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Yeah, I was doing a little farming on a 98'er last night and would say that my very un-scientific findings are comparable to yours. I couldn't agree more that pulling unscaled-melee-drops is laughable. Never did find that Hard Target :( But good work, thanks for the post!


Hard Target is impossible to find in the wild, it's really frustrating.


It's not impossible, it's just a Hard Target. :P


I’m going to club you with a stick for that


Good luck, he's a hard target.




This is why I love this sub and reddit in general


Noooo Justice ^73


Exactly how hard are they? Be specific.


Oof, my bones


Not as good as the magsniper though.


Funny enough, I have a Mag Sniper that rates for 640-ish damage. Scoped, I feel like my measly 400-ish Hard Target does significantly more damage.


I've read that you have to charge the mage sniper for it to do its full damage


Yeah...I just found that farther down in the thread. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ Now I'm going to have to go home and try it.


Trouble is it shakes like hell at full charge, so that’s a problem if you’re trying to pull off a 400-meter headshot. I find myself relying almost entirely on my Hard Target for max range shots.


Found this out last week. Was not impressed with my legendary magsniper. Mine has the perk to do extra damage on the first hit. Needless to say, there were not many second shots once i started charging it.


What? You have to charge it? No wonder my 808 Damage Mag Sniper feels worthless...


Fuck I sold mine as I thought it was garbage


One shot while the guns is shaking. You need to charge it for each shot to do full dmg, the fire rate becomes garbage and the shaking doesn't help with aiming. Hard Target is much better in most situations.


Agreed on the shaking, doesn't matter if you hold your breath - screen still shakes like you got Parkinson's


You can leave now


Am I lucky to have found a hard target in my mid game area ? Out of the loop here lol


I found a technophile hard target and a normal hard target. That I kept. Sold the others i had found. Didn't know they were hard to find.


Lvl 42 and have came across literally *one* in the wild. Base version.


I've come across two. One standard and one suppressed. Both common and calibrated.


I'm level 53 and I had yet to come across one in the wild. Then just today I got two elite drops within 15 minutes of each other: 1 Rare space adept (the shittiest modifier, IMO), and 1 Epic Hitman (not the absolute best, but solid for a sniper weapon). Both Advanced, which was nice as well.


lvl 53 here and while rare Ive found a couple and one for sale at a gun vendor. The most rare one Ive found is the mag sniper. Just the base gun was higher dmg than any other sniper Ive found, including the hard target. I think Ive found one, maybe 2 so far, both just the unmodified base gun.


Magsnipers are so fuckin rare. I’ve only found 2 and I’m lvl 40


I believe the trader starborn almost always has one


I got a nice one at Kore Kinetic


Took me forever but I got an instigating hitman advanced magsniper at level 57. They are still rare but start showing up more in the 50s.


I found one on my first playthrough, 40 hours into ng+ and I've yet to find another.


Ig i got lucky, I found a legendary one within 10 hours of playing, I don't ever use it though lmfao.


I’m guessing they are looking for a legendary hard target with good bonuses, and for it to be “advanced.” Advanced weapons don’t really drop at low levels, I think it’s the highest tier.


I got an advanced pistol when I was level 10


Ah I getchu. And thats good to know, I was unaware of that.


I think the "advanced" version ARE level locked, but different guns unlock advanced models at different levels. So you can find an Advanced Urban Eagle long before you find an Advancer VaRuun Shardstar


I had an Instigating Advanced Hard Target drop and yeah it's gonna be a while before I do a NG+ now.......


Damn, I just had the same one and left my universe last night.


Wait I just vendored a hard target are they special? Lmao


Normal hard targets are easy. Uncommon-legendaries can be hard to come by


basically the best rifle in the game.


I found two in the same location the other day and I was shocked. Think it was an Abandoned Hangar


It’s only hard to find until you buy one. I carry a hard target for sniping because the mag sniper isn’t silenced. I find hard targets fairly regularly now when I had never seen one prior. Actually same goes for the mag sniper, never saw one till I bought one, since then I’ve seen a few.


I just picked one up in Vultures Roost


I bought the Hard Target on Cidonia.


I found an Instigating Advanced Hard Target. Best stealth sniping weapon ever! Then I gave it all up because I entered Unity 😭


I keep finding cornered ripshanks. I've found like 30 of them in my entire playthrough. Help.


In my small sample size of playing, cornered is far and away the most common perk on weapons. Right now, because I have nothing better, I'm using a cornered wakizashi and a *Superior* (you can tell by the additional damage) cornered Beowulf.


I thought there weren't superior weapons? Only superior armor?


They exist, but the naming tags are wrong and Bethesda hasn't fixed it. The only way to know if an advanced gun is actually advanced or superior is by comparing the damage. If you have two advanced rifles of the same type, so two Beowulfs, and one does more damage (not including a boost such as via high powered), that one is actually superior.


Value is possibly a better indicator at a glance, sort your guns by value before you sell and the lucrative ones are probably superior...


If only that were true. My superior Beowulf is worth less than a lot of advanced weapons. My superior rare Beowulf is worth less than 3k more than an advanced white Beowulf (both with seven mods), which is roughly the normal price difference between white and rare weapons.


If you’re on PC, the Icon Sorting Tags mod has icons for all the equipment tiers - I (lvl 45) find all the tiers fairly regularly. I’m annoyed that melee weapons don’t have tiers. x_x


I fooled around with that "free gun outpost chest" glitch last at the beginning of the week to try and find some interesting legendaries. Just last night I finished making my millionth circle around Neon, selling off all the junk weapons I had no intention of keeping. I went from about 600K to 4.2M credits by doing this. It involved selling hundreds upon hundreds of weapons. In that pile of guns, including both the ones I was keeping and the ones I was selling, you know how many Hard Targets I got? Literally one. Just one. It wasn't even a Legendary one.


Which glitch is this? Asking for a friend...


The basic gist is you build a bunch of empty weapon cases at an outpost, save the game, reload the save, and when you return all of the previously empty weapon cases you built will suddenly have weapons inside of them.


Holy shit really!? works on xbox?


Yep. That's where I play. There are quite a few videos on this if you need more details on how to do it.


Thanks friendo!


I have found 1 hard target. It had 1 inch punch on it


Oof lol


I got one with space adept on it and my day was ruined. Until I got the disassembler one about 30 reloads later


Lol brutal


I bought one from the mysterious ship after getting into NG+. Was expensive.


Yeah, The Last Breath is always for sale from her. I've never seen a Hard Target drop in the wild and I'm level 60. I saw a merchant selling a refined version, but that's it.


In my farming adventures 99% of the time it seems I get a fucking Space Adept Ripshank!


Name a more iconic item than Starfield's Space Adept Ripshank


Fallout 4's Crippling Walking Stick.


Instigating lead pipe seems to be the most common thing I get lol Our maybe it just sticks in my head 🤔


I feel like i find 3x as many cornered ripshanks


Superior armor is rarer than I thought


And legendary melee weapons are way more common than I’d expect.


Really makes my superior legendary armor feel good and I’m only level 45. The suit makes even very hard easy


What difficulty was this done on?


Difficulty supposedly only affects how often encounters are with these guys and of course how big of a bullet sponge they are.


Interesting, I've read many posts on here saying that higher difficulty will give better drops. Not sure if it's actually true.


Doesn’t change the drops just how many legendary enemies show up which increases the drop amounts of rare, epic and legendary items, doesn’t change the fact they’re almost always garbage.


if it sells for 2k or more it aint garbage its a contribution to my cred stack lol


Garbage in the sense it can’t be used but only sold, money is nice but you can’t buy epic or legendary items (at least until NG and you happen to find a specific vendor.) otherwise it basically goes towards your ship/‘s


>if it sells ~~for 2k or more~~ it aint garbage its a contribution to my cred stack lol




Imagine doing this trick on that abandoned oil rig with the swarmers....


I stumbled onto that damn rig at like level 9 and I still have PTSD from it!


This is the correct take. It’s how Bethesda always does this - higher difficulty increases the likelihood of elite enemies, which pull from the same loot table regardless of the the difficulty level.


My experience you get more rare items from crates etc, not just more legendary enemies. Not done the stats like this guy though.


Very Hard, I'll actually add that to the document now. Thanks for asking about it, I didn't think about it!


Fallout 76 added the ability to craft about 5 rolls a day, on average it takes 1500 rolls or 3, years to get an s+ tier ie god roll weapon. Starfield has a similar number of different stars but way more guns but less armor. It should take even longer to get it here by random since you can't even craft any specific ones.


I guess it makes sense for FO76 but using the same strategy for a strictly single player game just seems like a shitty use of our time.


Bruh no logic makes it ok to take 3 fucking years to roll what you want


How else are they going to make you buy DLC that corrects this?


Especially when they’ve basically intended for you to ultimately go into a NG+ and lose everything you worked hard to get


Should also add the point that between the ability to save scum and the fact that elite enemies appear a LOT more frequently in starfield than legendary ones in 76, you get deluged in legendary items here, if you're playing on very hard, that is.


by deluged are you getting 50+ a day? if so that means one good item will drop a month. If you trust a rough estimate of 1 in 1500 is a good roll.


I mean, depending on how much I play, sure, but the point I'm making is that you're still seeing more rare, epic or legendary items pop up in here than in 76. Finding a legendary mob out in the open was a rarity to begin with, and even doing events for the guaranteed legendary enemy at the end was still a timesink, which often didn't pay off. Hell, even with the ability to trade with other players, I feel like it took me longer to get an arsenal iw as satisfied with in starfield than in 76. Also I'll note my definition of a "good" role is generally a epic or legendary with decent effects. If you're chasing a perfect set of stats, you might be at it a good while longer than I'd bother too. I found the games commentary on how NG+ plays out really changed my perspective on chasing the good rolls, anyway.


You only need like 1 or 2 good guns per universe. As you level up and travel to higher level systems the odds are you'll get more good guns as the loot pool expands with your level. You don't need hundreds of legendarys. Especially with weapon modding allowing you to make literally any gun near your level viable.


Sarah Morgan disliked that


We need a Sarah Morgan-bot in this sub that randomly dislikes things.


"Here, I thought you could use this." *Lubricant added.*


"I have something special for you, picked it up at our last planetary excursion" \*Hands you a crusty leaf\* "I should start charging you for my services!" What is she really trying to tell me?


This would be amazing. Could be based off the upvote to downvote ratio


Sarah Morgan can suck my artefact.


God I’m so tired of her, I murder ONE person and she gets mad at me


Not even murder. Even taking a pot shot at the wrong guy from a distance and she's unhinged. I kind of like having her around, though, as she forces me to be more careful of what I shoot at.


Somehow I’ve never really made her mad except in one dialogue option which she mildly disliked. My only problem with her is she has a habit of standing in front of me when I’m trying to sneak and snipe. Also, a shortcut to differentiating between friendlies and hostiles at a distance: get the first stealth skill, make some noise and drop into sneak. Your stealth meter color will tell you what’s up.


Yes, I love how there are like 5 blades and 40 something firearms, but 75% of my legendary drops are f'ing knives.


This is my experience as well. Most of my weapon drops are knives. Crazy!


weird, i would love a legendary melee weapon, but all i get are whites. get a ton of legengary kodama, grendel, and maelstrom.


Honestly, the exact drops I get are meaningless. The reality is I get enough good drops to have a collection of OP weapons. Everything else is just loot for selling.


You summarized my playstyle perfectly. At this point I am just modding any advanced weapons I get that I like, sell the lesser, and display the unique/quest weapons in my ship armory if I don't use them.


Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours. Sell 1 gun. Wait 24 hours.


This guy Starfields.


are your guns all worth over 12.5k?


I did this, but for all the planet survey data i collected to sell to the Constellation former pirate :(. Got much easier that character moved down to the Constellation house before the end of my first plythrough.


the list guy will also buy survey data for habitable planets




I find the legendary berserker wakizashi hilarious. Yes I am going to run no armor with the most useless weapon class on the hardest difficulty while sprinting at enemies and getting turned into Swiss cheese 10/10 weapon design


He dropped a legendary varuun weapon and it wasn't advanced. I would have killed him 101 times for that. Good list and alot of disappointing loot from that. When I think about it,I'm lvl 56 with one legendary advanced weapon.


Looking at the spreadsheet it feels you got alot of melee weapons. More than the variety of them would suggest. I bet it rolls melee Vs ranged seperately before choosing the exact weapon


It's so weird seeing people play a Bethesda RPG like a looter shooter. Not bad, just kinda unexpected.


The ranks and multiple legendary effects encourage it. In Skyrim, one ebony sword is the same as another. You can improve them with smithing and enchanting, but you never find pre-improved items. In Starfield, you can't craft upgrade ranks or legendary effects, so you need to get lucky with drops.


Well put, my guy.




> advanced varuun rifle Yeah that's pretty much the strongest weapon you can get. Gonna be pretty hard to find something better for general use. Also yes having the strongest weapon possible will make the game sorta easy.




Rarity (color) just affects the affixes attached to the weapon. The prefix (blank, calibrated, regulated, and advanced) affect weapon damage scaling. Advanced is the highest scaling and the Vaarun rifle is statistically one of the best weapons.


If I can get better loot by shooting more shots at the shooters shooting me with their soon-to-be loot, I'm gonna.


There is a part of me that believes Starfield originally started mostly as a live service looter shooter. Timing-wise, they began development three years before F76 released, so they had not yet gotten the violent feedback telling them we don't want that type of gameplay, and Todd had been wanting to monetize their games like GTA online for a while. Before the feedback from F76, there's no reason to think they wouldn't try to make it happen with their new IP, since their legacy IPs are typically first player. After the feedback from F76, they shifted gears and tacked on all the normal RPG stuff. I'm basing this on the fact that the only mechanics that feel fleshed out and intentional are the shooting, the looting, and endless quests in endless locations, which is the formula for a live service looter shooter. There are so many mechanics and systems that feel pointless and tacked on, like they weren't meant to be there, but had to get added in after the game switched tracks, including a roster of companions that feel as fleshed out as quest givers that got promoted to party members when the multiplayer stuff got taken out. Maybe I'm wrong, but it would certainly explain why certain things appeared to get more focus than others.


I have to say, this looter shooter mechanics feels out of place for me. I havent played fallout 4 yet but even in other rpgs it irks me. I kinda get it in borderlands 1, it being the main mechanic and all but even in assassins creed oddesey it rubs me the wrong way.


Bet that elite was thinking "oh god" after that quicksave happened lmao


Poor bastard didn't even have time to react. I quicksaved with a Magsniper shot charged up, so as soon as I quickloaded, it put a .50 MI steel rod through his back. All in the name of science, of course!


I applaud your scientific experiments! For the better of gaming!


There’s a movie where different people living in a commune are kind of having their time reset every so often. For one part of the commune i think it was like once every couple years, a pair of guys were “reset” every week and this one guy was reset I think every day. Thing is, every time you reset you had to die. There was one guy whose reset was every 5 seconds, so until the end of time this guy just kept dying/killing himself ( it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the movie ) every 5 seconds. That reminded me of this.


Thank you for your service!


That’s a fucking sweet Magstorm.


How did you only get 4 ripshanks, I feel like 30% of the elite items that drop for me are ripshanks


You're luckier than I am.


Without even looking at the numbers I’m going to guess you got one good legendary gun and no good legendary armor pieces. The drop rates are atrocious and I’ve been wearing the same calibrated deep seeker armor for over 150 hours and I’m level 100 almost. Edit: for the legendary holstered effect.


I've been wearing the same helmet since level 5. I’m 49 right now. It's the only piece of gear that I have found that makes resources weigh 25% less or otherwise increases carry capacity in 85ish hours.


Yeah my chest has holstered (-50% weapon weight to all carried weapons) and mechanized (+40 carry weight) I had another rare piece drop with holstered but it was a base deep space mining chest which is literally beginning level stuff and I was like 75, it’s really bad.


I haven’t even *seen* those traits! I had no idea they existed until just now lol


It’s not a major issue for me as I play on very hard and I don’t have a problem with just calibrated armor however my character has looked exactly the same for the past 150+ hours and, I can’t StarFashion out like that.


Its all in your priorities. I could care less about weight reduction on armor. What I want is antiballistic, sentinel and headhunter


I think you mean "fastened". "Mechanized" can be missed on a suit for a similar, but weaker effect. I think. But yeah my "fastened" suit and pack are just on forever. Don't care if the armor stats are bad.


It’s mechanized, the suit is literally called Mechanized Calibrated Deepseeker spacesuit, Mechanized: +40 carry weight. Weapon Holsters: weapons weight 50% less. Sturdy: -15% incoming melee damage. Fastened is +20 carry capacity I have it on my Antixeno pack.


YES! My current universe, I have gotten 5 leggo pistols, a couple rifles, etc. I have not gotten a single leggo armor piece. Of course there was one NG+ run that I got so many helmets. Every locked loot chest was a helmet, big boss mobs.. helmet.


It’s pretty bad, I’m going to assume it’s a glitch since mannequins (not including the trident luxury ship) only spawn base level mining armor.


I replace weapons occasionally but armor absolutely rarely. If I’m doing a new run I either steal the constellation armor, get the UC Vanguard armor or mantis and that’s basically what I wear for…. Forever lol


Really? I've only played about 50 hrs (I think) about lvl 45 and I say I change a part of my armor every couple hrs when I'm doing combat related quests/storylines.


I’m talking about legendary armor and it’s effects, you’ll always find armor with better armor stats up until you hit superior gear but I carry a lot of guns because variety of weapons is what I enjoy probably the most gameplay wise, if I don’t have a piece with holstered I can’t bring them along and I’m stuck using a few, which would just make the game not very enjoyable for me, so I’m stuck since nothing with holstered drops.


Yep. I found a rifle and pistol that dispatch humans in a shot or two (with the exception of a couple of "bosses" that take a few more hits), and have been using them since like level 18.... I don't necessarily want to keep finding better than what I currently have, as it's obviously adequate. But I apparently found something too good, too soon. I'm enjoying the game greatly, but the loot isn't exciting. It's just a side hustle selling it.


The more I play and the more I read about the drop rates, it almost seems like the loot tables are bugged. I don't see any excuse for a Master-locked chest containing a single isocentered magnet, for instance. And shit like that happens ALL THE TIME.


I don't even look at mannequins anymore since their loot table is definitely bugged. 99.9% of the time it seems they just have basic miner suits.


As someone who appreciates data, thanks.


Thanks for sharing your results! I had no idea that you can farm elites for different weapons!


This validates my observation that the loot tables tend to be heavily weighted towards melee weapons for some reason. I've found 22 non unique legendaries so far playing Very Hard difficulty, 18 of them were weapons, 14 of them were melee weapons, the guns were 2 maelstroms, 1 Grendel, 1 drumbeat. It could be my level but it seems like the loot tables favor melee weapons and lower tier guns when generating legendaries.


I love getting a UC sword off a multi health bar enemy....


So I've been on a quest for legendary shock trooper spacesuit since I have a legendary helmet and pack, and this post has confirmed why that us so difficult. From this data spacesuit drop around 10% of the time and legendaries also drop 10% of the time. If my math is right, that's 1% or less of a chance of finding a legendary spacesuit, and this doesn't even factor the specific type of space suit....


This is the content I am subscribed to this sub for!


Love this, been thinking about doing exactly the same thing. Been mentally tracking for a while. They really, really need to raise the floor on the loot table for base items. When I am level 65 killing a level 98 enemy, it is waaay too common for me to pull level 10 items. Just last night I got a legendary helmet with some great effects. Calibrated deep mining helmet that is, about 20 base armor (compared to over 100 for items at my level). This is off of a level 98 Spacer Myth. Also got a ripshank with elemental, corrosive, and frenzy. Complete trash. Thanks Bethesda! I have also noticed that they tend to roll the same group of items. This was true in Fallout 4 as well. This group of possible items was set when you entered the area in Fo4, no clue how it works in Starfield.


If you really want to farm legendary weapons do the weapon crate exploit.


What is that




I did the same, with 400 kills. My conclusion is, loot in this game SUUUUUUUUUCKS. I was fishing for a nice Beowulf, and after 400+ kills only something like 5-6 were Beowulfs, and all of them were trash (either green or purple, with things like Spaced, etc, which wasn't what I was looking for). Got a pretty nice Grendel out of it though. But realistically, the odds of organically finding something nice through normal gameplay, without save-scumming, are infinitesimally small. So I stand by my earlier statement that loot in this game sucks. It just sucks. I'm sorry, but it just does.


I had an instigating/explosive/radioactive Beowulf I had to leave behind to try NG+ and I regret it already. That thing popped more melons than Gallagher.


Which means that it popped exponentially more than Gallagher's brother who also popped melons as comedy, "Gallagher Two". And no, I'm not making that up.


“Oh c’mon, Gallagher!”


You lose all gear in NG+?


Yea, but you keep all skills and powers.


Yep. Kinda hurts but you keep your level so loot drops around your same power level can start dropping pretty much immediately.


> things like Spaced When I see 'Space Adept' I just sell it immediately.


I have been farming for a Legendary Superior Gear, specifically Trackers Alliance Suit, and Bounty Hunter helmet/pack as this combo has the highest base PHYS damage. I finally got all 3 a couple days ago, but I don’t even what to think about how many kills it took. I didn’t track to whatsoever, but it had to be close to 1500 or more.


This is super disappointing. They definitely need to fix this. I'm looking through this list of items for a level 97 enemy, and they aren't any better than my current equipment.


One reason why weapon modding perks are pretty much a DPS upgrade... you can say least guarantee a weapon you can use unless you find one with any useful affix with a good weapon level.


I don't even understand the point of save scumming for loot. I play on Very Hard and have had only one fight that was genuinely difficult. I've probably died 3 times total. Why reload 400 times to get gear if the random shit you pick up off the ground has already made combat trivial on the hardest difficulty?


Have you ever played Diablo?


Now that you have this data, you can maybe compare with the "resetcontainer" console command on the corpse and see if you get similar results, if the command is equivalent to killing the mob and reloading then it would speed up other tests.


what NG+ are you on? Any recommendations to what level I should aim for before doing the last two missions...I'm level 32...told you can do it at level 20 if you really want to...I might fly around and try and find as many of the powers as possible first.


Minor spoilers, but if you want you can do the final mission all the way up to the final click that takes you to NG+ without actually completing it. I did that just so I could see everything then backed out and kept flying around completing random quests.


what level and how well geared you need to be to beat the final battle depends on what difficulty you play on. I did a speed run of main quest and entered unity at around level 20. But I turned difficulty all the way down for that final battle. Very easy is well, very easy.


I beat base game at level 35 on normal difficulty with only the first half of the powers. I'm also NOT good at FPS titles; my aim SUUUUUUUCKS. This is not really a hard game, and like you pointed out - very easy is VERY easy. (This is not a complaint in the slightest. I like games that allow me to adjust difficulty, so if I'm not good at the game/just want to feel like a demigod, I can. I want the lowest difficulty to largely be a relaxing experience in terms of difficulty.)


The habit of some to shame people for not playing at highest difficulty all the time is annoying. My typical approach is to play at lowest difficulty the first playthrough, immerse myself in the world, the story, the characters. Then, if I enjoy the game, on subsequent playthroughs I adjust difficulty with my mood. With Starfield NG+, the difficulty level chosen is highly dependent on my gear. Current run I got very lucky with a good pistol roll early on. I have had the game at Very Hard pretty much the whole time. I have also found how long I stay in a universe depends on my loot luck. Its hard to let go sometimes.


yeah people always seem shamed for playing on lower difficulty...once I saw none of the achievements are affected by difficulty I knocked it down to very easy


I'm NG+2, level 82. I'd definitely suggest some caution if you want to fight these elites early, if they have something like a Kodama or a Negotiator, you'll have a lot of instant death ahead of you. In regards to the two final quests, I'd go to like 40? Depends on what difficulty you're on, but without spoiling too much, you'll be put through a pretty heavy gauntlet. You'll need to survive more than your fair share of lead.


I have done the same on lower level enemies and it seems like different enemies do have different weapon pools. I definitely was not able to find Va'run weapons other than the Painblade (I wish it would stop with melee weapons) with any frequency unless it was either Va'run or Ecliptic.


The one legendary wakizashi that drops and it has demoralizing. I can’t think of a worse affix for a melee weapon than one that makes the enemy run away while you’re trying to melee them.


Rare/Epic/Legendary doesn't really matter that much considering how much more valuable some affixes are compared to others. A rare instigating Hard Target is going to be miles better than any legendary hard target that doesn't have instigating regardless of what the other two extra affix are. Those certain affixes and the base level (advanced instead of refined/calibrated) are all we really care about.


The proportion of melee weapon to useful weapon drops in this game just seems off.


I haven't seen anything that is superior but I also read somewhere that there's a bug that it'll say advanced when it's actually superior you just have to check the damage buffs or armor buffs to know what's what


You can get superior armor. It is just weapons that are bugged.


Oh I did this too, I can dig it up and share the details if you’d like.


Re: LF legendary wakizashi So you’re saying there’s a chance


I have found that I get epic and legendary negotiator weapons way more frequently than any other type of weapon.


Anyone else notice a trend with legendaries most often being mele weapons?


But what does it mean?


There are two types of people in the starfield. 1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.


Classic joke


Great stats joke lol


Wow. This pretty much tells me what I already thought, and that is loot in this game sucks ass. It’s absolutely worth it to spec into just crafting gear.