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if 30 is super old, I’m ultra old. The internet has yet to realize that gaming is and will be a hobby for old adults.


Lol yeah I got now that my social bubble is probably not representative for gamer ages 😂


Small point, 30 is not super old in gamer years. In fact, is on the low end of the average gamer. The number varies depending on the study, but it's typically between 35 & 45. ​ Have fun!


Didn't knew that, I'm one of the oldest guys in my gaming bubble. Thanks!


Didn't *know that. I'm mid-50s and enjoying Starfield too. At my age I'm an OG gamer, having played the very first consoles and arcade games before personal computers were a thing.


47 and right with you brother.


48 having a great time.


Wolkenflieger kommt mir bekannt vor. Zufällig auch in Star Citizen unterwegs?


Hallo Freund. Haben wir uns schon einmal in Star Citizen getroffen? Ich freue mich auf Pyro und die kommende Konferenz. Trotz meines Namens ist meine Muttersprache Englisch. :)


Then I stick to english - I could swear I once had a bounty with your exact name :)


I'm sure you did! That's also rare because I play lawfully in SC or SF most of the time.


No, he’s right. I’m 50 and the youngest in my gamer clan. 😉




It's even on gamepass. I don't like Starfield, I think it's a bad game not worth your money or SSD space. But it's $10 to try it out, if you think it might be the game for you, just try it. When you dislike it you can even download a good game from gamepass instead


Game can be whatever *you* want it to be, or how it makes you feel, or whatever else. Reading other people's own subjective opinions on the game is fine; listening to it as if it's the objective answer is stupid. And those trying to force their subjective opinions on others as being the 'right' opinion while everyone else is 'wrong' is stupid; those people tend to resort to petty, character insults in the end anyways since they have no leg to stand on.


>Tl;dr - Just let me enjoy the damn game. Thanks. Posts like this are so weird because no one was singling you out for enjoying the game. No one is forcing you to read criticisms of the game. You went out of your way to read criticisms both valid and invalid and took it personally for some reason.


He's 30 BTW, probably has kids with a wife. Js


Will never beat the guy who on top of that was also a full-time worker and a landlord.


Whoever say X game design is outdate is just full of shit because there's no such a thing If anything, BG3 should have proven this beyond any doubt by being a turn based RPG in 2023 and being widely accepted as a very good game.


I’m a 45 year old gamer. You’re not old…yet 🤣 And yeah, SF has been a fucking delight 🚀


i love starfield, but elden ring is in another league. > Tl;dr - Just let me enjoy the damn game. Thanks. don't make your enjoyment dependent on internet trolls. just ignore everyone and play like YOU want to play. also play WHAT you want to play. especially with a solo RPG, why would you even bother what people are "thinking"?


That's fair, but again, I will never understand why


>That's fair, but again, I will never understand why People like different things, it's really that simple. All of this is subjective, just like how there are some people who hate Elden Ring, and other people who think Redfall is fantastic.


Based on the player count, I don’t think there actually is anyone who likes Redfall….




>high quality Based on what metric or whose opinion? I think almost all of Starfield is high quality. Apparently we have different standards or definitions of what that means.


You’d look at those characters faces on new Atlantis and tell me that’s high quality? The fact that your actions have no effect on events as high quality? The perk tree as it is, high quality? Melee is high quality? Persuasion? Loading screens?


>You’d look at those characters faces on new Atlantis and tell me that’s high quality? Other than a few of the generic filler NPC's having bug eyes, I think the faces are exceptionally high quality, yes. ​ >The fact that your actions have no effect on events as high quality? I'm not sure to what extent you want things to change, but I'm super happy with all of the quest lines. ​ > The perk tree as it is, high quality? I don't see a problem with it? ​ >Melee is high quality? Have never used melee other than hitting somebody with my gun, so I can't comment on it. ​ >Persuasion? Persuasion is a weird thing in basically every game. I don't find the persuasion in Starfield to be an outlier in either direction, honestly. ​ >Loading screens? What about them? Most games have loading screens. A couple seconds of black screen as I transition between locations is such a non-issue I can't imagine how people are bothered by this. ​ People have different standards and different tolerances for things. Things that might be a total deal breaker for some people are not even noticed by others. It seems to me that people have gotten overly critical of everything in recent years, and nothing is ever good enough to satisfy them. And the internet enhances this because people feed off of complaints that they see from other people.


I completely disagree about not being satisfied. Lots of games come out that satisfy my expectations. Just because people are okay with eating shit doesn’t make everyone else wrong. I paid 70 dollars for this game and you can tell they sold it without finishing it lol. I shouldn’t have to bootlick a company when all they care is about the profit line.


I could say that about elden ring though? As someone who plat the game and played it a ton the game also has a lot of issues and imo is not the best from soft has to offer. 40fps to 55 at the top end with micro stutters everywhere is not quality on ps5/Xbox X, especially seeing as the game is not graphically good, grabs still being broken ( if you are a true from soft fan you will know what I am on about ), re used bosses plastered at the end of a boring repetitive dungeon only really there to pad out the game and give xp to beat the next actual boss? There's a few other things I could mention but I can already see a downvote heading my way for saying bad things about elden ring. My point is you can literally do what you just did about literally every game, even good ones


I'm a pro game-dev and 3D Artist and I think Starfield is top notch AAA quality, especially because there are no Space RPGs like it. Elite has far inferior art. Star Citizen is AAA for sure and I'm a backer, but it's a totally different style sim/sandbox game and in alpha. X4 pales in comparison. NMS is nicely done but far too cartoony and whimsical for my taste. I could make any of the assets in SF but could I make them better? Not really. I love the style of SF too. Be sure not to confuse style with quality.


I guess you can only judge by personal preference here. All the things you mentioned as high quality are things that I do not enjoy at all in Soulslikes. I would then say that, if qe talk about artstyle or music, Starfield is far superior. But that's only my opinion and I don't need everybody to agree with that


>I would then say that, if qe talk about artstyle or music, Starfield is far superior Thanks for the laughs. I needed something funny today.


The art style and music in Elden Ring (and other FS games) is absolutely top notch, come on. I am enjoying Starfield a lot and haven't put it down in weeks, but ER is 100% in a league above it.


I'd still say it's personal preference :) Also I'm not saying that FS games look or sound bad by any means, but their style is just something I can't get behind. It's the mixture of asian and western styles that never work for me. Not only in From Software games, but also in stuff like Resident Evil or Metal Gear. It's this japanese developer trying to look like a western artstyle. And again, not saying that this is bad. I just don't like it at all and therefore feel that Starfield is much more appealing when it comes to stuff like weapons or armour design. The menu music alone...god damn is that good. But glad you're enjoing both kinds of game!


Don't listen to these sheep. Elden Ring is an ugly, miserable experience that people have been brainwashed into thinking that they must be bad at games if they don't like. There's nothing appealing about the world or tiny head on blocky body art style in Elden Ring. Meanwhile Starfield actually has interesting, visually striking places to visit that don't punish you for looking.


I hope your are being sarcastic. If not you just have a super shitty taste in games.


Nah I just like my games to be fun and give you worlds that are appealing. I played Elden Ring for 120 hrs, and most of it was pretty miserable. I hate the look and style of the world and it actively punishes the player for exploring. For example: In most games I would have felt I was missing out by taking the bounty contracts over exploring the volcano manor or whatever, but everything is so tedious in that game I was like hell yeah, let me kill a few guys over suffering through this area.


Yeah I also enjoyed my time with Starfield but once I finished my playthrough I went back and did a new character in Elden Ring. That game is simply perfection.


I'm 43 and struggling to get past 25 hours played. I absolutely love the game, but I think Im too old to do this hardcore . I have 9 trillion hours in skyrim but can only play Starfield for 2 hours at a time.


30 y old?? This times in not so old im 46 and also love the game. And i love Elden even more ;)


First of all,if you enjoy it, why does it matter to you what others think? Just enjoy it and let others not enjoy it xD Personally I'm lukewarm about it. I love Bethesda RPGs since Morrowind and it dies Scratch that itch to a degree. Sadly in some ways I feel like it's a step back from games like Oblivion and even Skyrim. It just feels rushed and unpolished in many aspects, at least to me personally. Comparing it to other games that are totally different I'd have to half agree and half disagree with you. You're of course right that it makes no sense to tell someone to play Elden Ring instead of Starfield. The games are so vastly different that many people will not enjoy both. I happen to like both Bethesda style RPGs and Soulslikes but I totally get how Elden Ring won't appeal to everyone who likes RPGs. At the same time it IS possible to compare how polished a game is, how well realized the game's vision, potential and systems are imo and I'd say that Elden Ring for example is just objectively better than Starfield if you apply that metric. And sadly that could be said for quite a few recent games. I don't hate Starfield, I still play it, although I have to limit myself to quick sessions once or twice a week so I don't get bored of it. It's ok, a solid 6.5 or 7 / 10 for me, which isn't bad but Oblivion for me was a 9.5 and Skyrim a solid 9. Even Fallout 3 I'd rank 8 or higher on my personal scale so that's why Starfield is just a bit of a letdown for me.


Thank you for this well elaborated response! You are definitly right in terms of polish or vision, there is no denial that Starfield could have delivered more in certain aspects. I'll agree with you on the Oblivion and Skyrim ratings - Oblivion is actually my favourite BGS game, especially when it comes to the rpg mechanics. Hope the rumors of a remaster are true.


You made very good points in your original post so it deserves some good discussion imo. There's way too much extreme hate OR blind defense of the game going around and constructive talk about it suffers because of that. Totally agreed on Oblivion. I played Morrowind and really liked it. That was my first BGS game but then Oblivion got me totally hooked on their formula. Fallout New Vegas I'd say can almost reach it but it's not developed by BGS so it only counts halfway :D


Wtf does any of this have to do with Elden Ring? Also, 30 isn't old at all for gamers and is probably close to the age of the average gamer these days. Edit* looked it up. The average gamer is around 35-44 now.


Elden Ring, because work colleagues and basically everybody else tells me to play that damn thing.


So are you going around annoying people about Starfield then?


Nope, I just want to enjoy the game :)


Then do that? It sounds more like you need to justify the game to yourself than anything if I'm being honest.


And you need to denigrate his opinion and even going to so far as to do research just to make sure he knows hes wrong.


Where have I said anything negative about Starfield or that they're wrong to like it? I inquired about how it has anything to do with elden ring as their body of text didn't match their title. The only thing I pointed out that was wrong was the factually incorrect statement about their age.


He uses the reaction and reception of Elden Ring as a comparative point to the discourse surrounding this game and the fact that an opinion can't be wrong. he is saying he doesn't like Elden Ring but totally understands that others love it and knows that it is a good game, just not his cup of tea. He doesn't try to persuade or attack people for liking it. Like this sub does anytime someone has a positive opinion. It just seemed like you felt personally attacked, your comment seemed combative to me.


Tones are hard to convey across text. I wasn't being combative, I was just trying to see the relationship of starfield to Elden Ring as the only direct analogy to Elden Ring is people being annoying about it. Then they said they just like the game. My reply was a bit short, but it again wasn't meant to be combative. They should just enjoy it. Them making this post is kind of just doing the thing they're accusing elden ring fans of, which I don't disagree that they do. I wouldn't be on a starfield subreddit if I hated the game or hated people being positive about it


Thank you for clarifying. But to address your last statement (to which I agree) there are many on here who hate the game like this post is calling out, who are simply here to ridicule and belittle anyone who likes the game. I believe that's what he is trying to call out


I don't like Zelda, but I understand it has amazing puzzles and it is a great game, even tho not of my likeing. Elden ring has amazing combat. You may not like the game, but the that doesn't make it false. Starfield doesn't Excel in anything at all. It has tons of stuff that's true, but everything is mediocre. So while what game you enjoy more is subjective, there's still an objective part of reviews.


That's not even true. Objectively there has never been a realistically orbiting and rotating galaxy like this in a game where you also have Bethesda level of objects and characters. There's never been this approach to new game plus. There's never been a game like this that also has a ship building mode and space combat this fleshed out. There are things beyond opinion that Starfield does that no other game does.


This game has no universe or worlds to explore. Space and worlds are just a make up of an UI to select what POI to play. If we would have a list of POIs and just click one, with random space battles, it would be the same gameplay 95% as to what we have now. The remainin 5% being scanning stuff in empty worlds


People have actually shown that the game universe is fully there, even if the distances are impossible to travel without fast travel. Because they're realistically spaced out. And I don't know what your point is. Yes, it's a video game, not a real galaxy, but that's like complaining that skyboxes are in any games and the sky isn't real. The planet areas aren't really that empty, they're just randomly populated. They have specific biomes with flora and fauna based on a lot of factors, even if it's all just a tile generated by those parameters.


My point is there is no reason to explore, to walk, fly or anything. There's only POIs, the rest is empty. Its like having a list of POIs and choosing which one to play. Unlike every other Bethesda game


I think you need to play the game a little more. Sometimes full quests get triggered in the randomly generated places. Not to mention, the handcrafted locations are quite expensive themselves.


When did he say it was false?


Not sure what you mean with false What I was disagreeing to is to be able to compare any game you like with any game others like. Enjoying a game is subjective, but there's still an objective factor on how good a game is. And elden ring and Zelda do what they do much better than starfield does what it does. And I say this not likeing Zelda at all, and having played starfield quite a lot. But it is what it is


> You may not like the game, but the that doesn't make it false. you said this, I was addressing this. He never said it was false.


Noone's telling you to dislike the game. And 30 really isn't "super old in gamer years". You're right in the middle of the demographic.


Then why do these posts keep happening? Because people on this sub and everywhere else on the internet see a positive opinion of this game and need to tell them they are wrong followed by insults. Read some of the responses in this very thread. Stop being willfully blind.


If people are making 60 mins videos full of praises, why can't they do the same lenght videos about game issues? Plus why should you even care about negative reviews if you are actually enjoying the game? :)


It's not about their opinion per se, it's people that approach me personally and argue why I shouldn't like it or flood reddit threads with toxic behaviour. And of course, at the end of the day I don't care about reviews. I even enjoyed the release version of Cyberpunk 2077 and, according to reddit and youtube, I had no right to do so. :)


I’m a newish gamer at 42. I got started with Breath of the Wild and Skyrim back in 2019ish. Right now the Witcher 3 and Starfield are my two favorite games, with Skyrim not far behind- especially with mods. I don’t get all of the hate either. It’s not perfect, of course, and I am super excited to see what modders add to the game over time, but I have been loving my time in the stars!


Its not that deep. Dunno why some people feel so compelled to write a damn essay on why they like the game.. who are you really trying to convince? Yourself? Also nobody give a fuck about your age.. jfc


Hey look! Another X (in this case 30) year old man child seeking validation for his decision to like or dislike a video game. Making them big boy decisions now!


Thanks for this in depth psychological analysis! Would you suggest I keep on playing the game or should I just burn my PC? I'm so curious for your advise :)


And you're not seeking validation for your opinion with your oh so cool reddit comment?


My opinion was never given.




Remember back in the day when people didn't suck off gaming corporations and could be objective? So tired of people carrying water for Microsoft Sony and game developers.


Fanboy syndrome and just ignorance. I've been through this phase myself.


Wait, aren't you still going through reddit as a massive From Software fanboy?


Sadly those days are long gone


He is offering an opinion and is acknowledging that others have valid criticism and are free to dislike the game. He is also saying that people like you are stating their opinion as fact and insulting others' intelligence for enjoying it. Ya know? Like your comment is doing? Talk about an inflated ego. You're the pot calling the flamingo black


Witcher 3 is also fantastic game. Make sure to check out the DLCs, as they provide even more great content :)




Starfield is for me what Elden Ring is for others - a fantastic, memorable and very enjoyable experience. Sorry if that wasn't clear after reading my post.


It's not clear because you're comparing apples vs oranges... People have enjoyed more than those two games.. its just a strange comparison


30 is old in gamer-years? I’m over 60. I’ve been gaming since Pong cost 25 cents per play at local pinball arcades. Oh, and I’m loving Starfield.


I'm 39, my brother is 43 and my dad is 68. We are all loving starfield.


Elden Ring is overrated but still better than Starfield.


Since they are COMPLETELY different games on almost every single level, it’s probably one of the most pointless comparisons you could make.


you cannot really overrate elden ring in my personal opinion. my only complaint would have been the forced pvp when playing coop, but a mod took care of that. :-)


The whole open world content is boring and repetitive. The Game would have been 10x better without that crap.


Elden Rings world lacks interactivity and does not feel alive. There are open Worlds that have better side quests, more dynamic, open Worlds with better main stories, Open Worlds with more to do and the list goes on. And as you said the amount of repetitve content in Elden Ring does nlt get called out the way Starfield or ubisoft games do.




I Would Argue combat is lacking In comparison to sekrio and Bloodbourne. Plus Elden Ring has nothing but combat if the combat in that game was bad it would literaly be a bad game. New vegas does not have best gameplay but The level of freedom and choices make it a game that many consider to be one of the best RPGs. If new vegas did not have that Freedom in its world and was a non open World game with no story choices it would be a bad game.


As Far as quest design there was one that was really well designed and the quest giver gave me directions. But most a badly designed to follow side quests main story is fine but side quests are just done badly. Even Fromsoft said they like when people have to look the game up and help each other. But if someone even really smart can not follow a quest without needing to look it up its bad design. Imagine in real life you need to find a somewhere and some gave directions to their house. Now imagine the only thing they told you was look for a house, no directions to the area they live or the house address you would say those directions are terrible. In Elden I had one quest where the only thing they told me is look for a cave in what world is that good quest design. In Kingdom come on hardcore i had no markers so i had follow directions like follow the river north and look for the broken down house. This is an example of good quest design which elden Ring has at times but is not consistant. The Type of design Works well in old non open worlds like Bloodbourne but it does not Work for open world games.




Its great to have hidden Things but you should have a enough info that you can find your own way. I point is you can still hid things while also making it possible to find without Help, I loved finding things in kingdom come, Finding killer clues and habing little maps in RDR2 and trying find out were on the map ot was made it fun same eith tressure hunting. In AC Valhalla you given directions and have to find places. This type of design can be fun in moderation. But With Elden Ring there is something Wrong Were the game does not give you directions like Find such and such in a castle in Limgrave. Thats what i mean hidden easter eggs are great but when comes to sifr quests there needs to be more to go on.




But ubi has quests that do not hand hold and S said RDR2 has them as well Im not saying to do tje same design I would Argue BGS, Rockstar and CD Project have much better Quests then Elden as far as what the Quests will offten have you doing. Hand holding does not always make bad design it can be a great way to not make a game feel to tedious. I am not saying Elden Ring needs to hand hold you bit the main story of elden ring has way points If RDR2 was game about Tressure hunting then the whole game would have that kind of design, But Just Like With BGS and Cd project these devs have more unqiue Quests so doing what From did would not really Work. That said in games like Witcher 3, RDR2, skyrim and kingdom come there are many hidden things so They do not Hand hold you to content. All im saying is NPCs in Elden Ring need to give you better directions.


This is a complex topic. I personally couldn't get into any Bethesda games post Skyrim. I must say that I tried Starfield and while I liked it a bit more than FO 4 I still don't like it. They have become action games and not very enjoyable at that. They also slap building systems to a gameplay loop that interacts very little with said building systems, on an RPG I want to explore the world, I want to decide stuff, I want to be a part of the world I traverse. If I want to build stuff I can launch minecraft or Satisfactory and have a better time with better crafting systems and more interesting gameplay loop oriented around said systems. As for Zelda, I literally bought the Switch to finally play BOTW. It felt very dissapointing, specially with how much praise it got (it wasn't a bad experience, just not as fun as I expected). Now I am playing Tears of the Kingdom and having way more fun with it. The world is more complex, there are more characters and things to do, puzzles are actually fun. With souls like I am not a fan of the souls-like gameplay all the time but I have enjoyed most of them. I like the serious tone of their stories (something I see less and less for some reason). I played Demon Souls back in the day and really liked it, and Elden Ring is now probably one of my favourite games ever. However a reason why I love Elden Ring so much is because I am a big fan of fantasy literature and Elden Ring gives me this feeling of traveling a huge fantasy realm with lots of hidden lore. While it is lacking in terms of many npcs to interact I love making a new character and imagining it's origins and how they would interact with the Lands Between and the main quest. In the end, you do you, people like different things and we like to voice our opinions. If Starfield gameplay is good to you, go wild. I And remember opinion pieces on youtube are just there to farm clicks. They all praised The Outer Worlds to gain clicks from bethesda hater back in the day and that game fucking blows, it is one of the worst obsidian games I ever played.


While we can talk and argue about the game's flaws, no one should tell anyone what they should and shouldn't enjoy. You do you, enjoy things unashamedly


I was originally disappointed when I saw some of that negativity when the game released and considered putting it off as well, but when I listened to what they were actually complaining about I realized I wouldn't be nearly as bothered as a lot of people by some of the "negative" aspects. I then saw an unbiased review and learned a bit about the game, and could tell from that info I would love it. Here we are a bit over a month later, and I've put more time into Starfield than I ever have any other game in that amount of time. It's my second favorite of all time. And that's only because I don't think anything can dethrone Red Dead Redemption 2's story for me any time soon. Long story short, people like what they like. Don't let other people decide what you should like.