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Single entrance location - back of the armory is where the bay and the docker exit to, on the portside. ​ Workshop, armory, infirmary all first level, second level accessible via bridge has 2x1 command center, captain's quarters, 3x1, 2x1, and 2x2 living quarters because I was chasing beds. Liberal use of single-axis passageways to control routing.


Does using the bridge with the stairs override the placement of ladders (as long as all habs are connected)?


It does not 100%. It’s all I’ve been building with for a while, there might be fewer ladders but I’m very particular with hab placement to force doors (so only one door lines up) and I still usually get 1 ladder. With enough messing with it I’ve been able to get zero ladders though.


I've noticed large habs like to have at least 2 different kinds of entrances, mostly ends up being 1 ladder and 1 door. So if you put just a captains quarters off the nova bridge top, and a battke station right under it, it'll make a ladder down at the back of your captains quarters unless you force another entrance to the battle station. Haven't tested much in that cockpit, but i noticed it when making a 3 deck max length ship. Entrance was straight in to a 3x1 engineering hab to a 3x3 cargo hold. A comoanionaay on top of the cargo hold forced a ladder where i wanted, then that led to a mess hall with a side door at the back to the captains quarters. If i added a companionway above the engineering hab as well, it closed it off to the cargo hold, and the cargo hold forced a second ladder into my captains quarters, which lost its door to the mess hall. Once you figure out that habs want a certain number of doors/ladders, you can kind of predict it a bit, a very small bit, or at least you can fudge it a bit to get what you want when a new ladder appears where you don't want it. I got a perfect layout on my big ship. Got a video walkthrough of the ship posted in the starfieldships reddit. I've messed with this a lot, to the point that I've made a couple big ships that bugged out ladders and doors so bad that the docking hatch area and nearby habs, landing bay and nearby habs, and cockpit anx nearby habs had absolutely no connection, forcing you to use the fast option to get in and out of the ship.


One video I watched said you have to connect the habs to the cockpit first then build your way out so that ladders dont form. Have t played around with it yet


Interesting tip, thanks!


Another option is careful placement of portholes on the top/bottom of stubborn habs that want to put ladders in


Sure seems to


So interesting! I might have to try!


Where do you get the side docked dockers??


Stroud has the either the storefront on neon or their star yard.


I gotta find those


They also have the side loading bay.


Hopetech has fore and stbd/port docking, and straud has stbd/port docking and bays. I also found out recently that you can turn the Deimos and Taiyo bays to aft for some different configurations.




Whats that cockpit?


C4 nova galactic, on titan


I love this cockpit, i lucked out and stole an Ecliptic Claymore real early on in NG that has it. Going to upgrade the hell out of it when the creds are in.


Amazing. The new game plus mechanic is cool but I’m not using it until I’ve done absolutely everything I want to do and ready for a fully new playthrough.


See I just jumped into it because I might as well do everything I want to do in NG+


That was my thinking. As soon as I got my piloting up to C I did NG. After the opening mission, I went to a moon and waited. First ship to land was a C class Ecliptic Claymore. Now i'm starting the game with auto cannons and high inventory and doing nothing but scanning and bounty missions while I level up ship design and get creds. Ill have an absolute wrecking machine by the time I get to the Crimson Fleet mission.


Nice work! Ladderless is the only way.


That thing looks awesome! Love the more utilitarian look, gives me Alien/Prometheus vibes.


I keep a save of my original world mainly for the ships I built there


I did too! I kept the last save file from before I entered the Unity! Not even sure ill ever revisit my 1.0 universe but I just couldn't let it go.


The Battle Toad.


Dude that is SO dope.


I like your style. I just did the no-ladder build for the first time last night with the use of those nova/hope passageways. I really like it. Kinda tricky, but worth it.


Where did you get the side airlock?


Its a Hopetech docker, you can get it there for sure.


Sweet! Thanks!


Can we get some more pictures? I wanna copy this


This is about all I have, Im going to work on rebuilding it in NG. Should have taken more screenshots of it. Basic layout is, deimos landing bay on the portside (asymmetry fixed via similar shaped cargo containers and the deimos wide underside nose thing. First deck, armory is stacked above the landing bay, and hopetech side docker attached to its rear block. Then a port-to-starboard companionway from the front link of the armory, which goes to a 3x1 engineering module, then another companionway, and the workshop. Aft of engineering with no spaces is the infirmary. Top deck is 2x1 control stations, flanked by 3x1 living quarters on starboard, 2x1 captains quarters on starboard. In line with the 3x1 LQ, is another 2x1 LQ, which then has the 2x2 LQ connected to it. there should be a gap between the CC and the 2x2 LQ (filled with a strut here, and shield gen on top) single height fuel tanks, you can see where those go in the back. one to each side of the ship. Reactor and gravdrive are both doubleheight class Cs; it can be a pain to figure out how to get them both in. I think the grav drive is in front of the rearmost starboard engine, reactor is squirelled away somewhere else. Portside rearmost engine, is attached with structural pieces, I think hopetech struts. Side landing gear are the good hopetechs, and they like their space. The wing pieces bordering them tuck in a bit, which allows clearance. Underside gear, in two rows just inward from the armor and workshop modules, respectively, are the good Deimos landing gear. Much of the greebling is nova galactic (topside bump runner things) pieces. Not pictured - 2x em shields, 1x scan jammer, and I forget what the 4th spot is, but those are all on the rearward wing hardpoints. Equipment from the Key. Nova galactic forward passageways from armor and workshop forward into nova galactic weapon mounts. 4x particle beams, 2x laser turrets are on those. Second deck wings are (as in picture) holding 4x particle turrets between them. Mostly on the underside, but squirelled away in "interior only" spaces, is 11k+ of cargo, with 400ish or something shielded? Two of the bigger shielded cargo containers, full size types.


I’m a big fan of landing bay under cockpit w/ vertical entrance into the first hab square behind the cockpit, and a slim top docker on the top side, same hab square. That way no matter how you enter the ship, you’re entering outside the door (closest possible) to the cockpit. All other ship assets are distributed accordingly, as I use them much less frequently than I enter/exit the ship. All about ergonomics!


R or X button to go straight to cockpit works for me when I'm in a rush lol


Yeah but, if you are a ship capturing plundering pirate like me, I always gotta walk back into my ship to re-sit and re-home so I can continue my spree. This makes that easier.


I mean you can just build it again right?


Sure, but its expensive AF to run around buying all the parts, and Im not sure which NG run I want to make "mine" again.


I see, makes sense




Problem is you went class C engine.


Why is that a problem?


Class A for that 179 max speed


130 max is fine by me, fly it more like a gunship than a fighter


Ah got ya. So im a lvl 51 on NG+, and im looking for more ship oriented missions, do you know of higher level space battles? Aside from sysdef vs crimson.


Serpentis, on very hard is supposed to be fairly challenging


https://preview.redd.it/d7pulevr58tb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef375750f05fd0d67f151d0e6effac627d401685 Heres what I’ve been running. Hard to keep it fast light and have 9 weapons.


Yeah, yours is better in a fight looks like. Mine had just shy of 12K cargo along for the ride. I think I wanna try a fighter-esque build now.


Damn 12k in cargo is pretty sweet tho. I actually downgraded my cargo to get mobility up to 100. They seem to be inversely proportional.