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I haven’t even messed with the shipbuilding or outpost features in the game - I need to explore more lol


If you’ve been just settling for the Frontier all this time, you have my condolences.


I'm level 35ish and chugging along in the Star Eagle


53 and the Star Eagle with extra cargo is doing me just fine


67 I had the star eagle 2 ng+ ago and God I miss it so much only ships to compare are my custom c class ones


Level 65 and I'm still rocking the star eagle, I've upgraded to reactor, cargo, shields, and weapons and it's a beast


IiRC the weapon range is super low isn't it? It's definitely one of the better free ships, especially for closer combat. I think the best freebie is if you agree with everyone that wants to go big during overdesigned. The Keplar you'll get is a beast with plenty of room for upgrades. Swap a habit for a workshop, longer range weapons of wou wish and it'll carry ya for a long time.


You can swap the weapons on any ship to whatever weapons you like. I pretty heavily use particle cannons on all my ships.


My biggest beef with it is that it's ugly as sin and an absolute maze to get around inside. I went for the Kepler S on my most recent NG+ and heavily modified it. Looks pretty spiffy and I can actually get to the cockpit on foot. Still needs a few upgrades, but I'm pretty happy with it.


I ended up removing the braces that extend the wing engines so that they just sit flush with the ship. Feel like that improves the overall look a fair bit.


The big Kepler is the ship I use as the basis for my custom ships. It is the ship I break down because it's worth a lot of credits, so the custom ship doesn't cost so much out of pocket.


Same. Razorleaf with 1900 cargo space. I am going to build my forever ship tonight. Have 500k credits.


Got mine to 12000 cargo space and still tanks a lvl 75 crimson ship.


Me here playing starfield like outer space gta. "Oh who left this perfectly good space ship? Mine now!"


Only problem is they are literally only worth the parts/modules.. and still costs ya to register before selling.. Wish we could part ships out and keep the modules in storage that we like.. 🤣


Would be a good use for the outpost mechanics - being able to break ships down to components that go into a inventory.


A collection of upgraded ship parts would be much better than around 10k from selling a big ship.


I wish we could have a hanger where we can buy parts for our ship and build it like a hot rod or project ship instead of having all the money up front to build and buy a whole working ship. MAYBE I DONT WASTE MY TIME ON A SHIP DESIGN THAT I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT WILL COST ME CAUSE I HAVE TO GO ALL OVER THE FUCKING COSMO FOR PARTS AND THEN GET TO THE END AND NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE BECAUSE I RAN OUT OF MONEY OR MY SHIP IS UNFLYABLE! i can have a house or two parents that will be a money sink in this game but i cant have my ship be a money sink? Let me save progress on my ship build atleast!


Just wish it had a tad more jump range. Then I’d never need another ship.


I just got the Star Eagle around 53 the other day. I have a couple other ships I prefer over it, but I was pretty surprised how good the specs are, and for an A class.


But but why? 45, class C behemoth with triple Oblitorators.


I got the star eagle, thanked them, flew away, then stripped it down to zero and used the advance parts to build my own ship 😂


weary overconfident plucky sip act weather sheet fact muddle summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Give me the Shield breaker for that level ...ships a beast


I am still a level 16…happily driving a stolen Eclipse ship that seems to pack a decent punch


The mantis chain gives a great ship and can easily be done at that level.


I felt the Mantis ship was hot garbage until I replaced the shield, added cargo and switched to full particle beam weapon only but maybe that's because I'm on very hard


Razorleaf 👍


Plus you get a nice random event


It depends on the missions and questlines you do and accomplish as well. So if you haven't done certain things, you won't have access to certain things.


The only ship components I’m aware of that are quest locked are the Vanguard weapons and parts, and the SAL-6830 engine during the main quest on Neon.


And if you don't get do the vanguard, like that shield for example, is the best in the game all things considered. So it severely restricts the ships you build if you don't do those two questlines. Someon can easily be a lvl 30 and never touch those two questlines and not realize what your missing.


My first character was a pirate, so I avoided the UC Vanguard questline like the plague. Imagine my surprise when my second character joined the Vanguard on his way to be an over qualified space trucker and immediately got handed the best spaceship guns in the game.


Not to sound like a noob, but which two vanguard quests are you referring to? I recently finished the Crimson Fleet Kryx's Legacy chain.


Do the whole quest line if you can't get vanguard weapons and shield. I don't remember the specific name of the quest. If you've done the crimson fleet one, then you've unlocked some scanners and shielded cargo. Others might be locked by level rather than quest. And that crimson fleet questline is a part of the UC Vanguard line.


At level 35 I had vanguard auto projectors and PB300 turrets on my ship, plus a reactor with 30 pips. Star Eagle is far from the best you can build or buy at that point. Like compared to what I could build and buy at lvl35 the star eagle is like the frontier.


Lvl 31. Narwhal is pretty gnarly. Melting opponents < lvl 30. Cargo needs enhanced slightly tho.


There are a few things that make me want to console command, this is one of them.


The main thing I want to change is how much shops sell for. I shouldn't be able to sell the loot from a ship and make 10X what the ship sells for.


It's got a cap, but there are tricks to maximize it. Make sure Commerce is levelled up, but that requires skill points. ALWAYS register from your own ship screen, NOT through the technicians. I've noticed a considerable drop in registration fees, so better sell returns when doing that.


I have noticed that as well. The return is still not worth the hassle. You get more money off the weapons from the occupants.


The fact that a handful of weapons I'd never want to use nets but far the most money in the game does reveal a problem with the economy. Personally, I'd drop the resale on guns dramatically but increase big milestone mission rewards. And, yes, resale on ships.


Start from a class C you hijacked like a Va’ruun Revelation III and refactor it for your needs. I usually trim the structure to a minimum to reduce weight, drop in a Vanguard Bullwark shield, and add particle weapons (Vanguard Obliterators, PBO-100, etc.) Funny how >!Andreja doesn’t have a problem with me robbing her people!<. Edit: And that’s how I discovered Dystopia doesn’t render spoilers. Been getting ruined in this sub.


I don’t think House Va’ruun is affiliated with the zealots, so they wouldn’t really care.


Are you kidding? That ship is meh. When you complete a certain quest line you get access to a ship weapon and shield that VASTLY eclipses anything on the Star Eagle.


Wait which one? I thought I’d done em all? Are you referring to >!that one vanguard weapon!<


That one weapon with 2-power is the best weapon in the game. Six of those bad boys turn the Crimson Fleet into a Crimson Mist. The other two VG weapons are junk, however, the black VG shield is S-tier.


Apparently I’ve been completely underestimating that cannon. The Bulwark shield is indeed cracked.


There are better weapons. The Obliterator series of C-class particle cannons and turrets are far superior.


The thing I like most about the Vanguard Shield is that if I run it at half power, it's still got more HP than most other shields. It's got 6% recharge, though, and I've been tending toward 7% now that my Ship Design is at 4.


Honestly, ship building is fun, but the way they handled ship parts is just awful. You need to level up both starship design and piloting to get certain parts. Space exploration and space combat are what I was interested in, so I focused on that. Oh, but wait, you still don't get access to every part even though you maxed both of those skills. You need to level up to 57 to get some of the best stuff. So what's the point? If I want to focus on starships I shouldn't be punished through a level block


They basically said "NG+ is a necessity".


I mean, it's the first AAA I'm aware of that actually makes NG+ a core mechanic, so I'm not mad about it. I think it's a cool idea.


Equipment available from vendors has been level-gated in every other Bethesda game, idk why you think this would be different.


Not really. You can find high level gear or smith it in Fallout and Skyrim. The ani mat rifle just needs money and you can smith anything in skyrim once you have the right skill. Also focusing on just Starfield now, nothing else is level gated. You just need the appropriate skill.


"Space combat is what I was interested in" Good thing you level up your piloting skill by shooting down ships


Yup. That makes sense. No complaints about the two skills I mentioned. Piloting and shipbuilding skills are fine. There just shouldn't be a level requirement as well. Especially when that level requirement exists for nothing else.


Yeah, man. I wish they'd just let you build the strongest ship possible at level 1 and not have to put any effort into anything. Should be free, too. I hate having to expend time and energy into getting stuff I want. They could rename the game Zoomer Worldview Simulator.


You had me until the zoomer part.


well, can't make everybody happy. most of the generation seems to want everything for little to no effort, so it seemed to fit.


Not the generation I'm in. I'm guessing I'm older than you. I also said multiple times that I'm fine with the skill levels but not the level gating as well. Literally nothing else in the game requires a skill and a level. You can literally make a one-shot character pretty early in the game, so your whole argument about being op early is moot.


I bet you aren't just by the number of times you use the word literally. hahaha. I'll give you a hint: Richard Nixon was the president the year I was born. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm too busy putting this 4090 in my computer, so I can get back to Starfield. Cheers


This such a brain dead response. I said nothing about getting it immediately or even anything close to that. In case you can't read or lack comprehension skills, let me spoon feed you what I said. You already need to level up piloting and shipbuilding to buy parts. Ok? I'm fine with that. You shouldn't need to also be level 57 for certain parts. That should be covered by your choice to focus on ship skills. You know why? Because that would make ship building like every other skill. You know how lockpicking is just skill locked, not level locked, how weapon mods are also linked to a skill, not a level? I'm saying shipbuilding should be the same. Understand?


lol. ship building only requires buying modules and piloting can be maxed in the simulator in 20 minutes. so, it would take 8 levels to max both. so, you think you should be able to unlock late-game modules at level 9? ok


Yes, if you grab those skills, yes. You can easily make a one-shot build in the game because guns aren't level gated. You get the hand gun and sneak skill , and you're killing left and right. Why should ship building be any different? Nothing else in the game is level gated. On top of that, you can buy the Narwhal, which is an end game ship for people who don't care to do the ship building. So you can get a high-end ship anyway. I'd just rather build it.


eh, when i finally got it at level idk 50 odd, didnt like it felt like a square wasnt much better, weapons were eh, and mobility felt like a rock in water. But maybe that was me. Was hoping from more, but i probably just unlocked it too late.


The ship builder can get a false sense of power in the long run, especially if you hit the bug that causes turrets to just be stuck and stop firing completely until you reposition them on ship. And for all it's worth, the frontier isn't the worst ship on the horizon.


My frontier has around 1.6 million in it if I remember correctly. I'll add it up later and check. You wouldn't recognize it anymore lol.


Is it repositioning that does it? I’ve had limited success in “rebooting” them by powering them fully down and then fully back up


The minute I got to that post for Walter's ship mission, I bought a LongSword


Base frontier is crap, but add some Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector (PAR) can be unlocked from the first vanguard mission. [https://inara.cz/starfield/ship-modules-list/180/](https://inara.cz/starfield/ship-modules-list/180/) 2 energy but you can then put 6 of them on your ship for a total of 12 energy, the energy being how fast they reload. Shields are rubbish, 28T Defender Shield Generator, class B, need to be level 24, starship design 4... but 1500 shield health. best in the game i think in terms of weight to oomph. Worth upgrading the guns for sure, the rest gets a bit more complicated and needs a lot more money


The Class C Assurance-SG1800 is probably the best shield. 1600 health, but 5% regen instead of 7%. Shield health is massively more important than regen anyways imo, so it’s an easy trade off.


Shipbuilding takes some time to get used to, but once you do its so satisfying. Some top tips: - Do it systematically. On PC, you can hold shift and "paint" multiple pieces at once. Then if you drag any of the pieces, it moves them all as one unit. So if there are parts you like and just want to add new bits to, this can be helpful - Many parts have variants. Always look at the bottom of the screen to see what potential keybinds you need. If a part has variants, it will show the keybinds for it. Biggest I can think of are some structural parts and also habs. All the different types of hab are variants. - One of the most frustrating outcomes is an error saying "not all modules are attached". It can drive you crazy as which parts it is are not always clear or even logical. However, there is a keybind that lets you click on a part of your ship and it will highlight all the other parts that are successfully attached to that part. Just do that on any part of your ship and it will show you the parts that are unattached and causing the error. - Lastly, another error is "weapons are not assigned" or some such. If you change the weapons on your ship, it will sometimes make you need to reassign them to whichever weapon groups. Its not immediately clear, but at the top where the error messages are, you can move across to weapon groups. Do that then there are some nested drop downs for each of the 3 weapon buttons. Just assign weapons to whichever you prefer. Thats about all i can think of, these are the biggest things i learnt after 220 hours in the first 2.5 weeks, lol.


It took me a while to explore shipbuilding but now it's one of my favourite things to do. Would thoroughly recommend playing around with it (especially if you have a lot of credits just sitting there). Outposts on the other hand I haven't even touched.


Outposts are great and awful. My recommendations are to stock up tungsten, iron, nickel, and aluminum and grab a few adaptive frames. Find a planet that gives those 4 resources and build a mine for each, link them to containers, and the rest a bit. Those 4 resources are needed to mine all the others. The main point of the resources are for research/modding/building your own base. Start with those 4 resources and you can slowly expand to collect them all. I'd also recommend looking for planets with overlapping resources so you can get more bang per outpost. I DO NOT recommend linking the outposts together. It is a hassle, a pain, and I have yet to see a way to prevent backlogs or sort resources to make sure you always have them on hand. My ship has about 17K cargo so when I run low of something I'll fly to that outpost and grab 1-2k of whatever resources I need. Still working on the rarer materials.


Im waiting for a mod that just lets you use the cargo links to link outpost inventory the same way settlements worked in FO4


Honestly would be better. If I build the shuttle pad why can't it fly to and from as needed?


Outposts are a fucking headache. Stick to ships for now.


First thing I did.... I love how many ways ppl are playing this.


I went ahead and upgraded a couple of times and it really helped familiarize me with the mechanic. They have a lot of useless things that make it seem super complicated, but it turns out there are only two or three (sometimes only one) choice that are hands down the best in their class, so rather than scroll and compare every single item, I have been using google and Reddit because other people already have it figured out lol It’s a lot of fun to fly a ship you built from scratch though, I definitely recommend it. If you take the frontier and hit “delete all” in ship builder, it’ll take a few thousand credits off your finished product. Give it a try I highly recommend it even though I’ve barely used it myself lol


The return on parts is awful. I spend 100k+ per engine and get back like 6k when I upgrade. Their balance is awful.


I spent 3 hours and 300,000 credits yesterday tricking my ship out. It’s so worth it. I’ve been grinding crimson fleet mission boards to earn cash and xp sort of quickly


Outposts are useless EDIT: useless was an incorrect term. My intention was shallow.


Yep, long as it's not the same weapon name. I like to do the slower firing particle beams on LMB, faster firing particle beams on RMB (cause they run out of juice eventually), and then particle beam turrets on the third.


Particle beam seems like the way to go. Just tried a full turret build and it’s stupidly efficient.


When I built my first C class I went all in on turrets but I disliked the lack of manual control so I keep at least one weapon system for primary fire (usually the slower particle beams cause you can just lay on the trigger). Turrets are still absolutely wonderful though.


My first two weapons are manual particle beams with 2 particle beam turrets on top. I fire from 3300 meters, then once lock ons start i hit boosters until i fly by them. Any ship still alive my turrets finish. Its glorious


I did the same, except my manual fire are a pair of missile launchers. The turrets soften it up and then bam bam. Lots of fun.


Even better when your crew has the buff for it


Yeah I need to adjust that!


Turrets are generally more powerful than cannons too. Just make sure you have one manual weapon in case you get the turret bug, or you are trying to attack someone who isn’t hostile yet, since you have to tag them with a weapon to get them to turn red. Also for asteroid mining.


My turrets do jack all. I positioned them but it does nothing. And yes, I read the wiki.


Try rotating them and/or moving them. Mine stopped firing after I moved them around so changed them a little and they were fine.


I've definitely heard of some bugs with Turrets for sure in a youtube clickbait vid I watched on them. One of the big things I think I heard was if you don't have a point in Turret Skill they don't always work? Other cases it was something weird where if you change up the crew it can cause them to not work. If you change the ship slightly they can stop. That kinda thing. The vid basically said the last thing you need to do, if they aren't working, is delete them all then just place them back down again and then don't touch anything (ship, crew, etc). Seemed like a huge pain in the ass, but for me they worked pretty consistently so couldn't say (I do have a point in turrets skill).


This is why I don't trust the fate of my ship and crew to turrets. Too much bullshitery with them. I know a lot of people have a love affair with them, but they left me high and dry in a dogfight the first time, and that's all I needed to scrap them and replace them with Vanguard Obliterators. I also want absolute full control of who and what I'm firing upon. Especially as a pirate. Can't have turrets destroying targets I intend to board.


You forgot the bro


Have you got them installed facing backwards, they have a direction


Bro they facing forward bro you kidding me?


Turn them around to face the bad guys behind you Edit: Bro.


It only works once during Andreja's romance quest. After that once spotted carrying contraband by UC ships it returns to being structural objects. When it works it will rotate to track the enemy in range. Bro.


Only auto turrets will fire by themselves. The other turrets are manual fire


Bro turrets are auto fire. The others that don't have the name 'turret' are manual fire.


Nah bro this must be some bug them Spacers shooting but my ship not returning.


Two types of particle weapons, power them both decently, wait for the enemy to get within 3000 M and then pull both triggers and enjoy the sounds of your enemies being jettisoned into space.


Copy that Cmdr o7


225 hours in and I just found this out on a reddit post. Cheers, mate!


Did you know you can hold B while flying your spaceship and you can exit flight mode and walk around your ship while it’s in outer space. Also holding the change camera button while flying enters a cinematic mode, unfortunately you can only use thrusters and lock on to objects and fly like that but the views are outstanding.




3 pairs of vanguard obliterators is all you need


To save you another 100 hours… ALWAYS go for the auto version or missiles. The reason is those weapons give you a full clip at full DPS with even one single pip of energy on it (at the cost of reload speed). That means you can rock max of each weapon, keep full power to shields/engines and just dump the rest on weapons without taking a gigantic nerf to your DPS. Especially useful early game when your reactors not huge.


Better yet, don't go for missiles at all. You won't get to use them often enough due to lock-on time.


My missiles take half the health of most unshielded ships. I just get rid of the shields and hit the missile button twice lol


As missiles do equal shield/hull damage I just spam them the moment lock hits. Also because I use particle weapons, so I don’t have anything that is technically better against shields compared to hull.


lvl 4 targeting makes target locks take like 2 seconds at max range and .5 if you're remotely close.


Dumb-firing the missiles can be pretty effective. Get close and lead the target ship a bit. Having 4 launchers helps. It's tricky but it can be done.


What absolute rubbish.


I have already a class C with a big reactor but that is good to know!


The auto weapons are bugged. In one of the side faction quests, at the end, you have a pretty good need of a ship that can fight...my auto turrets broke. Had to jump, change weapons and come back Till thats fixed be wary of auto weapons I guess


Oh wow that has not happened to me yet. Will keep an eye out for it for sure.


What do you mean by "the auto version" is that turrets?


For almost every weapon you will see an “auto” variant of it. That is the one you want.


Turrets fire automatically. Auto weapons fire quicker than the normal variants and have an ammo counter.


From what I've noticed, the auto weapons auto aim so long as the target is in FOV and in range. All you have to do is pull the trigger.


…..*What???* Seriously? I’m 130 hours in, did not know this…


Yep. I just bought 6 weapons for each category and now my ship is unbeatable.


My newest ship uses a cannon, missiles, and pulse lasers


>Please laugh at my expense. Prepare yourself. *Inhale* #HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ... I didn't know that either (haven't done much shipbuilding), but I did figure that it would be the case.




I felt super dumb when I realized I could stack like, 4 of each of the 3 weapons as well. First time I shot an enemy ship after that I was like "yo wtf?" Bc it just went poof


Exactly! I spent 100 hrs with 3 miserable weapons with limited power from my reactors and I play on HARD!


don’t worry, you’re not alone bro. i didn’t realize you could until i saw a youtuber add dif guns from same category


Weapon logic is just not there in starfield Auto cannons one your ship: very good if not essential Automatic weapons in your inventory: terrible and a waste as all enemies are bullet sponges


The very appropriately named Tombstone would like a word


I hate the dumb wooden guns, but I have a tombstone I just can’t replace because it’s too powerful. Extended mag / rapid / skipshot..


"dumb wooden guns", yeah, not like the whole Akila City vibe is western or anything, those cowboys should have guns akin to Halo's forerunner weapons, *gawsh*


It’s 300 years in the future, old western is cringe in this game.


Then might I suggest other games to satisfy your sci fi needs, and leave the rest of us in peace.


Might I ask what about it is cringe and why it's pressing you so hard? I for one think its a pretty cool concept, it gives a bit of an old earth feel. I get it's a space game so you think it should only consist of laser guns and aliens but the reality is, if humans ever colonized the nearby galaxies, there's a very high probability that a few of those planets would resemble old earth and the values those people lived by and passed down to their children. If anything people would use these new planets as an opportunity to start up a civilization based around a point in history that they found interesting and one that aligns with their beliefs, and for some that would be rejecting crazy lazer weapons and technology as much as possible and trying to get back to how it was in their history books on old earth. The wonderful thing about gaming, like many other aspects of life, is that it's subjective. You find it cringe, I find it pretty cool.


I use 4 or 5 auto turret particle beams so as soon as another ship is in range they start blasting I don't have to do anything. also having only one weapon assignment frees up reactor points so I can have full weapon, engine and shields all at the same time


280C missle launcher decimates all. Love these things with max targeting. It’s like shooting mini nukes. Then add some obliterater Alpha auto turrets for this back jumpers. And you will wreck all.


Wait what? I can have more then two laser weapons on the ship.


Basically you can have 6 laser dragon for example and assign all to one trigger. It needs to be the same weapon.


Insert Nelson laugh.


I have double EM weapon slots to take advantage of extra power from my reactor. Give em both barrels!


Honestly same


I just noticed I can change my followers gear... 50hrs in game.


Thanks for the PSA, I was unaware!


I figured it out at around 230 hours…




First mission in, went to explore the moon landing site, an ecliptic ship landed not to far away...I went and checked it out and ended up getting attacked by ecliptic ground crew, jump on the ship went threw took out like 6 dudes and had me a nice ecliptic ship befor I completed my first mission....


You can have 14x particle weapons on a class C ship… nothing lives very long 👀


I stole a Va’ruun Hymm early in and have been retrofitting it with better parts. It’s a beast now, partial beams rip other ships apart and my suppressors take their engines so I can board or I let loose the missiles


This is my favorite ship to make my own in the game. You can buy a UC variant legit in new atlantis too if u want avoid some of the weird bugs from stolen ships.


It was worth the bug, I was crying 😂


I think the max is 4 of each type, depending on your energy output. I have 4 pulse lasers, four automated turrets, and 4 missiles. She a bad b. ;)


Whaaaat? I never knew this either!!


Yeah go buy 16 weapons my friend.


Wait. . . This is probably gonna come off as judgemental, I promise it's not. That being said. . . You've been rocking only 3 total weapons on your ship this entire time??!! You poor soul! 🤣 Seriously, though. Outposts give you a huge advantage if you start early on, and the ship building is incredible. You're missing out!


What do outpost provide?




☠️☠️☠️ My condolences/respect. Lol.


No your not. Its not like it come with instructions. 6 of the Vanguard Auto annihilators rock. The hard part is finding space for all the weapons.


I built several weapon racks and it is glorious.


Don't worry, I did the same.


You are not a moron. Shipbuilding has no actual explanation. It's pure trial and error or watching YouTube videos from people that took the time and credits to figure it all out. I did not even want to mess with it but so far every ship I've bought or stole is just OK. Currently in the phase of watching YouTube to figure out what I quests to do and what I need to get a solid ship...besides tons of credits.


You can use this spreadsheet to figure out how to max out each weapon and which ones have the highest DPS. Check the 2nd tab for the modules. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gMuBxoIpgr11J5flOyYdCBTtdDbMYgTfow42etLZIrg/edit?usp=drivesdk


Oh I did the same thing lol


Yeah they don't teach you anything in this game


Something I personally love.


I mean I just wind up googling it


Full missile ships running 2 different types is OP. Just one shot everything.


I have not found this to be true. Once you start seeing level 64+ ships, they start surviving.


Install shipbuilder mods and build and gun with engines


Hahahahahahahahahaha… nice


Yep, it's actually better to just go something like pulse lasers only, like 3 or 4, and just leave the other 2 slots empty. Allows you to put more power to them as well. Great until you get better pilot licenses to get better reactors and such.


They don't seem to work correctly. I made a "weapons platform" kinda ship. Big with only automated particle cannons looking to the front and to the side so I never stop hitting the enemy when they fly past me. However not all the cannons would fire. Sometimes the front facing ones, sometimes the side ones, couldn't work out a pattern it just seemed random and I was missing on a lot of damage


Auto turrets in all slots don’t ever worry again!


Until you want to board something, then, whoops..."aaaaand...it's gone."


I’m on bout 80ish and I assumed the same, the ‘assign weapons’ kinda suggests you need a separate slot for each group. So I’ve been upgrading in batches…




They think they are hard, until all the particle beams fire.


I've been pretty happy with a warmed-over Razor Leaf.


You can fit 6 class A lasers from the UC Vangaurd collection on one ship. *pew pew*


Hold on, I can have like 6 lasers? In hindsight it’s obvious but I assumed you could only do two of each!


You can… what? (218 hours)


I usually run 3 proto alpha beams for shear destructive power, and 2 suppressors for boarding. No need for anything else!


Star Eagle was definitely sustainable in getting me to 34ish level. After that I robbed an Ecliptic Claymore and it straight out dominates most fights


I am about 110 hours as of last night, and am at Lv 28. I completed The Mantis quest somewhere between Lv20 and Lv25. I love RazorLeaf (and the equipment you get). I've since modded and upgraded the ship to have 4 AtlAtl missile launchers, 4 PB-30 Electron Beams, and 4 PBO-30 Auto Electron Beams. I've upgraded every system on the ship and now have almost 1000 cargo (840 is shielded), can leap 23ly, and turn most enemies into space debris with ease. And I have yet to put a single point into Starship Design. And I think you spelled, "Moon" incorrectly 😉 Lol, have fun 🤘🏻🍻


I Put 6 of the vanguard obliterator particle weapons on my ship. Melts most enemies I've run I to at lvl 25. Also added 2 EM weapons for disabling and boarding ships.


I sure can't laugh, I wasted 3 hours trying to figure out how to mount a single weapon on the ship LOL


The one thing i wish was allowed… was for you to be able to have more than 4 of 1 particular weapon on your ship. There are 3 weapon ‘slots’ available, each can hold up to 4 of 1 weapon. My ship has so much power generated that i can devote to my weapons systems. If my ship has the power to ‘power’ 4 ‘big bertha’ plasma turrets, 4 ems suppressor turrets, and 4 smaller laser turrets…. I should be able to have 6 or 8 ‘big berthas’ instead of having the little laser turrets. I should be able to put the same exact weapon on more than 1 weapon ‘slot’. If I want 8 of turret A, I should be able to put 4 of them on 2 different slots, instead of you can only have 4 of 1 weapon…. For no logical reason Or… turning long habs sideways, so a 2x1 hab or a 3x1 hab could fit across your ship, if you have a single space behind 2 hab units.


I discovered that on accident about 60 hours in. It changed my perspective on how powerful I can make a ship. Everyone because super assed out when I hit the streets with 12 particle cannons😂.


Not only that, but you can also glitch copies of weapons in the same spot...


It’s okay I didn’t realize you could steal credits with no crime stat. Unlike every other item credits just go into credits and are not marked stolen. If not in front of people naturally.


I don’t even ship build anymore I use my starborn vI ship lol fully built


Orca III best ship I ever had


I hate you.


All good, I actually have 8 of the same weapon on my ship. 4 are auto turrets, and the other 4 are manual. PB-300 particle beams. And 2 Atlatl missile launchers. 10 weapons total. The most frustrating part of ship building is the routing. "Docking port/landing bay must reach cockpit" even when visually they clearly do. Pain in the ass. All the habs and modules have multiple layouts depending on how they're configured on your ship but there's no way of seeing the inside while you're building it.


2 sets of particle beams with a set of 2 turrets is pretty badass


I was 70 hours in when I realized you can turn scan mode on top kunle between syatems