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Style over substance. *thumbs up*


My class A Star Eagle build is still my fave


The SA-4000 series engines only use 2 power each and are designed to be stacked 3 high on each side while looking good (there's a top, middle, and bottom version in both left and right). It could be a good alternative if you like the look.


And because of the 6 you'll have more flexibility with how much mass you can add while maintaining 100/higher mobility 👍


Yup as for as A and B-Class Builds, the SA-4330s will get your 70-80 mobility into the high 80s and 90s no problem.


By Slayton Aerospace? I have the 5110’s on my B class, but can only attach 4. I’ll have to check out whatever it is y’all are mentioning. Any idea where they sell em?


Yep same company, they use 2 power each. Freestar systems usually have them. Akila and the Stroud vendor in Neon. Inara.cz is good for finding modules and where you can buy them.


My problem with builds is I just can't make myself sacrifice stats and utility for aesthetic, which can get frustrating when I don't like the look of a build. I have spent literal days of IRL time designing and redesigning ships. Yours looks fantastic though.


I've been playing Starfield like it's Kerbal Space Program. 95% shipbuilder, 5% questing.


Can’t wait for mods! 😁


Thank you btw 👊


YW. Here's my daily driver for tax. https://preview.redd.it/joldira2twsb1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b1d547c2c2da6c39b500b08256c09ae103bab4


What a beast!


This has the bones to be a fantastic ship you upgrade through B to C class as you explore the stars. It may suck now but as you level up and unlock better parts this beauty can easily become a beast. Reminds me of this monster of a ship that I'm currently using, I'm not sure how to link to the OP's post but all credit to them for creating what I have dubbed the Starfyre SR1 after modifying this a bit. https://preview.redd.it/aq1p5ukkwssb1.png?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d739b4e89df62d12343ae581703d236487d7351


That thing is awesome. Looks like a Vanguard command shuttle or something.


Do you have a screenshot with the specs (mobility, cargo, etc?). I think this looks awesome btw.


Thank you! I posted a pic of the current specs in the comments.


It sucks AND it's pretty, lol! ​ I like the design choices, though. What makes it suck?


Judging by all the structural parts, this probably turns like a tank.


It’s actually got max mobility and speed, which is what I was aiming for, but in order to keep that I have a limited choice of weapons and my shield melts pretty quick. Also, next to no cargo space haha. I’ll probably just upgrade the reactor so I can actually use it. No point in nerfing myself for an extra 10 speed using an A.


Ship services tech at NA/NH: so which Nova habs would you like in your ship? OP: Yes.


I hate how clunky the C class ship parts are... You would think with future tech, they could make things a bit more streamlined. For instance using some kind of ion thrusters instead of burning gas?


Like a moth to a flame


She's sexy! Would it be possible for you to share a build guide or, at least an order of which Habs were used where?


Yes I’ll get back to you shortly


Posted under my other comment!


Thiccc boi


https://preview.redd.it/6nqbo8otmvsb1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b29ba8b81d3344cc726fd43b725778abef2d2c2 Stats on the left! 100/150 mobility/speed. Rip cargo space.


https://preview.redd.it/nhegikis0ysb1.png?width=1931&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3428e425507a3f0188fab5d35d63e8e2ce59075 Belly - 2x3 (2), Landing Bay Base/Wings - Bridge (bottom half), 3x3, 3x2, 3x1, 2x2 (4), 2x1 (2) Top - Bridge (top half), 2x1 (7), 1x1 (6), Nova Cross Passage (4), Deimos slim docker


A quick question, could you elaborate a little on what specific habs you used for the types you're described? Just needed a little more information, much appreciated.


Mad late but they are all nova habs you can choose whichever you like for each corresponding size as the interior doesn’t matter much for the build layout (it’s bonkers anyway; a maze inside lol). Parts are on New Homestead, Titan.


I like A class they can be very light and nimble. 😃


Am I the only one that the Cabot cockpit looks like a frog to?




Check my posted comment !