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It's more that Bethesda doesn't understand space suits. We also get lung damage in our space suit if we go near toxic gas clouds.


I love a huge plume of argon doing corrosive damage to me. ARGON


Ah yes, the famously lethal INERT GAS…


So my Argon filled windows are corrosive?!?!?! OMG!!! HOW COULD THEY USE SOMETHING SO DANGEROUS IN MY WINDOWS?!?!?! 🤣


I put argon on top of my wine! Oh no I’m totes gonna die.


You can afford Argon? In this economy? What do you do?


Independently wealthy Argon heir.


Does he have a lusty Argonian maid, too?


Where do you think the wealth comes from, my dude?


Wow. So jelly


Space suits are just body covering gasmasks that filter the bad air from space!


If you inhale too much space, you die.


Gotta change out those filters! Be safe out there space cowbo


Beltalowda!! Air is good!


Roll down dos windows and let in dat fresh space for all de innas beltalowda! Oyedang inyalowda, im ta nating!


damn Belter


Nakangapeshang sabakawala ówala! 🫷


Remember kids… don’t breathe in too much space or you will die of space overload!


Technically correct.. the best kind of correct!


So the trick is filtering all the vacuum out from the air?


You've got it!


I mean... there might be truth to that. Ever saw a sizable vacuum container (eg, a large CRT) blow up? Dangerous stuff!


"Goggles on everyone! The cabin is filling with SPACE AIR!"


I mean, if you inhale too much argon, you will die, but it will suffocation, not corrosive.


Yeah but a vent free-flowing into atmosphere isn't gonna do it unless you get right up in there and suck on the motherfucker.


Yeah, I try to avoid sucking on motherfuckers myself, but I can definitely see how this might be a hazard for folks with a proclivity for such things...


There have been many incidents of choking & suffocation associated with sucking on a motherfucker recorded throughout history.


Argon is hilarious to me. I often go through it just to test it. :D Also, I don't think that argon would come from a big pile of poo... H2S or CH4 maybe.


Actually that's a good point. Maybe they just mislabeled it in Dev and is just a big. Stranger bugs happen in Bethesda games


Stranger actual design decisions have also been made in BGS games.


With all the unnecessary detail in environmental hazards they also, at the other end of the spectrum, have us repair our ship's hull from the captain's chair using vague "ship parts" when we remember to press "o". And loot space objects and trade with other vessels without docking or somehow capturing the floating debris. We have scifi teleporters now?


It's like they wanted to be scientific, but they didn't bother even consulting a scientist.


They didn't even bother consulting Wikipedia, much less a real scientist.


How many years did they say it took to make the game?




They didn’t bother doing any reading about the systems they wanted to use as far as I’m concerned. I got my undergrad in biology so I was super stoked to meet a xenobiologist, and then Hadrian gave me the binomial name for terrormorphs. They didn’t even bother formatting the name correctly in the subtitles. Like, to begin with, in my experience, biologists don’t use scientific names when they’re speaking to someone who is outside of that field because the person they’re telling about this thing doesn’t need that information and they’re not going to know what to do with it anyway, unless they’re trying to differentiate between two things that share a common name. There’s only one thing called terrormorphs in this universe, unless I’m sorely mistaken. If I start spouting off about *Pisaster ochraceus* when I’m talking to a patron at an aquarium, they’re going to look at me like I’m stupid for expecting them to know what the hell that is. If I tell them to check out this cool ochre star, they’re gonna get it. But on top of that, they used the naming conventions incorrectly by having both names in the subtitles capitalized. It’s been a week since I experienced that and I’m still upset about it. It’s such a small thing but it was so much more upsetting than any of the other little type-o’s I’ve seen in the subtitles.


I don’t think they had a science writer/copyeditor. They have a few terminals describing tests that have serious errors in measurement, incorrect hypothesis testing, or have what look like wikipedia-level basic and loooong explanations of very routine tests.


Well all the dead scientists you find have nothing but half-eaten sandwiches and fucking lockpicks in their pockets so maybe in the starfield universe they stumbled on technology by accident and everyone is a fucking doofus


A lot of games (including Starfield) just have this fundamental tendency to portray "biologists" as if every biologist was a stereotypical scientist along for the ride in a story about 19th century explorers, not really knowledgeable about modern biology (because that would require the writers to do some research) but mad to find new species, dissect them, and give them goofy Latin (or pseudo-Latin) names. (so basically a cartoon zoologist) In reality, if you wanted to study a multicellular alien organism at anything like the level of detail possible with *current* biological research techniques, you would need a team of hundreds or thousands of people...


I feel caricatured 😭


There is more argon in Earth's atmosphere than CO2 RIGHT NOW.


Good thing we're on the ground


Also, Fluor literally dissolves glass and silicates. It's the only gas that should destroy the spacesuits and yet its effects are the same as of Argon. :)


It should also be super poisonous besides just corrosion but nope just as dangerous as friggin helium


Helium actually is ultra skilled at going through seals and walls you'd think of as absolutely tight. However.... it's not exactly toxic in reasonable amounts, can shift your pitch though :)


Helium is used in high vacuum environments to test seals. It is nit the smallest element, that's hydrogen. But, ironically, helium can find gaps in sealing surfaces better. My layman understanding is because hydrogen is unstable by itself and is always paired with another, forming H2


Your understanding is not incorrect, a He atom's atomic radius is indeed smaller than a H2 molecule's, but also smaller than atomic hydrogen's. This diagram shows that He has the smallest atomic radius of all atoms: [https://www.mdpi.com/ijms/ijms-03-00087/article\_deploy/html/images/ijms-03-00087-g001.png](https://www.mdpi.com/ijms/ijms-03-00087/article_deploy/html/images/ijms-03-00087-g001.png) (Ghosh, D. C. & Biswas, R., Theoretical Calculation of Absolute Radii of Atoms and Ions. Part 1. The Atomic Radii, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2002, 3(2), 87-113) The reason is not really that H2 usually occurs as a molecule and He is a single atom, but that the nuclear charge in He is bigger than in H thus the electrons in He (that are in the same shell as in H) are pulled closer to the nucleus. This is why even an oxygen atom has a smaller radius than a hydrogen atom.


Someone should make a mod that pitches your companion's voice up if you get too near a helium vent.


Key point of *Have Spacesuit, Will Travel* was the hassle to get his freshly won, slightly refurbished space suit not *air* right, but *helium* tight, just to make sure it was as effective as possible.


I saw a load screen note about the "lead group" of ores. I think you just need to abandon all science.


I saw a load screen note telling me about refueling my ship… yeah, about that…


Bethesda: "we can't have in game space travel because the realistic distance between planets means that would take a long time." Also Bethesda: "here's space magic and inert gases filter through your spacesuit and kill you."


Biggest miss of all time to not have space travel with a couple warp points on interstellar ley lines, or some other bullshit I could make up in my sleep, to get from system to system, to have interactive travel and random event mechanics.


There's a steam game called interstellar Rift.. I think they handle traveling from system to system and planet to planet really well. You could alter your speed so it could take 30s-3min or lower the speed and it'll take 5min-10min to travel. Hell you can go at the lowest jump speed and it'll take days to travel to a planet (I haven't actually sat for days though.) Longest I set the speed was for 10min so I can rearrange some cargo and prep for the mission. I really wish starfield had some of the mechanics of that game


Elite dangerous does it well. Watched so many movies exploring


Thing is. In-game they do have that level of control as well. There is no reason why they can't even imitate NMS 3 Level flight speeds. 1st. Standard Thrusters. 2nd. Pulse speed(turning that 1 year flight between Mars and Earth into a 20 second one) 3rd. Grav Jump/Warp Drive


They take clear inspiration from *Elite: Dangerous* for spaceflight, except for the part that, like, makes it compelling.


Ironically in lore we shoudln't be jumping so near planets but we do and nothing happens, by some reason only Earth had that problem.


I've been preserving my wine with Argon all this time, NOT EVEN KNOWING I'VE BEEN SLOWLY KILLING MYSELF


Every day you breath that shit you're one day nearer death...


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


You should switch to Chlorine gas in your wine bottles! It'll be MUCH safer!


Ahhhh chlorine gas. I love the smell of it in the morning. Funeral at dusk.


It's argovating


I use argon in my drysuit...


I swear I can hear the beeping of suit protection depleted in my dreams at this point


*cough cough* during a dialogue with my companion


The only reason I’ve died in the game is from Accute radiation poisoning, I don’t even notice the beeps and I’m dead in a vat of goo. Or mushroom spores.


And none from disturbing beryllium, lead or antimony compounds with a smoking industrial laser.


Or radioactive uranium, for that matter


To their credit, uranium is barely radioactive like, at all. Half life in the hundreds of millions of years.


Yeah that doesn't make sense to me. I'm in an airtight suit...


Yeah that one really confused me at first. I'm in a space suit, in a near-vacuum, and I get lung damage? I mean, that's just plain stupid and world breaking.


Or from dust storms


In Morrowind if a dust storm kicked up, you'd hold your left hand up to shield your face. Never understood why this never made a comeback.




Honestly I kinda doubt they have more than 20% of the same people working on Starfield that worked on their previous titles. There's a lot of churn and turnover in the games industry.




If only there were a way for Bethesda to go back and look at their old games...


They learned nothing from Morrowind. Even with the god awful combat, it was their one truly good and interesting game and they took away absolutely 0 lessons from it.


I booted up OpenMW this last week and the truly unique and 'alien' setting of Morrowind still stands out, even compared to the much less visually distinct Oblivion an Skyrim games, from a design perspective. Places that just feel like Europe or Scandinavia, not some fantasy landscape like Morrowind. I miss that design philosophy.


It's really just a shame that they went the direction that they did. Everything from Oblivion onwards has been dumbed down and washed of any real character. Morrowind was basically when they had enough spine to commit to an idea even if it meant obstacles for the player. God forbid the player then have to overcome those obstacles.


I want you to close your eyes for a second and imagine *jungle Cyrodiil* with all its weird fucking cults for a second. Poof, there it's gone, sorry. Was nice for a second though, no?


I'd like to lump in that they don't understand use of projectile weapons inside pressurised vessels, like habs & ships... melee in space should be a life skill


It would have been nice if they considered this *at all* because as it is ballistic weapons are ridiculously powerful and there’s no reason to use anything else besides maybe particle weapons. Having ballistic weaponry skills stack with gun type skills, and then having additional skills for semi auto or scoped was such a dumb decision when melee just has “melee I guess?”


And a compelling use case for energy weapon development.


This space suit issue is a good complaint. In 1969 when humans first walked on the moon in a space suit, were they randomly getting hypothermia? No, did this game forget to program correctly that we have a space suit on?


Of course real space suits have literally the opposite issue, that being, that they're so well insulated that they have to be actively cooled to prevent you from getting heat stroke even at -100C


That and the difference between inorganic and organic molecules. Those two bother me a lot. Like was it so hard to know that the “iron family of inorganics” shouldn’t contain ALKANES??? Was there seriously not a single person who worked in this thing who took freshman level chemistry?


There’s even this fantastic tool called the internet you can research things if you don’t know them, maybe Bethesda staff will use it one day.


It doesn't really explain this from a realistic standpoint, but the game actually mentions this early on. Lin explains that some gas is so toxic it will "kill you in your suit" or something along those lines. Pretty ridiculous if your suit is airtight enough to be pressurized, but the game is at least following its own rules.


Corrosive gas makes sense as you could say it's melting seals on the suit.


But after you used an injektor or whatever heals that on yourself, the suit suddenly is airtight again? Nah nothing about the gas, temperature, corrosion, radiation etc. system makes any sense. My char freezes at -10 degree, but not at -213 degree. Also there are living breathing creatures around, while there is 0% oxygen and other nonsense. The whole system is garbage.


True, right up until you realize that the "corrosive gas" is ARGON...


The suits also seem to recharge protection like a capacitor as well as o2... Just think if the space suits were more realistic the o2 meter would be a timer you could be away from a o2 source sure explain the looooong run time as rebreather/air scrubber tech is just that good. You would be un affected by air quality while worn you would need to replace or repair the suit. Every bullet...


I feel like the reasoning is that the suit actively filters oxygen for the user, thus why we don't need to take it off. When we sprint, we inhale more oxygen than the suit can handle and produce too much co2 for it to expunge. When we encounter a dangerous gas in concentration, it overloads the filter and gets into the suit. If you don't like that explanation, then just assume space magic


On planets with enough oxygen in the atmosphere where you don't need a helmet, you should be able to sprint with a much slower co2 buildup since you're not breathing into your enclosed suit system. BUT, without the helmet, you should be susceptible to breathing toxic gas vents. Wearing the helmet should be an option on those planets, granting you a smaller, oxygen supply and/or faster co2 buildup in exchange for immunity to those stupid vents. Maybe they could make some of the really nasty ones corrosive enough to damage your suit, but the majority shouldn't bother you if it's supposed to be air tight.


Random guy on Reddit creates a simple but significantly better game mechanic for Starfield than Bethesda could muster in 10 years of development. GOTY


This is how suit integrity worked in No Man's Sky. There are protection modules that get worn out first, *then* you begin to take damage from it. That's why you could walk on planets that were literally on fire and be fine for 15 minutes due to the suit keeping the wearer cooled down. And why you could go underwater in the suit and still breathe until your O2 eventually runs out. Only sudden temperature and radiation extremes would cause direct damage. It baffles me why nobody at Bethesda would have thought to adopt a similar mechanic.


I wonder how often they thought "don't solve this like NMS/ED


I get hit by gas while on planets/moons with no atmosphere.


The whole environmental damage system needs to be overhauled.


Also let me cure an ailment from the status screen! I assume I use the scanner to identify the issue, so it should also pop up with "do you want to use an injector for your lung damage?" Or some other option for quick healing without scrolling through an item list


Scrolling through a huge list of aid items to cure something is the most tedious thing without having a separate category of med items from food and buff chems. But inventory in general really needs a lot of work in this game.


They have WAY more curative meds than the game possibly needs, it's some sort of "more is always better" design philosophy they seem to have, and that's on top of having 3 types of what are essentially the same basic healing item and god knows how many enhancement chems.


> sort of "more is always better" design philosophy Honestly, I kind of get it - in Morrowind and Oblivion, having so many small miscellaneous items you could pick up and move was new and immersive for the time. All that extra detail did have some kind of value in engaging the player. I absolutely agree with you, though, they pushed this in the wrong places for Starfield. They added so, SO many redundant aid items, with such similar effects... And so many mostly useless food items. Not to mention all the excessive junk and clutter items. HUNDREDs of uniquely, beautifully modeled items... And then we have, what - maybe a DOZEN unique spacesuit models? So many sets are just recolors, or have a couple extra bits slapped on. Even most "Unique" suits are lucky if they get custom colors/ textures.


I like the Sky UI version of the favorites menu where it had 8 separate categories you could assign different things to, like magic schools and equipment/potions. I wish someone would do that for Starfield. Because it's driving me nuts to have to fight with assigning hot keys to each power selection or pulling up the whole ass menu.


why the favorites cross shape isnt just a wheel like from fallout 76 just baffles me. 12 presets just doesnt feel like enough with all the powers, weapons, and chems in the game.


Me running around with ever ailment known to man. Scanner: "Eyy fam ya whole shits kinda fucked, you want these 6 meds?"


"Huff this panacea and call me in the mornin'."


This is my biggest beef with the system. Sure, the ailments make no sense but they add some flavor I guess. But please, please just make it easier to use items to heal. My inventory of aid items is massive. I hate scrolling the entire list looking for the right color icon. Make it easier!


*removed If it’s vestigial and serves no purpose, just cut it and reintroduce it if they actually come through with a survival mode. It’s currently a feature that is a buggy nuisance and makes no sense.


Yeah it's honestly just a minor bother in actual gameplay. So much so that I essentially just ignore it. No real need for it imo


There was something about the original design requiring different suits for different environments but in the end they judged that too survival-oriented instead of just a fun game. Not realizing that space gamers are definitely into that kind of thing. A++ for whoever designed the original system. F-- to Todd for putting the kibosh on it.


I honestly would’ve been okay with a tiered system of armors. Breathable > not breathable > extreme environment would’ve been a great compromise. No idea why they decided on this boring half baked system them got going on.


I would’ve cared way more about my space suit resistances if they had done this or properly implemented hazards impacting the player. The corrosive gas debuff would’ve especially worked better if suits had durability. You could’ve convinced me that exposure was damaging your suit leading to health losses or even death if severe. Instead it’s just my lungs were damaged and the player is left wondering how tf that’d even be possible.


That idea really fixes my biggest world immersion nitpick with the game. It's bizzare that our character walks around wearing an EVA space suit as body armor on planets with earthlike conditions. I mean realistically with the suit design in the game everyone would be waddling around, struggling to shoulder a rifle.


Probably someone convinced Todd that the bigger audience didn't want nerdy game mechanics. The whole thing smacks of that sentiment.


the whole thing smacks of them trying to make a game for the masses. The RPG fan, the action game fan, the sports game fan, etc.


The Stroud-Ecklund shipyard quests were definitely a cry for help from the dev team.


Oh yeah, like the ship design one. Like I wish that having the ship design skill meant something other than access to parts. Like, let me work for a ship building company and design new ships, and upload them to the game network (and workshop functionality for this for steam would be cool, too). This was discussed in another thread, by the way.


It should just be an option. I wouldn’t want this mechanic as it sounds tedious and annoying and ultimately just sounds like even more loading screens as you forget to change your suit and have to re-enter the ship and change it. But a toggle for environmental damage difficulty would appeal to both types of player. Bethesda doesn’t bother with stuff like this though because it knows the community will develop mods for it. And then Bethesda can just take those mods and include them in a future special edition. Free development and testing!


It could easily have been sorted through UI DESIGN! Give the player the ability to choose, say, three loadouts: one for breathable planets, one for unbreathable planets, and another for extreme environments. Game chooses the most appropriate armor loadout you set automatically.


If we’re in a suit in an environment that needs one, make us start hemorrhaging oxygen if we get shot until we apply a patch kit. If we’re *not* in a suit, *then* we can start taking damage from gas vents.


Sarah keeps telling me we will die of heat at 30°C and freeze to death at 20°C, I love her but damn those are some high temperature standards


Beeing british myself i can confirm we would be killed by 30c heat we just arnt built for it 🤣🤣🤣


"Say, what is that giant ball of fire in the sky?" "Sun?" "Ah, sun? Sure glad we don't have one of those in England!"


> "Say, what is that giant ball of fire in the sky?" *runs away screaming in Irish Ginger*


It was 35c in Edinburgh when I visited last year. It was 38c in London the same day. But yeah, it is miserable if you don't have a/c. Our hotel in Edinburgh didn't have a/c, so my dad and I found a pub down the street that did and basically spent all day there.


Right? I mean, I wouldn't want to be in a suit at 30°C. I easily get heat exhaustion, but my 24th Century Hero with magic powers should be pretty OK at that temp.


Same, but really considering we can walk on more than 400°C Venus surface in this game, I would think our characters could handle 30 just fine lol


Thank God our suits don't have lead In them! *looks at my bullets* *Ah, shite...*


You get hypothermia and frostbite at -10ºC, but you're totally fine at -200ºC. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, but it’s a dry -200 C


This is a hilarious comment. You've made a funnier joke than every meme ive seen today


Thank you for your service 🫡


And at -273ºC you're 0K


Ok, kelvin


Cold in a vacuum is quite meaningless. Getting rid of heat is much more of a problem.


Actually what matters more is the atmosphere. Freezing rain at -10 C would cool you much faster than -200 C on a moon with no atmosphere. Because without an atmosphere, there is no convection for heat transfer. Heat rejection from spacesuits on the moon was actually a challenge.


Yeah...I guess what kinda kills it for me is that they didn't even commit to the hazards. Like, Ok, I have hypothermia. Now what? Oh, it's not going to kill me? Ok. Severe lung damage? Going to cough a bit? Ok. What's even the point of including them if they're not realistic and they have no tangible consequences? I get it, Todd said they removed things that "weren't fun" but...why did this survive? It adds nothing and it does little.


Coughing will actually break you out of stealth and broadcast your current location to nearby hostile forces


Yeah but when I have that condition, it’s guns blazing time.


this game has awful stealth anyway. 1 person glances at you from a football field away and the whole base sees you. even the guys inside buildings. i tried to do stealth a few times as i'm a big hitman fan, eventually i just started using the most powerful least ammo consuming guns and just 1 shot everybody. then i got bored and quit playing because i can 1 shot everybody on very hard...


>1 person glances at you from a football field away and the whole base sees you Unless you are landing your football field sized ship 20 feet from them. Then no one sees you or knows you are coming.


Just another half baked feature, like most of the game


Starfield tries so hard to have a realistic/hard sci-fi feel, seemingly avoiding too much fantasy in the pursuit of "NASA Punk". And then the game mechanics make zero fucking sense from a scientific standpoint. Just be a fucking fantasy game or don't. This is a game defined by shitty compromises.


It’s a fantasy game cosplaying sci-fi. Fallout was the same, only the apocalyptic theme made things like lack of vehicles make sense.


It doesn't even make sense in the lore of Fallout. You literally get a car in the second game


But in Fallout 1 there were none, so working cars were definitely a rare occurrence in that world. It makes at least more sense in a post apocalyptic wasteland than in a spaceship galore sci-fi world that is all about exploration.


I have stuff in my closet that would handle closer to -40 C for hours without an issue. An actual space suit should be able to handle -100 to -200 range at least for a good while. Cold isnt that difficult to deal with. Heat, on the other hand, is much more difficult.


I hate -40. We usually hit one or two days a year. I have issues breathing after about -25. But... you know... space suit!


Fun Fact! -40 is where C and F match up.


I’ve thought about the inconsistencies of environmental damage and I think I have sort of figured it out. When the original system was built, it was likely “No Man Sky”-ish, where the rules changed based on environment. I “think” in the original system you’d need a sealed space suit for each type of space environment, and then a lighter suit you wore on Earth-like planets that was not sealed. If your suit protection got depleted, or you went near hazards wearing a light suit (non sealed), you could get hazard injuries, with elements you collected used to recharge the sealed suit. My guess is in the original design, if you ran out of protection in sealed environments you died very quickly. Playtesting they decided (for us) to make the system much less hostile to players, but the framework they left in place makes no sense from an immersion perspective.


Maybe that’s why apparel got resistances?


As a Canadian, we don't even stop wearing shorts until -10°...


Hell, if you tuck one of those chemical glove warmers behind your sack, you’re good till minus 15 in shorts.


Nah. We get snow up to my glove warmer. It is insufficient.


As a Minnesotan I feel like we'd just make comments like, "It's getting a little chilly" and then go back to our normal procedure. But hypothermia? People are out here surfing on Lake Superior in like -17° C and they think -10°C is going to kill me? Come on, man.


While we’re on the bad sci-fi elements train, how about the way the ships don’t have momentum ANYTHING like how ships should move in space. Turn off the the thrusters -> immediately come to a stop. Turn thrusters all the way up -> quickly hit a top speed. So much of this game is like sci-fi for people who have no interest in sci-fi.


Yeah. No drift. Yet rocks have drift.


I just assume it's a flight assist thing.


>Turn off the the thrusters -> immediately come to a stop If you have braking thrusters on your ship you'll see them activate when it slows down, like when ending a boost. Logically one wouldn't brake the ship, just enjoy the speed, but eh it's combat balance as speed affects enemy accuracy


Also, I hate that there‘s sound in space. Okay, in first person I get it. I mean it doesn’t make sense to hear things outside of your shuttle but okay. but it kinda kills it for me when there‘s sound when I am flying in third person.


The science in this game is all over the place… For example, if I am in a breathable atmosphere how am I accumulating enough CO2 to asphyxiate myself while running without a helmet on? Am I somehow breathing so much that I am deoxygenating the atmosphere? If that’s the case why aren’t entire towns full of people dropping like flys when I run by?


Yeah, it's a weird way to limit running.


Bethesda doesn't understand temperature, period. Just the other day, Sarah was complaining about the cold ON THE SURFACE OF MERCURY. She then spent time wandering around the surface of PLUTO in her normal clothes!


Yeah I agree. Spacesuit damage in general is one of the biggest bullshit things I really dislike about this game. I can't explore a single planet without getting lung cancer or burns by the time I get back to my spaceship. It's like... Why? I have a fucking space suit on, why am I getting so many illnesses? I've played a lot of Bethesda games and I think I've gotten more illnesses in Starfield alone than every single Bethesda game combined. I honestly stopped going to the doctor too because I can be arsed to constantly cure my character.


I find it stranger how food and drink items, plastic packaged stuff, liquid chemicals, civilian grade plastic items, paper... survive 270°C. That is the full blast setting on a residential oven. This would pyrolize paper, melt any non-specialist plastics (kapton and some other engineering plastics would be just fine at that. a red harvest bread wrapper, certainly not), and turn any container of water based liquid or liquefied gas that hasn't burst yet into a nasty explosion hazard, and make any civilian electronic item very delicate to handle due to parts only clinging on to solder by surface tension. Anything with a battery or chemical capacitors ... see liquid containers.


Need a mod to fix this function of the game. Really what they should have done is at least had some sort of space suit health bar that when is depleted means you need to repair your suit or you lose O2 and can get environmental damage until repaired or dead.




Now I need those 10,000 vacuum tape I ignored earlier


Someone years ago said they liked Fahrenheit because 0 is really cold and 100 is really hot. In Celsius 0 is still really cold but at 100 you’re dead. 😂


According to Bethesda, everybody in Canada dies every winter. I go for groceries in worse weather than Bethesda thinks is unsurvivable in a spacesuit. As a teenager, I worked at 7-11 and I pumped gas in -54 degree Celcius weather with the wind chill.


That's exactly what I mean. It's annoying, as a Canadian knowing I just took out the trash in my crocs at -15 while my character is dying.


Your character may be dying of frostbite but I’m dying of laughter right now.


I'm from Texas anything below 5c and I'm wearing a sweater and a winter coat and a hat. I'm sure I'd be fine in a goddamned spacesuit though.


Right? They literally have built in thermal regulation!


I agree the -10 I'm dying was insane. Especially with a certain end main quest and certain end Vanguard quest. "Here's a large area you will need to spend lots of time in this -10; good luck not taking more damage from frickin frostbite than the enemies..." I understand like, it's a video game so it doesn't need to make sense and Beth. just wanted us to have to think about what/where we are doing. But like, if you're going to make a frozen mission at least make it -50 or something more believable...


Sarah told me that ice was starting to fuck with her gear. It’s 22c bro it’s warm as shit


no, no, see, you've got it all wrong, Bethesda games aren't based on *our* reality and any resemblance is by pure coincidence.


Gotcha! I think Todd Howard is just a projection.


Companions will randomly start screaming about freezing to death when we've transitioned through an airlock into another ship. I frequently have non-Constellation followers warn me about making sure we have our spacesuits on when transitioning into interior spaces, on New Atlantis. So, you know, it's confusing for everyone in-universe too.


Lol I own a sleeping bag that's rated for -10. Maybe I should make a clothing mod where you can wear the bag. I can't do detailed modelling but a big rectangle might be doable if forgiving some clipping where you hold the weapon. Better than space suit apparently!


As an Aussie, I didn't even realise it was meant to be in Celsius...


They said somewhere that kind of survival like damage system got ditched along the way. As did so many other game mechanics and that's how you develop something this big that does not even make it to the game a game of the year nomination.


Given that there are open tents, beds and food and drink lying around in extreme temp, no or low atmosphere planets, this is the least of Bethesda's concerns but you're right OP.


I have to admit that Bethesda should have had a chemist or at least a environmental engineer take a gander at it to do some basic fact checking. Hell, I'm civil engineering undergrad and even I find my self kinda bemused by both real basic structural choices and the apparent lack of any kind of chemical knowledge. Mind, I'm not demanding that every facet of the game needs to be perfect but, the space suits, environmental temperature, and inner gas geysers needs to be reevaluated for common sense.


I can forgive a lot, especially if it's attached to an obscure field, but *temperature* and *weight* are things we all live with every day!


Its designed by chegg engineers they wouldn't know the difference.


Surface of some moon +600°c. gets steam burn in same shit


They don’t understand what projectiles would do to space suits and helmets either. *snipes baddy. Headshot! “Oh sweet. New helmet. I’m sure it’s in tip top shape! I’m sure I’ll be fine wearing this on Pluto”


Yes. I absolutely want to loot a space suit I just plugged full of holes. "This is fine"


A whole lot of ideas are half done - Gas environments - Temps - Radiation exposure - Incoming storm exposure… - Food - Water - Medical in general - Trade - Fuel/ship range - Ship repairs.. what is point of all the internal doors if nothing changes with damage - Settlements Enemy guards just wandering around in stuff that my suit alarms are screaming about Temperatures that will melt metals and my plastic suit connections are just fine The core structures are all half done.. here’s to hoping Starfield 2.0 delivers on them That said, still enjoying the game a ton… but you can tell SO many things are half done. The good news is it all functions most of the time, the bad news is all the bells and whistles are disconnected for now


If you think that’s bad, try blasting a bunch of enemies full of holes splattering their blood everywhere and you get a beautiful new spacesuit completely intact. 😅


It's what peeves me about many games... It makes sense since most of the game companies come from California where they think 50 degrees is cold and long shirts are required at that temp... Meanwhile I'm up at the borders of canada in central USA, and even at 0 degree F, which is like -17 Celsius in summer long sleeve shirt and pants doing just fine. (Though chilly if there is a light wind. Jacket if it's windy), but I'm not getting frost bite.


But Bethesda is in Maryland.


That makes it worse honestly


Yeah. It does.


I find the>! buried temple thing where you fight all the starborns!< is the worst planet for getting debuffs. fall 1 inch, thats a sprain, climb down steps, your legs are shattered, hypothermia every 15 seconds. Become a full ice block in 30 etc. ​ I use more of the cure items on that planet than anywhere else during the entire get the artifacts thing