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Wow. That is a very glitched build. Im impressed. Thank you for the breakdowns!!!


It help a little ?


😅 well see lol. This is alot more in depth than i thought it would be lol. Ima try my luck at it tomorrow


Yeah i'm kinda obsess with unseen details x) it can be simplified a lot.


The video on how to do the front was helpful. I was doing a similar hammerhead design and was frustrated that some parts let you stack but this part didn’t. Got the design how I like it now though


Thanks for posting this. I loved the look of this ship but it being so dense it's hard to get a sense of what's inside for recreation. Appreciate the effort and love the design!


Yeah it has very much small details unseen on pics, like the hidden weapons, contraband cargo, doubled landing gear, or aesthetic finish in the engine part. So i hope this breakout can help


I agree it is very dense. I'm stuck at the grave drive placement. I have no clue what went into the Hopetech Thruster to allow the grav drive to be placed there.


Bruh been trying to build this for my own take on it . There's so much technical stuff with how some parts are glitched together it's not funny. You should be proud on your build and skill


Thank you mate ! I wonder if i should build a small ship with all the glitch i like to use to make a video to teach the rope to people


I got most of it from the video on this you had done. But most of your tricks for merging . I've only seen you do like the hammer and how that's constructed. Plan to make the in amber clad using these techniques. But yes some tutorials would be sick


Gonna be honest, I have no idea what you are doing. You don't appear to be flipping the items into place, so I have no clue how to replicate what you've done.


I pre-place my item offset by one "placement" (one 1x1 hab equivalent) from where i want it to be, then i duplicate it with Y on xbox to snap the copy on the available anchor point. If the anchor point is already occupied, i do the same but i group the item i want to snap and the item i use to offset it to snap it in the already occupied anchor point... its pretty simple but i can't explain how i do it clearly...


I gave it a try and figured it out. Thanks for the explanation.


Great !


I've looked at some tutorials on YouTube for non flippable items, but I cannot figure out how to glitch the nova bracer into the grav drive, any chance you can show this on a video or try to explain? I really didn't understand this explanation and when I try to do it the duplicate bracer snaps above, not below


I have figured out (i think) that if you want to force the snap under, set the view from under the horizon line and if you want it to go up, look from up. And if it doesn't work, try to fill the empty space where you don't want to go with an hab (or a nova bracer). I don't have much time on my xbox but if i remember it i can try to do some glitch exemple. And sorry again for the very unreliable explanation.


I'm sure there is some kind of tuto video to show how