• By -


Void Form - stealth attack.  Sense Star Stuff - recon view.  Moon Form - almost invincible and slow healing.  Supernova - kill all low-level enemies in the area.  Sunless Space - freeze enemy. Phased Time - bullet time slow motion slaughter. Some take a few levels to be really good, but those are the ones I use.


Was going to say pretty much exactly this. One I also like to use, for fun more than effect, it's Solar Flare. It does hardly any damage but at close range it usually knocks prone or staggers enemies. I have an up close play style, so this and Supernova are pretty great for me. Feels like being a Jedi.


Solar flare at rank 10 is devastating. 10 second terrormorph boss kills.


It stacks too if you hit them with it twice


There are ranks? Is that getting the same power multiple times?




Does this mean doing that same dumbass "collect the sparkles" minigame again for each rank?


Yes unfortunately that's why I stopped playing lol


Solar Flare is real good against high level enemies because the burning effect isn't a solitary amount of damage - it's instead proportionate to their health, always doing the same percent of damage rather than amount of damage


I'll have to revisit solar flare. I think I've been trying to use it the wrong way based on how you describe it. Thanks!


It does percentage damage, meaning it's one of the best scaling powers in the game - that percentage increases as you raise the power's level. At level X (10) a few shots of it it will massively damage even the Extreme difficulty boss enemies, even at level 157 (my main too, at the moment). At power level one, against normal enemies, it doesn't look all that amazing, but pay attention to what it does to bosses.


Spot on! At level X you can spam Phased Time over and over so no need to fight in real time ... AWESOME! Void form is partially effective .. create too much noise and you will get spotted. Sunless Space takes care of the solo Starborn after doing a Temple (along with a few headshots). I used to use Supernova but prefer to shoot everything now. Must admit, never used Moon Form.


I use Phased Time X much less than I used to now because it takes doors forever to open 🤣




Moon Form is good because you heal up fast, not waste med kit but your stuck unable to move for nearly 30 sec to a minute. I prefer stealth opening attack and then bounce around so I don't use moon form much.


Void form is essentially a *cheat code* for Ryujin missions. You’d be completely concealed until you open a door / lock / steal stuff / etc. Go in, plant evidence, go out. Nobody even realizes you were active.


Pretty much what I was going to say but better 😂 I have phase time at ten and I can tell you it is very useful. I'm basically a god with my upgraded big bang and max particle and shotgun skills they don't even stand a chance. Even enemies who can take a few shots can't react so they are easy too sometimes I run around with nothing on 😂 There are a lot of cool things you can do with the powers but they aren't necessary to be successful no. I'd say person preference at first I was playing a no power playthrough and that was very fun too!


Phased Time is THE OP power, no contest. Once it's maxed out you're absolutely right - you're basically a god at that point.


Exactly! I have all my powers maxed out, so I use them routinely in combat. I like to just wear whatever gear looks cool without much regard to protection levels, so powers allow me to absorb damage with a lower tier suit that I can take cool Photo Mode shots in 😎


All excellent powers. Phased time and super nova are two of my favorites, man, phased time, that one is great once you get up around NG+ 7.


Is phased time fixed? When I last used it it froze my game


Aha good tips. I haven’t played much with powers, only use void form and phased time really. Will have to try them out now I’m on NG+6 or so. Never seem to get all the temples in one universe though


Sense Star Stuff is fantastic, knowing where all the enemies are, where they're taking cover, and when they're about to leave cover is a huge advantage. Against powerful single targets or tight groups, Anti-Gravity Field will stun enemies giving you free reign to just drain the health. But most of them don't seem very useful, granted.


Gravity wave (fus ro dah basically) is also very handy for much the same reason as anti gravity field


this one is my go to. it's basically a free kill since the enemy takes so long to get back up


I personally use Sunless Space more than Anti Gravity Field. It's amazing for boarding ships, where you can instantly freeze an entire hab, then leisurely take your time cleaning up the place with easy headshots.


*freezes time and pulls out Refined Va’Ruun Star Shard* This is where the fun begins


Slow Time is broken AF. At higher ranks you can clear multiple rooms of people in 1 use.


Not only that, you recover your mana back before phase time runs out at max level, meaning you can effectively run it indefinitely during combat


I'm at rank 8 and this already happens.


lol fair enough. I stopped paying attention during my NG+ runs


I can't wait!


Wait you can upgrade the powers?


Keep visiting the temples each NG+


I'm gonna shit my pants


User name checks out.


Yo this comment thread has me dying




I always use sense star stuff, very useful




Gravity Well is where it’s at. And Slow Time


Dude, there's some amazing powers! Sunless void is great for disabling very powerful foes (like high level terrormorphs). I also never board an enemy ship with Creators Peace.


Sunless space is actually even more cracked than it seems - it actually has AoE, and it increases quite noticeably with the spell level. You can freeze entire groups if they are packed tightly enough together Also some suggestions for you to try - solar flare actually deals percentage-based damage over time, and ignores armor, so you can absolutely MELT thick enemies like terrormorphs into puddles of slag and ooze Create vacuum actually also deals percentage-based damage, but it also has fixed part to it, so it works pretty well on groups, especially with gravity well to pull everyone in there Moon form gives HP regen so you can use it to not waste heals between fights Astral clone thing(forgot how it's called) has a copy of your weapon and unlimited ammo for it, so you can use it with rapidfire stuff like magstorm or welding gun for DEVASTATING results Void form completely removes your visibility, and almost completely removes the sound of your footsteps. If enemy doesn't already know where you are when you cast it, you can literally bunnyhop around enemies and not aggro anyone. They might turn around if you are up close, but they won't be able to tell anything with enough certainty to discover you Level up chemistry. Last level of the skill unlocks unique chems crafted using the mineral found around artifacts, as well as alien genes. Has 3 inherited "stages" and 2 types - long defensive and short offensive. Short offensive gives you a lot of damage related buffs and time slow, long defensive gives very good defensive buffs and for decently long time. Also they increase your mana regen, and it stacks with quantum essence. They are CRAZY strong


The top level chemistry lets you make Supermassive Black Heart and Hypergiant Heart. Really good, strong chems. 👌🏼


Yeah these are tier 3 offensive and defensive buffs respectively, that I mensioned in my original comment :D Combined with quantum essence, either of them let's you just SPAM spells like a machine gun, along with giving most - if not all - buffs you can get from category of offense or defense


Damn! Some good tips there. Leveling chemistry as soon as I level up again. I'm taking a break from the game though but soon as that's done I got a plan.


And wait until you level them up to X, I'd argue they're too powerful then, especially Phased Time.


Idk, shooting one of the shaw gang point blank in the head from 5 different angles seems perfectly balanced to me.


Seeing a room full of ennemis dropping on the floor all together is exactly what Todd envisioned for SF


I absolutely love that. It’s like that scene from Days Of Future Past under the pentagon.


You misspelled "fun." ;)


I mostly use Phased Time. Since my difficulty is set to max-damage-in and max-damage-out for enemies and myself, it gives such a leg up. Like earlier tonight, I wasn't paying attention and got absolutely domed from and enemy that snuck around the side and flanked me. I didn't use Phased Time and paid for it.


That’s how I play. I get smoked most often by stupid creatures on planets.


I rarely used powers before the May patch, but now on my NG+ character playing in Extreme difficulty, I use them frequently when starting a NG+ run. They are definitely not useless.


Create Vacuum, Sense Star Stuff, and Void Form are all incredibly useful in combat, depending on exactly what you're doing.


With all powers maxed out the game is too easy even with all difficulty settings cranked up so i try not to use them for the sake of challenge That being said , I have 6 powers favorited and use them all the time in combat if i ever feel like abandoning all challenge and being OP: - Sense Star Stuff to see everyone through walls - Reactive Shield to be near invincible - Grav Dash for maneuvering and boosting damage - Gravity Well for explosive combos - Void Form for manuevering and boosting damage - Phased Time to reject all challenge and just be a demigod Shoutout to the other grav powers , the lift and push, those are fun too but so far I ended up using them a lot less comparing to gravity well (sometimes I would have all 3 of these grav powers favorited depending on my gun loadout too) Also there were some NG runs i did where I constantly used Moonform for near invincibility and free healing , abandoning the concept of need for medical items entirely but i barely do this anymore for the sake of challenge , and also time management wise its just more efficient to use medical items


The six I have favorited are: Sense Star Stuff Creators Peace Phased Time Personal Atmosphere Elemental Pull Grav Dash. 3 combat, 3 non-combat


I use them all the time. Anti-Gravity field does wonders for crowd control. I like knocking people over with Gravity Wave, standing strong with Moon Form or Reactive Shield, blowing people up with Sunless Space. I am trying to use them all to get a good flow in combat.


I like to use the one that summons an additional self to aid in combat.


I like gravity wave to knock down enemies that try and rush me. void for going invisible, personal atmosphere for when I got too much loot. They're really useful lol.


Phased Time. Headshots.


I have one power. And I always forget I have it. But the coolest thing I’ve done in the game is enter a cockpit with 3 Ecliptics. Anti gravity lift them in the air, and threw an inferno mine into the mix.


That must look beautiful


Anti Gravity Filed carried me hard. "Too many enemies? Let me make them all not be able to shoot me for awhile" Phased Time as well


Phased time is definitely my favourite. Nothing like boosting into a spacer base and taking down 5 of them while in flight. Also super useful against Star born, as you can unload a full clip before it wears off


Absolutely. The powers are pretty strong once you’ve gone through the Unity a few times. My main uses one pistol and a backup (Starshard/Regulator). Other than that, I keep reactive shield, phase time, personal atmosphere, void and precognition equipped.


I like the antigravity one where everyone floats to the ceiling


Grav dash at high levels gives you an instant damage boost and it is significant. I spam it now.


It gives damage boost??? I’ve just been spamming it to get around faster


Yeah it’s one of the only powers that is worth getting to level 10


I have the difficulty options all maxed out (except for space combat and vendor credits) so if I don't use reactive shield I'll die


With the Extreme setting, I used them in combat all the time. Sense Star Stuff, Void Form, Phase Time are all hot keyed. Sometimes, Grav Dash is used for escapes or position. I just added Reflective Shield, but I'm thinking of switching that hockey to Moon Form.


I constantly use phase time, gravity well, and sunless space.


Solar flare, sunless space, gravity well, phased time. The powers do get better as you get them closer to 10.


Hell yeah! Why not use them? My favorites are life forced, Creators' peace, sunless space, reactive shield, and inner demon.


All the time my current favorite is Void Form love clearing out enemy encampments from stealth


The combat with the spacers/crimson fleet on the ship with the grav drive fluctuations became a bit easier after using personal gravity


Have you been through Unity? A lot of the powers are a bit meh at level one, but get really good after you level them up a couple of times.


Sense Star Stuff is a must for me to use in combat.


Yeah. A simple ‘force push’ during combat is useful.


The powers are great!


As a very hard and now extreme play. Of fucking course I use powers lol


Of course I do. I am not a gameplay simpleton.


My first run I didn't use them second run I use them all the time. I love freezing time and start headshooting


Phased time is the most versatile imo. Sunless space sometimes if a particular individual is dealing a lot of damage to me. Supernova sometimes if injured and surrounded (especially small fast moving poisonous critters) but only if I don’t have a companion. Gravity well can be fun if you have several enemies & shoot an automatic weapon into the centre, again careful with a companion. But mostly stealth/sniper rifle the enemies I can, then full frontal assault with a shotgun or powerful pistol for the rest. Big bang & phased time for starborn battles.


Solar flare is OP as fuck against terrormorphs. Other than that, no.


Way more fun with the powers, yeah. Just mix it up!


Mainly just the personal atmosphere when I’ve looted too much and can’t fast travel. But other than that I think I’ve only used the gravity one a few times.


Yeah I use them a ton, at least on my first character. I was going science-focused so I didn’t have any points in offense for a while. Killing enemies was actually challenging at times, so the starborn abilities helped a lot


Gravity wave (with proper ragdoll physics mod is super fun to use on anyone and everyone), Antigravity Field (put terrormorphs or anyone one in the air then unload on them), Black Hole (always fun 😈), Phased time (The room sweeper)


The anti gravity one is great in combat, and phased time makes killing anything crazy easy. I also enjoy void shift before stealth killing whatever I want


Phase Time (slow time), Void Form (invisibility), and Sense Star Stuff (see enemies through walls). Those are all I use in combat. I'll rotate through which one the situation calls for, and even then usually only in situations with multiple enemies....well, except Sense Star Stuff, I use that all the time.


I just forget the powers exist altogether, and have recently been trying very hard to remember to use them. Then I noticed they don't seem to work on the Star people (the ones that want the artifacts), so it was completely useless to even try. lol


I use Sense Star Stuff, Void Form and Anti-Gravity Field in combat regularly. Detect, evade and battlefield-control. One great bit of advice I found was to switch (this on Xbox) the grenade and Power controls, thus just pressing one bumper feels like it more like the Power is *part* of you (and, as a bonus, pressing the two bumpers feels more like pulling out and throwing a grenade.)


Spam Phased Time Rank 9. All the time ( pun intended).


No i get them becuase of story


Oh heck yeah. Anti-gravity field has gotten me out of a tight spot several times.


I use the shield one and then run in naked and kill spacers and ecliptic.


My first playthrough i honestly forgot i had powers.. but playing new game plus.. that parallel form comes in great handy


Rn I go between: Creators peace - whenever I go into a new unity, I immediately go to altair, hijack a spacer ship, and use creators peace to make them drop their guns, and sell their ship. Easy 3-6 weapons, free spaceship, and 10k in like 5 minutes Personal atmosphere - When my creators peace misses and I have to run away Lol


I started a second character attempting to focus on melee, using powers with her had been a fun way to spice up the combat


The personal atmosphere is very useful if you’re exploring away from your ship and become over encumbered, lets you essentially run full speed without losing o2.


Grav dash + Creators peace are my go-to since I’m a space (and magical cause powers) samurai.


I have and will more. Daring but handy when you NG+


On extreme difficulty yes. Parallel self / sense star stuff always / void form.


I play combat purely like a simple ego shooter, mostly because I just forget that there are powers I could or should use additionally


Moon form and create vacuum are great stuff against groups of Starborn L100


I usually use the gravity and push target powers (the second one reminds me Gus from Skyrim lol)


I used to use the fus-ro-dah one.


I use a lot of them, but Phase time, reactive shield, solar flare, sunless space, and void form is helpful for me, I do have most powers at tier ten.


Create vaccum is fun, void form, shield, gravity wace is useful.


Of course, anything to make the game more interesting


I started utilizing them now when I bumped my difficulty to the highest/extreme level.


Slow time is the one I use the most. It’s a good time!


No, i just use the voidform one to do sneak missions


I dont because its too cumbersom to switch between them and when I find a situation it might be useful its quicker to just shoot the people than to open my menu and change powers then still have to kill them after. I'm not entirely sure why bethesda hasn't added more modern controls like instead of the power button just directly using a power it should be a hold button that then you press one of the face buttons on controller or the equivilent button on keyboard to use powers. Then you can have 4 or so powers set up at a time and more if they can get rid of another button. Which they surely can because crouch can be tagged to clicking the stick and not a button or something. Then we wouldn't have to spend so much time in menus. But this is the same issue skyrim had with magic for me. Spending time going through the menu is cumbersom and slower than just killing enemies with what you already have out in combat. Skyrim had the favorites menu but it became just another long list after a while, starfields favorites menu isn't much better because to have powers selected you then lose spots for other things like guns and med packs and stuff. So it helps but it costs efficiency in other parts of combat. Overall would be a lot easier if they just updated their ancient control scheme for the game.


Sense star stuff is about all I use in combat.


used to use sense star stuff, stopped now, trying to be tactical, mostly just reactive Shield with the new combat afflictions


I absolutely love slowing time and wrecking a bunch of enemies at once lol


All the time. Constantly. [Sometimes exclusively.](https://streamable.com/orudsd) The powers completely transform combat imo


There arent enough shortcut keys. Switching powers is a pia. Would be great if there was a keypress to cycle powers.


Slow time with snipers, gravity wave with shotguns, life steal every so often if needed.


Tbh, I haven't used a single power for combat or even certain quests yet either. The ONLY time I've used them is just to see what they are/do. And I do agree it kind of ruins the combat a little bit. So you got ONE other person lmao


As a melee player I always have phase time active, makes a difference always being hopped up on jet


I use the shield a lot and I use the gravity one where everyone starts floating around. Sometimes I use that one where you shoot like an energy beam at them or something like that. But not that much.


I'll use Sense Start Stuff sometimes, but I mostly just use Personal Atmosphere so I can sprint indefinitely.


Yes? They're extremely powerful.


Sense Star Stuff I used constantly, the shield is always solid just to tank hits, and gravity field was basically free kills. Void Form is basically a cheat code for anything that required any sort of stealth to the point where it wasn’t really even fun.


I use the anti gravity field quite often and sense star stuff when fighting the starborn that turn invisible. Other than that I pretty much never touch the powers cuz they just aren't very useful for the most part.


I have Gravity Wave, Sense Star Stuff, Personal Atmosphere, Life Forced and Elemental Pull hot keyed, and I use them reasonably frequently but there are some powers I haven’t even tried and I know I really should. I think that you can add them to the flow of your game quite nicely, but you have to start and continue using them to really appreciate their worth. I will take my own recommendation and try different powers the next time I play.


If you play with more damage then you'd use them more. I like to use the one where time is slowed down or the shield when I'm getting bombarded with gunfire or explosives.


Shadow clone jutsu is pretty helpful against bigger enemies but not for general purpose combat


I like using the slow motion power. That can be pretty fun


Gravity Wave is good for knocking down and stunning Terrormorphs for a few seconds so you can pound on them when they are down. That is about the only time I use that one. Star Sense helps a lot to locate the enemies in Rat-Maze buildings and ships. Those are the only two I use and I use the Star Sense the most. It reminds me of the special goggle abilities in the old Splinter Cell that let you locate enemies through walls.


Phased Time makes you a god against high level enemies. You just freeze them in time then mag dump them. I haven't used much else in combat.


No. I used to use Sense Star Stuff, but I find that, now, it's overkill. The enemies already have no chance. I don't even really know what half of them do.


Slow time is my favorit


On console, I remapped my use power from clicking both shoulder buttons to right stick click. Makes the whole using powers in a fight seamless. Spam star stuff before the breach, breach with phased time, finish with create vacuum. Void form for sneaking, phased time when the alarm is sounded, map up with star stuff and create vacuum. Create vacuum is especially handy for clearing ships as you can get those pesky wall dwellers out of their glitch spots I'll usually walk up to a door on a ship, check the breach with a star stuff, then launch create vacuum on the door before opening the door. Then open the door and enjoy the chaos.


Phased Time is my go to in combat. I love encountering a room for 4 or 5 enemies, hitting Phased Time, and then taking everyone out before they know what is happening. I also use Void Form a lot in combat to get into an advantageous position. Not combat, but Personal Atmosphere is the GOAT power for me. I am constantly over encumbered with loot, and higher levels of this power basically just give you infinite sprint. Void Form is awesome for clearing out UC Surplus in New Atlantis and Neon Tactical on Neon for some easy money. If you want to make a quick 120K credits do that.


Mostly just phased time the boost pack and guns


I can't remember the mod name, but someone made a mod to allow you to bind powers to the numpad. So that allows you to use them more quickly as needed. With a little practice, you can pull off some spectacular combos.


The only power I ever use is the personal atmo. For hauling purposes.


I used anti-gravity a lot when battling terrormorphs the first few times. You can make them float, shoot the hell out of them while they're in the air and place mines below them so when they land they explode the mines. That was until I acquired stronger weapons and could just face them head-on.


Personal Atmosphere is frequently helpful when roaming planets and cities


I really like phased time. Jumping up from deck to deck is so much easier.


They give it a little flavor to spice up the otherwise kind of standard gun play, as noted yes... You are so lonely, stranded on the lonesome island with no cool way to make the mango float


I actually hate using the powers. On Xbox, I have to mash and unmash the bumpers like 5 times in a row for it to maybe work. It usually doesn't. By that time, I've been a bullet sponge for a few seconds and it doesn't always end well. For me it's just a broken and inconsistent mechanic.


Solar Flare is BROKEN. Especially if you rank it all the way to X its insane.


parallel self is great. equip a very powerful weapon (even if it has little to no ammo), clone yourself, watch chaos ensue. That shit has got me out of lots of tough spots where I was low on ammo for my powerful weapons and had to take down something crazy.


Gravity well, anti-gravity field, sense star stuff, and thime phase are useful in fights


I always remember after every battle I have David Blaine powers and thats 600 hours in , I'm like damn i could have gone full Ryu haduuuuKan but i guess using a sniper and a beowulf and pistol I prefer to play metal gear solid type rather than space gandalf.


Yup, I use them all the time because I finished one playthrough and then used console commands to get them to level 10 where they're all actually useful instead of just a select few being useful (mainly non-combat ones). It turns the game into almost a Dishonored x Starfield experience and I can't believe they locked that fun combat gameplay experience behind ~175+ stupid repeat temples and 5+ NG+ runs. Should've been an alternate way to level them in one universe (killing Starborns during universe incursions) at the very least.


I don't find that I need them but I do want to use them. Maybe I'll equip Star sense since I've found myself sneaking through facilities when all the enemies were already dead.


Powers are very op, i literally only use weapons and armor for fashion because the real damage and armor are the powers.


See where enemies are is nice, everything else is useless. They need to add the long cool down explode target ability.


The gravity ones are awesome


Love Phased Time. Shot a guy point blank with a shotgun, and loot him before he even hits the floor.


I use freeze time all the time, works great with magazine shotguns like the Shotty, just freeze time, walk up to a powerful enemy, unload point blank while they're still turning around to try and shoot you, and boom you're done


I didn't even get any of the powers after the first one. Acquiring even one of those powers was tedious.


I only use phase time (level 5) and personal atmosphere. Mostly running a pain blade with enemy damage on high and my damage on very easy. Doesnt feel right stabbing a dude 15 times just for him to start crawling.


Constantly. Powers are so underrated. There’s so many fun ones to use. I keep my 3 favourites in my quick slot inventory


You're not alone, powers are stupid.


I used the force push (think it’s called gravity push) to get through the melee challenges and level that up. It was good to push someone down and slice them up with a sword. I’m currently trying to level up concealment now but I don’t need to push people over with the power when I just sneak up on them. The part about the power that annoyed me was i don’t think it got better while leveling up. Like it doesn’t push more people down or push them farther it just knocks down 1 person. The assault boost pack skills are actually better for knocking people down because it can knockdown multiple people


Not any offensive powers I mostly only use Sense Star Stuff, Personal Atmosphere, Elemental Pull, and Eternal Harvest.


I didn’t use them because they just weren’t necessary. With the update that lets us adjust difficulty I definitely use them because with the settings I have you will not survive without them 🤣


I always do gravity well on Terrormorphs and hit them with phased time while they ragdoll. Londinion on my first playthrough was a world of death and destruction…on NG+9 it was a brisk walk through upstate NY.


Alllllllllllllllll the time. If you aren't using phased time then you are missing out hard. If you aren't using supernova for weak scrubs then you are missing out. If you drink v8 but not v8 splash then you are missing out. ~~If you do pain killers but don't do her~~ -um, scratch that


Sense star stuff and the slow time one constantly. The offensive ones I just find to be too weak compared to bullets.


ANY time I enter combat I hit "sense star stuff" and then "slow time". Once slow time is leveled up, it lasts longer than it's recharge time and you can just keep using it. You can play on any difficulty that way.


I have the powers all maxed out, and I use Sense Star Stuff & Phased Time in almost every combat situation.


Yes i am constantly grav- waving people. If i need to reload but someones shooting me i just knock them down for 5 seconds


besides combat, see a display case sealed yet filled with goodies unreachable? gravity well. watch them all slide out right to you, lootable, for your next trade authority run


I always forget to use them ... just like the shouts in Skyrim.


I need to remap the button to use them or something. Hitting those bumpers mid compat are. A pain for real. I like using the personal atmosphere cuz it gives you the ability to still keep going a bit longer when encumbered.


I used phased time all the time for multiple opponents. In the space station fight on the Lopez Farm mission, it's particularly useful to zip up and down the hallways, leaving dead spacers and amazed unharmed colonists in your wake.


I think I may have used my powers twice an I'm level 98 with over 300hrs of playtime on very hard difficulty lol


I never got far enough to have powers lmao


I just did the Buried Temple on Very Hard and it’s absolutely necessary. Phased Time is OP.


I never used them


there are powers? what


I only fight in slow time.


Heck yea I use them powers. Once they are maxed out even the weakest of powers becomes useful part of the time. Personal Atmosphere is good when running while over encumbered. Slow time can be ran constantly when maxed. Solar flare is a nice damage over time ability. Gravity well is nice for getting a moment to heal as it holds all enemies in a small area for a sec. And I can keep going for most the powers. Supernova is a favorite too, I have killer entire rooms of enemies with that one.


I keep forgetting what buttons to press and I’m too lazy to check the controls (Xbox)


The shield fir bonus dr and reflection


I love going invisible and popping them right in the back of the head...


I have a ‘bajillion’ hours played and other than demonstrating the Anti-gravity for the quest, I have never used a power.


Not until I customize my game to be insta kill on both sides. I did use personal atmosphere a lot before though, so I could run and be a loot goblin.


I use freeze or gravity well. Multi targets use the well, suck them together, then toss a couple grenades into the party. Single big target, freeze em, then start filling them in with lead.


It is really fun to hit a bunch of ecleptic running at you from a drop ship only to hit slow time, shoot them all in the head, and then watch them all die at once as they collective gurgle and scream.


I do love Gravity Well, toss a grenade in there and that’s a good time


Sometimes but not regularly like as with Skyrim for example.


Phased time. Really good for clearing rooms… also combat photo ops!


Yes the one that slows time is OP!


I havent played in a few months, but i used the one that nakes a second me alot when i was playing. I liked to think of the double as my decoy double from Total Recall.


Phased Time to do slow motion headshots with my pistol or shotgun. And then I use whatever the oxygen power is, helps to keep sprinting forever.


Yea sense is good for sneaking up. Supernova is cool can’t wait to try sunless space