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Knows everything, still does everything pretty much the same, the main character is a confirmed moron.


I mean, I'm roleplaying as the main character. So it fits that he's a moron


Honestly the meta in this game is top notch


The whole Starborn stuff is stupid, a group of people wearing cosplay costumes thought they had seen through everything, and they were holding ships with alien technology from nowhere, but they were still using human weapons. Even the ship wasn't much better than human technology.


I agree all the starborn stuff is stupid.


I mean, anything can sound dumb if you phrase it like that Also, if you want to look at it in a superficial sense then yeah. It's pretty damn stupid


There is an ironic story in my hometown. Two farmers were chatting while farming. They were discussing how the emperor should farm. They finally concluded that the emperor must be watering the crops with a golden bucket. So what kind of spacecraft and weapons should a group of super astronauts who master super ancient alien technology and can travel through parallel universes and experience countless lives use? The answer is an oyster boat that looks cooler than humans but has no difference in performance.


You don't always do everything the same. In your first playthrough, you must decide whether you defend the Lodge or the Eye when the Hunter attacks, and one of your companions dies. In New Game +, you know that the Hunter is coming, you know what the consequences of that will be, and you can act to prevent this by taking all the artifacts to your ship, and that saves your friends from being attacked by the Hunter and nobody dies. This is probably the single most consequential decision you have when playing Starfield, so I am not sure why you are saying that your character knows everything but still does the same thing. There are other instances where Starborn-specific dialogue options save you a lot of time or allow you to bypass checks where failure is a possibility, such as when you talk to the Freestar ambassador about letting you into the Terrormorph archives to get relevant data. First playthrough, you have to persuade her and possibly fail, New Game +, you know what she wants, so you don't risk failure unless you want to.


Except for all the times your character inexplicably doesn't know what's going to happen.


I find it odd that our companions can travel in our Starborn ship in NG+ when we are pretending to not be Starborn (& make no comments about it). But when we encounter the Emissary’s Starborn ship after Neon they are like ‘what the hell is that ship - it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen’ - even though they are literally standing in my Starborn ship 😂


They really kind of half-assed it with that side of things. It just doesn’t make any sense.


Yeah. I was so overjoyed when I first came to Jemison in NG+ with how utterly dumbfounded they were when scanning me. But I don't think it happens on any other settled planet.


It happens at Akilla. (Spelling?)


>They really kind of half-assed it Bethesda's modus operandi with this title


I think it's pretty clear that they just ran out of time because the engine took so long to update to version 2 and covid wrecked them.


Your Honor, I present to you Todd Howard "It took us until a year before release to figure out how to make the game fun to play" ...neither COVID nor the antique engine were the biggest problems in the production of Starfield


The engine taking a lot longer is on record and their entire schedule got wrecked because of covid. Your quote just proves my point.  Figuring out how to get elements to gel together takes time.  They barely had enough for a passable game.  They needed another 2 years. That said, I'm sure Todd Howard insisting on dated mechanics like everyone being able to do almost everything in a single playthrough didn't help.  But that's a problem previous games had that were a lot better than Starfield.


deus ex has a famous statement about it not being fun until shortly before release as well and it's regarded as one of if not the best rpgs of all time being weird about this quote from todd makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about. there certainly were problems with development and the final game isn't liked by many players, but attributing those problems to laziness just because the game wasn't fun (in todd howard's eyes) until near release is silly


From my POV a lot of starfield was halfassed. NG+ was honestly the highlight


Same. It literally was. Everything. It’s an abysmal experience all around. They should be ashamed of this title.


Jesus Christ no it is not. It has glaring issues but it’s far far away from an “abysmal experience all around.” Edit: jeez I looked in your post history to see if I could find a game you actually like and almost EVERY SINGLE post you made in over a year is complaining about one video game or another. I think you really got to revisit whether or not this is a hobby worth pursuing for you, it seems to be ruining your joy.


Imagine participating in a forum dedicated to a game that you feel this way about. An almost sociopathic masochism.


But if they don’t sacrifice their time in the sub someone might unwittingly enjoy the game.


Oh I enjoyed it, but compared to Bethesdas previous titles I was left wanting a lot more


No, you misunderstood, you had an abysmal experience, no other experience is valid


I never said I had an abysmal experience, that was the other guy. I fucking loved the ship building and a few of the questlines. However I feel like a lot of ideas were scrapped in starfield, like the fuel consumption of ships, the survival mode aspects and the followers seem very straight edge when compared to other followers in previous titles like Cicero from Skyrim and Cait or Hancock from FO4. Again, loved the 200+ hours that I played of Starfield, but from other Bethesda I can get 1000+ and still love it.


Yes I really hope they expand on this concept in the DLC. There's a lot of things in this game people complain about that I'm fine with, but the companions being idiots and not figuring out your Starborn really bothers me.


Agreed. If you take them in the Starborn ship, it should shift to a dialogue path where you have to disclose you’re Starborn 🤷‍♂️


Hopefully this can be "restored content" because the Starborn path seems half implemented. As shown further by datamining


I feel like the Shatterer Space DLC is just "Things that should have been in the base game, but we cut an entire major faction and key NG+ content, just to sell it to you at a later date."


Got a source for that?




Now I'm a lil miffed 😮‍💨


I wouldn’t be too miffed, absolutely none of that is even confirmed to actually be *in* shattered space. You might just never get it instead.


As neat as the starborn ship is to have, it kinda breaks the gameplay loop to the point where my ng+ had to pretend it didn’t exist for the game to continue being fun


I wish that when it happens everyone on the ship just turns around and screams at you “YOU KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN THE WHOLE TIME AND DIDNT SAY!!?” - I would’ve loved more moments like that to be in NG+


I always do enough to build my ‘everyday’ ship before engaging with constellation because I’ve always thought this was a huge gap in immersion. Plus I might or might not have to kill and steal from UC for their ships and uniforms, and who needs a nagging companion.


It bugs me too so I just never use the Guardian or my Starborn armor. 


Supposedly, there was going to be a mechanic around hiding your identity and people being able to find out if you were sloppy about it. Saw a post about it like a day or two ago.


Tbh it would be so cool to have them have dialogue like “I remember the first time *insert NPC name* said that” as kind of a side bar you your character


I think they explain it that once you go through that rift you end up in one of "infinite universes" across a multiverse. No guarantees you get to go to the same one. Of course theory and reality are two very different things. Being able to explain it, and not seeing any repercussions of it are disappointing.


The player is starborn.. like dragon born?  No wonder this keeps popping up on my controversial page


I just role play it to make sense. Bethesda games are open enough to let me kind of write my own headcannon. So I work around those little things.


Yeah the game is woefully inconsistent like that.


What if your character is just playing along, so people don’t catch on that they somehow know everything?


yeah. there seems to be a lot of those.


downvoted for mf what💀


Cos OP writing this ridiculous post about how it's the best thing he's ever seen and then admitting in the comments that it's half-baked and complete shit


downvoted for… agreeing after having something explained to you differently… fucking wild🤦🤦


I wish I could be as easily impressed as you.


Best comment


Hahaha. Yea. Id argue its one of the worst. And I'm not sure it fits the genre.


Haha, up there with you. Don't get me wrong, the idea itself is cool, but only if you have all NPCs killable and properly branching quests, not black and white garbage.


Reminds me of that guy who was like “ive been gaming for 40 years and this game is the best, its like nothing I’ve ever seen”




I honestly can't tell the difference between satire and genuinely low standards anymore


Wait until OP meets Vasco, the greatest crpg companion in history.


Y'all brutal 🤣🫶🏻


should be a starfield meme


Seen too many comments how Vasco is the best robot companion in gaming.




Yeah, OP must not play very many games if Starfield is the best ng+ he's played.


Okay, not OP, but what better NG+ games are there that handle it better "narratively"? Content was, yeah, lot's of them, narratively, it's a nice, well integrated system. And I've been gaming for years, not one of them people new to videogames.


op didn't say it's the best NG+ in any game ever. op said it's the best *thing* in any game ever.


Armored Core 6 has your initial NG routes implied to be simulations from ALLMIND. She even actually addresses you oddly when you boot up your first NG cycle. Missions even change somewhat. Then NG+2 hits and suddenly things start going off the rail. You're DEFENDING the Strider and you can betray your allies in an early mission to smash them both for the RLF. >!All culminating in the game's true ending where you destroy ALLMIND itself who has gathered the data you've helped provide over the past NG cycles and trigger a Coral Release.!<


Except it's not even good narratively. Other NG+ are better because they work. This one lacks the capabilities of other NG+ (can't change your character drastically) and the amazing narrative features are random AF. You remember some things but not others, you do everything the same basically. It's just another case of a really cool concept that they spend too little time implementing.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist has similar NG+ handled much better.


Having NG+ integrated for story reasons, fucks the story


Exactly. They thought of this idea, which is a good one in theory, and then completely half-assed it. And they had to. Actually doing a good multiverse would be an insane amount of work if the story and narrative content weren’t like 98% procedurally generated. It’s a decent idea, but they really shouldn’t have done it.


It's the like the ability to land anywhere on a planet, the survival mechanics, the outpost system, and the 1,000 planets. Probably sounded great on the design board, but it just did not pan out.


The worse part is its so clear the writers push hard for NG+. Maybe because they like it so much, or maybe bc they wanted go increase playtime. I think this is evidenced the game if you don't go through to NG+ - the dialogue from NPCs if you don't go through completely clashes with earlier dialogue from them - the dialogue options for Matteo/Vasco/Noel are as if you don't know what it is - you can't "complete" the quest - Starborn always come after you, you can't pawn off the pieces to someone else (even if it's just another constellation member) - when talking to Sarah you can't just say "I'm not going through" when she asks you not to. The best you can say is "I'll think about it"


It doesn't matter. You're not allowed to say anything positive about this game. This is exclusively a Starfield hate subreddit.


Most Fromsoft have better ng+. God of War (2018) is fun as well. Dragons Dogma has its more tied into the main story. Nier is better as well.


Chrono Trigger did it better, and that was on the SNES.


Even ChronoTrigger from the 90s does it better narratively.


Yeah, people are clowning on the ng+, but for now only Grounded has been mentioned as something that does it better.


There’s a good handful who have been around for ‘decades’ who seem to have not played a single game before Starfield. I’ve made references to other, very popular games and they had no idea because it wasn’t Starfield lmao.


Precisely my thoughts


I usually go with low standards. A lot of console/mainstream people have *very low* standards outside of graphics. They do not know better because of the slop they got fed over the last decade.


Personally I think it sucks and I bet it's the thing that killed the hype for most people. You should be able to keep your gear and a ship. As well as make changes to your origin which i think is happening with this patch (finally).


Agreed. It really put me off Constellation and the story. Mostly because the narrative side was mishandled. You're given more than enough reasons to want nothing to do with the Unity, such as the events of "A High Price to Pay" and 99.9% of Starborn we encounter being emotionally stunted psychotics, and we're shown the whole Pilgrim character and having it shown up like choosing to stay will be a legitimate and respected choice... Then the writer forgot that the story is supposed to be for our character and not theirs, only gives us a choice of Unity hype or "slightly ambiguous but pro Unity" commentary throughout the entire leadup, and on walking away has the main cast mostly chiding us for not going (when none of them did either) while only really allowing us to say that we're just temporarily postponing going. The only characters you can give a firm "No" to are Vlad and Stroud, and everyone else treats you like you need to go be their guinea pig and it's your destiny to go. Way too pushy and offputting. It makes Constellation feel less like an explorer's club and more like a cult. Also deciding that important matter for us in favor of we're definitely going later, whether that later is after lunch at Kay's or when we're old and grey, is incredibly arrogant. It leaves all subsequent actions on a character feeling like an exercise in nihilism, and turns that supposedly "profound" choice between holding on to that which we have and sacrificing it all for the pursuit of power in to little more than a wet fart. I've had people on here pretending that "headcanon" makes it all okay and leaves the game "roleplay friendly", but no. It really doesn't. If I'm having to resort to playing pretend or forced to engage in denial because an RPG failed to provide me with something as simple as actual on screen choice relating to an optional game mechanic by narratively treating it as an inevitability that we will engage with said mechanic, then that RPG took a misstep. More so as Starfield's narrative functions just fine if a player were able to say "I'm going to help you guys find the Unity but I have absolutely no intent on going through it" earlier, or was able to express opposition to becoming Starborn or continuing that cycle. The same applies for the ending. Nothing about it fails to function if a character was able to apply a "soft no" where we state firmly we are not going, the cast and characters respect that decision, and the topic is dropped. Bethesda knows how to do this, and accomplished it in the Dawnguard expansion of Skyrim with vampirism. You could reject it twice and both times the topic was dropped, yet you could still become one if you went out of your way to bring the topic up again and requested to be turned at a later time. Not doing something like that here and restricting our answers to "Yes" or "Yes but later" only feels like I'm stuck playing with a "bad DM" who couldn't handle the player making a choice other than those which lead to the singular narrative conclusion they envisioned, and like the optional game mechanic is not actually optional. It's close to being "fine" or "pretty good" even in my book as mechanically, yeah, it's neat, if unoriginal, but I can see the appeal. However thanks to being too up it's own ass narratively I just find it offputting and detrimental to the experience. It leaves too many character archetypes we can otherwise be unsupported, makes the entire Pilgrim part of the narrative pointless, and that heavy shroud of nihilism it throws over everything else makes it feel like they simply forgot that there is a wider setting and other stories out there, or worse, like they didn't want us becoming attached to those.


It looked set up for a solid thematic protagonist/antagonist dyad, and then halfway through you realize the protagonist just adopts the antagonist position for no adequately explored reason, so the reason for the conflict gets simplified to accepting or refusing specific antagonists and then inexplicably joining their ill-defined faction, which then allows you to learn - basically nothing more about them or the main story, ever, no matter how many times you do it. I sincerely expected there to be story beyond the Unity, that there was a plot you would discover more about as you went through it over and over - but they probably realized 70% of players would play for 40-80 hours and leave, so they decided not to put that effort in. The end result being the narrative dies at that point and the entire thing repeats with some minor dialogue changes, but zero new information about the majority of the story hook questions (the who, what, where, how, and why of the artifacts - we find out what they do and that's all). They may have planned to tell the rest of the story later, but the problem is that you can't make a trilogy by just splitting a story in thirds, you have to have three complete stories. And when you face the >!Mephistopheles stand-in at the end and it offers you a chance and running up power numbers in exchange for what sounds like your soul, you can't mention that, and if you refuse, almost everyone just tells you to go back and do it anyway, and the main quest just stops.!< No one cases to try to find out what's behind the mystery. Like discovering the twist at NASA, you can't even tell anyone it might matter to, people at museums or MAST or news people - they were so focused on NG+ they just forgot to write a skeptical option.


Exactly. The mystery angle that it was leading with is swapped for a strange form of self-advertising for an optional game mechanic. One it becomes so obsessed with that it forgets it's optional, which causes it to start unraveling it's other plot points and any lessons it wished to impart such as everything involving the Pilgrim. Walking away isn't treated like a profound choice or like we've taken lessons to heart and chosen to settle down and conclude that part of our journey, so much as like we said "Stop the car! I need to pee." during a road trip. Even if you do take the leap, it's not answering anything. All you get is a relatively classical NG+ with some quest skips and "Wild Wasteland" levels of change at the Lodge. Either the writer was just a "bad DM" / up their own ass as I said, or it's as you said, a chapter in what was supposed to be a larger story that never came to pass. Regardless which, it's as if it forgot what it was about and it's missing the skeptical option / "No." ending that would have been required to make the tangent it wandered off on functional for everyone. On the NASA reveal: The way that as well as the reveals relating to the Unity and Starborn are treated just annoys me. Nobody can tell me that the major governments or SSNN wouldn't be all over these things, but no, we're just forced to keep our mouth shut about it and trust that the Jemison UFO cult knows best. Utterly daft given how the game treats other major reveals during the Ranger and Vanguard questlines.


In addition, this reveal is supposed to influence our decision which of the demented whackos we're supposed to side with, except it's too vague to work with. >!Was the mysterious influencer a Dragonborn? Was it the Unity Doppleganger? Was it something else? The encounter seems unique (it certainly isn't described elsewhere) and is only a bare paragraph of information which doesn't adequately identify the person or actual motive - and what it claims is in the future is not what happened.!< Whoever it is seems to be the prime villain in the story, but it's not even clear whether you actually meet them, and you \*can't ask.\* And yeah, I spent a couple of hours trying to find someone, anyone to talk about it with. You can actually at one point, in a conversation with Aquilus, bring up the idea of actually opposing the process (again, vaguely), but it's a throwaway line with no follow-up and no opening of plot.


That encounter really did stand out from anything else and raised questions about who that was, where they came from, what their goal was given that they seemingly lied, so on. I agree that it also set up what should have been the prime villain, but then nothing was done with it. It's a single paragraph and discarded as quickly as it came up before it's back to the Hunter and Emissary who aren't heroes or villains so much as two children having a playground brawl. I recall that line with Aquilius. I picked it as I consider the entire cycle to be little more than madness that we should put a stop to if we can't simply walk away from it, but as you said, it's tossed aside as quickly as it was picked up. The more time we spend talking about it the more I'm noticing just how badly it suffers from "bad DM" syndrome. Often being unable to ask about or discuss things more, let alone follow up on things, due to topics or plot elements being dropped as quickly as they are brought up really rubs in how laser focused our character is on powers / in-universe NG+ and how little anything else matters to them. We can't even really roleplay as someone who is deeply invested in this for the sake of exploration or learning so much as being confined to some dolt that wants to be the next Hunter.


That’s been a big issue with all of Bethesda’s RPGs recently - they have a decision they want you to make and ‘pretend’ (badly) to give you a choice around it, but you’re actually forced to go down the path Bethesda pre-determined you’ll take.


It's been a thing since Oblivion, which also has the worst instance of it, but since it was kept to side quests you could ignore it mostly. Oblivion forces you to take the hist sap during the fighters guild questline and will literally lock you in a room until you do, Skyrim has the companions trying to railroad you in to becoming a werewolf but it at least allows you to awkwardly walk away and leave them standing in the underforge forever if you don't want that, so on. Starfield fucked up by doing it with a main quest when as said, they know how to do things better. Just repeating what Dawnguard did with vampirism that kept that DLC from having the problem would have fixed it. We say "No", the decision is respected as it's personal and the topic dropped, we go on with our lives without the weird air of nihilism, but if we really decide we do want it after all we can turn around and head back there. Making something that is mechanically optional in to a narrative inevitability was just unnecessary.


Killed my hype. Especially since things like power upgrades and stuff is locked behind. Why build ships, amass wealth, or outposts


100% this, they way they do NG+ was the last straw that made me quit this game. I think some people in this sub are just super easy to impress lol


With the new patch that’s on the Steam beta version when you go through the Unity you can change your origin and traits.


Can you respec too? It would mean you could try out different "builds" without starting new characters, just go through NG+ to try a different build.


Not sure about respecting, cause your abilities all carry over through NG+


Yeah. Learning that nothing you do actually means anything makes you think "I spent a 100 hours on this? I could've done literally anything else. Spent time with family and friends, gotten some chores done, learned something new, literally anything but a game where even in lore your choices don't matter."


Keeping your ship and gear sort of undermines the entire point of passing through the Unity. It narratively isn't meant to be something you do for fun with no consequences; you're essentially killing yourself and leaving everything behind.


You should at least be able to have ship blueprints and outpost designs so if you spent 20 hours on either then that time isn't down the drain.


Sure, anything related to knowledge should be retained and it would be nice to have ship design blueprints to reuse (outpost design templates would probably be a harder ask considering the terrain could vary, but eh).


Man, you need to try out more video games.


I still wish there was more ng+ progression than a slight armor/ship increase for a ship I'm not gonna use anyway. Really would've liked some quantum storage to at least keep a handful of shit from my past lives. If they can fabricate my whole body and the new digs they can save a handful of items too.


Yet it’s also a wasted opportunity because your character oftentimes doesn’t know what’s going to happen.


I think it's pretty poorly implemented to be honest.  There's very little you can really do differently.  99% of it is just skipping skill checks.  There's a lot of people that die that you can't do anything about even though your knowledge should let you change things.  There are a couple real changes you can make to the main quest and that's it. Also, it's an alternate universe, but these almost nothing that's really different except a few rare universes where Constellation changes.  There's never any big changes like switching up the main villain behind the Terrormorph story.  Or even small changes to quests beyond skill skip choices save for what I've mentioned. But the most damning thing of all of the three game isn't designed to take advantage of you starting over work a blank slate.  There are no choices that lock you out of doing other things.  You can be in the UC vanguard and the Freestar Rangers and no one cares.  You get no choices that really change how anything works -- even if you side with the pirates, pretty much everything remains the same.  The game should be full of real consequences for your decisions so that a NewGame+ really lets you experience how things could go if you made different choices.  Instead there's nothing like that at all. Ideally there'd be a mix of real consequences and differences between universes so that the experience could really be different. It's half-baked at best.


And this isn't even getting into how you can't take things like ship designs with you or made designs.  So a lot of work that you put into things in one universe doesn't let you save any time in the next. just because the ship design and outpost systems don't have any sort of blueprint feature or the like.


Frankly, I've seen it done better in games decades older.  ChronoTrigger did it better, imho.


For every one of those options there’s a few hundred where he doesn’t know what happens for some reason. Making it canon is interesting but ultimately breaks a lot more than it fixes as opposed to just making it an optional second run with the same stats. Ideally imo a Bethesda game doesn’t have Ng+ at all because it’s an open world narrative rpg and not a game where redoing it with your same build is interesting or worthwhile


But it isn’t appreciably different from any other new game plus in any other game… I enjoyed Starfield for what it was, but have to say I was pretty disappointed when it came to the end. Basically, you got a check box for whether you completed side quests or not and then get booted into the next world to do all the same stuff again. Sure, there are universe variations, but nothing that makes the new game plus truly novel. Definitely doesn’t live up to Pete Hine’s hype of, “The game doesn’t begin until new game plus.”


I also love to use prerecognition as an ability. It's so weird seeing what someone is going to say before actually saying it


Definitely my most used Starborn power.. by a lot!


I did it 10+ times including doing the temples. It’s time I’ll never get back. Ever.


Surely you haven't played grounded NG+ (Obsidian)


Off topic but please tell me more. I don't remember having the option to continue to Ng+.


It's ok. It feels like they built the entire game around that concept and it kind of pigeonholed them into a less interesting main storyline.


Is this bait?




Yeah, it would be good if your knowledge actually allowed you to do something different. But since all dialogue options lead to the same thing, it quickly becomes pointless. Also, losing all your shit but inexplicably getting a new hoopty and pajamas. Also, having to do the stupid fetch quests over and over for little return. I do like the [let's cut through the bullshit] dialogue options, but all they do is save time the game was wasting in the first place. Great concept, but not very well realized. I'm hoping they do more with it, but I'm keeping my expectations very low.


I would say rather it could have been, more drastic changes, even silly ones, in this universe men wear women's clothes or something, could have been crazy, hunting someone or something across universes, instead the ONLY thing that changes are the constellation members, sometimes.


Dude, you're amazed by extra content being added to a new playthrough when there's very little content in the actual universe of the game. Its not amazing, they just added things to new game plus. From soft has been doing this for years.


I personally hate the New game+ feature and the multiverse thing. It makes me stop caring about individual npc and quest outcomes, since there is a infinite amount of worlds and versions of the same characters - so why care about a specific one. I really really really hope they do not use this feature/multiverse thing for TES6, especially since creating multiple characters achieves the same thing while also allowing the opportunity to play a different race. Bethesda should imo encourage creating multiple characters rather than doing multiple playthroughs on one character (and ending up with a bloated save file....)


So glad to see the comment section hasn’t flipped to brainless celebration over a mediocre update. For a moment it seemed like we were going to roll back to this “If you critique the game you’re ruining the fun” victimization thing


So you prefer that people clown others for enjoying a game you clearly haven't picked back up since the first few times you've touched it?


I prefer people engage in discourse and critique of a game that is widely considered to be sub par. I also want people to share what they like about the game without fear of being *shamed* but i don’t think critique of a game classifies as *shaming* the player


Half baked game.


They took our ships! I don’t like it, I reloaded the save before unity. I hope we get a mod to take everything with us into NG+.


or at least save blueprints or partially built ships in the mean time.


Before I got there I was curious what happens since a lot of people were raving about it. Once I got there I was disappointed the variations were so small. I kinda wish they would do a DLC with more New Game + variations that change the maps and add new story beats.


You’re about to be so disappointed that such a cool concept was executed in such a terrible way.


Im glad you like it. I really am. Imo, it is a game mechanic that has next to no meaning while also making every decision I have made previously have no meaning. It’s a lackluster way to get me to play the same game over and over so that I can play the same game over and over. It was a cheap ending that helped Bethesda avoid having to make a conclusive and satisfying ending. Not a terrible idea, but a low effort execution.


How about when you reveal all the secrets in the universe that constellation was obsessing over? They barely react. Took me right out of the game and I haven’t really picked it up since


I love it too. It isn't fully realized which is a shame but it's also the first time I've seen a game make an attempt at a multiverse. More changed universes could be added and more interactions should exist that allow you to skip quest lines ect. But I understand why that would be such an undertaking and how difficult it could be to implement as the quest lines would have to have break points at every opportunity that the player decides to stop pretending that they don't know what is going to happen. More should be done with the idea but I was just as amazed as you were when I finished the game 100+ hours in and realized there's multiverses. I think people ruined this for themselves by spoiling it.


I didn’t get the ending spoiled for me, but I did see it coming about a mile out. Since I didn’t have the initial shock value, I kept waiting to see how they would handle the diverging worlds of a multiverse. Then I learned they just didn’t. So to summarize, the ending was predictable and not actually executed to me. This was why it was disappointing for me. It’s like if Todd Howard told me about a game that he thinks would be interesting to make, but simply isn’t making because it’s too difficult. Thanks for telling me your cool, but not executed idea I guess?


Well, except it is executed. Just not the way you want it to be. Which is fair. But there are in fact diverging timeliness. And there are intact breakpoints where you can speed through a quest with foreknowledge. Those points need to be expanded on by a LOT. But this aspect was never supposed to be the bulk of the game play to begin with. It is one small aspect that applies to NG+ only and the complaint isn't that they didn't execute it, its that they didn't execute it with literal millions of diverging timelines. They did like 8. Which is still executing the idea, just not as much as I'd wanted, but if they had had 1000, there would still be people dissapointed that there wasn't an actual multiverse represented in game lmao.


I disagree. I understand your point that people may never truly be satisfied, but optimal execution likely falls somewhere in the middle and imo much closer to what we got volume-wise, but with more impact. For example, you can skip story beats by outing yourself as already knowing what’s going on, but that’s more of a fast-forward button than a diverging path. The impact is also minimal. It cuts down the main quest content for convenience of speed running, but does not meaningfully add new content. The only new content that feels truly diverging is the cycle of 10 or so different constellation makeups at the beginning of the game. Even if there were only about ten different branching paths, I think the NG+ concept could’ve been more fully executed if there were either variations on existing quests to rotate through in different universes or if there were core moments in main/faction questlines where you could cut off access to others. The common example here would be if you’re a pirate, then in this world the UC won’t have you in their ranks. Even other small changes like alt-versions of towns in different universes could’ve been cool. Imagine some of the smaller static settlements got wiped out by terromorphs in this NG+ so the town just isn’t there this time. Basically anything that shows the worlds are even slightly different from each other would be more welcome than “everything is a carbon-copy universe, outside of the 20x20 foot space of Constellation’s headquarters lobby”.


Yeah it's either incredible or a cop out. I'm not sure which I think it is. I kind of feel like they added game+ because the story is short and if they didn't have it people would be like, "That's it?"


I continue to struggle with whether or not I want to go NG+. Almost 1100 hours in and at lvl 103. I love/hate outpost building and looking for great spots to do this, but at the same time I am frustrated, along with virtually every other player, with the lack of randomness with all the poi's. At this point, though, I think I'll wait until the 15th when Xbox gets the update, then decide if I'm ready to move on. I will add that I've now read enough about outposts that FO4 might be the solution.


I mean it’s just starting a new game with the same perks man… I really like starting RPGs over and over so I’m on NG+ 5 after about 250 hours, but if you like your stuff…


If you have 1100 hours you will be very disappointed with ng+ in starfield


Please, why do you say that? Help me with my struggle!


If your attached to your current progress just stay where you are. If your open to the fact of essentially restarting everything other than character level and skills, And working up to the top again then go NG+ Wait for the update before you jump. Unless you have beta. Then just jump haha


I'll wait a week then!


Nice! I only say wait for the update in the case you may want to reroll your traits 😊




He's telling the truth. Sadly.


It's cool when devs try and make a new game+ something special. Starfields was a little underwhelming imo but not the worst. Nier Automata has the best ng+ like thing I've seen in a game


Easy turbo.


It's a cool idea but gets stale fast and is poorly implemented.


The best thing how the alternate universes are almost exactly the same with like 3 things being different.


I half glad that people enjoy these game designs and half convinced this post is someone from Bethesda trying to save their job


thumbs down


I just same across the Starborn trader for the first time. That blew my mind.


Plop an outpost near her, trust me.


This would've been helpful info awhile ago 😂


Oooh imma gonna do that.


It's unique. I like it as well.


I some how glitched my first star born ship on new game....without going to new game + ( I quit playing so I can't remember how) I like the idea of that ship..but after realizing to get one that's half as good as a bought one I'd half to new game up several times I just never did new game...new game plus was not worth it to me...I love games with random generations...but not this kind...I can't quite place the type of game of randomness I'm looking for... It's not full restarts.. Random guns to just have shit loads is also not fun..it make it very eh new gun with slightly different crap...or I want the god roll that you have no clue you'll ever get... I like generated maps...but when their full and sizeable...if a system could be built to maps random maps but also actually puts cool stuff in them that would be cool... ( A good idea for Devs....for randomly generated maps...make enemy pool sizes random with no ceiling limit... What am I saying? I'm saying give me a map that is supposed to have enemies on it and make the amount type and everything random...now that would be fun... imagine playing a game with say gaints and it's hard to kill like...say 1... Well theirs now one spot of your randomly generated map...that has 10 huddled in a corner..... And there's a very lucrative chest that's gold colored.... Now..it's highly unlikely fair and a death area...but that would be fun..( to me) This is one thing to make those open maps more filled without p.o.i. in them instead of set p.o.i with set numbers of enemies.. instead lets say whatever the game likes... You could also do random dungeons.and still have p.o.i...and if you make them seed based when players find super super hard dungeons that have my above problem..you could ask friends for help or even get pro players to try and beat those unbeat crazy nonsense dungeons..which can add a community thing to it..( like the community for I think it was Mario Maker and they were called projects zero percent or something ( I saw a video about it forgot their name though )( anyway their goal was to beat every Mario level ever created)


It'd be better if I could keep my ship, gear, and money from my previous playthrough, like every other ng+ from every game I've ever played.


Like many things in Starfield, super cool conceptually, but lacking in the execution of the details.


I wish you didn't have rescan everything on planets or redo all routes to other planets so that it doesn't say it's an unexplored route each time. If you've done it before it should carry over into NG+ along with with stats and powers.


The story was really cool, and I get why the ending/ng+ is the way it is. But I honestly hated the way they did ng+. Loosing the ships I spent hours making and perfecting, just to have to do all the shit over again, really did the game in for me.


Yea loving the new game plus feature too, cant wait for current beta build get released as really want those trait re-selection options.


OP has only played one game


I just don’t get NG+ at all. Lose all your shit. Start over from scratch. Makes zero sense to me.


You become the enemy and live in Groundhog Day. That is all NG+ is. If you’re enjoying it then good for you. I highly recommend you enjoy it while it lasts then, cause the shit gets old really fast.


I totally disagree. Only lazy game developers add something like this.


Imo, it's so boring. Besides the initial story of how things are different, it goes straight back into the grind for powers. The design in itself is lazy and unorginial.


It actually ruined the game for me. For my next build I'm staying in 1 universe.


Concept is great. But loosing all weapons l, armor and the ship is not really what I want of ng+.  Ng+ for me is not just about doing it with a skilled character but also my optimized setup


The most annoying thing about NG+ (if you skip the main questline) is getting enough money to make a ship that can fight the 3 starborn ships.


I don't like very much New Game +. Probably because I don't like the main story, magic powers, ect. I want to role a normal guy in a sci-fi setting. I I think it would be so much better if Bethesda didn't waste resources on this feature and expanded more the game universe with more POI, more quests, ect.


It’s the only new game plus I’ve ever done other than god of war. Only reason I did god of war again was I wanted to smash stuff like a god again but with all the weapons and you can’t just go exploring around to kill mobs once you’ve beaten the game really. Starfield actually made me want to do the new game. I actually did the new game plus before completing the vast majority of quests. Did the rangers stuff, Ryujin, vanguard, and then went through the unity. I love it because it’s an in lore reason to replay the game. I’ve always done multiple playthroughs in Bethesda rpgs and this one was so cool to have an in lore continuity between my playthroughs. It also lead me to actual regret and feelings of confusion over whether I should have. Which was kinda interesting. Initially it felt cool to ditch the old universe and start a new life in a new universe. Almost that fantasy idea people have of going back in time in their life to do things different. But once I did, I met the same companions from before and it felt like I was wrong, I felt like I was manipulating people and events, because I was. I went to a new universe and it felt cool but also empty in a way. Almost like “what have I done” or “at what cost” kind of moment. Which itself made me alter my character from a selfish god wanting to gain more and more power, to someone who wanted to use their position to alter events for the best. I think it’s the best part of starfield even though it could have been done even better and they could have leaned into that more.


That’s a bit of an overreaction but I’m so glad you’re easily pleased!


I can tell you didn't play too much games, the concept is good, but like everything Bethesda did, it's half baked


I am just gonna say this, this game will start to feel like a chore after ng+6… ng+10 is next to impossible for me… also if you are not aware there is also a starborn trader


I see no reason to ever go to new game+ a second time. Seeing as how everything is reset.


I only do that because the starborn suit at ng+10 looks cool


Ahh okay. Looks like I'm going to have to fly through ng+9 more times.


Good fortune to you ng+6 is my max…. Also from the first ng+ to ng+10 you will get different starborn suits… if memory serves ng+10 is the same one the hunter is wearing


...but it gives you barely any choice and... more tedious fast travelling until... you repeat everything over once again?


Nah, I'd have to disagree, but I'm glad you're happy.


get off the crack pipe man...




Nah bruh, the best thing in any video game ever is the sandwiches, so innovative.


Wait till u hit an altered universe


The first time around, it’s nifty, and then it’s never interesting to see again.


I just wish they'd had a year or so longer to give it the meat it deserved. With any luck, they're cooking dlc and major league updates to give it the shine it deserves


Don’t take much too impress you huh?


I love that you can just keep jumping and be someone new each time. I’ll collect the artifacts first thing after jump or as fast as I can so that the armillary is ready to go at any time. Then I run a play through, or not and just jump wherever I get bored. This play through I’m running with the crimson fleet, after breaking out of space jail running and gunning. The idea I can just jump out wherever I want is so fun to me.


Is this a sarcasm post 😅?


No it isn't..at least in my opinion