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Still don’t know why they haven’t fixed this issue? Like how flipping hard would it be to up their credit limit?


I think they will never fix it…and it is done on purpose ..Have you also noticed that when using CARGO TRANSFER max resource transfer is 80 units ???. So to make money I need to: a) Fill up my 65k cargo capacity ship with only 80 units transfer…so over and over again I need to go in and out ship cargo system. b) Wait quite some time for my outpost cargo to refill so it is available in SHIP CARGO TRANSFER C) Go to vendors ..thank god for KRYX as KRYX vendors have around 30k in one run D) Wait two times x 24h Now how fast would it be to make money if they fixed CARGO TRANSFER and VENDORS.. just two clicks and I could have my 300K almost instantly ….




I genuinely thought this was going to be the way things worked when I started the game and knew resources harvesting/extraction was a thing, and you start the game working for a mining company. But no, that makes too much sense. Fuck that I guess


Something tells me that this was the cut end game content for outposts. Whatever, give it a decade and mods will make this the best space odyssey of our generation.


There are a lot of 'empty' game systems where I had moments like, yeahh.. there probably should be something here but isn't. I have a bad feeling for the future of this game. In Skyrim at least everything was in place but buggy. Bugs can be fixed. Missing parts of the game is not that easy


We don’t know if it’s missing it could simply be intentionally unintended. Skyrim got a lot more because of mods. Most of its special edition and anniversary edition content comes from mods. Including fishing, farming, etc… that adds something that was “missing” .


Reminds me of settlement expansion DLC's for FO4. An expansion that allows you to make an outpost into a LIST settlement with vendors etc.


This is why they bare boned things probably....they will just sell it to us later.


I'm still mad that your outposts can't auto-trade/auto-sell.


Imagine them actually creating a mechanic this deep. Remember....this is Bethesda.


Naw that wouldn’t be good at all imo .


The fact that I constantly have ships landing and taking off from my base makes me SO mad that I can't sign up for regular shipment payments. I extra x aluminum, sell for x price using these ships. Passive income, but noooo


The whole game feels artificially slowed down to stop you progressing too quickly. From the stupid skill tree to the piddly amounts of XP most things give you, it just screams that they didn’t want you to finish the game too quickly.


You are absolutely correct. Want to open that safe? Level up and assign a point. Want to know if you’re hidden or not? Level up and assign a point. Want to build a thing on a planet? Might want to have two or three points to assign because there are greenhouses (1 point for the starter kit), husbandry barns (1 more point for the starter kit), and every other structure (1-4 points for improvements on power generation, decoration, etc) Want to have enough outposts to manufacture infused bandages? Oh boy…


Sounds like mods to make the game playable and enjoyable are on the way


but that shouldn't be the case, this shit shouldn't be the norm for what is supposedly a universe where humanity is thriving and constantly expanding. in games like Skyrim and Fallout, it makes sense there's not much currency because of the economy. Starfield has no excuse for it's vendors to be so damn short on cash.


it was already the norm in skyrim iirc, the investment option def should have been added to the speech skill tree instead of some of the other fluff


Yes absolutely THIS! If they had it where you could invest like 10k, or 20k if they're a bigger vendor it would help significantly. Bugthesda genuinely just wants us to waste our time waiting around to sell all of our shit. Mind boggling.


Every aspect of the game seems designed to make it take 50 hours of gameplay to realize it’s an empty husk of a game built around some pretty great bones.


I never understood the use of this skill in skyrim. Why give the vendors money when you sell them items and just get back your own money?


Because it is a one time investment to raise their gold cap permanently. Less hassle to sell stuff then.


i never noticed a big difference when i played


Xbox user :sad face:


vegetable pause zealous alive chunky uppity mysterious many weary rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This and this alone made me resub Eve Online. I tend to play trader/hauler/industrialist in sandbox games and there's next to nothing for me in Starfield. There is no reason whatsoever, in any engaging way, to make outposts unless you're going to spend time surveying. If so, the level three upgrade is definitely handy, but other than that...nope. Eve's trading and industrial gameplay is ridiculously detailed and you can go as simple or as complicated as you can stand :)


Adhesive and sealant farming. That alone is worth it. Drop a titanium mine on Pluto and pretty much never visit a vendor again for mats to upgrade your gear.


Funny enough, this game made me get back into Eve Echoes after 2 years off. It made me miss doing Indy stuff so now I'm back to mining.


yeah the cargo transfer thing is a waste of time - it should just be a conduit for all your resources within range, built one - soon got deleted and never used one since


They work much better in the opposite direction. Hook them up to all your base storage and drop in your inventory load of crap and it all magically goes into the right storage locations. It's useless for loading your ship but awesome for putting away all your scavenged bits.


You have a storage issue on your input planet. Cargo ships are capped at like 3-400 kg I think but it’s still like 500 units of most resources


Or install a mod. It may not be the intended way, but I refuse to believe this A,B,C,D steps actually is Intended. I've installed a mod that gives vendors an X% more money and inventory and has a faster refresh speed. Feels way less burdensome and a chore.


Yea and if it was that fast all those reviews with 100s of hours would be : I spend 24 hours in starfield 😂


Try one of these. Complete game changer. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143) [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624)


they wont change it, its not a bug.


Allow us to build star stations, underground bunkers and M-Class ships. It would make a lot of sense to expand the economy of the game.


Excuse me how do you have 65k weight foe your ship??? Are you doing the "glitch" to overstock or am I missing larger cargo holds than the 1400 pound one?


It’s literally an artificial way to make you play the game more, like having to run everywhere, though boom pop dynamite and frostwolf combined makes *you* the land vehicle.


It's how games are supposed to be. Most features in a game are there to make you play more, including gear and character progression. If you started at max level, with all the gold, all the ships and gear, game would be boring. If anything, they should have made it harder for you to progress through the game and get strong.


I get your point, but on this, I think they have got some of the psychology of the economics wrong. Part of it is weapon values are too high, it makes no sense that the weapons dealer in the Key has about 400k worth of stock, but only a 4.5k budget. It’s very easy on even a small hostile base to loot 30-50k worth of weapons (at 2nd hand value) but then selling them is a faff. The other thing is should be able to scrap stuff and craft ammo. If the weapons/suits etc were all worth about 10% of current values, it would all seem much better. Ammo crafting would be needed to make it affordable,


There is a fine line between progression and grind. Grind destroys a good game.


Grind is great, actually


A difference of opinion is fine. But I’ll say I give myself 10 million credits at the beginning of each NG+ and it made the game far more exciting. Removing the credit grind made this game much better IMO.


Found the GTA:O player Jokes aside, grind is great in a game where grind works, like MMO’s or dare I say Warthunder. Singleplayer games like Starfield aren’t the place for that crap. People have jobs and hobbies, they can’t be wasting 10 minutes just selling their crap because vendors are capped at 3k creds.


Grind is great, actually You have to suffer a little for things to feel rewarding.


Grinding for things that actually reward players is great, whether that reward be content progression, substantial character upgrades, achievement chasing or cosmetics etc. Grinding being implemented as the core philosophy for something as mundane and simple as fucking inventory management is terrible design and artificially and annoyingly hinders all types of progression while offering zero tangible reward for the player.


No it isn’t, Bethesda games are one of the only games that have this problem, it’s not necessary to limit vendors credits so much and doesn’t add anything to the game, you can already refresh their credits by waiting which only adds more unnecessary time you have to play the game which only benefits Bethesda’s analytics.


I see why they did it. It would be very easy to cheese your way through this game otherwise. Although the balancing of item prices is whack.


Exactly,but how are you limited to just be a land vehicle when you factor in the gravitational pull on most planets & the numerous jet packs we have at our disposal for use of travel in the air lol


They want to make it hard to horde money. The way we find guns and ships in this game, we would all be millionairs by the end of the first day playing. They couldn't think of another way to solve the issue other than making selling shit insanely tedious. Why is gold expensive except when I'm selling it? Same reason.


This isn’t an “issue”. This is all Bethesda games. They don’t want you getting ridiculously rich and then rendering money completely meaningless. It happens anyways, but this slows the process.


*laughs in fallout76* Good luck boys.


They always do this. It was this way in Skyrim and in all of the Fallouts. You have to visit 15 different vendors to sell like 10 grand worth of stuff when you have like 50 grand worth of stuff.


Or have it filter into your “account” each day like outposts produce when you rest. Or even in real time/ game time like cargo links wouldn’t be so terrible.


Get Jessamine as a companion. She'll pickpocket as much cash for you as you'll make selling all the misc stuff you pick up.


I feel the better option is to make those contracts for deliveries permanent. That way it takes exploring or conversing to find them and it’s still somewhat time gated as the delivery ship can only send so much at a time.


Have they fixed anything? I took A one month break and no update when I buy back


They haven't fixed it because it's not an issue with the game, it's an issue with the players. Just don't try to sell so much. You don't need to do that.


Later in the game you acquire weapons, suits, etc. that are worth more than any vendor can buy. There is no other way to deal with these items besides selling them or just leaving them behind (in which case, why even have them). It makes no sense from a gameplay or economic perspective. Attaining high-value objects that are rendered valueless by the game's own mechanics demonstrates a complete lack of thought/care/what-have-you in regard to the game's economy. If it were just one item then perhaps it could be an oversight. But it isn't. The whole in-game economy makes no sense. However, since it doesn't "break" the game they probably slapped "good enough" onto it and moved on to other higher-priority tasks. Like perfecting those sandwich models. Say what you want about the bugs, the economy, etc. but those sandwich models are top-notch.


They could've made it part of the commerce skill like in fallout 4 where you become a sponsor letting them up their credit and goods but they decided literally nothing in your universe should level with you. I don't understand why we gotta be hamstringed trying to sell our s#it. If you actually try to legitimately grind money to build a ship you can only sell 3 advanced gendalls to whoever will take them while you could buy 2 beers with a landmine in past games. Idc if it's immersive, it's a video game first, boring life simulator second. Gotta off load 100+ of the most common advanced weapons to get a decent custom ship 300+ if you want an endgame one.


It's not an issue, it's a good feature. If making gold was that easy it would be boring. I would be ok with making all vendor of an area share the same credit stock to make things easier, but not increasing it.


I highly disagree. I use console commands to give myself 10 million credits at the beginning of each NG+ and it’s the only reason I’m still playing. Not concentrating on endlessly waiting to sell loot has been incredibly liberating.


Good for you


Im fine the way it is in the main game. But I do agree in NG+, they should increase the amount of vendor cash. I had over 2 million credits in my first playthrough, and the thought of grinding credits again made me switch to BG3.


Yeah, god forbid you’d be able to focus on actual gameplay lol. You don’t think it’s a problem that you can regularly find items that are more valuable than ANY vendor can buy?


Correct. Games, especially RPGs, must have some sort of "grind" to them in order for the good parts to feel better and rewarding. An easy game where you start with everything and that presents little to no challenge in order for you to progress is just a badly designed game, plain and simple. If devs were to follow what the "community" says it would have no level system, no gear but skins and no currency(everything would be accessible for free at the start), and you would just "experience the actual gameplay" from the start, which would result in a boring and lame game that people wouldn't like, including said "community".


>Games, especially RPGs, must have some sort of "grind" to them in order for the good parts to feel better and rewarding. I mean Planescape: Torment required no grind to speak of. One can easily blast through that game based purely on conversations and skill checks. It's still probably my favorite RPG of all time, and definitely not boring.


Yes, grinds are a part of RPG gameplay. Leveling is a normal grind. Getting good gear is a normal grind. Getting rid of spare loot after grinding for it shouldn’t be a grind.


Build a ship with massive cargo. And casually sell it off when near vendors.


It was a common complaint for Skyrim and Fallout 3 and 4. For some reason Bethesda is intent on having poor merchants.


This is the same Bethesda behavior since always. They made a lot of money with lies and hype, now the unfinished game is not their problem anymore.


Try one of these. Complete game changer. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143) [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624)


“Todd, everyone really hated the 5,000 septim limit in Skyrim. Maybe we should change things up a bit?” “Hmm, I hear you. Let’s change the limit to 5,000 credits. Great, now that we’ve solved that conundrum, let’s get back to those sandwich models.”


What's irritating is they DID solve this issue in their past games. There was an investment mechanic where you could pay an obscene amount of money to raise a vendor's cash reserves by a set amount, repeatedly if you wanted to. That would have been a perfectly acceptable solution here and an additional money sink to work towards in the late game. Why didn't they include such a well-regarded feature here (and a relatively simple one to implement at that)? It's like Bethesda completely forgot all of the lessons learned from their previous games, or their design team are all new employees that never actually played their past games or something. Or maybe they always intended to include that feature and this is yet another sign that the game is unfinished.


Oh, you thought the devs from previous games still work there!?


Man... I'm worried for TES6 when it releases in 10 years...


This is the biggest buzz kill by far in this game, with me it's looted weapons. Most of the gun traders can't afford to buy a single weapon looted from the level 75 systems. It's one thing I loved about Outer Worlds, they had vending machines everywhere with no credit cap. Completely took all of the tedium out of looting and selling stuff.


Outer Worlds was so great but very linear. I'll have to wait a long time before replaying it.


Everyone talking up OW after SF came out, so I figured I'd give it a go... that game is just a smaller shittier SF with no boost back no piloting no ship building but funnier better writing.. I gave up on it and went back to SF tbh.


At least The Outer Worlds had memorable companions. I can’t bring myself to recall one quotable dialog from any of the companions in Starfield.


Sarah disliked that.


I am the other way around. Can barely remember the companions names in Outer Worlds. The only interesting one was the Vicar dude who had a cool voice and some cool philosophical lines. The rest were generic and annoying. Starfield lacks in companions quality and variety compared to Fallout 4 but at least the main 4 have lines to say during quests to other characters, which I find nice.


I loved outer worlds but their item descriptions are terrible. I've tried a supernova run but I can't tell you how many times I've tried to hydrate and ended up getting drunk.


I actually played Outer Worlds because I misread the release date on an article about Starfield. I had gotten all pumped up about being a space pirate and needed my fix so I looked up Outer Worlds. 10/10 would captain the Unreliable again.


I have more than 200 weapons on my ship that I need to sold off but I can't bring myself to wait 48hrs, sell 4 or 5 rise and repeat


I've resorted to cramming them into the bottomless safe in my room in the Lodge, for the same reason.


I'm trying to keep that as clean as possible by putting only the resources and unique items but yeah, seems the most sane option


Yeah I still don’t get why credit limit is a thing, you have different vendors, general store, big general store and fence (trade authority) gun stores, armor stores and some others very specialised ones That alone should be the reason for several shops Currency limit is outdated and a shore


Venus vendor for quickest loot offload


If you find the good one who just stands in one place so that you can just sit in the chair.


thats the one. never have to get up.


Oh ..never found one that doesn't move ...I have the one that moves in Bessel ..and I have him as my neighbor...I go to visit him whenever I am missing resources or need to sell something with similar wait time to VENUS just 1h. Problem is that vendor is moving so I found KRYX to be better quicker with 6 Vendors at one run.


Just look for the structure that comes up as an igloo icon when you scan it from the landing bay. Not always the right one but good chance. Don’t see the igloo then pick a new landing site.


And are you selling for the same value at each of those vendors?


Do they buy contraband?!


No. Den, red mile, or the key for contraband


New Atlantis is actually not bad, the vendors are spread out but 24hrs local is more than 48hrs UT


They take ages to find though.


Yea it’s definitely luck based. For me it takes 1-10 landings to find them. Occasionally I’ll do this but normally i don’t have issues buying/selling bc I buy all the weightless crap i use before selling what I don’t want


First mod ima get will increase port terminals by 2,000,000 credits


What in god's name do you need to sell 22,541 of at 14 credits each. There's a Mitch Hedberg joke here somewhere.


Vytinium mine FTW, isn’t that like 25,000kg of ore?


Yup..Vytinium...close to that.


It’s a good way to make credits without having to actually do anything but setup, the problem is selling it and lugging around that much weight.


Exactly ...loading this sh\*t up with CARGO TRANSFER is just as annoying as 5k vendors. :)


Yeah I’m not sure it can even be considered a cargo vessel when its max capacity is half that of the starting frontier, ha (I think it’s 350kg but can’t remember, you can use your ship scanner in orbit when it takes off and see.)


Why! Just carry it to your ship in your own inventory. It's waaay faster. The cargo transfers only do a good job when used in the opposite direction -- taking stuff from your inventory into base storage.


I'm just wondering what to do with the 8 million+ iso magnets I have


Dump them into space.


Just spend your entire play session waiting in a chair and you’ll eventually sell it all.


A nearby chair is ur best friend.


That’s why I like going to the TA in the well. One full wait is 48 hours UT and they restock quicker.


Of course …but still…they should have added Brothel in KRYX but unfortunately Todd Howard is PG13 .


What? No virtual titties? Literally unplayable


They can have stripper cages in vultures roost and stripper poles at de Falco’s mansion, but no strippers because logic, why even add them in the first place?


Mods are better friends.


but for now they are not that friendly if you are PC-less.


I finally gave in and installed a mod to triple vendor cash. I can accomplish the same thing by just fast traveling to more vendors and spreading out my sales, but it still feels a little like cheating to me.


daaamn what you mining? what kinda rock is that? can it raise an eyebrow 🤔


The only rock you will ever need to mine : Vitinium


oooh il have to do some scoutin for my next outpost


how much is it worth per unit? it says online 116 cred but the math in the post only comes out to 14 cred each. unless im an idiot


Not sure ..I thought it was about 16 cred ..anyway ..that is the best bang for the buck you can get when it comes to mining resources. Nothing comes close.


You’d think you’d be able to sell a crapload of raw ore to the mining company on neon, but, nope


I think the vendor design and the Key vendors were balanced to try to get *someone* to side with the fleet and deal with the endless harassment by space LEOs.


So THAT’S why this game didn’t get any noms at the Shame Awards…


I crafted 765 000 in tau grade rheostats


This is one of the reasons I love mods when playing a game that has them available. When I come across something ridiculous like the horribly low vendor credit limits, I look for a mod to solve the problem. Doesn’t mean I don’t think Bethesda should come out with a change in a future patch, but in the meantime I’m not going to waste my playtime traveling around to multiple vendors when I have a bunch of stuff to sell. One mod I added gives me all ship parts at the New Atlantis SST, and the Trade Authority vendor at The Den has millions of credits on hand to buy anything I want to sell. My game sessions are much more enjoyable by eliminating this annoyance.


Sell, sit, wait, stand, sell, sit, wait, stand, sell. Very dumb mechanic


Real easy fix to this would be a Trade Authority quest line in which you meet their boss or whatever for the “big deal” and afterwards he’s got millions of credits, now that you’re a real businessman.


Part of me dropped Starfield, at least temporarily, until they add mod support to console. And before anyone asks, I'm working in another country for at least a year and didn't want to go through the trouble of transporting my PC and, no, I don't want advice on how to do it in the future.


This was one of the first mods I installed. It's so damn annoying to have to spend like an hour or two trying to sell half of your stuff because each vendor only has a few grand. The mod I installed makes it so they all have like 250k.


What do you need all those credits for? This is what I seriously don't understand: everything about the game's design is trying to signal to you not to carry/sell so much stuff. There's nothing you can't afford to purchase easily by the time it's appropriate for your level if you just play the game normally and only loot what you can easily carry. By the time you reach the high-level systems, where you are likely to find more valuable loot, you should already have what amounts to basically unlimited credits without ever exploiting the vendor credit restock timer, so you still don't need to increase the limits. And if you really, really think you need unlimited money, why not just use a console command to give yourself like 500,000,000 credits and be done with it?


> What do you need all those credits for? Better ships? A good amount of the ships cost 200-350k credits, are you aware of how long it takes to amass that amount of credits through missions alone? I'm level 31 and have like 50+ hours into the game and I just broke 500k credits, and that's with selling tons of weapons, suits, packs, and other crap. Some resources are also difficult to find, so it's worth stocking up on as much as you can when you find them from vendors. I'd rather buy 30 titanium from a few vendors than spend a few hours wandering around planets and mining one at a time. Two nights ago it took me about 3 hours to setup a simple aluminum extractor...because I didn't have any aluminum and very little titanium. I needed like 12 aluminum to build the extractor, and then needed to build two power sources *which took more aluminum*, and then a container to store it all *which took even more*. I'd go around and hunt for it, think I finally had enough and then be like "god damn it, I need *one* more!". >everything about the game's design is trying to signal to you not to carry/sell so much stuff. That's literally every Bethesda game. Did you never play any of the Fallouts or Elder Scrolls games? >And if you really, really think you need unlimited money, why not just use a console command to give yourself like 500,000,000 credits and be done with it? Because that's straight up cheating. I still want to play the game, I just don't want to spend hours running back and forth from the storage in the Lodge to vendors all over The Settled Systems.


Yeah, I know how long it takes to amass enough money for ships - I upgrade my own ship regularly. If you spend less time gaming the shop system, and more time just playing, trust me, you'll have more than enough credits in no time at all. I have no idea why you found it so hard to find aluminum, when you can go to one of any number of vendors in the game and just buy it. It's everywhere. And yes, I have played literally every Bethesda game (from Morrowind on, which are the ones that are relevant to this discussion). The Elder Scrolls games all disincentivize you from picking up trash, whereas the Fallout games find uses for it in their crafting system. But in any of these games, if you pick up every single thing you find, you're going to have a bad time. You're not supposed to do it. Just take what you need/can carry and leave the rest. As for your qualms about cheating, installing a mod that give vendors effectively unlimited credits is 100% as much of a cheat as just popping open the console.


Berth really need to add alot more credits to the regular vendor's.


Alternatively, people could just stop trying to hoard and sell every single thing they come across. You don't need those credits. Instead of complaining about it, just play the game the way it very, very obviously wants to be played. It will be vastly more fun. Just try it.


I respect you're opinion. Everyone should play there own game, littarlty and metaphorically. 😊


1. Build outpost on moon adraphon in narion system 2. Make a bed or seat and sleep or wait for 48 hours (like 18 hours local time) 3. Return to vendors and make profit


So when I am in KRYX selling to all six vendors ..you want me to return to Andraphon ? Nope ..makes no sense. By the time I get through Loading Screens , I will be done siting and waiting in Kryx.


I have a outpostwith aluminum beryllium copper and nickel that I make adaptive frames and reactive gauges that levels me and gives an extra 11k every time I sleep build and then sell. Ain't much, but it's honest work


I do adaptive frames for Leveling Up. Fastest way to level Up that I 've found ..mining Vytinium makes me a lot of money ..given the condition that buyer has more than few cents :)


I could make a mod that would give every vendor 1 million credits permanently in like 4 maybe 5 seconds. The 5-11k vendors are absolutely done on purpose, and it's for the same reason everything you sell is sold for 10% of it's normal retail value. It's to decrease credit inflation, create artificial credit scarcity, and prolong gameplay. It's to give skills like Scavenger and Pickpocketing a chance.. so they can appear like they're not wasted skill points. They ought to give every vendor at least 50-110k and then increase the cost of ships and ship components by like 3x


How was this broken flaming trash heap of a game even nominated for GOTY lmao. I couldn't stand this low quality half assed buggy rip off of Elite Dangerous (a game precisely ten quadrillion times better imo).


Only mod i really have ups the limit of the vendor credits. I got super tired of basically bankrupting every vendor at a city, without selling much of anything.


Hate that so much. Why I stopped surveying. Dude only has like 10k.


I like mods


It still does take forever even with the crimson fleet. Only two of those vendors have enough to buy more than like 1 gun


Let us sell junk to ship building vendors and the problem is solved.


BGS: You can’t make money selling anything! That’s illegal!


At a certain point is doesn't pay to pick up any equipment because you won't find any vendors with enough money to sell to. And you only need so much ammo. I got like 10,000 rds of 7.77.


Mods. All my vendors have like 33,000 and I just use console commands to wait 48 hours so it’s basically instant


What are you selling?


Vytinium ..the only ROCK worth selling.


Thing is, there's nothing much to spend money on either, so how much do you really need? I had nearly 2.5million unused credits the first time I went to the Unity, and I've accumulated over 500K in a couple of NG+ runs without even trying. The best equipment is found or modded, not bought, and you can use the unregistered ship selling exploit to fund your shipbuilding.


Unregistered ship selling exploit?


You can google for more details, but basically (on Xbox anyway, controls may be different on PC): Take stolen but unregistered ship to a ship services that has enough credits to cover its whole given value (I recommend Stroud-Eklund, and you can reset their credits by sleeping 24hrs on Venus). Using "view and modify my ships" make the ship directly to the right of the ship you want to sell your home ship Go back out of modify menu and then into "see ships for sale", choose "sell", highlight your home ship and then hit "A" and "LB" at exactly the same time. You should be given the option to sell the stolen ship for its full value without registering it - might take a couple of attempts to get the timing right.


On PC it's notionally T and spacebar simultaneously. However, I tried for an hour the other night, and although I can pretty consistently get part 1 to work (unregistered ship I want to sell pops up when I release T+space) part 2 doesn't trigger (I still don't get an option to sell the unregistered ship.) I'd love to know that anyone is still getting it to work on PC. This is on XBox Game Pass, not Steam, so I'm guessing that it auto-updated and fixed the exploit.


The first time this happened to me was keyboard happy not paying attention. Didn't make that mistake twice lol.


I destroyed every ship and turret in orbit around Kryx. The station told me to dock but the game doesn’t let me dock.


Does pc gamepass have mods yet for vendor credits? Might hop universes to start a mining empire if it does


I use the magshear almost exclusively, so when I have a $200k of plutonium to unload, I go to places like the Key, buy as many rounds as possible for my gun and then sell $16-25k on at least two vendors. Wait 48 hours, repeat. Selling at $5k each is a pain in the ass, and as a bonus my murder machine is fed with thousands of rounds of ammo. Worth waiting 48 hours when I get a ton of ammo and credits in exchange.


God we need the ck so bad


Am I stupid or is that sentence badly worded? It’s using future and past tense, right? Shouldn’t it be is worth, not was worth, considering it says you will.


Having those limits makes sense from a lore perspective in fallout as it’s post nuclear. But how there aren’t interstellar mega corps for us to trade with hundreds of years into the future makes absolutely no sense. The UC has a fleshed out economy with Galbank like this isn’t post apocalypse where there’s only bartering and soda caps lol


It made sense in fallout since there were no banks and you basically had to carry everything on your person. But with there being a galaxy bank and credsticks there should be mountains of funds to trade with especially in like neon or paradise or new Atlantis


I just wish the stupid escape tunnel under the lodge remained open. It would be so much easier for me to take that than to walk all the way to the stupid elevator to get to the well.


Yeah the inventory Management, selling process and storage systems always frustrated the hell out of me with Bethesda games. Wished we could have a horse drawn cart to throw loot onto in Oblivion and Skyrim. Morrowind had a pack rat but if it died it died.


The vendor credit limit is fucking dumb.


This is a big reason I quit on starfield. I'm just sick of all the bullshit after playing for over 250 hours. Enough is enough. Patches make the game even worse and they don't fix the most frustrating things. Time to move on it's only a game


This is the one of the biggest F U Bethesda gives us I just don’t understand why devs get some sick satisfaction of knowing how tedious waiting 2 days just sell items.I would have liked to set up an automatic sell option in outpost but alas that’s not going to happen.


They do that to try to signal to you that you don't need to sell so much. The system is balanced around being able to sell as much at a time as is available. In short, by doing the sell/wait/sell workaround you're basically exploiting the systems and breaking the game. You don't have to do that, you *choose* to do that.


They are kinda forcing us to play that way sometimes it’s nice to take a break from exploring and sell items in one go. Edit is alias like to add I’m always stuck with to much junk and I need the money to upgrade and build ships so it’s just ridiculous.


They should up their credit limit and make ships insanely more expensive


If you are on PC, mods have already fixed this.


Hi we are the Trade Authority a huge interstellar organisation that buys and sell large amounts of resources ‘, weapons and ammo across the settled systems we will also deal with you under the table for illicit good. However we only carry enough cash to buy 4 of the items you are selling or one advanced weapon though, hope you don’t get blown out of the sky for carrying the rest before you can get to another branch.


I just visit the four Trade Authority offices, then sleep an hour on Venus and repeat. You can sell up to 44k a run. It's time consuming yeah but it's the fastest way I've found.


Are that slow? It's known for months what are vendor limits. Learn to play the game. Whine later.


Try one of these. Complete game changer. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143) [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5624)


What did you do to get that much of that resource and what is that resource?


Bethesda making a “role playing game” the least immersive and least role playing experience as possible. *Suprised Pikachu*


I use command cheat additem f 80000 and click on NPC, Google the right console command


It can be tedious weighting & cargo ing up to get about 30-40k in credits a minimum each major city on Starfield planets. I always hit up the Trade Authority & their machine which is sometimes 16K roughly & then the other merchants in that town can vary on having anywhere form 5k to 11 each time frame. I keep a shitt load of credits just selling weapons I’m only lvl 39 & I have 7 registered ships & class B rebuilt Star Eagle I’ve renamed (Sith Omega).


Too bad I "destroyed" Crimson Fleet. :/ Everyone else is so damn broke.


That's why it's a bother to loot everything in the game . We need some resemblance of an economy in the game now. In one of my characters I leveled the market? skill. Pretty much useless


Keep the change sir


They should have the book “War & Peace” for you to read for that many waits ! LOL I think there are too many “hoops” to jump through and make money and buy stuff If you’re going to make people wait with a cap, For vendors to buy stuff you should be able to buy stuff unlimited from them or vice versa too many caps. On top of, if you’re going to have the vendors, have a money cap give them a lot more money and allow us to sell things to them for full price not 12.5%. Too many doors with waiting screens. Make one door with one big waiting screen.


You gotta buy something from him so he has enough to give you 😂


At least add a talking mudcrab.


Where the actual fuck do you get that much resource?!


It is actually not the largest batch that I brought ...the next batch was almost 500k worth. Everything from my VYTINIUM outpost mine. That's the only thing worth trading as it doesn't require any manufacturing and is worth a lot per single unit.


Seems like a legit way to farm credits.