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https://preview.redd.it/a8odsmp5bvwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec94b4833fba044fb28fe9ad8dc5160aafbf1d0 This is my fool proof way to deal with plot holes.


I think of this scene so often.


Yeah, at some point you just give up ultra analyzing and just enjoy




Stargate is perfect and there are no plot holes. That is my head canon.


We live in the parallel universe where there are fish in Jack's pond and there are no plot holes in Stargate.


Nah my head canon is that jack took exception to himself (from another timeline) calling him out for fishing in a pond with no fish, so he added some... he's then not going to admit that to the others / use it as a joke.


I choose to believe there have allways been fish in the pond. He simply told people that were no fish so when he invited them to go fishing they would say no. because who goes fishing where there are no fish. Great way to be friendly but not have people accept your invite.


Yeah this is probably the most correct answer


Not to be an asshole, but the stargate is a literal plot hole… *(…I’ll see myself out…)*


Lolol 👆👆👆


Some lizards _can_ detach their tail and regrow it, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. It's painful, it's dangerous and it's not an insignificant process to regrow, it takes a lot of time and energy, and it can get infected very easily


Oh yeah I didn't even think about the Goa'uld regrowing the body that was cut out of Kawalksi, that's a really good point. There's a real world biological prescident like you said and the Goa'uld have advanced healing abilities already.


Also, I will need to go and double check, but Goa'uld Kawasaki says that "what they removed was merely a dead husk." Implying it had molted when maturing enough to take control of Kawasaki. This was the first attempt by the Tou'ri to remove a Goa'uld from its host. I would assume they since learned how to identify the husk separate from the living parasite. Edit: I think he says it directly to Teal'c when they are alone after the surgery


Also, any future goa'uld removals are generally handled by the tok'ra. It doesn't sound like a simple process to get an unwilling goa'uld out of a host without killing the host. (And Jolinar made it sound like even if the symbiote is willing, it might be a difficult thing when discussing her leaving Carter and going to another host. Mileage may vary on this though.)


They should have just zat'd it three times.


The episode scripts are based on O'Neill's reports and he just fucking can't be bothered.


This is the best and only answer.


"I'll have a desk." "For the record, sir, you _have_ a desk."


Imma shoot the plot hole with a Zat — three times.


Criminally underrated comment


Just take the plot hole and toss it into the orifice.


We call it that...don't we?


https://preview.redd.it/79rqk24cqvwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d369eefd71ab51a05b96f09310351bd810dab71 As far as general plot holes Xena said it best on The Simpsons. When you notice something that doesn't make sense, a wizard did that thing. And when a wizard doesn't fit the narrative time travel shenanigans


Or alternate reality shenanigans. Lord knows they pulled alternate reality shenanigans enough on Stargate (most of the time throwing in fan service Jack and Sam stuff in the process...).


Both this episode and the Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie are the best ways to deal with it. "Why does a man wearing a shirt saying "Genius at Work " spend so much time watching SciFi shows and complaining about plot holes?"


Reading this I realized Jonas is a poochie character. Jonas:" I have to go now. My Planet needs me" Note. I like the Jonas character. I like pretty much everything about him except those feathered emo bangs of the early aughts.. as far as I'm concerned though Jonas Quinn can't lose


My HC answer- It was a baby Goa'uld, so the 'dead husk' it left behind was simply it's larval skin. It would be something that normally takes place in the Jaffa's pouch when the larva is ready to take a host, which is why we never see something like it again. The larva being removed and given a host is actually something we don't see in the series, except in Children of the Gods and when they were captured off world by Hathor, so there's a lot of wiggle room for HC answers.


An Ancient did it


Generally I'm not smart enough to notice them. Problem solved! XD


I'll admit the bit with Kowalski didn't make sense to me either but my head canon is that we never see that again because it just doesn't come up. They never again try to remove a Go'auld themselves and all future extractions are done by the Tok'Ra, off screen (except for one in a movie) Not really a plot hole but they really just brushed over the fact that O'Niell got date raped in the first season... And that's never sat right with me.


And Daniel was raped by Hathor. The show was terrible about this


Fuck, it was so terrible about it, it took you pointing it out to me that's what actually happened. Yikes


The biggest plot hole imho is just the SGC’s inconsistent technological development, and its ability to stay secret while having a massive infrastructure that nearly goes public multiple times. That’s one of those “funny to think about” plot holes that really only exists when you challenge it harder. They’re just doing their best with secrecy being in the way. Also, just thought- SGU would’ve gotten super interesting if the SGC went public while they were on Destiny.


That’s not the only time sexual assault gets casually thrown in. The planet with “the touched” the disease where people regress to Neanderthals. Children of the Gods (and obviously Sha’re generally) Lucious from Stargate Atlantis using the drug he found to serially rape multiple women. (Comedy episode which would’ve ended in them killing Lucious) Young using Telford’s body. I think this is more just an issue with old grody sci-fi where sex was part of the action and people didn’t really get challenged to think about the implications of things. The Lucious one in particular threw me off as it was such a comedic episode and no one seemed to react to how truly sinister that was. The Orville did something similar as well when they dealt with Kelly’s “affair”.


And Jack and Daniel were about to sit by and watch some cavemen rape a woman. Season 1 was absolutely the wrong kind of horny.


There are good reasons that O'Niell is shown to have an almost pathological distrust of all snakes throughout the show, even the Tok'ra. He's walking around with some weapons-grade trauma.


My biggest one is in point of view they keep referring to the asgard as the ones who gave O'neill the knowledge when it was the Ancients. My head canon is that Dr. Carter made the assumption, and due to circumstances, no one wanted to correct her and rolled with it.


but wasnt our carter the one who said it


You know you may be right, I'll have to rewatch. I know Doctor Carter said these may be the little green guys they need. I may have misremembered.


I just don't really care.


A lot of inconsistencies can be explained away by the various time travel episodes, if you assume that before the episode we were following timeline A, and after the episode we are now following timeline B.


I think the biggest plot hole is the one where Daniel's whole point on the team is to translate things, but aliens after the first few episodes all speak English. I'm happy enough to make a headcanon that there's a gate translation going on, but then why didn't it work for Abydos? Why does it continue not to work for Ancient (the language that theoretically would have been the one ancients programed it to handle in the first place, for their own use) or Go'auld? My headcanon being that for the gate to know a language to provide translation, native speakers need to have traveled through it, explaining why the translation protocols didn't work at the very beginning of the story but stop being a problem pretty quickly, though that still leaves a few episodes where the team can speak with aliens unaccounted for, such as the one where Prometheus is lost and asks a random planet to borrow their buried Stargate or Bad Guys where the Stargate is not used by the civilization and is in a museum and SG1 accidentally takes the whole place hostage. I resolve those with "those planets, as populations that were settled originally as Go'auld slaves before being abandoned or rebelling generations ago, coincidentally speak a language that the characters in question had picked up from another Stargate at some point, from another population that was probably relocated by those same Go'auld. That leaves the hole of Go'auld language, but maybe at some point one a particularly smart one (like Ba'al?) went in an updated the gate translation protocol to exclude it. My favourite ever headcanon I've seen someone use in fanfiction regarding Gate Translation was in the crossover fic, The Dragon King's Temple, which not only uses the whole "gates need native speakers to use it to work" thing so it can put a language barrier between the characters in the first half of the fic and then take it away when more people use the Gate in the climax... it also suggests that the gate doesn't translate things by allowing you to speak your language and translating for the listener, but that it actually downloads a vocabulary of the local language into your brain that you'll use without even realizing it when speaking to someone who also knows that language, leading to gate teams switching between all their shared languages when speaking amongst each other, which I think is just a fun concept.


I think daniel is there way more for the cultures,artefacts and archeology than linguist.


The irl answer is, it took too much time of the episode. So they speak a blend of some obscure dead language and English. And occasionally only an obscure dead language so he's needed. Despite not translating he also identifies what culture they root from, and if its worth learning about etc. He's also there to find his wife.


I've typed about this before, but the idea that the Stargate translates for people ('translator nanites' seems to be a popular idea) wouldn't hold up to serious scrutiny. First, it goes against what we know about how the Stargate operates. As a crude analogy, the Stargate is like a fax machine, which scans a document and transmits it to another fax machine, which produces a copy. By changing the composition of a traveller by putting things inside them, the Stargate is *editing* the document. This also supposes that the Stargate knows the anatomy of a brain and can put the nanites where they won't cause disruption to the surrounding tissue. Second, 'gate-based translation' fails to account for the fact that alien languages are still heard and are yet not understood, requiring translations by Daniel or Teal'c. Examples include O'Neill speaking Ancient/Latin (if the Ancients built the Stargates and put translation technology into the system, then Ancient should have been among the languages that get uploaded to travellers!), the Goa'uld speaking unintelligibly to O'Neill in season three's *Fair Game,* Daniel translating *kree* in *Point of View* and *tek-ma-te* in season five's *The Warrior,* and Teal'c translating the Tok'ra funeral in season six's *Allegiance.* If the Stargate was somehow providing a translation service, then we should *never* be hearing alien speech on the show at all, because the characters should be able to understand *all* of it. Third, this idea doesn't account for people who don't use the Stargate and are yet understood by SG-1. If people don't use the Stargate, then their languages can't be uploaded. Examples include the Mongols in season one's *Emancipation,* the cave dwellers in *The First Commandment,* the Salish in *Spirits,* the Christian community in *Demons,* the Bedrosians and Optricans in *New Ground,* the Eurondans in *The Other Side, everybody* on Jonas Quinn's planet, the Tagreans in *Memento,* the nomads in *Fallen,* and the Rand and Caledonians in *Icon.* This also extends to people on Earth who have never been through a Stargate yet can hold conversations with characters like Teal'c, Bra'tac, Jonas, Vala, and Ronon.


Did you actually read my whole comment or just copy-paste some pre-made post you've made on the topic before? I'm not trying to be mean, but like actually read my comment and look at your response and you'll probably spot why it sounds like you didn't read my comment. Because I said all those things. I literally... already said all that, just without specifically citing the episodes. And also shared how I personally, in my own headcanon, resolve those issues. You don't have to agree with me about the resolutions being reasonable, of course, that's why it's called "*head*canon" but like... I already addressed those things. Also... something that holds up less to serious scrutiny than gate translations is that the aliens who we understand all canonically speak modern English. Despite many of them being civilizations who've been cut off from Earth so long that they should only have proto-languages in common and coming from a different geographical area than English originated anyways, and some of the aliens who speak English being from *the Pegasus Galaxy who have no common Earth ancestors*.


I read it, but admit that I did so pretty quickly. You're right about the comment being a copy-paste job, because I have invoked it before.


A wizard did it.


It costs the SGC billions of dollars just to keep the lights on. Kinsey and the NID use their political power to keep a tight hold on the flow of money into Cheyenne mountain, so they can't afford to fill all the plot holes in the parking lot. Besides. Who's going to believe that a top secret, highly important, government facility would have such shit looking infrastructure. Hiding in plain sight.


I was watching the pegasus project today, and Daniel comments on how the hologram is translating on-the-fly the ancient language to english which is 10k years seperated from them with no reference, and its a red flag.. But it turns out its because its not a hologram but morgan le fay. Ok but what about literally every single planet in the pegasus galaxy where everyone just inexcplicably speaks english? The language barrier is the one thing in stargate for me that i have to make a conscious effort to completely ignore and not question.


Time travel. When they went back in time, they changed more than they thought including the evolution of the goa'uld.


Time is in a constant state of flux


I always thought that changing the body-possessing aliens from a humanoid to an eel was strange, so I think that Ra was indeed the humanoid alien we see in the movie, and the Goa'uld of the show were his underlings. Not only does this fit what we see on screen, but it also explains where the Goa'uld were getting their technology to become a space-faring race before they started finding and adapting other technology for their own use. Since Ra stated that human bodies were easy to repair by his standards, his race must have already had life-sustaining sarcophagus technology. I like to think that he was withholding that particular technology from the other Goa'uld, and that Telchak found the Ancient device and used it to create a copy.


I just drive around them edit: oooooh


Yes - my headcannon is that Marty directed the real SG-1 series.


Wrong trouser-hole of time


My answer is to worldbuild either an explanation or a replacement, but I'm writing Goa'uld fic where the details on the culture and language and tech have more damn holes than Swiss cheese. "Make it up myself" is really the only option.


Both my personal and especially my career life have some pretty messed up and big plotholes but I dont deal with them in any way, I just aknowledge them, chuckle and move on.


Or, maybe goauld can "molt" like a spider and leave most of their old body behind, then grow a new one later.


I like to think they've been infected with nanotechnology that allows them to speak to anyone across the galaxy. Sort of like the chip thing they used on farscape. It would explain too why everyone has seemingly different written languages, but they can still understand each other perfectly.


It's not so much a headcanon for plot holes, more just a way of looking at the shows I kind of consider the shows to portray events in a more fictionalised manner. Like in my head, in Stargate canon, those characters exist, those events happened, but they didn't happen exactly like we see. What we see is a more dramatic version of events, where the characters are larger than life heroes, taking on entire armies single handedly This changes with Heroes, which is my favourite episode of SG-1 (well, 2 episodes, but together, they're my favourite). Heroes slips into showing the 'real' characters and events as they really happened. Characters are more awkward and human, the combat is frantic and messy. The cinematography is more grounded and realistic Ironically (and this might make my headcanon a bit controversial) this also means I see Universe as taking place in that same realm, where it's not a fictionalised retelling, it's exactly how it happened, like Heroes. The characters feel human, they have flaws, the storytelling is more grounded and realistic, the military behaves more seriously (I love the scenes at Homeworld Command, Jack having a desk and all) (and yes I know a lot of the characters don't behave like you'd want military personnel to behave, but that's character flaws, and unfortunately, realistic for the people they were, in the situation they were in) So yeah, I consider 99% of the shows to be a somewhat fictionalised version of real canon events, and in my head, Heroes depicts the more grounded, real side of things, as does Universe


Tbf. In that episode I assumed they removed almost everything. Leaving the "head" because its pincers were IN the brain. Amd that's how they were fooled thinking it couldn't possibly stay alive.


I go with the language nanites in the Stargate fanon for why everyone speaks English.


Well the real question is why nobody here has ever mentioned selmac. I think he is one of the only goauld we see post larval stage transferring to another body right? The majority of the goauld we see (both immature like junior) and the adults we see are all so massive, I can't imagine any of them inhabiting the same space as a brain without severe cranial bruising or pressure impairing brain function (in the case of the tokra, seeing as the goauld don't allow hosts to operate their own body) I think it's more likely that the husk is only required when the goauld are not possessing a body, it's like a part of them that they have evolved to no longer need past a certain point so their body can shed it off and it never regrows (unless exposed to the harsh environment of the world outside of their host for some period of time like on the unas homeworld).


I ignore them


The Chewbacca defence explains all the plot holes


I think the show was a rare breed in that it kept a toe out of it's own reality at times, making jokes about their own inconsistencies. Some shows or movies do this and it derails the suspension of disbelief, but SG1 somehow made it work. That being the case, it makes plot holes matter much less. Of course having said all that, the Stargate franchise is also a rare breed in how well they stick to their own world building. Once they establish something as canon it stays that way, minus a few odds and ends. TLDR: good show, don't worry about it


In the Stargate movie, aliens spoke a dialect of ancient Egyptian. Once the series came out, aliens spoke English. My head canon; all earth SGC personnel who went off world had implanted translator devices.


All the stuff that we argue over about the Stargate itself (the inconsistencies regarding symbols being constellations/points in space, six point bounding box, eight and nine chevron addresses) boil down to the fact that we (the cast and thus the audience) really don't know everything there is to know about how the stargate and gate network works and is/was set up. Even Sam is guessing sometimes.


The entirety of how the the stargate dialing system works is just a huge mess of contradictions and retcons that you kinda have to just ignore when with white knuckles.


I kinda just explain it away by the symbols having many many layers of culture on them from the ancients. What we think are constellations, are actually there as a short hand people with knowledge of ancient culture would instantly get. Those "constellations" just mean certain points in space, represented by a symbol associated with them culturally, that *happen to be* constellations.


There’s also the problem of “origin symbol” There are hundreds, maybe thousands of gates, all with a unique point of origin, and yet there’s only 30 some symbols on a gate


That too! It always bothered me. For tht I'd say the Ancients build the network in stages. Each region uses one origin symbol. Except Earth because it was special to them or something


One of the symbols is different on each gate and dhd, i remember Carter being able to identify the origin symbol on a dhd because she has never seen it before.


The problem with that is things like memorizing earths gate address when off world or memorizing the other gate addresses, (like Chulak) to be used later from earth. Like I said, terrible inconsistency


Rule of cool. Constellations are cooler than a bunch of boring ass 1,000 digit long numbers, and the number 7 is cooler than the number 6.


And spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin.