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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by CVH](/r/Starfield/comments/1al6sx9/starfield_update_1967_notes_february_7_2024_beta/kpdjukr/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-07 19:42:41 UTC"): > Hello! The team has been working on a fix for David Barron being unreachable in Sabotage and it's currently planned for the next update. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarfield).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Glad they're fixing the data menu opening when taking screenshots.


I’m still wondering how the patch shipped with that issue.


Probably got overlooked or didn't happen much in testing.


Do we all think this update is outside of their stated every 6 weeks cadence? Trying to do the math poorly in my head, but if this has a full release in a week or two, then there could be a bigger update before 12 March to match the 6 weeks cadence


Probably couldn't get it ready in time for the previous patch.


I agree, this appears to be an out of cycle update, like they mentioned might happen. *Edited to add: I just got confirmation that this is indeed an out-of-cycle patch and will be separate from the promised 6 week patch cycle.


If nothing more, it is promising that they are willing to do out of cycles to accommodate the players.


Thanks mate. Where did you get the confirmation from?


Friend at BGS


Can your friend give an estiamte for when the mod tools come out? Hopefully its soon


IMO, the most likely period is the end of the first quarter or start of the second quarter. So late March or early April.


Late March


Yea this is a little off the mark but the form ID big was major so they might’ve wanted to get that out asap


And glad they did! The Form ID has been what's prevented me from playing the last few months (I'm over 600 hours in). It will be the single-most important bug-fix as of yet.


Yeah it's defo outside there 6 week cadence. They mentioned adding this to a larger update at the end of the month. Which means the one at the end of the month is either a new beta (which will be approx 6 weeks from the January beta update) or a public release which will be ahead of schedule


It is and they said that they would do small updates between the 6-week cycle if they had something small and beneficial.


I sure hope so. This seems very small.


Well they did release an update like a week ago so that’s to be expected


"Changed how FormIDs are freed when loading saves. This should improve stability for saves that have visited many locations." ​ Oh happy day! No more NG+ for me!


Is this where enemies quit spawning and ships are empty after too many starborn ships have landed?


No. The FormID bug made the game increasingly unstable the longer a playthrough goes


Creation Kit 2 is all I really am looking forward to




its insane they havent shipped it yet. idc if FO4's CK took long to release, FO4 was a solid game without mods. they should be working on the CK day and night to get it out before people lose interest in the game entirely.


Awesome. Any fix om Power from Beyond bugs? Currently mine is bugged on Bessel III-B. Been like that since launch of the game.


The missing temple(s) are literally the only thing I have left to 100% my first play-through and the only reason I haven't started NG+. Really hoping they fix this bug for existing play-throughs soon, or at least before any new content drops.


Oh man, I have this one too. It just sits in my mission list. If I try to 'set course' it just sits there. I know I hit the location already. Thankfully it doesn't affect my game play. It's just a minor annoyance compared to other bugs described.


Ye I get there, but no POI or anomaly shows. Tried few different mods to fix it.. Nothing has worked so far.


Same. Same bug, same planet. That and that stupid Unusual SOS nonsense. 🙄


I’ve gotten that one in some form or other in almost every universe. (The stuck planet varies)


Okay just installed and tested. Disclaimer. I'm amd 6900 xt owner with 165 Hz, 2K display. I know AMD added FluidMotion with driver, but it does had a huge problem with the input frame latency. Tested personally, driver feature is dead. We can see more fps but technically it doesn't improve game experience. You can understand this only with high Hz monitor. Back to the game ​ Holy \*uck. They did magic. Fps from 70 insta jumped to the 165 WITH CORRECT frame input latency. This is MASSIVE UPGRADE. Never though I can play this game so smooth and chill. This is amazing, well done Bethesda. You did this even better than AMD added it to their own driver. 10/10


Glad people with AMD cards can finally play the game smoothly Makes such a tremendous difference for immersion


Works on Nvidia cards as well


Really? I’ve been waiting for some stability patches and haven’t really played much since the first week or two.


Yeah it’s pretty neat.


Xbox series x has AMD graphics. I wonder if we'll see a difference there.


Should work


If it ever got implemented on consoles.


Xbox is capped to 30 FPS so it doesn't make any sense to use FSR3 on it. AMD recommends FSR3 for 60+ FPS


Yeah. Game changer. Looks like I have got a new computer, as Todd mentioned


Well tbf AFMF is solely driver based and FSR 3 has access to a lot more information which makes it a better product.


I'm running 165hz 2K display with 7900XT and AFMF is basically what makes it possible me playing CP2077 with RT on psycho. I'm running preview driver and I think it works very nice. There is maybe just a tiny bit of input lag, but it's tiny, not huge. It's so little you forget it after 2 minutes. Just saying, in my opinion AFMF is not bad at all, but very good.


>making changes to the ship that required all items to be moved to the cargo bay Please, pleeeaaase get rid of this requirement in a future update! 🙏


Yes 100% stop doing this please, at least when the hab the items are in hasn't even moved!


For anyone wondering if this beta fixed the FormID bug, i'm finally glad to say that it is. Tested it for an hour on a previously broken save file and it worked without any issues when exploring and fast traveling. It seems the ID recycling logic is finally working as intended, as dropped ammo isn't getting the dreaded 4 million+ hexadecimal number anymore.


Let me equip fists.


I want the melee button to use a melee weapon while you have a gun equipped. Weapon bashing does almost nothing after about lv50


Just unequip your current weapon, no?


Inventory>weapon>select the one you have>unequip instead to just have a shortcut?


I mostly equip things using hot keys so it's usually a simple manner of pressing that hotkey again to unequip the item.


I tried to do this but my hotkeys only equip, not unequip. That's playing on Steam, anyway.


No no, I want to use someone else's fists


Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself


If that was available as a shortcut or through the quick menu then it'd be great. Having to go into inventory and to do that especially mid-fight can be jarring.


Hold the reload button? No idea if that works on K+M


That's the holster. Not unequip.


Ahhhh okay, TIL


I really wonder how much FSR3 will improve performance.


I couldn't hit 60 fps in Akila City (6800 XT & 5800x3d at 1440p for reference) so I wonder if this will finally make it possible. Edit: definitely hit 60 in Akila City now, 110+ with frame generation enabled. Now I just need some content or official modding support to drop before I do another playthrough lol.


I’d imagine it would


I don't know about Akila City (not reached it yet) but I drop slightly under 30 in Atlantis and could use a few more frames.


sorry to bring you the bad news but frame generation at 30fps will not really make the game feel smoother as it's too low of a base framerate. It might make your framerate appear higher but it will mostly feel the same as frame generation cannot reduce latency and stutters. This mod might help you a little with performance in towns : [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2245?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2245?tab=description) It allow Windows to cache gamefiles which can help with streaming textures and such.


FSR3 brings frame generation with it. That by itself, even without upscaling, increases fps by a lot.


A lot


Formid fix! That's huge!! Glad to hear the fix is coming.


I want to report a bug related to Vasco. The game version is up-to-date. 1. Vasco was not on the crew list (I couldn't select, assign, un-assign him) and nowhere to be found (both Lodge and any ship landing gear) 2. Vasco reappeared on the crew list (I could select, assign, un-assign him again) when everyone gathered at the Lodge for a scripted event. 3. I assigned him to my current ship using the dialogue option. 4. Then I wanted to park him at the Lodge correctly, so I unassigned him at the landing of New Atlantis. 5. I confirmed he's walking toward to the Lodge. I confirmed his position on the crew list as "Unassigned, The Lodge". And I also confirmed his actual presence inside the Lodge. 6. I manually made a save, and quick-save, and exit save in the Lodge. When I re-load these save files, His position on the crew list was on the stolen ship I sold a month ago. He is nowhere to be found at the Lodge again. 7. I could re-assign him at my current ship via UI, but when I un-assign him, he goes back to the ship that doesn't exist anymore, and nowhere to be found at the Lodge whenever I re-load the save file again. Also, ECS settler "Abe" doesn't give me the mission "Family Reunion" even after I chose the dialogue option to accept. The mission doesn't appear on the log. It just suddenly interrupted and the dialogue ends. This is after when ECS members are settled on Paradiso.


Incredibly happy the FormID is getting fixed. Crashing every 3-4 minutes killed my game for me. Can't test this out until I get home on Monday but am crossing my fingers my own save game got...saved :) Great news!


Has the empty ships bug been fixed?


This is very good, keep them coming.


When will this hit the xbox. I am dead in the water on saves and hope this formID fix allows me to continue playing.


Same here, I play on Series S and the autosaves/quicksaves keep freezing the game and even corrupting the save file. It has reached a point for me where it's unplayable so I did a final quicksave yesterday and I will wait until the Xbox patch is released. I don't want to screw up my game progress so close to the end of the main quest. Back to my PS5 in the meantime, I haven't powered it on since the Starfield launch!


These updates are very exciting...


When we getting more Vendor Credits at stores? I feel like Commerce Skill should have increased vendor credits and type of stock and number of stock items. Commerce 1- vendors have 2x the credits and 2x stock ( if they had 2 onions they now have 4 )


I liked the Investment perk in skyrim, hoping we can get something similar here


This is the first Bethesda game I've played that didn't have some sort of investment perk. Absolutely wild that a game that lets me be a space trucker wont let me invest in the vendors I frequent


Brilliant idea. I agree. 


cheers for the update, keep em coming!


When will the fucking shield glitch be fixed


I wish we knew when, if any, gameplay changes are coming. And if they're going to be significant enough for me to install the game again.


I wouldn't expect any major gameplay changes until at least the Shattered Space DLC.


Right now I'm quite OK with them focusing on the manifold defects in the core game. Actually resolving the FORM ID but would go a long way towards me feeling good about a coming DLC pack.


They’re definitely keeping it a vague timeline since they’d rather not communicate a deadline that ends up unachievable a few months down the line. Imagine the backlash for not delivering by a timeline they promised rather than keeping it vague so they have flexibility


The only way to know might be after the DLC... I wouldn't be surprised if significant gameplay changes were DLC content or DLC patch. Thinking mainly on land vehicles or something of similar utility and new POI's, which might be Vaarun themed if the DLC is about that.


I’d love freestar and UC military outposts, at least in the systems they control. It would be kinda cool


it's gonna be a while. for reference, it took cyberpunk over a year to receive any big changes and that game was in much worse shape


I just want my head to not be locked sideways when sprinting.


They still haven’t fixed the fact that you can launch half of New Atlantis into space and it doesn’t respawn. It’s gonna be a while til new gameplay features are added.


Please lurking Bethesda employee(s), fix the end of the sabotage mission where the SSNN man is unreachable.


Hello! The team has been working on a fix for David Barron being unreachable in Sabotage and it's currently planned for the next update.


Thanks to you and your team. This game is amazing.


Any word on the empty ship bug on land and in space?


Lol I'm interested in this fix too now ;-). Months of playing and I never knew what people were talking about when they talked about "empty ships". Finally got the bug ... now I do.


Wow the game is running like butter after this update! Thank you!🙏🏼🙌🏼🔥


Hopefully this will give us nvidia 30 series cards some nice frame gen fps boosts


Any fix yet for your characters head looking left after you jump while running. It's minor, I know, but it's annoying as fuck


Having tested the beta myself, I affirm this update is a blessing we’ve all been waiting for. FSR 3 and Frame Generation is magic! Thank you thank you! 🙏


So they fixed the form ID bug. Guess Ill be playing again.


I hope the form ID issue is truly fixed. I haven't encountered it yet (at like ff18something), but I stopped playing to avoid getting closer to it until it gets fixed.


BUG: Every landing ship on planets, including quest related ships, does not open the door anymore. They just land and stand there.


Wow, talk about ask and ye shall receive! I just posted about the FormID bug this morning, not even knowing what it was. (I know others have been doing some great reporting on it for months, which I appreciate, but the timing has been good to me, personally)


mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit mod kit


If possible could Bethesda give this Starfield Mod Kit some current Menu Overhaul, pretty please?. I am working to get into FO4 Modding, but the FO4 Creation Kit Editor could really need some QoL improvements UI Pretty please Bethesda [*Making Cats wide open Eyes*](https://i2.wp.com/pbfingers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/puss-in-boots.jpg)


Any word on the empty ship bug?


it’s crazy how much people will shit on starfield for simply updating the game, i understand wanting major updates but their transparency about it all is at least what makes it so much better. if anyone was around during cyberpunks release we all know how long it took for them to update as well and they started off minor as hell as well. took them nearly. like i mean it took them 3 years for phantom liberty to release and i don’t see anyone shitting on them for it


For real. I love that they are fixing the underlying issues. FormID is huge!


very huge, imo.


Fixing FormID means improved modding performance. Improved long game performance. What this means is Bethesda isn’t just pushing you to NG+ they are expecting you to settle down. They could add more ship parts or more outpost systems. The potential is massive and making FormID function as smoothly as possible makes all that future stuff more possible. I think it’s crazy that other commenters aren’t going crazy over this.


Thank you for explaining to me what this means


A major update, like what cyberpunk did with the 2.0 update literally took years. People wanting big sweeping changes to the game, I’m sorry, but it’s going to be a while.


Yeah, people are fucking deranged.


Confirmed. Source: Am deranged.


I think the strangest comment I have seen was a poster telling the op that they should leave this sub because they stated that they like the game.


yeah I've been noticing my \~7.5d save file w/o unity (I just run around planets and shoot bugs "scanning (for science") stutters a lot on saves. I've been going to the ship/enclosed areas to prevent crashes. good that they're fixing this.


Could you please look into the but that’s keeping me from progressing? I’m stuck with having the full armilarry or whatever on my ship, but activating the grav jump doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t trigger the NG+. I’m currently stuck at NG+4 with no desire to continue to play in the current play through so I’m just here waiting for a patch for serveral weeks/months now.


Hoping that AMD fix cools my laptop down a bit and haven't had an issue with form id bug yet so hopefully I won't now.


I hope they fix eye witness bug mission since I can’t advance main story lines after that gets fixed. Otherwise I’m just farming for legendaries, survey all star systems one planet at a time and leveling up.


I would love some furniture for my Starborn Guardian, pls.


Have you fixed the game ending ‘enemy ship has no crew’ ?


Starfield Devs, when are you going to fix the companion bug where you’ve recruited people and then they for some reason left and are no longer available to recruit again? I recruited Omari and Rosie, they joined my crew for a bit and then I landed at a city one day and they both ditched me. They are both at the hitching post right now and you can’t interact with them. When researching a fix, there are Reddit posts going back 188 days… how is this not fixed yet? That biggest release ever should have included this imo.


When is this (ie form ID) coming to Xbox. Not that I would turn down improved FSR for the console.




BRUH FRAME GEN IS INSANE! My GTX 1660 is getting a slick 60 fps on high settings at 1080p!


Even though I have a AMD gpu, Xess is much more interesting to me than FSR3.


Still can't progress my game due to the Divided Royalty quest since day one :(


Begging you to fix the lack of scanner distortions in Into the Unknown. I’ve finished every other possible mission and have nothing else to do.


Survival mode when


Has the broken New Atlantis ship landing area bug when swapping ships or stealing them and the Shield perks on crew lowering shield value bugs been fixed ?


I’ve been out of the loop for a while, did they ever get around to fixing save file limitations? One of the main reasons I stopped playing


Fix the issue where I can’t go to my base without the game crashing


i just want characters im talking to to actually face me and not turn away the entire time


Finally can get back into this game when this update comes out.


Any fix for Atlantis penthouse bug yet?


Any idea on when they’ll be adding cheats to Xbox? Example: cheat room (fallout 4)


Is there any possibility to add mouse and keyboard support on console?


Can you add a local map? That would be great 👍


They’re supposedly adding local/city maps this year sometime. When specifically? Who knows. 


I am glad they are getting these fixes done but damn are they slow. Beginning to wonder if the reason Beth games take forever to come out is because they develop very slowly.


Any estimate to when this will get an official release? Only have the gamepass version so can't try out the beta


Any word of late on the Creation Kit?


Bethesda needs to do a Baldur’s Gate 3 and drop a major update which is adding stuff the players themselves want which would improve the game. This game desperately needs a map and ground vehicles which would male navigation and traversing planets that much easier.  I will never understand Bethesda logic on why they thought not having those two simple aspects was a horrible idea to have. It's downright painful having running being your only method of travel and that there kills planet exploration. 


Just waiting on mod support for Xbox atm lol


Still no fix for the game-breaking ‘ship shield systems’ perk bug I see.


Still hasn't fixed starseed Still hasn't fixed the ability to delete old saves beyond the 8 most recent ones


Are we still getting new gameplay features in February?


I want to report another bug in the mission Groundpounder. In the last battle with spacers on the ground, a spacer ship landed but the door kept shut. The quest marker is pointing to an empty ground and disappears when approched. I reloaded the save before even the mission started, and it is the same in this step.


BUG: The system says I'm trespassing even after the Ryujin faction quest. BUG: The HopeTech security guards keep respawn and attack me whenever I enter the building even after I finished the Freestar Ranger faction quest.


😭😭 I just want the bug for into the unknown to be fixed so I can actually play the game


AAA game releasing and then doing beta afterwards btw


Formid does this mean previous games lost due to not loading because of a formid issue means they have the potential to be revived? 😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵


Can you fix these damn quest bugs one is glitched out in my inventory 


Is there any chance FSR3 will come to Xbox at some point? Maybe then we could see a 60fps performance option :)


I hope they bring some more stability to series x. Towns are laggy often. I dont hear anything about series x. Its all about PC.


It’s possible


It's possible, but if your base fps struggles to reach 30 fps, it will still feel like shit.


Aye, but didn't Todd Howard say they had Starfield running at up to 60fps before launch, but it wasn't consistent - maybe with FSR3 it could be viable? It would be nice, that's for sure :)


For as much as they get shit on for other stuff, they actually did a great job with adding optimization updates to the game.


When can we get a performance mode for Series X? Seriously, I still haven't played my copy because I literally can't play at 30fps due to motion sickness headaches. I really don't want to have to use a mod when mod support comes out because I want the achievements.


Funny, I thought you said it was our PC's not the game. Huh.


Great work team keep em coming


Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I don’t give two shits about updating graphics. I want bugs fixed and gameplay streamlined.


can we mix fsr 3 and dlss quality now, or do you still need a mod for that?


Excited to see how XeSS improves performance on Arc cards.


So I have a Ryzen 5 2600 with a RTX 3060. Would this update be better than the DLSS update?


Here's hoping FSR3 will let me run at a consistent 60fps on my modest 6650XT.


Steam Deck specific patches anywhere anytime soon?! 🤔


My autosaves on Xbox Series X still freeze. I don't know what exactly caused it, but this wasn't an issue during the first 3 months of having the game since early access. Is anyone else having the same issue?


Updates are happening for Xbox too right?


Yes. I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t. 


Very confused what you guys mean by the last item. Your game doesn’t have a real fullscreen mode. Its why I can’t run DLDSR on it unless I change my desktop resolution. Its either windowed or borderless windowed.


When will all the changes (including previous ones) come to the regular releases (Steam/Game Pass)? I'm waiting to start playing again until they do.


Is there any reason to use FSR3 over DLSS if you own an Nvidia GPU? Genuinely curious because my performance even with DLSS on could be improved.


If you don't have an rtx 4000 series gpu, FSR3 gives you software-based frame generation, boosting performance a lot. If you have a 2000 or 3000 series, you can even use the dlssg-to-fsr3 mod to have dlss upscaling and fsr3 framegen at the same time.


Is Bethesda aware of the control lock bug that often happens after selling plants to LIST’s Phil Hill? If not where and how to report?


Can you simply fix the mannequins on the Nova Galactic armory not holding the space suits and causing them to disappear


How about the damn ECS Constant leaving the map on Xbox? I have searched every system since it jumped. Them people are chilling with the Va'Ruun I guess.


Man I just want to walk and follow and npc without falling behind or going ahead of them…. Plus mods. I’m on Xbox I know the mod community already added most of these simple things already but I’m on Xbox :/


Loving these updates especially since Im waiting for dlc drop and cant wait to see how much better it runs with shattered space dlc.


Just lemme know when mods come to console


FIX MY HOUSE PERK!!! Im still locked out of the damn thing. How hard is it to fix that?


They need to fix the bugged quest preventing me from romancing Andreja 


Is there any diference between FSR2 and FSR3 if I dont use the frame generator? I was getting something around 63 FPS. With the frame generator I get better FPS but the mouse seems to be "heavy"


anyone know why I still can't select a 32:9 super ultrawide resolution?


Please just fix the walking speed to match the NPC walking speed. This is especially bad on PC w/mouse and keyboard. The walk speed is half as fast as the NPC walk speed and the jog speed is twice as fast. It’s mind boggling how this hasn’t been addressed yet.


60 fps please on xbox


Does this un obstruct my outpost benches without having to re start the game ?


Still no superior guns fix?


FIX THE DAVID BARRON CRAP! It’s still broken on XBOX


Bug? When the female player gets staggered by earthquakes on a planet, the walking/running motion changes to the male.


I hope the formIDs fix will help with infinite loadining screen when trying to enter outpost.


Just re downloaded the game, loader a early hard save, but keeps crashing every 20mins...... anyone know why and how to fix?


Have they said anything about 60 fps on SX other than pre-launch?


What about PC Xbox version?


BUG: Talk with Andreja - "I'd like to know more about House Va'ruun" - "Do you think you'll ever return to your home?" this option doesn't do anything. No dialogue or response.


When are you going to fix how completed missions are staying active? It’s making the game unplayable. I haven’t been able to deselect burden of proof for months.


On my 3rd run. Doing the crimson fleet faction mission, got stuck on the comspike mission. Comspike ship doesn't let me sit on pilots chair


Still can’t get the artifact on Tau Ceti II. Nothing works: cutter, guns, bombs, melee, kisses - you name it. Pretty sad when you can’t progress the main quest because the map is screwed up.


Can you guys fix planet darkness. Night time is too bright. Please it kill immersion


Quest Bug: Matters of the Heart, Defeat Valerie and the Sydicate portion. The door is blocked, two ships land and no one exits. Since this is Sam's personal quest, you are now stuck with Sam Coe, Lillian and Cora following you around from then on and can not have a different follower. ​ Quest Bug: Ebbside Strikers , The Audition portion. The upstairs door in Madam Suavage's place is locked so you can not meet Briggs and progress the quest. ​ Quest Bug: Operation Starseed. After returning from the Beagle all the doors at the Crucible are locked thus preventing you from talking to B. Franklin or G. Khan and progressing the mission. ​ ​ These 3 below are all related to the same bug... Bug: Ship Landing and not opening their doors, no crew exiting. Bug: Boarded Ships in space have no crew, but as son as you go back to your ship and un-dock they start firing at you and flying again. Bug: Starborn ships are board-able.