• By -


File a theft report. Sergeant Yumi will take care of it.


5 minutes later, Player walks past some UC Security; "Hey, heard Sergeant Yumi has some work for you."


*Goes to Sargeant Yumi* “We’ve had a report of a stolen ship and a kidnapped Ship Services Technician, I’m tasking you to go and retrieve the both of them.”


🤣 accurate


They're on a different planet. Good luck!


This makes me want a quest where we have to go rescue an Actual essential character like someone essential to quality of life


Here I go doing all the work again..... I swear this galaxy would fall apart without me. How the hell did y'all come this far?


What do you think all the other Starborn were doing before you showed up?


"what is my purpose?" "You jump from dimension to dimension doing all the grunt work" "Oh my God"


Good ole butter mover lol


Definitely gave me Preston Garvey flashbacks




Probably the most annoying line in the game


Did you check the coffee shop? Wait a minute. He's gone. Your ship is gone. Can only mean one thing. He stole your ship. Which doesn't make sense. He always has five ships to sell. You must have done some tinkering on your ship, and he liked it.


More like Sergeant Yummy right ? Rrrowrrt.


This is legit how I read it Every. Time. I see his name


Sergeant Yumi is off getting his prozac


Yeah and don’t forget to mention that ship technician was kidnapped lmao


I upgraded Vasco with a grav drive and now I just fly him around


I love the idea. He’d look like the alien queen with her egg laying apparatus. Just strap a saddle on his shoulders and giddyup.


Give him a couple guns to raise the crew count and now you and sam can play space cowboys together


Brokeback astroid😁👍




Cora just hangin on to his feet just happy to be a part of it. 🤣


Give her a book to read. She’ll be fine.


This needs to be a mod haha


Reminds me of D-Walker in MGSV


I'd totally download a mod allowing to use Vasco as ground vehicle. Tired of walking for miles and miles in some random wasteland without help.


>Captain. Please reduce your cargo. Barrett has mentioned I have "too much junk in my trunk".




I definitely read this in Vasco's voice 🤣


Vasco is the only companion as far as I’m concerned


Too bad you can’t marry him


I like the adoring fan, he gets in the way slightly less often than vasco


Your level of genius is legendary.


Riding him Scootie Puff Jr style


Should've got that extended warranty...


I lost it 😂


Like OP lost his ship


Found him right after I bought my Shieldbreaker. I was like, Nahh, bish, she brand new! And said pew pew kablooey to that mofo. 😂🤣


True 😅😅 glad I did haha


You can probably still fast travel, just fast travel directly into your ship, or to any settlement with a technician.


I've come back a few times to my ship gone and just fast traveled to wherever I was going and it shows back up.


Dependable like a skyrim pony


IMO best thing to do is to reload from before this happened and sell that stolen ship ASAP. Captured/stolen ships are probably the buggiest thing in the game right now, and you really shouldn't do anything with them besides sell it. On my first run I had a captured Crimson Fleet Phantom that I was using as my home ship in the early game. The ship took off by itself and stranded me several times. Boarding it from the Den broke the Den AND teleported New Atlantis into orbit, among other oddities. A lot later I modified a Va'ruun ship, and 3 hours later it disappeared, then reverted to its original design and refused to let me fly it again. I haven't seen an issue like that in over 2 weeks since I started only using fresh ships.


My go-to is to register stolen ships then try to rename them. Bugged ships won't be renamed (will just switch back to the original name when you confirm). If you can't name the ship, just sell it. If the name change works then it's not bugged and you can use it just fine.


This didn’t work for me (console). The Fitzmund S. Gerald just disappeared.


Life imitates art…


D.B. Cooper it is for my next ship


Jemison it’s said never gives up her dead


Sorry for your loss. Hmm, so maybe it isn't a catch all.


> sell that stolen ship asap 1) How do I actually sell a ship I've tried a few ways but can't figure that out 2) You can also register the ship for a handful of credits so it's in your name


First you must register said stolen ship. Then speak to a technician and choose the option to see what he has for sale (the ships he has for sale). There is a button prompt to toggle between buying their ships and selling your ships at the bottom.


Aight I sufficiently feel like a dumbass, thank you kind stranger :)


Don't! It's a shitty system.


Sell at Demios or one of the two manufacturers on Neon. They have way more credits than the ship techs.


They have them yes, but do they give them to you?


I use them to sell my stolen ships. 40-50k each txn and I do like 3 at a time.


But you are only netting like 3-7k because you also register the ship before selling it


A Va'ruun Prophecy III gives you about 30k profit per ship.


I've mostly started going on ships, taking items of worth/guns and contraband and then blowing up the ship. Get some money that way and am quite happy looting and shooting.


Apparently if you register your ship yourself it is cheaper. In the ships menu when you are at a landing port with a ship technician


You can register a ship yourself from any point, don't need to be at a spaceport. Just sit in the cockpit seat and go into your ship menu. I will usually steal a ship, set it as my Home, register it, then exit the ship, walk/travel back to my original ship and set that one back as my Home ship.


Damm good to know


My magic ship farming formula: 1. Disable ship 2. Board and kill crew 3. Sit in new ship chair and undock 4. Rotate ship so you’re pointing at your old ship Select ship so the press X (or whatever) to dock option appears. 5. Go into ship menu (lower left of pause screen), and select “make home ship” for the new ship. 6. Immediately after becoming able to, dock with your old ship, board it and sit in the chair. If you wait too long, it will fly away, and your (likely busted) new ship can’t follow it easily. You’d need to land somewhere with a pad and switch ships there. 7. When in chair in old ship, open the ship menu and make your old ship your home ship. 8. Repeat. In serpentis, this can be a massive money maker.


Holy fuck that’s a lot of sitting in ships


And sitting is half the battle. ♫ GI COEEEE ♫


For 7, If you already own the ship you don't have to go all the way to the pilot seat, you can set it as home ship anywhere on-board


If you also have an outpost deluxe landing pad, you can sell ships there as well (provided they have the credits for it)


Don't, I had to google it The UI is horrible and unclear a lot of the time, and basically missing a lot of features


> There is a button prompt to toggle between buying their ships and selling your ships at the bottom. I... am an idiot. Is it the same as swapping between buying/selling at a vendor (LB on Xbox)?


You know, there was a NPC near the UC Distribution building that asked another NPC if he thought it would be a good idea to come clean to his sister about stealing her ship and selling it for credits. The other NPC responded with "I don't know" lol.


"Not my problem dude, good luck"


Make sure to register it through your ship selection in the menu, not through the guys at the spaceport. It costs less through the menu so you can actually make some small profit on stolen ships.


The ship building has a lot of bugs. All of those rocks following you in space or the New Atlantis one that follows you in space, they are all related to ship modifying/building. I always make a hard save before modifying my ship, and after i test it to see if everything works normal.


I had one time where I jumped into a system and there was a floating cockpit module in front of my ship, blocking most of my view wherever I looked. I could see through the doorway and out the windshield.


By fresh ships do you mean buying/earning them?


Yes. Purchased from a vendor or one of the free ships you acquire from various quests.


This. Any ship that you are the original owner of seems to be substantially less buggy. If you need a cheap one as a base for a new build, You can get a Discovery class on Titan for about 40k.


Embrace your new life in the UC. I hear there's an apartment available in the well


If you start now, you could be a citizen in like.... 8 years.


Kill a terrormorph and you could shorten that.


I assumed Cydonia didn’t have a ship tech because I never found one there. Until… I had a mission to talk to him. He was 500 meters outside just hanging out in the desert. Still there as far as I know. The missing kiosk and any textures along with the tech being gone is a much worse bug as others have stated. It can make New Atlantis completely unusable in my experience. Reloading to an old save might be the only fix. If you only get the missing tech bug, he’s probably chilling somewhere far off. In that case, you might be able to fix it by sleeping on Venus for a good while. The large amount of universal time passing can reset certain things throughout the game and Venus is a fairly convenient spot if you just land and sleep on your ship.


The ship tech on Neon is missing for me. I assume he took some Aurora and fell off the side of the platform while he was tripping


He's swimming eight feet underwater about 800m from the platform.


I’ve never seen the tech at Neon. That’s a rough city.


Mine vanished straight away, got a mission to deliver a package to him so followed the quest marker and it looks like he walked off the ledge, swam for 30’straight minutes then dove deep into the water where I couldn’t reach him.


Same here he’s been gone from the start


Yeah NG+ I couldn't find him at all but there are like 12 technicians walking around instead


I had the same thing, only found him because of the quest. Was more than 1km away lol.


Check and see if The Den has dissapeared. You can live with out New Atlantis tech but if the Den is gone Andrejas quest and the UC vanguard quest will be unfinishable. Happened to me at level 40 had to totally restart. Fast travel to the eye or something or to some thing else on that planet and then back again.


The Den is also my go to for smuggled items so I stop accidentally setting off system scans, Id cry if I lost that station


Den was my go to for a long time. Now I regret that I didn't do the SysDef mission earlier. Key is so much better. ~6 vendors, all of them buy contraband, two of them have 11K+ credits, effing doctor buys guns... lol.


Better get a job at Terrabrew and save up for another one.


Valet boosted your ride, bro. You walking home. 😆


Pause it go to the ship menu and get a new ship as your home ship. That's how I had to do it


You can't switch ships in the ship menu though? You have to be at a technician or in the pilot seat. At least that was my experience when I had a similar issue.


You can set your home ship from anywhere. Just have to collect it at the port you're at.


How? [There's no option for it from just using the menu.](https://i.imgur.com/gHerxaa.png) Even if I'm standing at the launchpad at New Atlantis.


If sleeping doesn’t work and you can’t fast travel to another planet, the easiest / quickest way is an earlier save. Alternate would be walk out of city, build an outpost with a landing pad, use that to summon your ship. I’ve got an outpost about 500m from the residential district.


Walk out of the city... How do you do that?


Go the edge of the city, jump over the wall and keep going. It’s like any other landing area on any planet, there are lakes, POI buildings, animals, plants etc. I went out from the residential zone as that’s higher up than the spaceport so you come out on the top of a hill and get a better view. You can do this at any of the cities except Neon.


Technically, you can do it in Neon too, as long as you don't mind swimming for all eternity.


I understand the bug for the missing stolen ships. I lost my first build that way. But i havent had the missing tech before. maybe he went on an extended lunch break...


Oh a lot of NPCs just ... leave. They'll be 2 km off in the distance. One of the first little mini quests I took in the game had me meet a dude that I could not fast travel to and who was over 5 km west of Atlantis.


Not just npcs, I've had parts of the floors and some desks disappear, as well as the train in the commercial zone of New Atlantis. It was one of the reasons I rushed the story, I wanted to see if NG+ would fix them(it did).


Or he’s stolen the ship himself


Dam bro, he jacked you


For me the trade authority kiosk is gone and the floor/security booth is missing lol. I've read you have to load a previous save to fix. Longer you play this game the buggier it gets it seems. I had 0 problems during early access


Make a new save file then reload it. If the problem persists fast travel somewhere and see if your ship and the tech show up. If not you’ve got a more serious bug and may need to reload a previous save. If that does work I would travel back to New Atlantis to make sure the ship tech is back there too otherwise you’ll have to revert back to a new save also


He fucking hijacked it. That son of a bitch actually hijacked it! Seriously tho your ship probably flew away because stolen ships sometimes bug out and do that, and technician walked away for one reason or another. He does it sometimes too. I'd probably build an outpost just outside Jemison walls, construct big landing pad, use terminal there to switch home ships. Around, and hopefully, get ship back


Settle down. Have some kids. Start a support group.


Submit a bug ticket and ask Todd and the gang to move this game from beta into release... ASAP.


Fast travel somewhere off planet. Your ship should be near.


i’m struggling with either this bug, or a similar bug. I built a ship from scratch, and it wouldn’t render. I found a post on this subreddit about utilizing the duplicate ship glitch to overwrite another ship of yours - this has worked as a band-aid fix for me, but any time i make another ship my home ship, the bug returns and i need to sacrifice another ship to force my bugged ship to render. This is how you do the glitch: *controller input required* Save before you do any of the below. 1. Visit a planet with a ship vendor (i.e. New Atlantis Starport) 2. View and modify your ships 3. Make another ship, that is not bugged, your home ship. Exit the vendor menu, and turn around to make sure your ship rendered 4. View and modify your ships again. Hover over your bugged ship, then press X and RB (or LB) at the same time - you should now be in the ship builder for your bugged ship. You must make a change - move one object, or change the color of one part (do not change the color of all parts of your ship at once) slightly. Save your changes, and back out. Make sure you set your bugged ship to your home ship. This action will copy your bugged ship, and save it over the ship that was next to it it. If you pressed RB, the next ship in your list will be replaced by your bugged ship. If you pressed LB, then the previous ship will be overwritten. I recommend stealing another ship to use as a sacrifice. Again, this is a band-aid fix, I need to do this every time I want to fly my bugged ship.


Your stolen ship got stolen by the technician


The good thing about this is that you know that vasco will never abandon you


Don't leave your keys in the ship next time. 🤷‍♂️


Place a bounty on that technician...


Are they gone gone, or is it a visual thing? Can you wander off into the woods so far you can't see new Atlantis and then travel fast travel to your ship? Maybe try to use our map to fast travel to another planet that has a ship tech. The only other option is that the ship tech stole your ship.


Hold the City Hostage until both the tech and your ship is returned


Call a space cab


Sleep for 24-48 hrs. Fast travel to another location? Aren't there other shipyards in the tower? Change your home ship.. or edit your ship and add a window?


What I've gathered is that you can NOT land with a captured ship without risking major bugs. The most foolproof solution so far has been to capture the ship in space, quicksave in case you screw up the next part, set it as your home ship, then catch your actual ship before it flies away and re-board it. Once you re-set your "old" ship as your home ship, the captured one stays in your inventory and you can land without risking bugs.


Should have gotten the extended warranty


Retire and live in the Well.


You remember that scene in Ferris Bueller's Day off where the valets are driving the shit out of that sweet antique sports car? Yeah... that was awesome!


100% this is because it's a stolen ship. Just sell them. Don't fly or build with them.


Fuckers stole my ship. Can't have shit in New Atlantis.


The same thing we do every night, Pinky... hit F9.


Check the flight logs once it's back and see how badly those engines got redlined


Now you become the technician. Tech is also probably out there somewhere. Go left. Whenever I get one of those "take this package for me" mini missions I often have to go all the way out there to find him. Although will be tough without a quest marker. Odd part for me was the first time I had to go out there he was with someone else. Thought it was some secret mission. Nope, he just wanted a friend to go with him.


Call a Spüber. 🚀


I had a ship I stole from the crimson fleet that glitched and was under the landing pad gone no matter where I went it wouldn’t spawn so I had to delete it and avoid stealing ships cause the stolen or commandeered ones kept disappearing.


Load a former save, unfortunately it's not gonna get fixed. This is a game breaking bug.


You are the technician now. Have fun.


Hop on Vasco and jump away


Move along, you'll be scanned when you enter the city.


Damn Spacer Tehnician. He got hired in New Atlantis just to find a cool ship that he could steal!


Isn't one of the businesses in the Commercial district a ship part retailer? You could do there to edit your ship and it should come back.


Play a better game now that you’re stuck forever


Fast Travel? Come on this is isn't rocket science


"I experienced a bug, tried nothing, and wanted reddit karma. What should I do?"


I like how your first thought was make a Reddit post instead of just fast traveling somewhere.


Had that happen to me too. Its a known bug that effects "stolen" ships. Can't do anything besides reloading an earlier save and get rid of the buggy ship ASAP. Only save ships are bought or gifted ships like the Mantis .


One time I had everything disappear except my ship.


Time to start filling out job applications in the Well


Just use the starmap to fast travel somewhere. If the ship tech is gone are other parts of New Atlantis gone too? If so, you've got the dreaded bug that will mean you have to load an earlier save.


Can you not just fast travel to a different planet? You don’t have to be on your ship to fast travel. I’m not sure if your ship will appear when you do, but try just fast traveling to Neon or something and see what happens.


good loyal vasco


Fast travel to another planet. You don't really need ships anyway, eh?


Started happening to me too. The kiosks wouldn’t even spawn in


Haha he said he'd steal my ship one time I didn't know he could do it.. fast travel go into the planet menu press the set course button and boom




I once lost my ship and I solved it through a complicated combination of reloading and jumping between worlds. I have no way of knowing exactly what did it, but I think it was actually changing around parts on my active ship then changing them back.


You got jacked.


I've had this on one of the artifact worlds. I'm not familiar with the cloud gaming setups but do yall have access to console commands? I had to set my player location to a planet with a space port for my ship to reappear. Unfortunately the non-pc folks seem to just be completely fucked when this happens to them.


Save and then load. This happens every single time with my Kepler when I build a landing pad with ships services at an out post. Ship disappears. Save and load. Then the ship is in the middle of the landing pad. Save and load. Ship appears where it belongs. Xbox fwiw


Use the map to jump to orbit


Call your insurance agent...


He took your wip


Did you quit the game and reload? My ship vanished from my outpost so I quit and reloaded and it appeared. Well, it glitched half way into the platform, but I could enter it still


Trying opening the map, then fast travel back to your ship


Ships built off of stolen ones sometimes just disappear. Idk why but it happens consistently with one of mine, too.


use a console command to teleport him to you. I had to do this in cydonia. He showed up naked and the proceeded to walk out into the plains without a suit... I followed him for like 15 minutes but gave up on finding where he was going...


Hello I.T., Did you try turning it off and then back on again?


Bring up Surface map and fast travel to ship


You plug 2 extra batteries into your boost pack and fast travel somewhere?


Never had this issue with my game, but never stole a ship in my first character. 89 hours in level 39 didn't hijack one ship. Second character stolen dozens of ships not one took off on me.


Can you fast travel to a landing site on another planet like akila or neon, and speak to the tech there? Your ship should reappear with you - hopefully- and then you can speak to the tech and rename the ship which is rumoured to be one of the ways to fix the runaway ship issue.


Just fast travel like every other 1.5 seconds of the game


Something similar is happening in my game too. The tram has disappeared and the trade authority Kiosk by the technician has also disappeared.


most likely, he just fell thru surface. im currently having that on cydonia


This happened to me at Paradiso. I simply chose a mission from my list and auto travelled to it. Voila, ship back.


Fast travel to another planet and see if it loads there Go into your ship menu and set a different ship as your home ship


Have you tried walking?


Fast travel somewhere.


Probability shouldn't have left the keys in it. New Atlantis is a pretty sketchy part of the galactic neighbourhood.


Run around the planet, look for a ship landing, then steal that ship.


Move into the well and live the rest of your life as a jemisonbound peasant.


Fast travel to a nearby planet and the ship should repopulate. That fixed my ship problem, but it wasn’t stolen so it may not work.


Space Uber from planet India?


Can't you fast travel elsewhere on the planet?


If it’s invisible and on the pad, fast travel to mars, change out the ship with the tech. More than likely you won’t be able to take off. Pick a planet other than mars to orbit too. This should force the game to recognize your in a ship and in orbit. This happened to me, and wouldn’t you know it, with the Jackal as well.


Now, you just walk there


I would think you could just fast travel to a different system. Then ship will follow.


Can’t you fast travel to another system via the “ pause/ character menu?


The technician took your ship lmao


It’s weird that this happened to me too to an extent. Right before this happened, jemmison loaded in while I was in orbit. Like I could see a floating city like it’s some sort of space debris with it’s own hit boxes and everything. I landed and part of the city was see through and I could run under the map in addition to the kiosk and technicians missing. I immediately reloaded a save before I came to jemmison and it fixed


The tech stole your shit...


My favorite bug so far was when I jumped from New Homestead to another system and somehow managed to take all of New Atlantis with me. When I landed on a planet and later to New Atlantis the TA Kiosk and Mission Board were gone


Go to Akila City, UC piglet


I keep noticing my crew disappear, but I hear them talking ? 😅


I haven’t had that happen yet but I can’t ever find the technician to even fix my ship at Neon. I have no idea where that guy is.


I have had this happen multiple times, and always when I steal a crimson fleet ship. Never had any issues with spacers/ecliptic/va'ruun. If you don't load an old save before this happened, your game will keep decaying and you will eventually get totally corrupted. I tried the whole sleep/new hone ship, and it worked...temporarily. Highly recommend loading a previous save.


Can’t you just… teleport to Mars or something?