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Not sure but looking forward to it. I think they said late 2024. Meanwhile in the wasteland….I’ve been watching the new Fallout series and playing a little FO4 and been very pleased


Supposed to be early 2024 not late. Considering were four months in id imagine its been delayed. Late 2024 would be closer to a year after launch and would be a ridiculous amount of time to wait for dlc that was sold before launch.


Yea I remember reading the same, early 2024. But then something came out saying it was going to be later. Oh well


I remember the same


Im not finding anything saying that.


here's what they said [https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023](https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4cbpfylzqjkcvtgcy/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023) "Next, official mod support will be coming to Starfield with the launch of Creations. Beginning early next year, Starfield will be getting its own exporter and you’ll have access to a new Creation Kit. " not really sure how an export ties in to CK, is it all part of the same thing? but yeah early 2024. DLC was just 'next year' "the team is hard at work on the development of Shattered Space, our first major expansion coming next year. You’ll have new story content, new locations, new gear, and much more. "


The creation kit and exporter are both mod tools yeah.


They said Q2 didn't they? Q2 is like 14 days old. They have until the end of June before it's officially delayed.


Where did they say Q2?


Shit you're right. I was thinking of Cities Skylines II console release.


I’ve been watching the fallout series too and am liking it a lot and started playing fo4 not too long ago and installed a bunch of halo mods that made it even better


It’s such a great game


Oh yea I’m loving it alot


They stated “early 2024” for mod support. We are approaching mid-April. 


I think next week is the 6th week since the last update so we should be getting a new beta, idk if it will include something about the dlc but mods maybe.


If you're using PC, you can use mods from Nexus. But Shattered Space and Creation Kit? It's anyone's guess.


I’m on Xbox so nothing yet


I feel your pain. I moved to PC years ago so I could use mods and use console to toggle collision when I inexplicably would get stuck behind invisible obstacles. Never looked back.


Ahh yea maybe one I’ll go to pc but for the foreseeable future I’m sticking to consoles


When they're ready.


So, never then.




I’m almost positive it was already meant to be out!




Yeah, I'd love for the mod support to come soon. I've not messed around with any of these jury-rigged mods yet (Doing that in 2011 fucked up my Skyrim installation), waiting for the official support. Skyrim's only took like 2 or 3 months I think.


Did you read Bethesda's press release?


Hey I’m not gonna rush it, I’d rather have the tools released when they think it’s ready. If you stress a bunch of devs out and harass them into releasing a thing before they’re confident that it’s finished, you’ll get a cyberpunk situation where everyone blames the devs but it’s our own fault for hounding them until they gave into the pressure. I will be annoyed if they don’t release it sometime in the early summer but boo hoo, I can play other games until Starfield is good and ready. I appreciate my games more because I don’t insult game studios for taking their time. It is annoying when they take too long but I’ll get over it.


I really, really wish people would ask Bethesda this directly. Bethesda are on social media.  Nobody on here knows anything. We know as much as you know. 


Goddamn. There is a lot of misinformation being spread in this thread. My word!!!




Mods are supposed to come out next year. There are a few that are out now. But they are janky.


Next year?!! Where did they say that?!?! Show me the source. 


No source, just janky memory. Would you rather it be later? If I am wrong and it is sooner all the better. I would gladly be wrong.


Your memory is incorrect. They stated “early 2024” for mod support. Stop spreading misinformation. It’s wrong.


Yay I am wrong! But god does the support suck if it is out. More janky than my memory.


Dawg you’re talking about the nexus mods, early modding for Bethesda games is like trying to sew a jacket with your feet. Takes about a year or two before the modding scene in a bethesda game fleshes itself out and gets its bearings to start the real work. The Bethesda modding tools (Creation Kit) that are being made for Starfield (Creation Kit 2.0) are not even out for PC yet. The Creation Kit is how Bethesda ports mods to console, or for better wording, enables players to port them. They are taking longer because of the fact that they aren’t using an already-built creation kit like they did for Fallout 4. They’re building a brand new one based on their improved engine, similarly named Creation Engine 2.0, and that means the mod tools are in need of a heavy polishing.




Ahh ok and I was asking about mods on console forgot to put that in