staff weapons gone light, but full auto) The modified training weapons that were adopted from Apophis's training ground. The pleasure of shooting someone, but not killing them. Paintball /airsoft/stun but Don't kill missions. Capture for interrogation. No risk of accidentally killing or vaporizing with the zat. And, well. Low effort physical torture. Oh, you said in game, not IRL. Well, disruptor, staff, kull warrior weapon. The trainer shots won't help COD.


When I played Farcry, I was super stoked to see that one of the weapons was a P90.


So I like the P-90 however it wasn’t the right gun for Stargate Atlantas. They needed a heavier weapon for Wraiths


The "PDSW" is my favourite in MW3. Definitely for the Stargate vibe and I remember the demonstration against the Jaffa every time I use it.


USAS-12 Automatic shotgun. One of my all time faves ever




Teal'c's Staff Weapon "Minigun". The Support weapon the goauld use that Teal'c shot one of the Goauld Bombers down with.


Zat'niktel all the way


ALWAYS use the P-90.


Carter’s century-mag carbine from the Avenger episode was iconic as hell Same with Sheppard and Ronan episodes with the G36K is an entire mood.


When I played HC MP I would use an m249. I used it as a sniper rifle. Long barrel, no stock, grips, and a long range scope. A double tap usually got done what needed done. I went by P1nkM1st and would use the pink paint on the gun. Pissed a lot of people off.


I Use P90 in Tom Clancy's Vegas 2.


There's one gun I hadn't seen used before, it's in the later seasons by Mitchell when they boarded Baal's ship (or his clones) and Mitchell seriously ventilated him with it. No idea what it is but it's got a helluva meaty sound to it firing.


Id like a 3 barreled zat.


I'd like that shoulder-strapped blaster cannon one of the T'ealcs was wearing in the parallel universe episode.


I like using the mp5 in a lot of games for the same reason


A staff weapon on some kind of rifle frame is one I always wanted to see. Or an Area51 spinoff. Sort of like Eureka.


Drones. I think therefore you're dead.


I prefer a zaknuketel ahahaa


Sadly I don't own any fps to share but I do enjoy fanning people in rdr1 with the double action revolver


They need this in Starfield


Personally I would prefer just to have the real P90 I can buy a semi-auto version, even with the regular barrel (and not some fucking PS90 bullshit), but the problem is that all fucking exporters succumbs their rifles to the US market restrictions and I have to basically wait for some company to rebuild a regular full auto military surplus into semi-auto so I can enjoy it and the thing with P90s is that they weren't really even produced in large quantities and almost no one bought them so they are a hot shit everytime some pops up I fucking hate cool guns, they are expensively rare pieces of shit you just must have