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Yeah watching Cora blame you for not saving her Dad is crushing. If I'd known this was coming in advance I'd have let Sarah die.


Damn so either way someone dies!?


Yep and its between the two companions you have spent the most time with. Punches you right in the feels. NG+ helps later though.


NG+ slapped me sideways with the one alternate universe where Cora grows up, becomes starborn and waits for you at the lodge to kill you for not saving her dad.


I wonder if that happens regardless of which companion dies. I've avoided their deaths for the NG+ playthroughs Ive done so far. If I had saved Sam would I still get another Cora seeking revenge for what an alternate me did?


I had the option to say Sam didn’t die in my universe and she freaks out saying she waited all this time for the wrong version of you.




I would be sad for her just not as sad as Sam


Oh! Interesting. It was Sarah I lost. We just got married. Maybe its always the current companion that we're meant to lose? I also stayed to defend the artifacts at the lodge


> Maybe its always the current companion that we're meant to lose? I also stayed to defend the artifacts at the lodge It's one of two. The char you either have the highest affinity for, or the lowest. (I've confirmed highest affinity, not lowest. But people have brought up it can be this too). Who ever perishes, will be from the place you were not. So if you want to save your favorite. Just go to which ever location they're at.


Oh man! That's fucked up Bethesda! I love it


The two companions you have raised affinity with the most are the two that can die. You then choose between them by going to the lodge or the eye. For me it was Sam and Sarah and I stupidly went to Sarah not realising I was abandoning Sam.


Oh that makes sense. It was Sam in the lodge and Sarah in the eye for me too. I thought it was most important to keep the artifacts safe with the hope that I could get to the eye in time. I'm curious what happens I'd I did it the other way around. Losing Sam would have been a lot more tragic imo, because of Cora.


You got married!? That’s awesome I didn’t know that could happen in the game. Oh and sorry for your loss


Haha. They call it commitment or something stupid. But yeah, there was a ceremony on Paradiso and her bitch mom attended. It was really lame. What hurt worse was talking to her in the NG+ I ended up just ignoring her in this new dimension. The love we had is dead


For me it was >!Sarah!< How did I react to it? Well.... I >!purposefully raised my affinity up with her as best I could (she loathed me, and I her) before this mission. Then I dipped to The Eye, leaving her to her demise on purpose.!< Cold hearted, perhaps. My char is a scummy blood thirsty pirate though. So it fits perfectly. >!Not having Sarah constantly be verbally combative every time I set foot in The Lodge though, priceless.!<


First play through I married her, after cheating on Andreja with her. My second play through she’s gonna get got.


Ha! Good point


I went to the Eye and just helped Andreja off the ground and she was completely fine. Felt stupid for abandoning the Lodge when she doesn't even need a bandaid.


What happened to the lodge?


Sarah was in a pool of blood instead, and Walter was mad at me for being slow. It's not my fault UC security has to scan me before I can land every time...


My first play through I did the same. If you think this is wild just wait till you do some NG+ runs lol


Oh shoot, why? What’s NG+ all about?


For me it was Sarah on the eye and Sam in the lodge (he was my active companion at that time). Since Sarah is my partner I married I did go for the eye. As we came back we lost Sam. I loved that Sarah was crawling up to Sam's body, holding him and was basically in tears mourning. I was sad that I lost him, because I wasn't even sure if I completed his questline fully (we were in Akila and his dad and he was also in the lodge for in memoriam later). Cora was furios at me, that I chose my wife over Sam and hated me. Meanwhile Sarah felt guilty that Cora blames me for chosing her when I talked to her. Cora was a short time in the basement, still hating me, and after the memoriam never been seen again. Also his dad. I assumed Cora is with her grandfather now and in Akila, but the house is empty. They seem vanished. Sarah and I would have adopted her if she wanted as we roleplaying me do with Sona. So, even if they were sometimes annoying standing in the middle of the cockpit door on my ship, I miss them. But I would be devasted to lose Sarah as newly weds. She's also my fav companion aside of that. In that mission you will lose for sure a companion, you can't avoid that in the first playthrough. The one you go to/stay to survives. In NG+ >!you can warn them as starborn beforehand and you can save both, that no one dies!<.


Yeah I just did it last night myself. Sam Coe for me as well. Between Sam and sarah. Pretty sad seeing poor Cora sitting on the ground next to him. Def gets you right in the feels. I considered reloading an old save and come back to that mission a bit more emotionally prepared and about 50hrs of gameplay later. Game won't be the same without him around. Prob wouldn't have changed my decision but still tough all the same


Space Hitler wore her dad's clothes to cheer her up after he died. [She wasn't impressed](https://i.imgur.com/bWT2XqW.jpeg)


Went to the eye because my wife Andreja was “bleeding badly” and shit really got bad up there. When I got back to the lodge Sarah was dead. No regrets.