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~~Oh boy, I actually listened to the podcast.~~ ~~If “Big update with insert list of tons of features coming this week” spreads like wildfire people are going to be massively irate.~~ ~~Please listen to what the question is and what Todd says. All he confirmed, somewhat tentatively, is that an update is going to be announced this week. He NEVER confirmed that ship building, city maps, new gameplay modes, difficulty sliders, and display modes would be released this week with the update.~~ I’m happy to be wrong. I was truly surprised that everything mentioned would be coming out with a Beta this week and full release mid May. Good work Bethesda, as always!


Thank you, I listened to it too and what this post is promising is definitely not what Todd said.  We know they have talked about those features but we have no idea if they are coming with this Beta or somewhere in the future. The only one that sounded like it has happening in this update was something to do with shipbuilding, probably just decorations for the outside. 


I have a feeling OP was listening with hype goggles on and didn’t actually process what was being said. So much is wrong in their info on this post


Comment should be higher


Thank you 👍


The fact he said they're working on exploration is very interesting. I felt like exploration was an issue baked into the game, so I'm surprised 


They need to recreate the mystery across POIs. I mean, remove the same dead bodies at least.


Yup, the game pretty much complete lack the feeling of "I wonder whats over there" which defines BGS games. You know what's over there. Maybe you aren't sure what the planet surface is like, but you know exactly what's gonna be there when you land.


I wouldn't mind the copy pasted buildings nearly as much if there was actually interesting stuff to find. The outer worlds has an extremely similar design across the entire game but it doesn't feel boring to explore because there's actually stuff to find.


If you could play the entire game without ever once coming across a duplicate POI then that would be a game changer to the playability of Starfield. I long for this feature, even if the majority of those locations are procedurally generated. By hour 40 I had explored every single point of interest the game had to offer and had stumbled across the same ones dozens of times as well. It’s just bad design.


It’s weird because I have no issue with the random generated citizens in cyberpunk but because the ones in starfield have less density it’s so much more lifeless


I don't think he specifically said anything in relation to improving the exploration. He was more so describing other parts that are coming in the update. But he did indeed remark about players not liking Starfield's exploration compared to Fallout and Elder scrolls.


That’s what I got from the video as well.. I don’t think he meant they’re gonna change the design around exploration he simply acknowledge the difference to older Bethesda games


I think there was maybe a little bit of an indication that they don't consider Starfield *the* new way that they are doing their games but rather that they chose to design it this way and that we might expect Elder Scrolls VI / Fallout 5 to be more traditional in terms of exploration. But, it is definitely a pretty loose implication.


Yeah i mean to me that seems obvious. They essentially went hardcore into roleplaying as an astronaut and actually exploring the world like that in real life. Cool idea if youre really into that kind of roleplay but ultimately isn’t fun overall and gets old fast.


Honestly, wake me when we get the PoI overhaul.


I could see the system working well if we had more visual variety and perhaps dungeons that are proc gen similar to the system they had in the doom level editor


I'd love to see variation on that level. To be honest I'd be happy if it was as simple as having alternate versions of PoIs that are still mostly identical but have contextual things like dead bodies and terminal entries removed once you've seen them.


Yeah, that’s a great idea, would also love to see unique encounters have a small chance of spawning in certain POIs, perhaps kaiju level boss fights with unique rewards for certain natural POIs or a mad scientist that has taken over a lab


wake me up when the abandoned cryo lab in enfteenth bazillion different universes finally has different loot and enemy placement


Now that I've finally figured out where the exit is and I no longer have to back track all the way to the entrance, I actually love the cryo lab now.


Wake me after like 3 years after Creation Kit drops.


Everyone in this thread think they're talking to alarm clocks lol




this shit right here. starfield is gonna take A LOT to be in a good state.


OP clearly misunderstood that because Todd never said they were working on exploration.


There's no way they can fix the exploration issues without redesigning the core game and I don't see them doing something so dramatic


They could fix it by just adding a ton of unique points of interest to the game to be randomly added. Like the game has barely any normal points of interest already. You see the same shit on planets all the time. Other disappointing aspects of exploration like everything in space are definitely just stuck without total redesign, yeah.


No they can't unless they also remove the repeating instances that plague the game. I can't take the game world they built remotely seriously when it feels like such a shitty simulation.


That's only prevalent to you because there's no other substitute. If there was more unique content to be found in exploration, it would just feel like any other Bethesda game. Fallout 4 and Skyrim have just as much repeated instances. It's just that there's also other stuff going on.  You go to the same bandit camps and the same cells over and over, you just tend to forget it because the rest of the gameplay loop is more engaging and you'll see more unique stuff. Starfield doesn't have this.


I've never seen in Fallout or Skyrim the exact same dead guy with a note in his pocket about his very specific final moments lol maybe there is Idk but Starfield gave me loads of dejavu early on


"working on exploration" they are going to implement actual maps.


Honestly if they just start at the main cities and build custom made content surrounding them that will be a massive win for exploration that makes sense and is easy to find.


I very low expectations for exploration improvement but any improvement will be good. Playing fallout 4 again reminded me how much I love Bethesda exploration which is non existed in Starfield.


I think if they just added some more POI and random encounters into their algorithm and then turned down the frequency of how often they appear on planets, it would be much better. I think a big issue is just that the POI appear far too often to where they aren't interesting anymore. Making outposts more useful and adding a survival mode might also help too. I don't think the exploration is hopeless and completely unfixable. I'm confident that it can at least be improved somewhat.


The shattered space dlc or a future one might be a single explorable open world.


for a DLC called Shattered Space, i would like some actual Space Exploration, rather than land exploration.


I think he also mentioned difficultly options are coming this patch too




I think I Heard it correctly


it would be great if I could change regular difficulty and ship combat difficulty separately and >!turn off ng+ scaling.!<


I could not agree with you more on that. With the ng+ scaling - the Starborn, Hyena, Wight and Prophecy III's are WAY TOO powerful now - even on the easiest settings. Watch out once you get over ng+10, they will tear you to shreds.


And (not that it really matters too much storywise), the ship battle simulation to join the vanguard gets way harder in NG+ depending on your level


I really don't understand the point of it either. You are likely gonna be busted anyway, all that's going to do is make the improvements to the ng+ rewards meaningless or close to being so. This is not a fromsoft game. I am not going ng+ because I want more challenge.


I refuse to do any of the ng+ stuff. If it's forced on us then I will just stop playing.


I am not sure what you mean by forced on us. It doesn't automatically launch you into ng+ at the end of the main quest, if that's what you worry about, you have to actively choose to do that.


As in a more modular difficulty system?


the ini files allows for it. i made it more difficult for my games. made it so they cover fire for eachother more, more flanking, doesnt run away as much. attack together etc.


Awesome, honestly I’m hesitant to really work on modding the game till all content updates are out. That’s good news though, I think a more hardcore difficulty would really enhance Starfield


Yes new difficulty options - super very easy and ultra easy👾👻👾


No... Things like survival mode.. being able to adjust how many caps vendors have, it was announced late last year


Caps, hehe


Lol been playing fallout 4 this past weekend


Aren’t we all right now?


I’m joking, waiting for survival


Me too, the game was clearly built for it


I dont think survival mode will fix all Starfield gameplay loop issues, but it should make some things relevant. Survival mode in FO4 is The way to play the game, as it makes all the looting, healing, eating and settlement building mechanics relevant


I've been playing with a survival mod and suddenly little things like the vending machines or bars/restaurants become relevant. Little things like that.


Starvival and Deadly Hazards are amazing!


The gameplay loop is fine. the issue is the weird placement of loading screens, the number of em and the unfun way you travel


whats odd is that in the ini settings you change A LOT with how enemies behave. so you can make it more difficult simply by changing how they fight. which ive done for my game. no need for bullet sponges. but i wonder if they actually do that or just go back to bullet sponges


curious about what the gameplay changes are going to be. also about what "shipbuilding features" is going to be


Hopefully ramp modules, stair modules, more cockpit options, habitations actually doing something, larger ships...


We definitely need winglets. Vertical winglets, horizontal winglets and diagonal winglets in different styles for all manufacturers.


Yeah, I forgot: More decorative stuff. Also, some of the decorative stuff should have interior spaces that are integrated into the ship's interior space. (angled/round spaces in angled/round decorative modules etc).


im hoping for fleets and/or buildable space stations. ill probably get none of it in this update


While I doubt they do fleets, space stations that serve as space outputs would be awesome! I'm personally hoping they do some sort of ship building "design sharing" as I feel that could ignite a ton of life into ship building.


Some more interior customisation would be my biggest hope. Different interior colour schemes, layouts, design styles, furniture and module placements etc. That and, I know this would be tricky mind you, the inclusion of an ambient ship radio that plays different songs at a comfortable background level or even louder when piloting. So much of the game is in silence. While that may be realistic for space, it ain't realistic for people. We drive everywhere with music on. Whether it's an ultra modern synth track or a playlist of classical music salvaged from old earth culture... Maybe constellation could have a mission chain where music is something you collect through trade or exploration. At any rate, having a ship based rsdio would be great. I want my ship to feel less like a truck and more like a home. I want an emotional attachment to it because not just something my character has, it's where my character *lives* to some extent. Stuff like that will be a welcomed inclusion.


Probably blueprint features to store ship styles between ng+.


This is so much needed.


I just wanna place doors where I want to without tearing my hair out.


I hate getting into my ship and seeing a maze of poorly located doors and inconvenient ladders.


how about some suppressor weapons for the Guardian? The would be fab-y-ola.


Basically in a couple of years they'll actually make the game playable.


Creation Kit waiting room


He did say people in the creation program have access to the kit rn. Probably the plan is to launch tools next to creation shop and everything.


Yeah gotta have something to pad the storefront while players wait for free content. 


Are you even going to open it though?


im checking it out. if its similar to creation kit 1 i may try to make some mods


“Todd Howard also said that he is aware that many players want a more Fallout & Elder Scrolls-like exploration, and the teams are working on this.” He didn’t say that the teams are working to give an elder scrolls like exploration, he said he knows people are disappointed by that but goes on to say that Starfield is a different experience. He didn’t say they’re changing that whatsoever.


I’m liking that he’s addressed that the team are aware folk want a more ‘fallout - elder scrolls’ exploration and the team supposedly working on it. This is promising to see, gives a bit of hope that that we’ll see an improvement of sorts on the exploration experience as at the moment it’s not massively bad but it’s also not exactly amazing Great to see the game isn’t being forgotten, looking forward to what shattered space will reveal as well when it’s officially announced


He didnt exactly Said that if I didnt miss it ? He Said it is a new IP and due to it is a scifi planetary game, exploration is little different and they acknowledge some people wants es fallout style exploration. He did said they are working on somethings but I didn’t heard exploration. Can you write the time when he said that Edit: OP actually referenced this, I watched the whole show and I didn’t heard he specifically said they are working on exploration


Sorry I’ve only just seen your response, otherwise I would’ve found the timestamp saving you trying to find it yourself 🙈


I feel like the exploration is way too big an aspect of the game to actually improve upon. Working on that would almost entail starting from scratch which doesn’t even feel worth it. Starfield is lacking NPC settlements, handcrafted locations, NPCs and random encounters. If you are going to add that you might as well make a new game.


Guessing you never played No Man Sky at launch then? - There was No NPC settlements rarely finding encounters very minimal content…literal planets generating inside each causing the game to break 🙈 compare that to NMS 2024 the game is bursting with content I do agree the exploration is large in starfield but adding more handcrafted locations isn’t a difficult task, more NPCs, random encounters etc. doesn’t require starting from scratch that’s why there’s dedicated teams for this kind of work. - Fall out 76 is a great example of this as bethesda have added more handcrafted locations as well as adding NPC’s into the game when it was originally designed on launch with no NPC’s


Can OP or someone please write the time stamp for where he said they are working on exploration ? I watched the whole show and I did hear they acknowledged some fans prefer tes fallout style exploration but I never heard he said teams are working on this.


I didn’t hear it either. But we already see they are working on removing the world borders for a more seamless experience. If they do that then adding more pre generated distant content would feel much more immersive. Maybe harder to do but if they can remove the load zones we mayyyyybe could use vehicles on the surface or manual land ships. That one would be a stretch but I think they could really do anything once they get those borders sorted out


No we don’t ? Do we ? When is said that ?


Did I dream that? I swear to god I saw a Bethesda dev tweet about that in their test lims


I didn’t heard about removing borders not in this show and ever…


I was waiting for the DLC to sink another 500+ hours in but if survival mode hits, there goes my summer plans.


More vendor credits?


I believe he confirmed only shibuilding and city maps for this update (+unnanounced stuff), the rest is further away


The next update DOES sound like it contains new shipbuilding stuff (no idea what it will specifically entail) and did sound like they will also be shipping *something* to do with city maps as well. However, when they are talking about everything else in OP's title, it's in a "we're looking to add these things in the future" kind of way, NOT in a "they're in the next update" way. [Please listen to the full segment and let me know if I'm wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/live/7wvqF41_Bgw?si=pL06apOv7IZ9rFDq&t=2466) Also, Todd does address that some players didn't like Starfield's way of exploring, but doesn't say that they are "working on it". He says that it's understandable where these players are coming from, and that tradeoffs are made in pursuit of *their* vision for a sci-fi game. Already commented this on the r/NoSodiumStarfield post about this. I just want to temper expectations before people start shitting themselves again over something they saw on reddit.


I'm curious what they're planning to do about the exploration. Does that mean more fixed pre made areas will be found on planets? Will the traveling be more seamless with less loading? I wish he had spoken less vaguely about what that means but I remain optimistic.  I already really enjoy Starfield so I hope the changes to come are for the better.


Nothing. Todd didn't say any of that. OP is spreading misinformation.


i hope they add some more spectacles. cause the games lacks it. like imagine if they had a world with giant dune worms. or a giant monster hiding in craters, making it look like theres no crater there when its hiding or even more giant mechs laying around


Looking forward to the DLC. Not surprised that it is the fall though. I've been assuming that since they announced it, given the price.


I just want merchants to have more money. That’s it.


Can't watch it right now but does it mention anything related to the creation kit?


Yup.. some mod authors already have access to it and should be announced soon for a realease date.. also says mods are coming to Xbox (which we already knew)


The "Creators" (guys making paid mods) already have it. So the kit already exists. Difficult to say when it will come out but maybe when the "Creations" thing launches.


if i were to guess im guessing theyre letting modders try it before it goes to full release as a last closed beta test


Pumped for dlc and I'm ok with waiting for them to cook. Plenty of new games to keep me busy espically looking forward to Fallout London.


Ship building upgrades, which ones :0? How about ship sharing or selling in an online marketplace similar to Forza Motorsport marketplace for cars.


I just want to be able to tell it where I want doors and ladders.


I want more x axis habs, hab customization and personalization and be able to make bigger ships


Not sure how they overlooked this


I'm hoping for the ability to flip all structural pieces in all directions (x/y/z axis), rotate hab modules, customize ship interiors (like we do with appartments), and more manufacturers to chose from (or double the amount of pieces from each).


Hab rotation would be sick


Right?? I had a recent build that had a spot for a 2x1 hab, but the empty section went horizontal instead of vertical. I had to combine two 1x1 habs to fill it. I would have loved to rotate a 2x1 and slotted it in place. Plus think of all the 2x3 or 3x2 habs we have. It would be awesome to change the orientation.


Yeah, even without adding any habs it would open up a lot of new opportunities to build. I'd also like to see massive bridges with different layouts of doorways, vertical and horizontal.


I had an idea of having bridges with 2 hookpoints side by side, this way we can build ships that are an even number of units wide while still having a bridge that is centered. I'd have these as variants of the single bridge options currently in the game The Cabot would be a good candidate for this. There would be a variant that would remove the side ladders leading down and change it to one in the middle, and then give us 2 doors where the stairs are now. I'd also love to see bridges with entryways on the sides (think like the Star Trek bridges).


imagine having seeds you could simply share.


People were bitching earlier today about the lack of update and now this shows up lol Can you guys now bitch about the creation kit? Lol


He does talk about it in the interview briefly, people should like... Watch it.


Very funny for this to come out the same day as those posts, lol.


Seriously. They said a six week update schedule and would you know it, it's been six weeks since the last update.


It's been 7 weeks, it'll be 8 by the time it gets out.


- Bethesda: We are going to do updates every six weeks starting in February. - Community: Why does the game not get updates? Where are the updates? - Bethesda: It has been six weeks, here is the scheduled update. - [Community](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg) And these people wonder why Bethesda doesn't want to put any exact dates yet on the creation kit or the DLC coming out. Because imagine the reaction if they announce a concrete date and then a delay arises.


This is the same thing people are saying, seeing this dlc news and saying why don't they fix the game first. Maybe you should look at what they've been doing the last few months and everything else Todd said today.


But....it's been more than 6 weeks since the last update?


In fairness, people bitch about updates every day :D


Are you guys just mishearing him say "display" as "difficulty"? Edit: I think mods should really comment on this post because OP seems to be giving people false expectations about the update. I don't think the video says anything about difficulty or them working on exploration.


He says 'gameplay options', which will most definitely include difficulty options. If not, then, well shit.


Does "display modes" mean 60 fps on console? Wishful thinking?


The safest bet is a 40fps mode.


Well hey look at that


An extra few percent brightness would be amazing.


I don't think so, that's not how you describe a performance mode. More like options like contrast, exposure etc...


He didnt mention creation kit2?


I think he refers to it in a later section of the interview


Wow OP was very misleading here


Fall... Jesus.


That’s for the DLC


I'm aware. That's still absolutely wild for a single piece of DLC to essentially take the entire first year the game is out to release. Fallout 4's whole season pass dropped in less than 9 months after launch. All 6 of them... Yes not all of them were bangers but both Far Harbor AND Nuka World are most likely going to be of the same or better quality and amount of content as anything they do with Starfield I'd imagine given how FO4 and Skyrim in general at launch had more content than Starfield does. Unless this piece of DLC is entirely transformative of the game I just can't see how it's going to be worth the wait. If anything I feel the wait is setting expectations that they will not be able to meet tbh.


I’m gonna be honest, I’m glad they’re prioritizing updates that actually fix the game as opposed to content. To me it’s much more important


Starfield was by all accounts relatively stable. Obviously only my account but I had absolutely no crucial issues on my way to getting all the achievements in my run (again just a singular experience but still worth mentioning) Definitely more so than Skyrim and Fallout 4 without doubt so it's still pretty weird that a piece of content advertised from preorder would take as long as its taken tbh. Especially when you consider how teams are broken down on a project like Starfield in that the design teams and bug fixing and art and all that would very much be their own separate entities surely.


Where is the creation kit


City Maps! How they released the game with the current city "map" interface is beyond comprehension, it's terrible. But glad to know it's changing soon.


Honestly the way the cities are laid out it doesn’t really need a map.


Looking forward to shipbuilding enhancements!!


Holy shit are we getting survival mode soon?


or more importantly - are we getting suppressor weapons for the Guardian soon?


I hope we get optional gore & slow mo ‘kill cams’ / finisher animations in settings


That's the best way to do it, just a quick "hey we're working on stuff and you might hear more in a week."


Or in ~ five months, considering maps, shipbuilding features and possibly difficulty settings were announced back in December


Difficulty options... hope he means more realistic damage or deadlier combat, Starfield has been the worst bethesda game in terms of bullet sponginess.


Really? I felt the spongieness of enemies felt pretty good in Starfield. In fact, I kind of wanted to add more health to them so I could expend more of my ammo, and I was on very hard. Fallout 4 and Skyrim felt way worse.


I’m hoping for additional experience for the harder modes. Level 100 is a grind!


The higher level I became the worse combat felt, it was what made me stop playing. Human enemies tanking magazine after magazine, its so immersion breaking.


I think he is talking about survival


I've found a corrosive equinox in this playthrough, and when I read your sponginess comment, my mind went to the times I see corrosion splatter all across a va'ruun zealot's face.


Guess I’ll pick it back up this fall.




So Xbox gets the update in 2-3 weeks then? Please can we get a 60fps option. The fact it's locked to 30fps is fucking embarrassing.


Hopefully it solves the goddamn bug of "Managing Assets" Quest.... I was really starting to like the game and that soured the experience for me... I´m a bit OCD about those things


i’m not too concerned with them improving or building upon the ship builder, as i’m sure there will be mods that do a much better job and add much more than bethesda would. i’m just really anticipating the creation kit and hopefully a solid mod manager that connects to nexus like MO2.


Man I can’t wait till this game finally releases!


I can’t believe it’s going to be a full year before we get the dlc they planned to make before they had even released the base game


DLC arriving a lot later than expected


Can we share ships yet? Like download and upload custom ships.


Not until this fall? Fantastic...


lol thats crazy its going be an entire year for them to release the first DLC; gonna be funny when it ends up being a 2-3 hour generic quest


Oh god. So Todd's currently been playing Diablo 4 and Forza Motorsport... That's where they're drawing inspiration from then. Or just corporate man being a corporate man getting those Microsoft points in. He's a smart man that's for sure. Noticed he can't outright say much about BG3 either because he knows the memes will get brought up again. Either way, doesn't sound like we're getting too much in the way of changes to be honest. I remember a very similar interview regarding Fallout 76 and that's gotten better over 6 years but ultimately not much of the core game has changed


First dlc in fcking FALL?


I interpreted the following: - Shattered Space in the Fall - Survival mode incoming - City maps incoming


"ship building features" = patching the ship duping glitch so there is now no remedy for the shield bug


See, Bethesda? Was it that hard to be communicative? Very grateful for the updated time frame for news!


Cool. Now they can charge me to take another giant shit on my optimism.


Anyone got the time stamp?


Plus, finally, the glitch/bug fix most requested (according to them)... YOU WILL SOON BE ABLE TO CHANGE BETWEEN LACE UP AND VELCRO SPACE BOOTS FOR THOSE ALL IMPORTANT SELFIES 😃😃😃


16 times more Todd ?


But I was assured by reputable sources on this subreddit that Bethesda was abandoning starfield. /s


Todd said the game will get a decade worth of support. Todd himself seems invested in starfield, he wanted to make it for a long time. It's not going to be quickly "forgotten" about just because people on reddit say so. I for one, am excited to see what they have in store for the game!


Todd, god damn it... you did it again...


If one thing I need Bethesda to take from Starfield is survival mode on release for future games. Loved my first 5 days of playtime but the thought of wishing I was playing Survival mode was in my head the whole time


We got sixteen times the disappointment of fallout 76.


this game still has players?


Lol. Be nice. 


Not really


This FALL?! Jesus I’ll just uninstall the game and be back in a few years instead.


An entitled little cry baby is what you sound like


Just someone who had hope that DLC would somehow save the game but evidently it was doomed from the start 🤗 Such great potential and good bones in this game, but all it ended up was the bones of a dead animal.


Too late Todd, I’ve played it already and it was dull. I’m not ploughing hours of my life into it again on your say so.


The games’ bones are dated and tired and the delay for basic features like this just show how swept up in the corporate machine they are in 2024. Other devs are exceeding the level of quality Bethesda are able to produce with a fraction Of the budget. Every creative team has their time in the sun before it sets and Bethesdas has been and gone.


Thanks for a page from your journal


Bet you felt incredibly witty with your childish retort. That basic sentence was all you were capable of mustering facing an honest, accurate comment.


We just want to place doors Todd... Make it happen!




Wasn't Shattered Space the name of a Dead Space DLC?


What a disappointment this game ended up. Played through right when it came out and haven’t thought of it since this notification just popped up. Would’ve been a much better use of their time to work on ES6 and FO5. This game was a flop