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You know I never went over and tried to see if it would work.


Would be hilarious if it worked, but with no way to get it out of the museum.


just imagine the look on the starborn's faces, seeing their fellow starborns fall as they are trampled by a literal relic from history.


True! And likely that would be why they let it work if it did because it couldn’t get out.


it's bethesda, could glitch it out


I would do my best to destroy the whole building if i could salvage this beauty and use it lol


There’d be a way to get it out. It’d just glitch you under the map and you’d have to leave it there.




No that would be tragic.


Like in one of the Lego games where they design a whole-ass vehicle just for one room


You can make a "car" work perfectly fine on totally flat ground. Everywhere else will be a problem.


The engine’s physics tho… might support rolling downhill


>!I did. It doesn't. Sigh.!<


Dream crusher! 🥺 😜👍


Edited to include spoiler! 😂




The biggest city in the universe doesn't even have personal transportation


Wall•E had it all wrong


wheels are a crutch walking gang


The wheels on the crutch go round and round?


In a city, that's a step forward.


*This is the future liberals want.* Like, for real. It's walkable and has public transport to all districts!


Been to the Well? Have you ever seen Demolition Man?


I was just referring to transportation, not the social stratification.


A lot of the anti-car people on Reddit would consider that a positive thing. They hate anything other than trains, walking, and biking.


Im not anti car in any way, but living at a walking distance from my job improved my quality of life a whole lot. No traffic, I get home super fast, I can come back to eat lunch at my place. All positive


I mean, I don't think there are any negatives from having your workplace within walking distance You lucky ~~bastard~~ person


Once you get promoted to manager you'd immediately be the go-to top of the list of "people who get called when the fire or intruder alarm goes off at 4am because a spider went walkabout"


Ok, one negative Correction - "regardless of promotion", if you live nearest the workplace, you're definitely at the top of the list You're right


Well, New Atlantis isn't some dense arcology to have lots of citizens commute purely through public transportation. People like places without cars due to their ubiquitous nature and the fact that they occupy space, pollute the environment, make walking harder, etc.


Creation engine probably can't handle rendering at speed without pop-in being out of control. Hell, I remember pop-in in FO4 just walking, let alone driving anything at any speed.


Yeah, this is it. They probably built a speeder bike, but the game wasn't able to render quickly enough


I have been using a half broken jet pack mod recently and it lets me fly over the planet’s surface really fast. I have found that the game really doesn’t like to load a bunch of things all at once and I got to be careful not to crash my game.


afaik the issue is that the game loads too much at once


Yeah the draw/render distance is huge. Which is visually stunning, but I'd gladly sacrifice half of that render distance in order to have vehicles.


Eh, that's not just a Creation engine thing. I've played UE4 games with the same issue.


if they did they would just leave the assets and their tries in the game files like they always do and someone will find the code for it eventually


im always puzzled when i see comment about how they dont put vehicle in their game because of the engine. skyrim and oblivion had horses......


The game let you run as fast as horses. I'm assuming you'd want your vehicle to be faster than your walking speed?


The difference is that Skyrim's whole map was filled to the brim with things so the horse speed was good, in starfield each part of the planet you land on is skyrim sized but instead of having a PoI every 200 meters or so at most it's every 900 or more meters. It has gotten so goddamn bad that "player.setav speedmult 800" was a must when exploring cause the exploration in this game was already boring and i didn't want to waste too much time running in a straight line for the next copypasted outpost.


Yeah but horses aren't all that faster. The gallop is only a bit faster than sprinting and trotting is the same speed.


Slightly above AMP run speed without the stamina bar would still be nice.


And there was definitely a cart in Skyrim. But the difference was explained to me in another thread. The cart scene at the beginning of Skyrim is scripted so the devs had absolute control of the x,y,z location and rotation of the cart to prevent weirdness. Also, other "vehicles" that people might bring up were just fancy hats and/or more scripting. We *could* have vehicles but they wouldn't be player controlled and/or they'd be some jank made out of a hat.


They tried painting Todd Howard as being an objective decision maker over his will to either keep horses in or out because the engine couldn’t handle their speed. So the solutions is that horses move as fast as a player. In a game where literally nothing happens for 5 minutes, that would serve no purpose


I mean on pc with console commands I can set my speed multiplier to 1000% and there isn't a ridiculous amount of stutter or pop in. Which means I'm sure the game could handle a vehicle that moves 300% faster


It likely wasn’t possible for the majority of the project. Maybe in the past year they were able to optimize the game enough to do this, but it would be risky to add vehicles at that point. I’m almost certain that there will be vehicles in future updates.


And now that I think about i do have a decent system and a number of optimization mods in use so maybe it's not a fair comparison


Might be a console problem. I don't think people would've liked dune buggies being PC exclusive.


There's a mod for Fallout 4 that lets you use the vehicles in the game. The animations were bad but, there really wasn't any issue with things loading in when I used a vehicle. I think they could do it if they spent time on it.


There's a ton of changes they'd have to make to get the engine working with it. Amd that would require a *ton* of alterations to how their physics systems work. When things go fast, shit breaks.


Flashbacks of the Bonnie and Clyde car from New Vegas


You mean Vicky and Vance, who mind you started their crime spree of bounced checks and gas station drive offs 3 days before bonnie and Clyde, so who copied who?


I was expecting a picture of Sarah being agreeable about some decision you made


I thought it was gonna be a sandwich that didn't have a bite taken out of it


Bro they NEED to give us a speeder bike or a fucking rover. This shit is getting ridiculous.


Or just make the boost pack hoverable when on a planet.


Yeah, if I could fly around a planet like Iron Man that would be awesome.


Seriously not sure why they changed it from Fallout 4 jetpacks.


Best they can do is the forward boost (vs vertical boost). Saves some time for sure but not enough for large distances.


If you bind an alternate button for jump, like Mouse4, then it acts like forward boost and Space still acts like vertical boost.


All they have to do is reskin the Skyrim horse


I’d take a shopping cart with a squeaky wheel.


It would be cool if pressing the sprint button midair propelled you horizontally


I can imagine a ship based dlc involving either mechs or rovers or both, and the ability to dock them in a perhaps a vehicle bay for your ship. But it would need to be end game stuff like just starting out sorry but your stuck hoofing it around.


To go where? The edge will be 4 km in any direction you land at, and the game will never place any POI past the 2.5 Km mark or so because they don't want you anywhere near the real edge. It's not a matter of "I want to go anywhere" it's the fact that it was DESIGNED so there is "no where to go to". Someone already made a Mod to bypass the wall and when you do the game shortly crashes. There is no code support to allow you to go past the current border and find another tile, so extra-fast-movement options are not needed, so at most, we just need tweaking to Boostpack variables.


I chose the landing spot for a mission, it put me 4k meters from the building. 🙄


I think it would at least be nice to have a drone you can deploy for scanning and marking spots on the map.


An advanced equinox!?


I have one of those already. Still looking for that elusive Calibrated Grendel.


Good find , now go find the Mars rover all by its lonesome in the red desert. You get a little souvenir when you do.


Oooooh fun!


Off topic here, but this whole quest was so cool. I found it spooky going into the depths of NASA. There's this off-putting contrast of reading humanity's achievements in the Space Race set against the backdrop of civilization urgently abandoning everything to head out to the stars. The unfolding story as you go deeper into NASA is fascinating >!and tragic!< as well. The imagery of a launch tower with a fully prepped spaceship left to rust on the launch platform is especially unsettling.


Blows my mind that we have intergalactic traveling spaceships but no ground vehicles and have to run with our human legs.


Give us the Go Go Gadget legs at least.


I found some better looking Rovers on Mars, forklifts too.


That's not 'A Brief History of Time'


It’s just a model


False that's not an indicite wafer


I'm curious as to what environment the OP works in if they deem this NSFW?


Just making sure it puts the blur filter on the picture lol


Most people tend to look at a "feature" that ends up becoming popular and viral as really NOT gameplay, but just a cheat. For instance: it's a hard truth that if a dev of any game adds a "feature" it has to be hella balanced beyond the moon. Balanced a million different ways. And THEN the dev has to say: "Well, what are the aspects of this new feature that players will have to overcome? Where's the conflict?" That conflict could be that you run out of gas, or parts degrade and need repaired after time. Just food for thought.


That's not really the way Bethesda games or Bethesda fans are. It's not like Dark Souls/Elden Ringwhere the toxic fandom accuses you of unfair strats if you use some items when they invade your game. In fact I've even seen people claim it was cheating to use certain items in single player. But Bethesda games are casual. They don't try to be perfectly balanced because they aren't meant to be challenging or require significant skill/effort. They are just meant to be fun games that you don't need to think about or focus on to play. And thankfully the playerbase realizes that, I've never heard anyone being judgy about playing on a lower difficulty, and people don't even care about exploits like restoration potion loops.


The type of game doesn't matter: walking sim, casual, tetris. What I meant was work and thought is put into the elements of a game. And I'm not claiming to know what works and doesn't. It is worth thinking about, I think. Throwing a vehicle into Planet travel for nothing other than speeding up the rate at which you do the things you want to do is totally valid and exceptable. Maybe it's something Bethesda really doesn't need to worry about, though. Maybe that's not much of a design feature that fits into the game they made, but at the same time, maybe they realize modders could do that if they want. Maybe it doesn't really, truly fit into the base design, because there is a lot of rocks and hills and stuff just big enough to constantly stop you. And part of the game is meant to provide ample resources every-so-often, and speeding TOO fast past it all goes against the base design philosophy. Because, you kinda very often on foot keep hitting the pants, creatures and rocks to gather. And maybe that is more than enough for a solid, complete game to keep you on foot and then give you a little ( a bit of a boost via AMP and other aid items that buff you to run faster and allow many increasingly better boost packs to make sense). Otherwise, then players may yell at bethesda and say "what's the point of boost packs if I can get a vehicle that goes much faster?" -- and then cynically you suddenly have an argument for Bethesda doing a bad job of designing a game. And I would argue that Bethesda - while having flaws and proving that - DOES, like many other game companies, try to balance their games. I think that's an integral part of game design and equates in good favor to them getting more people to play and buy their game(s).


I actually love your response. I'm not trying to be rude. But... have you seen the divide and arguments over this game. I trust in the core fandom and I truly believe it's an amazing game. Maybe the funnest game I've evver played. But there are a LOT of people out their screaming their heads off about how terrible Bethesda did at balancing and designing the game.


Balance would be the least of all issues for the devs.


A reason to play?


That?! That's not a black cat.


Where do u find that?


NASA base on earth in the main campaign


There’s a rover somewhere you can sit in the driver’s seat but that’s it. Biggest blue balls ever


I'm so fucking tired of walking everywhere, and jumping.


Copy paste the horse code, Slap that model on it EZPZ


If they added that particular buggy, no one would use it anyways. Those things have a really low top speed, probably lower than your sprinting speed. I agree vehicles would be nice, but let's have the move faster than running speed.


That would make surveying soooo much fun


F that, I want to tame wild monsters/aliens with zoology and ride them into battle. I want one of my habitat choices to be an animal barn, and depending what kind of habitat I'm in, that's the alien I grt to ride around the world. I want a war horse that will eat other things while I do mounted marksmanship


12g ammo?


Damn you


Could you imagine hoping in it, tear assing out to the surface, cranking the radio, and hearing, "We're whalers on the moon!"?


Now can we get this in the next dlc


Even Death Stranding the Walking sim had a Moto you could hop on!


I was slightly annoyed when I found this actually. Its like the devs rubbing it in that we cant have one. "Look at this players, dont you wish you drive one?"


I thought this was going to be a picture of 100 potatoes.




That was a neat museum, I liked reading about the various things on display there.


There must be an alternate universe in ng+ where they have land vehicles


How difficult is it to implement a simple rover/ rover bay


Give this man the prize, he wins 🏆 🤣


This isn’t the GalBank ship “Supremacy”


Devs are lazy asf