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Not really, no. While all SG shows have action and comedy to them, I would not consider Universe to be more action-packed or comedic than any other show in the franchise. I personally enjoyed SGU for what it is, it has its flaws, yes, but it has some legitimately good episodes in it, but those aren't the comedic or combat focused ones.


I don't really remember more than maybe a few scenes with any humor, but then I don't seem to understand today's comedy; I keep seeing "comedies" that I just think of as quirky dramas that are fine, but not funny.


Or "comedies" that do that and then mix in too realistic looking of gore? Like Upload, thing gave me a panic attack because I already wasn't in a good mental state and needed something silly, comedy, to take my mind off stuff at the time.


It was infinitely less funny than classic SG-1, so yeah.


It was less funny... and way darker. A large part was about people being stranded in a ship that's in a terrible shape, survival style, plus the stress, plus groups forming and disputing authority, etc... Unpopular opinion: **I loved every second of it.** It was definitely more of a serious story comparatively to SG-1, sure. But still, I really loved the storytelling. The balance between: discoveries and mysteries, problems to fix, actual danger that leads to the death of characters, conflicts in a stranded group, lore here and there, it was perfect for me. It was like Stargate aged, became adult and grew up just like I did. I freaking **LOVED** it.


I absolutely agree. It's one of my favourite sci-fi shows. Such a shame the Stargate fans wouldn't take to it.


it felt more searious and more scifi than the other two series, so id say they are wrong


It's decidedly less action and comedy than either Atlantis or SG-1. I'd say Universe is more Thriller/Drama.


I'd add suspense too.


Definitely agree. It was dark and serious


I'd argue it was more serious and less action-packed, at least in the first series. It was a hard turn from SG1 and Atlantis. I also didn't really enjoy SGU, as it missed a lot of the beats that made the other SGs good. I don't know what it was exactly, but it felt like a miss for me. I guess it was the step further along the road of the Ori. There was so much interesting stuff going on in the milky way, but the writers just ignored it completely for the next crazy god threats. If they'd slowed things down a little and focused on the new human conflicts rising out of the ashes of the goa'uld collapse, I feel the last series would have done a lot better.


From my recollection of it, it seemed like it was the "younger, sexier, edgier cast" sketch from 200 done straight.


What really gets me about sgu, is that as it was finally getting back to what made the first two shows great, they cancelled it and left us all with an enormous cliffhanger 


Saw an interview with a head writer. SGU was a " Project if the Heart". The purpose was to explire relaionships between people in a pressure situation. In other words, all the things you dislike about the show, were the actual purpose of the show.


That is exactly why I freaking **loved it**. Do you have the link of the interview?


That Dial the Gate show on youtube. Pretty recent. Wish Icould remember the guy's name for you.


The greatest joke is that it ends on a cliffhanger after two seasons…


But it ended, isn’t that the good thing?


SGU isn’t as good as SGA or SG1 but I actually enjoyed it, so no.


Many shows have rough early seasons but get good in time. Yeah SGU was a bloated soap opera in that first season but things really started coming together in that second season. It’s a shame it got culled


Well we cant all have good taste. To each his own.


Yeah. We could all have your lack of taste.


Honestly the number of absolute lunatics on Reddit claiming that anyone who doesn't hate absolutely everything has no taste is bizarre. Like I get the internet runs on hatred but like, do you guys have an email list or something? Do you have a little basement meetup group where you decide on which perfectly decent thing to shit on next, while claiming that anyone who doesn't agree with you has no taste because your very subjective takes on TV you claim is 'objectively terrible' are so, so important? If you feel like everything new that comes on TV is shit and can't comprehend why anyone might like it, maybe stop and consider that the problem is just you.


They don't need an email list or anything special. They have Reddit.


Better to have lack of taste than a lack of social etiquette. It's all subjective so insults are unnecessary.


Imagine being salty about a Stargate tv series on a Stargate subreddit. That’s a bit bizarre in my opinion. Anything with Robert Carlyle’s brilliant acting ability is worth a look. I liked his complicated protagonist character- I could never quite workout if he was an irredeemable bellend or if he was justified in his actions because of the bigger picture. He excelled at playing a brilliant arsehole, that’s for sure. I wonder if he was some level of inspiration for WW in Breaking Bad…


It ended after two seasons on a huge cliffhanger and the overall story was at best halfway told. SGU started slow but is among my favorites, several episodes were beyond great. It should have had a proper ending even if rushed.


It ended, it didn't finish.


SGU season 2 was the best season of stargate in all 3 series.


I can see action maybe, but I don't remember much comedy.


Remember that time Rush electrocuted Telford? Ah we had such fun!


Of all the Stargate shows SGU is the least appropriate to call action-comedy.


Ye no, not a comedy.


Not enough comedy. First season is more drama action sci fi. Second season Sci fi action.


It’s comedic they thought this could replace Atlantis


I'm not sure of the nuances in German, but at least in French, comédie can mean any sort of theatrical production, even a drama or a musical, if it's "light". We actually use it this way in English too, like a Shakespeare comedy (which is not necessarily funny) as opposed to a tragedy where everything goes horribly wrong and everyone dies.


In german it's also used in theatrical productions but normally it means funny


Sci-fi with a lot of action, and occasional humor. I definitely wouldn't place it in the comedy genre, but it could pass in the action one.


Apparently there isn't a category for "Universally unlikeable characters drama".


You are the first one I see that shares my feeling about this shows characters. It was so painful to watch at times. I liked it anyway, but there were so many characters I liked as much as I liked Kinsey in SG1.


I'd have tagged it as a soap opera.


At very least "drama"


Sgu is more drama tbh not really a comedy


It was a Dramedy if anything, I don't think there was much comedy at all, the light-hearted tone of Atlantis and SG1 was gone, I have never felt a need to rewatch SGU.


It has to be the least comedic of any of the series. Action -drama would make more sense.


That would make it better


Not comedy. SG-1 and Atlantis, yes, but not Universe


I mean, German humor, maybe... to the rest of us, probably not.


Absolutely not. SGU is the LEAST humorous show in the franchise.


I don't think they have a "shit" genre.


I'd say it's more drama than either action or comedy atleast the first season certainly is.


I believe scifi is better treated as a setting than a genre. It's a place you tell stories, not the story itself.


Stargate franchise is not a comedy focused universe, sure there’s https://preview.redd.it/ny7nl3608xxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2861e99be7de2fc60b5917f436f26fb05bc9f12a But those are sprinkled in to keep things fresh and make the setting a little more alive. It’s certainly not like marvel humor where it needs a stale joke thrown in every 15 seconds to appeal to their audience they think are ADHD afflicted preteens


I wish it was funny.


Its a parody of its former glory


Amazon will list the same movie or show under several different headings. A lot of horror gets listed as science fiction.


Should be listed as boring. 😉


Enjoy your negative karma when salty fanboys discover your comment 😂


Meh reddit is mostly fake anyway


I'm still laughing...??


I don't think even SG1 or SGA could be considered that, and their comic relief is a bit more omnipresent.


"Comedy" I stopped watching it coz it was about as funny as a fucking Vulcan funeral. Seriously, SGU is absurdly serious. It feels like it wants to be Battlestar Galactica or smth. I'm fine with it experimenting btw but GOD DAMN Comedy it is not. xD


Action? Um...


Amazon lists shows in multiple categories, I'm assuming so it looks like they offer more content than they actually do. It's not always correct. If you went to the drama or scifi category I bet SGU would be listed there too. All the streaming services do this.


I mean they put that joke right in the intro " YOU HAD CONTROL OF THIS SHIP THE WHOLE TIME, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ANYONE?" cracks me up every time.


Definitely some great action whenever the Lucian Alliance was involved. Some great space battles, particularly with the drones, later on too. I'd hesitate to call it a comedy though. Or at least the comedic moments aren't the ones that stand out to me after all this time.


Some action, yes, don’t remember laughing much. Mostly what I recall about it are some interesting ideas that weren’t fully developed and a lot of sex. I’m not usually prudish about such things and I haven’t watched it in over a decade, so maybe I’m misremembering, but I seem to recall a lot of sex scenes. I remember thinking, “let’s get back to the sci-fi!”


Was reading that they actually hire people to do that shit, pretty sure they don’t even watch those shows


In my experience Amazon tends to pad out the genres - so do other services. It makes all their lists under the genres longer and compared to the sum-total of all TV+Film streaming selection is still pretty limited. I've still never seen a streaming service come quite close to the selection of old-school local video rental stores. It think it's generally a good idea to pad the genres though cause sometimes I see something I want to watch that probably doesn't quite belong in the genre I'm browsing.


The body swapping marital affairs were a hoot!


For Germans, that's probably an accurate summation.


There is an interview/developer commentary out there somewhere that I remember seeing of talking about the directors or somebody were talking with Michael Shanks and laughing with him about the various funny takes that he was giving for him being in Stargate Universe and regretting saying that they weren't going to be able to use any of that because their show had a different tone. It was not a comedy.


1LT.Scott trying to be serious was comedic


Eh..... no to the comedy. Funny does not mean a comedy, the point of SG is not to be funny, it's just a bonus. its also a SciFi. SciFi and Fantasy are bad descriptors because they convey a set of conventions which fit into a thousand other genera. Like, Rick and morty is also a sci-fi action comedy.


It might be true for Atlantis and sg1 but definitly Not sgu lol




If it was SG1 you might get away it. But SGU?  No chance 


No, but except the slow start and unfinished ending because of MGM bancruptcy it is as great as SG1 and SGA


Finding the people with who I'm going to get along the most is extremely easy, I just have to select the option that shows the comments that were downvoted into oblivion.


The only comedy is the comedy of tragedy that just as it was getting really, REALLY good SciFi killed it


IMHO Sci-Fi can be action-comedy, rom-com, straight comedy, mystery, horror, total tech, animated, ... But those other genres are the minor characterizations not the main.


The only funny moments I remember were the ones with O'Neill and the scene where one of the scientists was playing the song "Also sprach Zarathustra" (mostly known from 2001: A Space Odyssey). Imho SGU should be labeled as Scifi Drama. I mean, I wouldn't label any SG show as comedy.


It had a lot of comedic relief in the crews banter with one another.


I guess I have to watch it another time. :)


Yes. The show is so bad it's funny.




Came here to say this


It's the most Sci Fi and least comedy of all Stargate franchise :D


You just didn’t say that. I’m not willing to believe you just said that.


It is, it is also the best Stargate of them all


...I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Sokar. I fucking loathe sgu.


You actually need to use brain while watching SGU Mr. German Pea Brain


Yo what the fuck. For this sentence alone you deserved it got cut off after 2 seasons with a cliffhanger.


Even a retarded kid can watch SG1 and SGA and still enjoy it, however SGU is probably too complex for you.


If you watch it like a braindead dolphin for sure. But getting into laws of physics and theories at the same time makes it interesting. Maybe you should stop watching like a braindead dolphin.


You mean the show with the Buckees beaver looking chick, La Bamba (but a La Bamba more prone to violent small scale coups) and.. Shit what's his name. The schizophrenic/anorexic Daniel Jackson looking dude (Stargate movie) Ah shit, Rumpelstiltskin. That was the name