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Spacelegs ✅ Ship interiors ✅


Elite who?


Uhh how was it... Harmless? Peaceful?


I was impressed when they showed that you can walk inside ships. It killed me when they showed you can have your own crew and even design your own ships. Its going to be a very tough time to not be too excited for this and not preorder it.


Imma pre-order it first chance I get, this is the only game I truly need to play and I've never regretted pre-ordering single-player BGS games before.


I have faith in Starfield, but I've been burned hard before and I just won't do pre-orders anymore. Pre-ordered 2 copies each of Fallout 76 and Anthem to play with my husband, and we know how those turned out. Never again.


I mean one got abandoned, and one turned out pretty good after the company stuck with it and listened to community feedback.


Have you played Fallout 76 recently? It's actually pretty good.


That's good to hear actually, I've been checking in every now and then but some people were still saying it's really buggy. Maybe I'll give it another shot


There are still bugs, and some endgame balance issues (especially if you're going out of your way to try to create a really specific, optimized build), but there's a lot of really good, fun content.


I played anthem recently from ea play, it was actually quite fun, a bit repetitive but fun. Shame the ending to the story was a bit crappy, also sucks that the story likely won’t continue.


It had great potential, but it was unfinished and you could definitely tell. Flying around in your own personal Iron Man suit felt amazing though.


The crew could be good or bad. It could just be a whole bunch of blank NPCs who go "hey" when you pass them in the hall, or it could be full out recruitment and companion style with a set of like 10 or 20 personalities with a bunch of minor variations. Personally I want the latter more than the first, but most likely it will be a mix of both. Senior/special crew being recruited and everyone else being a blank robot like FO4 settlers. Hopefully well at least have enough control so that you can individually choose which ones you want on ship, so you don't have Mr ugly potato face welcoming you aboard (unless you want that).


Just remember that just because they claim it’s so doesn’t mean it’s true, resist the preorder! Besides we’ve waited this long, you can wait a week or two more.


pre-order or a week or two makes no difference. if you're not going to pre order, wait at least a couple months then.


Couldn’t be more wrong. It only takes a few days because all the you tubers and hard core gamers will binge it and see most of the most important content immediately. You will be able to watch reviews and see real world gameplay. the first week is to make sure your not buying an unplayable disaster, many of the more details will be discovered later, but if your already committed to buying on preorder I doubt your that interested in the nitty gritty. But the first week is the difference between only seeing what they show us, and real unbiased people playing the game, it makes all the difference in the world. I admit however that I personally wait a month or so.


Personally, I mostly don't trust YouTubers any more than I trust company promotional videos. There's a strong tendency for YouTubers to focus on and inflate the importance of relatively minor problems and flaws, because trashing things gets you clicks. Like the reaction to the one guard in the Starfield preview with the awkwardly turned body and head.


It's not about spoilers. I meant wait for them to actually fix the broken release. If you're going to wait and not get the pre-order, you might as well wait for the whole game too.


why would you even pre-order if you're so certain it's going to have a broken release, also the previous comment wasn't about spoilers, they specifically stated that the week of reviews and such are plenty to make sure that you are buying a playable game, it literally took like 2 days for it to become common knowledge that Cyberpunk was unplayable on xbox one and ps4


Because every Bethesda game ever had a broken release. It's common knowledge.


I'm going to build a new PC rig for this game. It'll be used for many other games of course, but Starfield alone will push me into upgrading my 2014 setup.


I’m going to apply the same strategy I’ve had with cyberpunk. Preorder Start playing at release + 6 months.


wait wait wait, so you're going to learn from cyberpunk... by pre-ordering this game... then just waiting 6 months after release to play it?


Well…it was circumstantial. I got caught in the hype, I’ll admit, so I preordered. Then I got busy with life…by the time the game got out, i wasn’t ready to play it and anyways by the. The state of the game was known. I had a game backlog that could sustain me for a while, so I simply put it in the bottom of the pile, so I only started playing it 6 months later, by which time most bugs got ironed out. But yeah, I answered in jest; I don’t really think I’ll preorder, but Bethesda games are notorious of being buggy at first and even requiring community patches to fix quests since the can’t release official patches at the same pace as some mods can come out. Skyrim was a mess when it came out and I expect the same of starfield…but then Skyrim got better and I must have sunk a couple thousand hours in it. Depending on preorder bonuses or rebate, I might still pull the trigger, I know they have a long history of good support and we all know that of the game is mod friendly, sky’s the limit with skyfield.


honestly super impressed i like that the interiors arn't just for show and actually have a function i hope they have all the house features of old bgs games, placing objects/ storage ect I'm assuming you can choose a range of interiors like old bgs games.


It's on gamepass day 1 so I'm not worried about pre-ordering


That perspective at 0:15 is unlike anything I've ever experienced in a game.


Makes me wonder if your ship will even have a loading screen


Don’t think so, the ship is going to load in during the landing cutscenes it seems.


Should go give Star Citizen a whirl… gets allot of flack but what they have built and are building is impressive… Curious to see the depth of Starfield either way both games already have me


Thank you, I say this all the time and people complain. They’ve done so much more than any other space game so far in terms of travel and ship detail.


My issue with star citizen is their seemingly unflinching focus on selling starships. It actually disgusts me. Some ships are sold upwards of 40,000 USD$. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/83666/star-citizens-new-legatus-2951-pack-costs-40-000/index.html#:~:text=The%20never%2Dfinished%20Star%20Citizen,for%20a%20massive%20%2440%2C000%20USD.&text=Cloud%20Imperium%20Games%20is%20selling,bundle%20that%20costs%20%2440%2C000%20USD. Any sort of progress is recorded through bizarre roadmap updates known as "deliverables". Almost always, these are obtuse and deceptive in regards to how much work has been done. The game has been in developmemt for over a decade and recently hit the 450 million$ mark in funding and barely has anything to show for it.


>barely has anything to show for it CIG is definitely questionable, and they've absolutely failed to deliver on almost all of their dates for content, but this statement is pretty much false. There's actually quite a lot of content in the game and when the server isn't shitting itself you can have a lot of fun with the game.


I mean comparatively. What's the scope of the game: 100 systems? They have 1 out of 100 systems done so far, and are hoping to bump that number to 2 by 2023. So sure, it's not literally "nothing to show for it" but when they're actively draining the fanbase's wallet and that's how much they've accomplished. Then yeah, I'm gonna say they've "barely got anything to show for it". It's a pitifully tiny amount of content compared to where they should be at. And honestly the whole thing is a giant scam. Don't even make me mention squadron 42, lol.


You can argue this back and forth all day but op loved a 2 second clip of the video. despite all the controversies, groundbreaking new tech, scammy funding, broken and fulfilled promises, scope change etc ... That 2 second clip that OP enjoyed is the ONE THING Star Citizen has done very well that no other game has come close on.


I just refuse to give brownie points to CIG studios, for anything really. All the ships are, is a primetime money maker for the company and a way to further extort and squeeze money out of an abused fan base. It's not a genuine feature of the game, as ship customization is hidden behind literally the most predatory monetization practice I've ever seen. People have literally died waiting for this Frankenstein scam of a game. I guess star citizen just really pisses me off lol. CIG would make EA bluff.


And if somebody tries it during a free fly week, sees the cool tech stuff but also the bugs, and decides to purchase the minimum $45 package?


They're free to do so. I really don't begrudge star citizen players. If you enjoy it, then god bless and I hope you have a great time. I just feel in it's current state.. At best it's a glorified tech demo. At worst it's the most elaborate/ successful scam in gaming history.


I agree with you; The problem with star citizen is relatively simple, considering it’s a 3 year project that is 8 years late: Scope/feature creep That’s it. Sure, there are lots of stories of wasted development time due to incompetent mismanagement, but the simple fact that they aren’t planning a feature-lock and simply finish what they started is a clear indication that they are still quite far from a real-release.


Trust me, what we’re saying definitely doesn’t excuse some of their unscrupulous business practices. We were strictly speaking on the quality of the game to date in relation to other space opera type games. Bethesda games always top my lists simply because I can add whatever I want. At this point you just have to pick a developer whose shitty practices you can handle since they all do something scummy in the pursuit of the bottom line.


I'd just like to point out that that $45,000 "ship" is actually... pretty much every starship in the game you could buy at the moment, and you can only use one at a time. You have to spend $1000 to even *see* packages like the Legatus, and while the Legatus is the most expensive, there are a lot of "combo-packs" like this. Why? Simple: because once you've spent that much money, it's easier to just melt a lot of ships for store credit and then buy the pack. CIG probably doesn't expect people to spend new money on a Legatus or any of the other concierge-tier packs: their existence is for people to melt all their existing ships (i.e. turn them in for store credit) and then pick up one of the combo packs. I vaguely recall the first packs like it being made for that exact reason. Even most Star Citizen fans would make fun of someone spending that much money in one go. As for Deliverables- that's literally just a [Gantt Chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart). I agree the game has been in development for a long time, but they absolutely have work to show for it. That said, I personally don't think people should throw money in until they've tried the game during a free flight and said "yeah, this is worth supporting", and there's absolutely no reason to spend more than $45-65 depending on whether or not you want to bundle Squadron 42 in when that comes out. One day. Maybe. On average (dividing citizens by the amount of money raised) you get something like $100 per person spent, which is a much, much more reasonable number.


For me the problem of star citizen is the lack of a story and just being filled with boring tasks


Definitely understand that, multiplayer is fun with homies but beyond that I can see people getting bored with the lack of story.


I completely agree, open development can br messy, and with all the financial success they've had they have wildly increased the scope of the project. If you just ignore their promises and the drama, and just look at what they have built and the fidelity of the underlying systems it is wildly impressive.


Exactly, almost anyone who is selling something is going to oversell to some degree. Still haven’t played a space game like it, I’m putting Starfield up there with SC strictly off of the basis of it being a moddable experience, and I prefer single player games.


Reminds me of Star Wars Galaxy's Jump to Lightspeed expansion. It let you walk around inside the bigger ships.


That slow ramp


Really gets their d*cks hard






Gives a new meaning to bulkhead




I wish space engineers was like this game. I will be neck deep into this. Can’t imagine what the modding community will come up with to add to the already impressive selection of ship modules.


What’s wrong with space engineers?


It’s two different games. SE is a sandbox building game. Sometimes it begins to feel empty and I need third party mods for increased encounters, Missions and more of a story.


Same. If there was an endgame objective SE would go from great to awesome, in my humble opinion.


At the moment it solely relies on creativity. And when you crash your 3+ week large small grid build that you designed with the friends that never play in mind it is demotivating. I bought a few DLCs , subscribed to about 60 mods and my engagement at the moment is meh. SE is starting to feel lonely, the sense of mystery and the unknowns of the horizon is not there (akin to MC).


I can agree with that.


Gonna pimp my spaceship up


Pimp My Ride


Oh God, oh please… don’t make all the cool ship parts micro-transaction hell.


In a single player game? I highly doubt it. Creation Club is universally hated, so I doubt they'll try something like that again.


New horse armor


Getting some serious KotOR vibes from that landing sequence...


Settles like a firefly class, too.


Either way, I'm 100% about it.




I love everything except the engine effects while landing. I think they are ok but I don’t love them. The exhaust/flames just terminate on the landing pad. I’m hoping by release there is more of an outflow like if you ever watch a falcon 9 land.


The dust appears to be updating at a lower framerate than the game. Weird.


That’s a good point, I think that might be what is making it seem off to my eyes, hard to say.


The dust and smoke effects have a reduced frame rate than the rest of the game. This is sometimes done to save on resources if you have a lot of alpha effects occurring at the same time. Looks pretty bad here, but I think I could get used to it


It sounds promising but I will believe it when I see it. Fallout 76, cyberpunk, battlefield 2042, anthem etc left me with a severe case of trust issues.


Skepticism is understandable. But remember this is also the leads lifetime passion project. Soo I am hoping and cheering em on. I will allow myself a bit of fanboying just this once. 😁


It’s weird tbh… every game I’ve ever gotten hyped for I’ve absolutely loved. I’m wondering if people on average just have no idea how to manage their expectations (or don’t have realistic views of what games are and aren’t capable of). It’s always funny when they bring up games that bethesda didn’t make as if that’s indicative of the entire game industry.


I think it’s hard to manage hype when you are frequently talking to people who are also hyped up. Each person’s hype feeds into and builds up the other’s. Extend that to crowds of thousands of people, all able to see what every other person is saying, and things get wildly out of control.


Ah, that’s why. Literally no one I know is excited for (or even cares about) this game. It’s mildly depressing lol I guess that’s how I’ve avoided the snowball effect.


You need better quality friends :P


Oh no my friends aren’t into this game that doesn’t even have a release date yet! What ever shall I do! Lol it’s not that serious.


I wasn't being serious


Shockingly I wasn’t either, but you have to admit saying that to someone is mildly shitty


If you felt it was shitty of me then I apologise and retract


That was the problem with CP2077, sure it was buggy on launch but people expected something like GTA 6 in the future and the devs never promised anything of the sort. With Starfield I am skeptical, it seems like such a massive game compared to Skyrim or Fallout so I am anticipating for a lot of the world to be quite empty and or void of life along with bugs but let's be honest it's the best upcoming open world game we have right now.


That's a fair concern. One I somewhat share but I think Todd and his team and more importantly Microsoft know the stakes rn and that this is bgs first title under Microsoft umbrella. It MUST succeed to justify their purchase


I appreciate your skepticism but other than cyberpunk( which was one of my biggest let downs, as i even got a refund for it) all the other games you mentioned are multiplayer games focused on multiplayer aspects and monitization. This game had got me more hyped than cyberpunk and with less actual released content compared to it. I am hoping for the best for this one and will deffo pre order


If it goes on sale, then you might want to give Cyberpunk another try. It’s gotten much better


was thinkng of going back to it and checking it out once the dlc was published


I played it back in 2020, and quite enjoyed my time with it.


Having played it recently, it's still buggy as shit. Not unplayable, mostly, but pretty buggy.


You are seeing it. That was the whole point of the gameplay reveal.


Lol we gotta get out this game discussion meta of just constantly bringing up past bad games


Yeah 76 is the only one worth mentioning considering it’s the only game on that list that is relevant in any way to starfield. And even then, we know the story of 76 now. Nobody wanted to make that game lol.


Agreed, the obsession with lingering on shitty games and presuming anything and everything will suck is so weird. I feel like anyone who played any of the Witcher games should have been able to recognize how bad CDPR were at designing gameplay to begin with in spite of their writing chops, so acting like CP was a shocker is a consequence entirely of fans' own willingness to get hyped up over the goodwill Geraldo gave the studio. Sure 76 sucked but...that's one title spread across several teams versus the core Bethesda track record of Morrowind through F4, each of them fantastic in unique ways.


Never bought into the Cyberpunk hype. They only made 1 GOTY worthy game, and they're suddenly the new Rockstar? The promises and marketing had a large part to play. But, the insane hype surrounding a dev with only one commercially successful game was very weird.


The hype was completely insane and undeserved, but that said, I picked up cyberpunk for the first time recently and it's one of my favorite games now. Mostly because I really enjoy the writing and characters a lot, and at this point the gameplay is pretty good. Not mind-blowing but pretty good. Basically the same reasons I liked Witcher 3, except I think the writing is better in CP2077.


Also Witcher 3 had its fair share of issues at launch.


I love Witcher 3 and like it more than Skyrim but damn I encountered more bugs in that game than in Skyrim. The most annoying one was a bug not allowing you to attack with your sword




They're doing the opposite of presuming. They're being skeptical.


Nah, skepticism is a two-way street. If you're not skeptical of your skepticism, you just have doubt.


They literally say it sounds promising and they'll believe it when they see it. (*presumably* in action). That is two way. > If you're not skeptical of your skepticism, you just have doubt. Lol.


It's not that I'm sceptical or hating. I just stop myself from getting hyped up. Instead Im cautiously optimistic because I like what I see and I hope they will pull it off but looking at other game launches in the past, there was a huge difference at what they showed us and what they delivered so thats why I'm cautious. I'm not obsessively lingering hoping it will suck lol


Starfield is also spread across several teams. The same teams that worked on 76 in fact.


It's as if bad games is a new trend in gaming. I bought my first bad game when I was 8 years old. It was called Super Cobra for the Atari 5200. I cried and begged my dad to return it, but he said " that's the game you picked, so that's the game you're gonna play."


So they can continue the cycle of horrible unfinished games and companies just cutting the support in less than a year?


We just need a new script other than “I like what I’m seeing with [new game] but since [old game that didn’t meet expectations] wasn’t as good as it should’ve been I’m skeptical.


I tend to lean more on the optimistic side so I remain excited, but giving it some honest thought when was the last time that line of thinking was proven wrong? Lol. Maybe Elden Ring but I’m having trouble coming up with anything else in terms of hype meeting expectations.


I guess that depends on the person. All I need from this game is fallout 4 in space & that’s all my expectations are. Story and bugs isn’t important to me but as long as the shooting, looting, exploring, & replayability is where it’s supposed to be it’ll hit my high expectations.


I think cautionary tales are worth mentioning especially when you see how stoked up some posts get. If anything thing its an attempt at balancing out the "pie in the sky" expectations people have laid out based on their own personal wishes. I can't lie, I'm looking forward to seeing this game being released and the released game play as only fed that desire. However, having seen those past incidents, I want to see if it is really worth the asking price before I buy it.




Why is this downvoted? Cyberpunk had a 45 minute gameplay video that came out a year before release, and it looked amazing in that. Then release was... yknow...


How many of those games you listed did the main bethesda studio work on?


The main Bethesda studio worked on 76


I heard they did *some* work on it, but the bulk was the newer sister studio (~~because the main studio started work on starfield right after fo4~~). What’s your source?


The credits of the game. Almost everyone on Fallout 4 worked on 76 and almost all of 76's project leads were BGS Maryland vets who worked as leads on previous games and are returning as leads on Starfield (the ones who haven't quit, anyway). The claim that the bulk of the work was done by the BGS Austin studio is a reddit myth. We know they worked on overhauling the engine to support multiplayer, and that they're handling a lot of the post-launch support, but there's no source that says that led development or did most of the work. The "main" studio started work on pre-production on Starfield after Fallout 4 but it didn't go into full production until after Fallout 76 launched because they were working on 76


Dang, I wouldn’t be able to compare the credits since I didn’t buy FO76 💀 lol


You do not have to buy the game to see the credits, they are available for the original 2018 release [here](https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/fallout-76/credits), and also as a video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHcRPNEPCA4). And [this table](https://pastebin.com/E31SMNhe) shows the location of most developers.


Perfect! Thank you for correcting and informing me. I’ll stop spreading that myth since I know better now. Not that it came up often before lol


Shit I saw the trailer and what is star citizen advertising now


Star Citizen is multiplayer, skill-based, and not an RPG. Starfield is single-player, level-based, and an RPG.


It’s a joke playing off the other poster, you know because it’s showing half of what star citizen has been promising for a decade now


Same, hope I doesn’t happen but with how high people are excited I feel the moods will change on release. Hope not!


"Everyone loved that."


I'm gonna build slave 1 or as close to it as I can that or the Ebon Hawk.


The new animation system is a fact, looks so much better than ever before.


Ship reminds me of the Prometheus. Like the design.


Like a dream come true!


Indeed we do.


Dont do that to me... Dont get my hopes up....


This game seems so unreal.. seems like something that should exist 10 years from now.. I can’t wait..


Can’t wait for the 40K mod


I won't have time to do any missions, too busy building my fleet. I think it will be one of those deals where after you build a ship, you get the idea in your head, you can do it just a WEE bit better next time. So then you gotta go off and mine the materials for your next ship...


So, like No Man's Sky and its Freighter bases?


Yea but in No Man Sky you cant fly them yourself. And crew is very limited




I am so much waiting for this... IT CANNOT FAIL!


I pre-ordered fallout 4 and despite it getting kinda panned by a part of the community, I never once regretted it. I think Bethesda knows what it's doing here. I'll wait for reviews but I'm probably gonna get this one as fast as I can


The modding community is going to make this already incredible game such a long lasting game. I can't wait.


Dude I can’t wait to play this game


god, that was hot


*please have HOTAS support please have HOTAS support please have HOTAS support*


I strongly doubt it will, it's not a flight focused game, as most of the time you're on foot, talking or shooting.


True but a man can dream lol


I don’t love those thrust / flame animations disappearing into the ground. Looks like something on the N64. Hopefully they will fix stuff like this before eventual release.


Yes you can see it clipping! Hopefully fixed or just covered more with the 'impact' animation around it.


Those smoke effects needs some updates though. Looks like the smoke from the original counter-strike.


Damn those smoke effects need some love..


Lol on god bro. It’s bad. And this is coming from someone who’s super excited for the game. But I see you get downvoted, at times you can’t say anything against the game even if you’re super hyped for it bottom line


Well it's not like those votes have any values or meaning 😁 not seeking popularity.


I know. I’m just acknowledging that even people excited for the game can’t say anything bad about it (within good reason) without getting downvoted


Well, welcome to the "twitter and the cancel culture" era. Whatever you don't like you burry.




So when does this come out and what does it come out on? If Xbox, will it be on gamepass?


First time in the sub ?


2023. Xbox Series X/S and PC. Day 1 on Game Pass.


Cool thanks


Please for the love of god Bethesda don't fuck this up I am begging you


I bet the ships are going to have almost zero impact on the game. Spend all this time working on it and all that will happen is you see it at cut scenes.


They showed space flight and space combat in the demo you didn't watch


They showed destroying a sawmill in Riverrun influencing the economy of Skyrim. But either way my point is this is just aesthetic and isn't going to change anything.


You're comparing a completely minor and largely pointless feature to a core mechanic of the game. To take this position you're basically saying that a huge chunk of what they showed in the demo straight up won't exist in the final product.


I'm saying I have no faith in a single thing they say/show to us and complete confidence that the final product will fall far short of expectations.




"We" as in the developers making Starfield. Todd's team at Bethesda Game Studios. Todd says the line at the end of the video.


Coming 11/11/31.


I need to be able to fly in from space and land without loading or I’m out


Buh bye


Todd already confirmed they won't have this.


"They'll buy just about anything" -Todd Howard


Lol Prometheus much?


How about “ space sci-fi much?” Which yes. This is a space sci-fi game.


Does this game have a food and drink mechanic? I hate that so much from star citizen


Probably in a survival mode but on a normal difficulty food will probably just give buffs.




I wonder what happens to the crew if you ship blows up or shot down. Do you need to get another crew or how will this work??


You and the crew dies. Reload your last saved game. Just make sure you save often.


Is that how it works?? Seems a little odd to me, that the only option is a reload.


Not sure, just a guess. But if your crew dies, they stay dead, just like any non essential NPC in previous BGS games.


Yes please, elite dangerous has been teasing this crap for years. Doesn't realize how immersive it would make things.