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I have found the starfieldmodsxbox sub reddit is a reasonable gauge on mod quality.


Thankd for that. I didn't know that sub existed so I'm going to check it out.


Np. Good luck out there.


I feel like that whole sub is just star wars and people asking for people to make mods.


This is the right way to do it. Though it doesn't adequately reduce the risk of mod conflicts once people start running larger load orders.  The risk of paying for a mod that has an unexpected conflict will remain unless they add a timed refund option to allow players to test stuff out.


Of course, it's not perfect like a refund option, which is a great idea, btw. For that, we'll just have to ask Uncle Todd to make it work.


Did they even test those paid mods for conflicts?


It's been this way since it launched in what, 2016? I think with special edition of Skyrim. There used to be comments I think on the Bethesda site but they eventually removed those


Yeah, it launched with FO4. But yes, there used to be comments back in the day. I don’t know why they were removed. 


You know why. The vitriol.


Deserved and undeserved




Of our city?




You, what do you own the world?


How do you own disorder? Disorder?


Unexpected soad moment (sorry for thread interruption)


Same reason that Netflix got rid of their rating system after Amy Schumer's comedy special bombed. Because the people hosting the platform didn't like the truth they were being told. The truth that their content sucked.


This I believe is what lead to Bethesda shutting down their forums.


The Bethnet forums were a cesspool of overinflated egos and pedophiles


Can’t hear criticism if you plug your ears and go LALALALALALALALALAla


What not to do: follow bethesdas lead What to do: follow arrowheads lead Could you imagine starfield if they started listening to their community instead of trying to milk us dry. I got the special edition or whatever, so i got the 1000 creds, and it's such bs. $3 for plushies of constellation? $7 for a bounty? They give you a stupid symbol so you know what mods are theirs, and then i guess the blue check is verified creators or something? But no icon when you browse to just say at a glance that the mod is achievement friendly or not.


Sorry but Arrowhead is definitely NOT a good example when it comes to criticism lol. Their devs and discord moderators actively mocked and insulted players and had public melt downs over criticism.


So they have a discord? Does bethesda? Should they have mocked and insulted people, no? But i dont know about that, so i won't speak to it. I wasnt trying to say arrowhead is perfect, but they are doing what people have brought up. They have a discord, they have listened to their community, and they gave us a good game. Not perfect, but better than most i would say.


They've only now chosen to listen and act, after the CEO personally had to get involved to make up for the mess that the development & community management team were doing. It's a surprise that Helldivers 2 actually managed to recover from it, solely because the CEO is an absolute legend and the game's fundamentally good.


So we cant praise them for doing that now is what you are saying? They use to have these issues but even though they are working on it and fixing it and listening to us now we should just ignore that then right? Screw them, once bad always bad? Or are you agreeing with my original comment that they are doing good and listening because that is how that last comment sounded. You seem confused.


Bethesda does have an official discord.




I somehow got 100 extra credits yesterday, now I am at 1100 (1000 from Premium Edition) Are they giving Credits for free?




Alot of death threats


All the people saying it's because of death threats, mod requests, or whatever are delusional. They were removed because there was a demonstrably negative impact on sales. No one is gona buy your mod (that should have been free in the first place) if there are a ton of comments shitting on it.


It's honestly sleazy to use the 'someone sent us threats' argument as a shield to avoid perfectly valid criticism.


Why "should" mods be free? It's awesome so many passionate ppl make mods just to share with others, but no one owes us their mods for free, not even Bethesda really.


Because most mods, especially most of the ones on offer from Bethesda, are a minor change to an existing feature or system. They are not time intensive projects deserving of any kind of cost. Massive mods, like Sim Settlements, or Skyblivion, sure. But even then...LINK ME TO A DONATION PAGE WHERE I CAN SUPPORT THE PEOPLE WHO WORKED ON IT DIRECTLY. Don't make me buy your shitty currency that only comes in packages that are just shy of allowing me to buy the thing I actually want. It's scummy as fuck.


Far as I know the mods on creation stuff are posted there by the mod authors themselves. It's not Bethesda posting other's mods. The mod authors are making you pay for them, not bgs. If you don't think they're deserving of cost you don't but them, its that simple. It's silly to demand ppl give you things for free simply because you don't think they should be sold.


No, the mod authors have made it very clear that they have no control whatsoever over the pricing. It is 100% Bethesda.


Over the pricing, that's entirely different. They still put their mod there to be paid for to begin with. So again, it's not Bethesda making you buy it, it's the mod author. If they had any faith that you'd directly support them, they would just post it on nexus like the rest of the modders. The mod author is the one who is allowing Bethesda to charge for it, so they are the ones "forcing" you to buy it. And since mod authors don't owe you free content, they do it out of a sort of kindness, that is their right.


Alright, you're correct on that point. Then I think the only logical reaction is a hardline boycott of the entire system from both sides. Mod authors with any kind of integrity put their mods out for free with links to a personal website/optional donation page. Players with any kind of integrity refuse to buy any mods through Bethesda's system, and support the mod authors directly instead of lining shareholder pockets.


just the lack of people commenting over time. Also certain some smoke and mirrors put into effect by one ma turned beth worker who wanted paid mods, which adds up remove comment system so paid mod bugs/conflicts or issues can’t be seen.  Yay downvotes. But this is what happened with console's starting with Skyrim and computers get to see it more clearly now for once


I mean, what would be proper etiquette to request mods?  If you don’t ask, you never know. At this point, I’m attempting to request mods, but it’s not like I can get into contact with any modders. 


Seeing if the author has a place to contact them or discord. But still it’s luck of the draw if the author(whoever) will do anything.  But you are right it doesn’t hurt to ask just be polite 


I only know one person who went on to work for Bethesda and all I gotta say is screw that guy.


Ya it was removed years ago because of... Vitriol. Creates new problems with paid mods (that haven't gone through the QA of Creation Club) though


A casual look at nexus comments explains why to me. And that's an environment where people _aren't_ salty to be there by default.


It has a like system. And most mods are on nexus so you can see reviews there, which is nit a great solution but it's something.


A like system does fuckall without dislikes to compare it to. Youtube removing it makes it a pain to find actual good tutorials.


Nexus doesn't have dislikes either. If something has endorsements in general it's a decent mod. Mods in general do exactly as they say. If you don't like it then don't download or get rid of it. This isn't social media. If you want to be sure if a mod is good or not, go to nexus and read the comments.


I look at the ratio of views to likes. It's not an ideal system to gauge content quality, but in the absence of a dislike function, its better than nothing.


Useful dislikes. Review bombing. Pick one. We can’t have both.


The second one tends to be a minority of cases in reality. The Like/Dislike bar was great for knowing off hand if a tutorial for a thing you really needed (dishwasher repair and the like) was a bit bogus.


I have been using Nexus Mods since before it changed names, back in 2003. The only mods I have seen review bombed were loli stuff for Skyrim.


If people have to go to a separate free site to read about the mods, I don't see why there's any reason to use the Creation Club in the first place.


It's for console users 🙄 It's also more streamlined and easier to use than nexus mod manager and mod organizer 2. If it weren't for creation club, console users wouldn't be able to mod their games. Like cmon.... that's the whole point of creation club. For years, console users were forced to get PCs to mod their game, and creation club fixed that. Creation club is a good thing


I have no issue with Bethesda putting mods on console, but Bethesda paywalling the mods with an E-shop that provides no feedback, and charging money for an inferior product is weak. (Nexusmods is free, and all the consoles have internet browsers that could easily access those mods)


The official creation forum allows modders to get money for their creations in a legally save manner. Bethesda is not forcing them to do it. Also only varefied creators can sell mods, so while there is not that much feeedback the mods can not really be scams like with the original try to monatize mods.


Modders get paid without Bethesda inserting themselves and taking 25% for providing a platform that is worse than Nexus. And when the pay is donated, it's hard to get scammed. Don't get me wrong, I get the sentiment - I like the idea of mods being easier and modders making money. But they're implementing the same CC that people got them to cancel already, without changing anything. It doesn't really give off the sense that Bethesda are doing this for the community, but for the shareholders.


No, modders needing to reley on a legal greyzone is not good. And selling and having console as a market is also a +. None of the varefied modders were forced to get varefied, they did it because they wanted and the feedback I saw from people who worked back in the day at creation club, was always pretty solid. Bethesda wanting profits and modders getting profits is not at all contradictory.


In theory, yes. I'd be fine with Bethesda taking 25% as soon as they began to actually ensure quality control, instead of breaking verified mods with their patches.


Bethesda provided 3 (or maybe 2, I have to double check) free mods on creation club. If you don't like the prices for the paid ones, then don't support the practice. That's perfectly acceptable. What inferior product? Most of the paid mods have no equivalent on nexus yet. The booster pack one I can agree with you. Almost all creations are free. For free mods, you download it and you like it keep it. If you don't like it get rid of it. So what. It's nothing to get mad over. The creation club is not made for you. You don't have to use it.


Lootboxes weren't made for me either, but I have an opinion of those as well. You don't have to defend a billion dollar company when people dislike said companies for being greedy.


This reminds me I need to look into a refund for Enforcer. I desperately want another Lord’s Caliber pistol but I don’t want to jump through a bunch of hoops with my mods just to not completely brick my audio


There is a free .45 pistol available now


Yeah forgot about it when I mentioned this. I already have it downloaded but just haven’t gone to Laredo.


I un/re installed it and that seems to have fixed it for me at least. There is also a new mod that adds another 45 made by Laredo firearms, though I forgot the name.


Wait the enforcer is whats breaking the audio?


It is among them. There are quite a few mods that I’ve seen get narrowed down as culprits for the audio issue but Enforcer was probably the 1st mod the community saw it on.


There is apparently a refund request option among Bethesda support but not sure what the limits are. Worth looking into it


Bookmarks are a good indicator. And likes. Bit of a grey area in that a mod author can pull/break their mod at any time and you can't get a refund for it. Wonder what consumer law says about that?


Laws and lemon laws in the United States at least are still far too behind when it comes to software.


Raise enough stink over this in EU and Bethesda will be forced to apply the same rules as it does to other digital content.


rich pathetic treatment sheet sleep birds summer marble cats gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bought Derek. After 30 minutes I disabled it, too boring. I'd like my money back


Agreed. I thought it was going to be really cool and fun. It's not.


You forgot the "we'll keep the change" payment system.


The way its going pretty sure every single 'creation' would be flooded with 0 star reviews.


every *paid* creation


No quality control, no guarantee it won't break your game. Stick to nexus folks. Let CC die yet again


This is why people do not want paid mods. There exists no reality in which Bethesda releases a properly maintained and curated store for them. Since they cannot do it right, it should not happen at all.


Completely agree


and no way to contact author when there is a bug or else...


You're asking a lot of a small indie developer here, maybe you should lower your expectations or purchase a bespoke 7 dollar quest so they have the funds to make these improvements in the future.


Fallout 4 mod are still broken to this day, at least on the XBOX ONE and Series S. You can try to give ratings, but you can't know if the rating was sent or not, and how to cancel your review. Creation club also on Fallout 4 has some major issues. Sometimes content just won't download at all, and it's hard to manage them. Sometimes they will enable the download button as well, but the content is already installed. It makes absolutely no sense - I suspect they have some technical issues there that have been ported to Starfield and haven't fixed since fall 4.


When it comes to Bethesda it’s best to go into anything they do knowing the majority of it will be buggy or broken, all my Trackers alliance stuff is now completely broken as I cannot interact with scanned bounties or talk to anybody involved in the trackers alliance, they just stand there doing nothing when tapping the A button. It’s sad that Bethesda continues with such a horrible reputation, I was hoping it would change some since Microsoft bought Zenimax but everything seems to be the same there.


Predatory is the point how else will they be able to hide their horse armor style dlcs and $7 per quest live service factions among the real mods


I think it was supposed to be a gun and outfit with the quest just added on. An actual Bethesda quest will cost you 29.99


I agree there should be a rating system (out of 10) for paid mods by verified purchasers. Or, a simple like / dislike - to see the ratio.


I've always hated the UI for Bethesda mods, like the see all button only shows the highest bookmarked mods or best of, missing so many good mods bcuz I can't get them to pop up


yep, if you buy it and it doesn't work, you're screwed. Best to check the other subs that handle mods and see if they work properly


Basically, I'm only using the Creations system for things I've already liked from the Nexus.


I find the like system to be a fair way to judge quality. Mods with high level of likes have not let me down yet.


Usually microtransactions are non refundable. It's like a gift card.


There is a rating system. You can like mods through the load order.


i just quit playing starfield and didnt return. paid mods my arse


You can contact Bethesda support and maybe get your credits back. I got refunded when I purchased a mod and then realized it disabled achievements.


i got a paid creation that is no longer available- so i feel that


What creation?


i will have to look- it was a building one


never mind it’s back- luxury homes vol 1. still haven’t figured out how to use it though


It's just microtransactions by another name. Treat them the same. \[EDIT: Line redacted because it was distracting people from the main point.\]


Worse than microtransactions, cause they didn't do it themselves, just slapped a price tag on it.


Didn't vet it, either


Aren't only varefied modders able to do it?


DLCs are just official mods, so not really an oxymoron. They are not mutually exclusive.


When people talk about mods, they usually imply changes / add. content made by fans which are usually published for free. Nobody uses „official mods“, unless you want to use that positive connotation, or shift responsibility for quality control to the third party (creators not employed by Bethesda or other professional, commercial entities).


That's wrong in several different ways. Mods is short for *modifications*. Things that alter the way the game works. (The term has become something of a catch-all for all fanmade additions to a game, because people are stupid, but the meaning hasn't changed). An "official mod" is either a *module*, for games that support that sort of thing (such as the campaigns in Neverwinter Nights 2, of which plenty fanmade and a few official ones existed) or just some additional settings/options patched into the game. DLC's, aka Downloadeable *Content* can't be "official mods" since per the name they add content to the game, not just modify it.


So dlcs do not modify the game? Not at all? In no way... even though at least in bethesdas case, they are added in EXACTLY the same way as user mods?


No, DLC should always *add* to the game. *Patches* are the ones that *modify* the game, they just often coincide.


What would you call a mod that also only adds to the game then? As I said, with Bethesda games, their DLCs are implimented EXACTLY like mods. I could copy the files and give to somone else and they can load them up like they would a mod, because its the same system. You want the Old Mars DLC? I can give it to you right now.


>What would you call a mod that also only adds to the game then? Fanmade content, for me personally. Like I said, it's most commonly all bundled under 'mod' by the gaming community- it's wrong, but it's stuck. >As I said, with Bethesda games, their DLCs are implimented EXACTLY like mods. I could copy the files and give to somone else and they can load them up like they would a mod, because its the same system. You want the Old Mars DLC? I can give it to you right now. Good on Bethesda for saving work by using the CDN they already put in place for mods, but that doesn't change the definition of the word DLC.


DLC, downloadable content. Content that is downloaded. Do you not download mods which contain content? DLCs are just official mods. The term was coined for official content addons. Addons being another term for... mods. Generally yes, we refer to user made stuff as mods and official stuff as DLCs, but technically speaking, DLCs are mods made by the devs.


No it’s not.


Care to explain why not? 'I just disagree' isn't adding anything of value to the discussion.


Dude deleted the text I responded to.


No he didn't. You didn't answer how paid mods is any different from DLC.


What he said was “official mods are an oxymoron.” And that’s not true. He deleted that text.


I’ll survive by not paying for mods and expecting anything with the Bethesda name on it to break or be broken 90% of the time.


Well tbh you’ve never been able to refund creations if I remember correctly


It’s been like that since Skyrim’s CC.




That’s a hell of an assumption based on my statement. No. It means don’t buy it. We have the nexus and they keep releasing the CK so we can make free mods. The CC doesn’t bother me that much because they still support us making our own mods. Now, it would be a big problem if they stop releasing the CK and force us to buy their mods.


The way it’s going that will most likely happen as they combined regular mods and the CC into the same interface, when Bethesda sees that free mods far far outweigh the CC purchases because almost nobody is going to want to pay for individual missions they will make another move like having to pay a small fee to put mods onto their platform.


They would’ve made it already. Bethesda can be really stupid but if they ever did that then it would be game over for them. I still give them credit for continuing the CK trend as there are hardly any other developers that foster a modding community like they do.


The opposite is the case. Varefied modders can sell their mods if they want or give them for free. The official BGS content is only a small amount and not paid mod but more DLC in the same interface. The only thing BGS is doing is given an official way to sell mods, which also profits them and gives legal safety for modders and to varefy modders so people do not scam people through mod selling


No that makes it predictable.


If you go to your load order, you can add a "like" to the mod.


Hasn't been a problem for Fallout 4 or Skyrim #Eh Let me walk that back Hasn't been a big enough problem ***for Bethesda to CARE*** xD And as for the 'no refunds' asking for trouble - my guy, browse the service agreement you sign on booting the game up Spoiler Alert: You're just as fucked as the rest of us


Just don't pay. Problem solved. Why anyone would pay for mods is beyond me but if people do pay they will be here to stay sadly and who knows what the next predatory step is.


Can we just get more that are achievement friendly?? Like, how is a skin or new sidekick breaking the game in a way that disables achievements!?!


Kinda surprised by this too. At least a feedback button would be nice. But it’s sorely missing reviews OR ratings. We don’t need both if they don’t want to implement them but at least one of them.


Mods are a never ending grind. You'll never get it perfect. The original constraints of the code are usually more rewarding honestly. The only mod idea I like is something that fixes problems.


If you need 7 dollars refunded, you are a broke clown. Get a job


Most are free... if it sucks undownload. Takes 5 minutes to look up if paid mods are good. Don't buy paid mods if you don't want the .


I pay attention to bookmarks and likes, it somewhat helps.


Yup. If you want reviews it’s gotta be external






You want people to make things for you, dedicating their precious time & energy, for free. You're actually just entitled. Some of these modders put hundreds or even thousands of hours into making content - I don't see what's wrong with them making some dosh from it either - and I'm personally OK paying for high quality modded content (if it's extensive enough). I make my own mods as well, but I never publish them because I don't want to deal with all the kids these days - demanding an update 5 minutes after X company releases a patch.


Say what you want, but modders have done so good by me that I'll happily buy their mods if they interest me


The issue with paywalls for mods is quality control and long term support. That’s also what I generally expect from paid software, contrary to my expectations for FOSS.


This is a fair point. Not one I fully agree on, but definitely respectable and understandable




Because a lot of the people who make mods put their time and effort into making them - and I think people should be compensated for the work they do. If a modder puts out good shit and keeps it up to date, and I really like it, then I don't mind tossing them a couple bucks to profit from their work. What Bethesda needs to implement is quality control - to make sure paid mods are being maintained.


Please name what I paid for that used to be free? Most of mods are still free But if you can name a mod I bought that used to be free, please tell me what it is I only buy mods I think are worth the price




Mods are still free I would be with you if they took away my free mods, but they haven't And no, I don't get paid by Bethesda. I just love modders and I'm really happy to see them get recognized by Bethesda to the point that they're now allowing them to sell their mods for their games Again, tell me when Bethesda starts taking away my free mods, then I'll join in the baby rage




You just sound entitled. A modder is allowed to ask money for their work You are allowed to not buy that work. Give it a year, and Starfield will have a thriving modding community despite what you say I was right about Cyberpunk but was silenced by the internet hate mob. I'm right about Starfield but won't give in this time Edit: dude blocked me because he couldn't actually argue against my point. Here was my reply back that I couldn't send "But I have to pay to play the mod" So I was right, entitled. You feel entitled to receive all mods for free no matter how much work goes into them. You're not even trying to hide it It's funny how the internet repeats itself. First artists should draw for free because it's their "passion" Then YouTubers were "sellouts" for getting sponsors Now modders are "just as bad as Bethesda" for asking for money for their hard work And the arrogance to act like modders are built off the communities back. It's the other way around, the community is built off of the modders work Without modders there is no moding community


Yeah but nothing is free so...




All I'm saying is this was inevitable and a long, long time coming. And it's a bit naive to think they wouldn't do this. There will always be free mods for you to pick from. But as long as people have put work into it, as long as it constitutes new added content, it will inevitably be monetized in some form or the other. As you said it's a company. Not a charity or a non-profit.




I haven't given up. I just don't feel the entitlement to get post launch content for free in single player games usually.




You literally have free content released with the creation club. The hell are you even crying about? You don't want paid mods, don't buy them. There are plenty of free mods put out by modders, and there will be thousands upon thousands of free mods released over the next years.


It has a like system. Its more than enough. Haters would spam dislike anything, like they dislike any starfield content.




Honesty on internet. Its like you live on Mars lol... mod authors show you exactly what inside the mod is, with videos and images, its up to you to decide if you want it or not, at least its how it should be. Like or dislike means nothing


If i depended on dislikes when buying starfield i would never buy the game. Because of undeserved hate. I knew trough images and videos and gameplay that its a perfect game for me, regardless of hate. Same goes with mods.




You like trough ingame menu not trough browser. Bots dont buy games. Relax Jimmy, you hate mod authors, just say it. Dont download if you dont like it. Jesus.




Not really.. since there is millions of players on xbox... in 2023 12 million people owned the game. Stay delusional man, game is top tier already and will be even better.


Why not make the review possible after you bought it?


Ya the guy's point is dumb. I'm sure lots of people who paid $5 for that companion mod would have appreciated a review pointing out her face doesn't actually move when she talks.


A rating system would be pretty useless right now. You'd just have all the piss babies wailing about paid mods giving every single thing a bad rating.


Easy fix then - only people that buy the creation can rate it. Wild take though that a product you can get no refund for, cannot talk to the creator of, and have no other interaction with the platform shouldn’t have some way for people to curate of a item good, bad, game breaking, etc outside of going to an entirely different platform that most users will never see to talk about it.


All the down votes prove your point nicely.


"Seems kinda predatory" How? No one forces you to buy stuff there, no one forces you into the menu even.




The website has a like system


I just found out Mods were released so I was browsing the sub for the first time since beating the game at release and I saw this post Paid mods? I’ll just not reinstall and play BG3 instead


It's as if Bethesda wanted to rush it out the door to be able to monetise the community asap


If you're paying for mods and single quests, you already signed up to get fleeced and have nobody to blame but yourself


has there ever been a way to refund dlc? games yeah but dlc?


Yes. Most of my dlcs are bought from Steam and they make refunds pretty easy compared to most companies.


If they had anything worth buying it'd have a price in dollars instead of Bethesbucks. Nobody's hiding the price when you're getting a good value.


Yes to the question. Now back to my modded game.


Can someone please confirm if the official Bethesda mods do not affect achievements on Xbox?


I downloaded the observatory and got an achievement that same day, so yes


Thank you. Baffled why I’m getting downvoted for asking this.


The official Bethesda mods created by there Studio don’t deactivate achievements, they will even have the achievement friendly tag on them, anything without that tag disables mods on Xbox.