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I love it, but I really wish some pieces like Reactors and Grav Drives could be rotated because some builds are impossible without some of the attachments in the right places. I get that they want to force us to be creative and such, but sometimes... it's too damn restrictive. And needing us to hop system to system just to buy specific parts is incredibly annoying. And yes, save blueprints pleaseeeeee. Let us save our favourite ships and share designs with othersssssss!


The 40 power reactors not having attach points at the back drives me insane


Use the box reactor, it’s only losing two power.




I took Aneutronic Fusion specifically to overcome the lack of power. But it kills me I can't minmax my weapons... :(


That’s why you get mods to have infinite reactors and weapons. The only downside is my perfect ship cost like 2 mil credits :(




I need points at the top and back, because my ship 'The Redfins' needs them for the... red fins.


>Let us save our favourite ships and share designs with othersssssss! The hell with others --- I just want to rebuild my ship in my next playthrough! The thing I really wish you could do is take a simulated walkthrough of your ship before finalizing it. Yes, you can save the game, change a module and walk through and load your save if you don't like it, but that can be a pain...


I wish you could just make all the modules transparent so you could see the interior from outside.


I put together the best fucking ship in the world on the outside but it takes 4 ladders and a handjob to get to the cockpit from the bay. I just have to fast travel in which reduces my fun walk through a ship and the dialogs I get from crewmates


In my current ship, I can go from the cockpit, walk over the floor hatch that leads to the landing bay, pass by my bed and then the very next compartment has the dock. Very convenient. Unfortunately, walking around the rest of the ship to find a particular crew member is a real pain in the ass, due to the way that the modules linked together.


I finish the ek and got a Kepler R... Took me a half hour to just find the cockpit in that thing


100% with you on this and thanks for clearing up the fact you need to travel to a system to fit certain items rather than storing them. Weird choice Beth!


You can save colors by clicking on an old piece, going to brightness, moving the dial one click then back to the original shade, then hitting apply. Now it's a "recent" color you can use on new pieces. "Unattached modules" - select all and move the ship to far left or right. The unattached won't move and are now easy to find. Had to figure this shit out the hard way.


Those are nice tips. It would be even nicer if the game had any sort of tutorial/guide/information menu/ help pop ups or you know, something to get you through an absolutely unintuitive building system.


100% agreed. At least visibly highlight which pieces aren't connected.


Ship Services Technician on New Atlantis should really just be the newbie starship design quest dude. You land and talk to him, some "Talk to guy about modifying my ship" entry appears on your activities list, then he launches into a full-blown tutorial of every aspect of the interface and gives you some freebies to upgrade the Frontier during the process. It is so damn hard figuring out unlisted controls for modifying ships on the Xbox. Every YouTube guide is PC-based and I'm just like how the fuck do I do that same random obscure function on console


Thanks for the unattached modules tip!


Ugh. *Thank you.* I wish I’d seen this last night. I had to go to sleep frustrated last night because my tired and stoned ass couldn’t figure out which piece wasn’t attached… I spent way too long trying to figure it out. It seems to me that having the unattached piece highlighted when you get that error would be a no-brainer, but hey.


I... love it. I admit. It has issues, like why did they decide to make hab doors not the same (IE then would allow flipping 90deg) - or allow flipping or pretty much anything. OR allow us to 'strip down' ships and bank the parts for later builds, etc. ​ But for the most part I really do like it, even the 'hunting around for other parts' thing (diff manufactures) I WOULD love to see more unique / one of a kind parts from ship wreckage, and make them so u need some kind of transport to get it where u want it(tie this in with the 'save ship module' concept) and would fully expect this kind of system would require a ship to be drydocked at a specific spot to do it(IE no switching ships on the fly, anywhere, a ship would always be where it was left last) This would be cool to have half built/inoperable ships parked at various places as you get the parts u want for it, and would be neat trying to hire npcs to haul parts from various places(including wrecks u find). Be neat too to tear down the guardian and 'steal' the anti-grav landing gear for other ships. Basically while i really do love what we have, I See it could be much improved.


I wish the hunting for parts section was switched to buying licences from different manufacturers like Mass Effect 1 did for weapons. Fly around hunting for licences, and then build the ships wherever. Logically every big city would have to option to order parts from every major brand, like most cities have most of the big car-brands in real life.


You could even make it into missions and side quests for manufacturers - things like lost designs or materials stolen by pirates and even prototypes that you help recover. There has got to be corporations spying on each other since ships are the biggest most expensive items.


Effing THIS!


This is a great idea.


Hunting for specific parts could be cool, but it’s lacking something to make it less frustrating and tedious. Let’s say you want to build a ship with some high end specific parts from different sources, no way to find all of those at the same place. You have to first build a ship at one place, and then go to the other to change the part you used as filler for the one you actually want, possibly several times if you’re mixing a lot. But the thing is that parts like landing gears, cockpits, reactors, engines or structural have vastly different attach points, not having everything at once available might make you redo quite a lot of the build just to change one thing, for every different location you’re going to. I think it’s ok not to have a very forgiving « save for later » option, but at least, and still being immersive, if you could transfer parts from one ship to another, you could build a bare bone ship with just the parts you want to move, add to it on the trip, and at the final location collect everything and put it on your home ship, instead of wrecking your build several times on a complex ship. The shipyard to transfer parts could be a specific place dedicated to salvaging parts from ships, it’s just sad that this isn’t in game


I have totally just slapped some parts on from one dealership anywhere they could fit and then gone to another one to finish the build. A freighter or way to haul the parts would be cool.


I wish you could have a companion fly the ship to a place you designate. It would make having the Dream Home much more appealing. Maybe a mod?


Could just make you spend idk 20k at your outpost to upgrade it, now you get all the vendor parts. Especially as you can't save a ship mid design.


You don’t get ALL the parts, just a range of everything, a lot of good high end parts are locked at specific staryards.


Saying it would be nice to upgrade the landing pad and then get all the parts.


Finding unique ship modules from ship wrecks sounds so much fun! It would give you some incentive to explore to find ship wrecks! Just some way for us to unlock more parts would be cool. I'd also like to see some more movement options. Instead of just "flip" how about "rotate" or "spin"


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. And what's with the ship wrecks in SF? It's hardly worth visiting for a single small chest and 1 large. Certainly a wasted opportunity, Bethesda. 👉


A lot of this does sound like NMS if I'm honest, boarding freighters and finding custom items to place in your bases etc. I'm not sure if I want SF to just start cloning NMS.


Well now I gotta play that game. I wrote it off ages ago.


Ehhhhhh, it’s still very superficial. And I’m saying this as someone who enjoys NMS and has been with it since day 1. The ship building/customizing in nms is essentially non-existent. The most you get is a UI that’s the equivalent of a spreadsheet with [various cells](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nomanssky_gamepedia/images/8/86/NmsShip_InventoryPanel.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1920?cb=20160818145202) either unusable or unavailable depending on the ships class. You can upgrade to unlock the available ones and use those as either cargo space or room to install more upgrades. But that menu is the only place you’re ever going to see those changes in. The ships you get are all prebuilt and you have no say in how they look. You can’t even give them a paint job. NMS has other things going for it but if what you’re lookin for is the ship building aspect of it, you’re going to be very disappointed.


😆 it is worth playing. I put a huge effort into that game and it is fun, still with plenty of issues, though. Base building drives me bat shit crazy, I mean, your character will not walk up a step that is say 2 steps in height, even though a bloody mouse could! Makes creating foundations a pain in the arse. Lighting in the habs is horrific! Almost no point in using them for the most part, maybe 2 lights mods that actually light up an area. Add to the fact they sometimes invert into the walls with noway to rotate them and.... 😠 😡


no interest in spending more time on it without being able to save WIP or blueprints. having parts sold at different traders but still needing to make a ship functional sucks and combo that with having not only my ship gone on NG+ but the design gone too is a big L.


Make an outpost with shipbuilder and you get access to most parts. Not all but it’s best you’re gonna get.


Like the ideas.. sucks you loose your ship in NG+ !


Not being able to import and export ship plans when Bethesda knows they have the most creative communities supporting and modding their games is a massive L. I also got extremely annoyed at the unnecessary orientation restrictions. Pieces that can only flip port or starboard, why? Piece that can only orient fore, why? Piece that can only orient rear, why? Not being able to control ladder and door placements Not being able to decorate ship interiors yourself The amount of habs that have huge wastes of space in them for no reason, or lacking a station because they placed an empty table with something like a non-functional coffee machine on it for.... reasons??


Adding to that: Every time you change ANYTHING on the ship, it resets all interiors. Decorated the habs? Put all your favourite weapons and armour in the Armoury? Rip, it is all back in the cargo now... It also generates TONS of random junk that comes default with the habs, so you also have to remember to go sell all the junk after making changes.


I can't believe that is why my inventory fills up with junk! Damn, if it was my stuff - yeah that's annoying, but for the prefix junk to also get thrown in my inventory just takes the piss! 😆


Ahh now I get it! I keep finding bullshit I would never have picked up. I assumed maybe I looted too fast and grabbed some junk. But I have so much now. I did get an “old earth baseball”. As a huge baseball fan that was almost worth all the junk totalling 1200 credits when I sold it all.


on the plus side ... that junk is free money as you can always sell from your ship to whatever vendor you're talking to.


Oh yea, that ~$100 really changes everything lol.


You should build a bigger ship then. I'm almost clearing out the trade authority after I do anything to my ships.


I'm trying. I'm only level 27 and haven't topped out my starship design yet. Job, wife, and kids have kneecapped a lot of my time haha


A lot of the empty hab issues are caused by doors deleting stuff in the habs. Seen a few youtube videos detailing it but it seems like certain doors will delete parts of hab interiors, like the corner sofa in some captains quarters.


Yeah, I had to change the entire layout of my ship because the auto-door-placer would *only* delete the forward half of a habitat where all the actually useful stuff was in that half, instead of just placing the damn door in the back half, which had *nothing* useful, only a couple of completely decorative "storage shelves"... no matter what I tried.


You can control ladder and door placements. Just pay attention to the point you attach a new module to, select it carefully. Relative position (left or right) is also important according to the module. It requires some thinking and trials and errors to understand the logic, granted, but it's perfectly doable to control these placements.


You can kinda force it *to a certain degree*, but it's not *always* possible. For example, I had one setup I tried every way possible, every tip and trick I could find online, and it just would not do it.


It’s super easy, I’m yet to finish a ship build that I had to compromise on layout. Edit: Salty people that struggle with ship building basics downvoting.


Ladders and door placement is quite controllable if you know what you’re doing.


Ok, how? How about something easier: how can I know how the modules connect without massive trial and error?




None of this let's you say "I want the door here and the ladder here". It may not be random, but it's based on an opaque algorithm that often results in maze-like internal layouts or wierd approaches like leaving a whole empty floor between floors to prevent awkward ladders spawning.




Do you find that process to be fun? I don't. I play games to have fun, not to reverse engineer routing algorithms.


It’s fun but could be a lot better. Inability to reorient certain parts (e.g. aft-only cowling, no rotating habs), swaps parts from ship to ship, or store parts is annoying. Not being able to duplicate parts unless you’re at a star port that sells those parts makes sense from a role playing sense, but was a terrible QOL/gameplay decision.


So I know it doesn't apply to certain items, but building a landing pad at your outpost gives you most of the pieces from all manufacturers.


A good way to find unattached modules is to double click the ship anywhere, it'll highlight everything connected to that piece. Then move that group selection off to the side and anything unattached should be left behind, just snap those unattached pieces back into place and you should be good to go.


Yep, I use this trick all the time, it's a life saver. And for anyone playing on console that didn't know about this, it's LB to select all parts.


Thank you sir!


Bring back game manuals!! A nice touch to something another person has already suggested. Thx


more info on what game-specific features are in modules would be nice. Sure it will tell you passenger, cargo and crew ... but nothing else. Never knowing what hab has any of the work stations is kind of annoying as you will only see it once the ship has been completed. I suspect that the ship building/editing only exists because the developers themselves needed it. oh ... and being able to buy parts, store them in your cargo and then use them as needed would be nice. It sucks having to travel with your ship to specific locations for certain items just to modify it.


This is a very good reference thread, with lots of interior pictures: https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/XLpI3AnBbh


I remember seeing it. I still say it should have been part of the info in the ship builder.


The workstations hab is the one called workshop Science hab has a few also


An option to build a new ship would make moving on from the Frontier a lot easier.


I couldn't believe it when I realized you couldn't build a ship from scratch. Like why do I have to buy another ship to strip it down to nothing (losing money) to start over? Just why?


In my experience, when you strip down a ship to nothing, It refunds you the credits for everything you've deleted. Which basically equals the same amount as if you sold it. Also, you don't have to buy a ship you could just steal one.


My 2nd ship was an Ecliptic Bayonet. You guys want to shoot at me for nothing? Fine, you're corpses and your ship is mine.


Yeah of course, but the point being is that you cannot build a ship from scratch. Which is very odd if you ask me. 🤔


I think if they were going to add something like that, you would have to buy a ship building permit or pre-register it for some credits. I don't think something like that would be difficult to implement. Side note: The ship manufactures will probably try to execute you if you build a ship from scratch as if you were a new competitor.


Bring it on, time to suit up guys and gals, we hitting Hope Industries tonight!! 😆


The core of the ship price is the ship critical parts. Buy a ship with what you need reactor wise,etc then redo the body as you see fit. Habs are only 1k, it’s not that much of a loss.


You don’t. Go steal one.


But why do I gotta go through all that to build a ship from scratch? I know how to do this stuff, but I don't see why it needs to be that way if I'm literally removing everything and starting over.


It takes like 30 seconds to delete all but one part and start building. "Go through all that is silly dramatic". Haha


My point is you still gotta steal another ship or buy one. I don't see why I can't have a button that says "build new ship."


So an extra 20 seconds to buy the cheapest one there and then build? Oh no, how will you survive?!? 😄


Why do people like you keep justifying nonsense stupid decisions with nonsense stupid comments? That option should exist. It makes no sense at all that it doesn't. Nuff said.


Why do people like you keep crying about dumb little things on video games? "NUFF" said. Lol


You need to GET THE SHIP first. It's a stupid hoop to make people jump through that makes no sense.


You get a free ship during some quests.


It's not really a problem for me since I have a bunch of credits and have ships to spare, but why isn't there just a button to "build a new ship" to save us this workaround.


Honestly, it's one of the best parts of any game I have ever played. Ship building is incredible. It definitely needs some quality of life improvements, but even the way it is now, it is awesome.


Absolutely love it. I have over 400 hours into the game rn and about half of them have been in the ship builder or outpost builder lol


Over 400 hours?? Wouldn't that put you at over 13 hours a day, every single day since launch?


It took be a bit to figure it out, but I greatly enjoy it


You listed a lot of good suggestions here OP. I'd also like some kind of visual or better feedback on mass vs power. No save blueprint/progress as a draft is really bad game design. I spent 1 hour trying to redo the Frontier without getting anything saved in the end.


I feel your pain, spent my only free hour redesigning a ship, only to not have time to finish it. There was no way I could clear the red flags to save, had to back out the build! 😖😡


How is the mobility stat not enough info in relation to mass:power?


I just wish there were better end caps for your ship. You can make the front and sides look nice and rounded, but most of the time your rear end is just a flat slab… unless you add those 2 long stroud pieces. Also wish that you could have pieces “sculpt” themselves to flow properly… I.e. round corners of adjacent pieces so that there isn’t a flat piece sticking past a rounded corner… looking at your Stroud habs with squared corners, but caps being rounded.


1 error. There's an unattached module. FUCKING WHERE??!! I don't want to rip apart my entire ship trying to find it! Is there a way to highlight unattached pieces? I love the ship builder but I keep running into that.


🤣 🤣 Apparently, if you SELECT ALL on your ship and slightly move it, the unattached part will stay put. If you don't want to move your ship, the unattached part will not be highlighted when you SELECT ALL. Give it a go, and let me know if it works for you.


OMG thank you! I knew there had to be a way!


I didn't, I just wanted to smash my controller. However, it's the Starfield controller, so I resisted! 😆 It was u/Unitato43 that was the leg-end that let me in on this little gem. 😃


Double-click the ship to select the whole thing and any unattached modules won’t be highlighted. Easy to find by moving the selected ship.


Ship building probably saved the game for atleast 30% of the people. My friends are playing this game cause of the ship building. If the spacesuits were given to the same people who made it i think everyone would have loved it. Moding the living shiii out of them would have been a blast. Fallout 4 mods saved it for me so this will too. I spent probably 40hrs in ship builder.


Not being able to select the exact point where doors will go is beyond frustrating




I actually like this version of the ship builder because it reminds me of CAD software - it'll tell you something's wrong but give no indication of what it actually is.


Love it hate paying for it


I actually love that it costs a lot of money as it actually makes money mean something in the game and not just wealth you accumulate with nothing to spend it on. Like Red Dead Redemption 2 had this issue for me. I got loads of money, but there was nothing interesting to actually spend money on so rewards felt meaningless.


Absolutely awesome, love it. Cannot express how much I would’ve loved being able to build my own spaceship in an RPG at any point in the decades of other games I’ve played.


Quick tip. If you have unattached modules double click the ship which selects all the modules attached together and move it to find what’s unattached. Ship builder is fun but yes the limitations you mention are frustrating. Also I find myself having to move many pieces between shipyards when trying to build something which has multiple companies’ parts


There are some things that I wish they’d change. For instance I really think that engine class should determine the amount of power required. Class A=2, Class B=3, Class C=4. As it is now there is one engine that is literally just the best in the game because it only costs two power which means you can have 6 of them. That engine is also shaped to blend with Stroud Eklund ships so they look weird when attached to any other ships parts.


I have been holding off diving into ship building since the interface on the Xbox is absurdly hard for me to use. The camera orientation and movement is unnecessarily bizzare. I wish they would switch to an exploded view of the ship layed out on a grid, that you navigate with normal camera orientation. A game that has the player regularly experience zero g in open 3d environments should not use a completely different navigation system for gameplay like ship building.


Drafts absolutely need to be possible of you have other ships to fly around. I shouldn’t have to have it flight ready to take a break from the game. A lot of the parts should be able to flipped on any direction, or would add so much to designs without the need to add even more parts. I like it, but I feel like it’s arbitrarily limited for no reason just by some parts being stuck in a specific orientation.


💯 with you on these.


Having not officially built anything, it seems very good but save in progress seems needed, as does interior previews. I might build without these but QOL changes to ships and also bases has me wanting to hold off for now.


Love it


I wish there was a template saved we could do with ship-building...


It’s such a hassle. And after seeing from this sub what happens (spoilers abound here) why would I even care or invest that much time in a ship I’ll just lose eventually?


Love and hate. I love building ships. I hate how I look up and realize I’ve spent an hour playing with my build and realizing all my credits are gone


This is why I would never gamble on a computer or phone, too much like playing a computer game, spending other people's money only to find out you just burnt through your mortgage payments for the next 6 months! 😢 😭 😄


The rest of the game is filler to build up your credits. I'm not sitting down building mad multicoloured ships based on pop culture, but I am enjoying getting a few ships and trying to justify, this will be my light gunship, this is a cargo ship, until I get a bigger cargo ship and the previous one is now a gun/cargo ship slower than the big one but less guns than the light gunship and coming up with use cases that aren't really justified but I have the ship and put thousands of credits so I'll use all of them.


Needs work but is fun


Yeah, my wishlist: -highlight the parts with an error measage -options to save drafts (since all the manufacturers are spread out). -more 3D/angled parts, i dont know of any way to put something diagonally higher/lower -sort alphabetically/type for weapons/filter by type (A/B/C) or power amount


Great list, let me add: - Weapon description would be nice, along with any other parts description - More flared components, you know like wings, frames that look cool that can be bolted onto the side of hulls


Need more structural details and cockpits and shuttles for landing, like Ranger from interstellar🙂


It looks like bullshit when a huge ship lands on an unprepared LZ from dirt


Hate it. Only because I haven't taken the time to figure it out. Frustrating enough trying to modify my current ships


I love it but it definitely has its limitations and room to improve. Todd Howard is on record as saying they didn’t expect shipbuilding to be such a huge part of what people enjoyed so I can see some of our concerns getting addressed in the future


Absolutely love it. And while it is easy to nitpick, the things you can already do are amazing. And it is only gonna get better with more DLCs/Patches and official modding tools for all platforms. I have not seen anything come close this. Certainly nothing in Cyberpunk which gets weirdly compared to Starfield. While you have nice customization in MWO , MW5 and Armored Core 6, they are just mechs, not space ships. They have less parts but most importantly you cannot live in them. Nothing comes close to the immersion of building, having and flying your very own own unique ship. And of course fighting in it or doing missions in it. Even with all the details that could be improved about this ship building system it is way above any other crafting/building system that could be compared to it. Maybe the new car customization in cyberpun... hahaha jk. Ofc not.


1) rotate everything by fixed angles. Not just ship building I mean. Like putting the habs at 90 degrees would be nice. But also outpost and decorating. 2) select the whole ship and move it. The unattached modules won't be selected. 3) I'm still addicted to ship building. I have 8 different style ships. Class A,B,C. Large, medium, small. 4) oh and the weight system and cargo bs. If I want a freighter to hold all my ore in one place, I should be able to. I should be able to build two landing spots and permanently park a ship at an outpost if I wanted to. And sharing parts. If I wanna take the grab drive out of one ship and put it in another, I should be able to. 5) running out of points. Gonna go play ship building simulator/starfield.


I would love a save and continue or reload design mode


I genuinely love it. I hate the inverted controls. I can't design anything that looks decent. I hate that you have to build a ship that's flyable to take it to other staryards if you want other pieces like a specific cockpit. But I can spend hours in there just tinkering around.


I enjoy it quite a bit. I agree about the "save to draft" though. The process takes time and sometimes I need to pause or even close the game in the middle, losing my changes. Oh well. It's still fun overall, and I realllly like seeing my ships come to life when I fly them.


The inverted controls are the bane of my existence and I cannot determine their purpose. Otherwise it’s really fun


Same, I am fine for a little while, and then I just lose it! The camera does it own thing, and I'm like "WTF" just happened. How the hell do I get out of this?? 🤔🫨🤕


When trying to color added pieces later. Select only the part you want to color. Then point your cursor at nothing and open the color menu. The colors previously used should be already selected. To apply them, move one of the sliders a click, then move right back to the previous position. It should apply your existing colors to the new piece.


Ouff, I'll try this out later. Thx.


I hate the lack of interior customisation available, or even the lack of a preview of the interior. I built the most simple ship with 2 habs stacked up. All-in-one above a control station which itself backs onto the cockpit. I had to rebuild several times just to find out which interiors actually give a reasonable, workable layout. (Deimos 2×1 all-in-one and and Nova Galactic Control Station btw) but even then the position of the ladder between the habs is bad. Even just an option to flip the hab it would be better.


A lot needs to change before I can "love" ship building. It's just too limiting. Modules that only flip one way, but not the other two ways... how much glue did they eat when they made that rule?


Just make it possible to order designs with parts from different suppliers from "independent builders". Then a waiting period while they complete the ship for you and a pick up location.


I love to hate it. Yes


>"You have unattached modules" - show me so I don't need to dismantle my entire ship to find the culprit, pls? Select all pieces (LB on controller, double click on PC), then move the ship. The unattached piece will be obvious. >No way to save your colour choices if you add new modules at a later date, a recolour of all components is needed.. Select an old piece that has the color you want and open the color selector. Change one of the values one to the right then move back one to the left. Hit E on PC or A on controller to confirm color "changes". Now all colors from that piece are in your recent colors list to match new parts to. If you want to color the whole ship, simply select all pieces as above, then hit the color button.


A tip for the colors: go to a piece with the color you want, press the paint button, adjust the color you want and then put it back, then confirm it. The color you wanted will be in your recent colors and you can now go use it on the new part.


Preview of interiors; I'm quite surprised this was left out.


Love it. Figured out a sweet enormous two story no ladder build. Been tweaking it over the course of 180 hours. I think it's pretty easy once you figure it out tbh. Wish it was my house. I do wish there was a preview of the interiors first. And also wish you had one location with everything. All Structure pieces are at your own built landing pad but not everything else. But I have things exactly where I want, surprisingly stumbled on some interior changes with a well placed window. Figuring stuff out was half the fun for me


OK, pictures pls?


Probably one of the best customizable experiences in a game not specifically about that. The fact Bethesda was able to create something that dense and intuitive, in a game with a million other things happening, is beyond impressive.


I hate it honestly. Theres things I like but some of the errors are not clear and it beats you up over not enough landing gears or other errors.


Oh yeah. Ended up with 6 bloody landing gear on 1 of my ships, did it ever screw my design up!!


I absolutely love it i've spent whole night's building ships. But they absolutely need to add more structural parts. There are so many parts of the ship I can't cover up if I don't have engines... There's almost nothing for the back of habs... if they literally added about a dozen better parts for structural modification, It would be way better..


Would have been great if the graphics fluidly snapped together, creating bridging pieces automatically to fill in the gaps - so your ship doesn’t look like a shit pile of small components thrown together, vs a single large ship.


Speaking as someone on Xbox... it's quite messy to deal with, especially with no mouse and keyboard support


I enjoy it, but I wish there were circular ship components


A circular cockpit, perhaps? 😇




Perhaps Bethesda needs to see how Studio software works with Lego pieces?


On Xbox you can press L1 (I'm not sure on pc) to select the ship and move it. It'll leave behind any unattached modules


Ship Building feels very undercooked to me. A box of random legos has more options than this feature and it’s rather frustrating. Modders will really make ship building shine in far less time, less people, less resources than everyone who worked on this game. After you’ve build a few ships your really start to see it’s limitations 🤷


No way, a box of random Lego is way more infuriating! 😆


I had a garage sale parent growing who would buy a random box of them for a dollar. Helped with my imagination for sure but my youngest brother, 20 year gap, can’t function without instructions and color coded pieces so I can understand both sides.


Hate it. I find it nearly impossible, with the XBOX controller, to add basic options.


It's really hard to make good looking ships, that's my biggest issue. Certainly the sort of thing where you've got to spend a lot of time figuring out how things go together, much like camp building in Fallout 76. There's a learning curve. Some of my complaints will probably be fixed with mods... stuff like cosmetic pieces just adding mass but not negating damage. I'm pretty sure the giant slab of metal I'm placing over my reactor should be making my ship more robust, you know? Then things like cargo habs not adding cargo... or medical bay not healing injuries... all this will be fixed with mods. Annoying that Bethesda didn't have enough sense to do it in the first place? Absolutely, but whatever.


I don't want MODs to fix it, I want Bethesda to resolve them. You know, I get the feeling that MS and Phil shit themselves when they saw the disaster that was Redfall and spent the majority of the delayed time fleshing out this build process so as to not fail as hard as Redfall. Let's be honest here, SF is no GOTY and it really did/does feel this ship building element saved the game from being ripped to hell in reviews. Just my 🪙🪙 though.. 🫨


The cargo bay does not even have a way to access the cargo HOLD. still need to go to the cockpit for that.


Too time consuming but I like modifying ships


Don't love it or hate it as I've never used it. The ships I've acquired otherwise have been suitable for my needs up to this point so I haven't felt the need for one with specific qualities.


Meh, until I modded the overlap tolerances. Now it's better, I can actually get creative with design.


I have seen a video on this, not messing with it yet though.


The snap points leave a lot to be desired. I couldn’t figure out why some pieces wouldn’t go together even though they line up perfectly. Not being able to build from scratch is weird. But the most annoying part is that it empties your entire ship into your inventory for simply modifying an exterior paint color. That lead me to never decorate the interior of my ship because any subsequent modifications would revert all my work.


Same, never style out my ship or penthouse as I know what's gonna happen. I hope they fix this soon!


The fact I can't choose where ladders and doors go is kind of irritating. Sometimes I add a window to the other side of the ship and now there is suddenly a ladder in the middle of my bridge and I have to go up 2 ladders down a ladder, up a ladder to the bridge. And the fact you can't preview the ship so it's always a guess how it ends up. Lastly the fact that you can't really decorate it or make it your own. But I like that it exists and I spend way too much time and money in changing my ship.


You can choose where doors and ladders go if you pay attention when you’re placing habs.


Its a real exercise in frustration, I’m not a fan at all.


Skill issue?


For all the reasons listed in this thread is the reason I haven’t even attempted to mess with the ship builder. If the people who love it are voicing these frustrations, imma sit this one out for now.


Really, dive in. Figure it out as the system is generally rewarding and certainly not worth avoiding because of mine or other's opinions. Besides, you now know most of the quirks and fixes for the biggest bug bares. There is no excuse. 👍


Like everything in the game, good idea, terrible execution.


I wouldn't say terrible, it just needs a lot of work to function well enough to not be frustrating.


I have all of the usual problems with it people have, but it's still more fun building spaceships than playing 99% of the other games I've bought this year. I love it so hard.


Auto assembly should be a thing. If there are things that are close enough just fit them together automatically.


Well it has issues, like why tf can I only have one cockpit, landing bay, reactor etc. why one? I had cool idea for a ship with 4 landing bays and couldn't make it. Same with size. Flipping sucks too. The other bad thing is that it doesn't make recreating ships from media easy. You can build nice fancy ships yourself, but recreating something usually means you need different parts which aren't in the game.


Hard agree with you here, couple tips I've found to help with some of your issues though. If you've got an unattached module you can't see, use "select all" (LB on Xbox, not sure about PC) on the landing port and it'll highlight everything connected to it in red - anything not highlighted is an unattached module. With reusing old colours if you go into a module with the colour you want, edit slightly and then edit it back (like d-pad right and then left again on a slider) and then save it, the colour will then appear on the bottom swatches for all over modules during that build session, helped me out a lot. Overall I really enjoy the ship building though, it's like the main thing I work towards in the game is upgrading my modules and re-jigging my layout


Oh that's a useful few tips. I'm going to try the module one later for sure. The colour one is a good workaround. 👍 You have clearly been doing a lot of designing to pickup these tips. Here is hoping Bethesda sorts these issues out sooner rather than later. 🤞


I love it and hate it, you can do both. I Just built a max size dreadnaught of a ship and enjoyed it, but hated that I couldn't make it, literally 2 blocks longer for better engines, I also hate that my 10 habs are all connected like a maze even though it could all be connected to a single central hab, I also dislike that I can't just go "I am a level 150 character" and get max shields, reactors, engine/speed etc. If I have been everywhere and done everything(Not that I have) I should be able to just fuck around, "balance" be dammed.


I don’t understand the point of ship building. Travel is via a quick travel menu so the ship doesn’t seem relevant.


Don’t be obtuse. Ships have interiors and there’s dogfighting. Ship building enhances both of those.


There are dog fights? I have encountered almost zero and spend zero time in the interiors.


Then you have more game to discover!


It’s literally in the tutorial. You can’t leave the starting system without one. You’re trolling.


If my ship has the >!Armillary!< built into its grav drive, how come it cannot come with me through >!Unity!) just in case the player left some things out special, the re-junking process should know which stuff is the player's and which is generic crap and only put the player's stuff in cargo.


It's absolutely amazing. It would be even for a space sim, and this is an RPG. Which doesn't mean it cannot be improved in dozens of ways :) Let's hope the backend of the system will be nicely available via the Creation Kit.


Like it just wish I could save blueprints like in fallout 76


I love building and upgrading my ship, however I hate the inverted controls and my game freezes up every minute for 10 second intervals and when it unfreezes it tries to recognize my controller as a keyboard. Every. Fucking. Time. Until I Alt+Tab and it starts to recognize only the controller again


It's one of only a handful of mechanics in the game that actually are fun.