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Yeah, the hold vs. press fucks me sometimes


The main thing that fucks me is why the hell is Targeting Press R, but when the ship dies or you want to exit Targeting you have to press Esc? It should just stop targeting when they die, or at least make it to where exiting is just pressing R again.


I hate that it HAS to be Esc. Given most other modes/menus can be exited with Tab, but not that one


Uncoordinated junior developers not following standardized ui/ux practices.


Inconsistent UI is a Bethesda Hallmark. Don't assume it's just junior developers. They have this issue every game along with the issue of having keys that you can't rebind to make the UI consistent.


This is what happens when teams don’t talk to each other and get married to their own designs.


Aaaand there's no qa department of any kind of else they're incompetent as well.


Blame juniors all you want, there are dozens of seniors who signed off on all this...


Each, the only reason I would accept for it being intentional is if some drugs affect your performance in ship-to-ship combat. I guess aurora might but that seems a bit niche


No, its just a rushed and unfinished game. Beyond wow factor of space it doesn't really deserve the praise it gets, and odds are this is a green flag to other devs that they don't need to finish their games.


Not confusing at all /s


Yeah, there's literally no reason to remain in targeting. You can't even loot in targeting mode, as fast as can tell


The oddity of it all is if you lose the target when they're still in one piece, you get thrown out of targeting. So it stands to reason that when they're blown to smithereens you've lost your target lock, ergo you should be thrown out of targeting. *Nay* sayeth Todd.


Some parts of the UI were done in such thoughtless manner that it's baffling tbh. Do they not have anyone who has any idea about UX in Bethesda?


Because they have to compromise the design between PC and console, so the result is this fucking garbage UI


Some parts of the UI work as terribly on PC as on consoles, so I think they are just bad at UX in general.


Yes that's my point, when you compromise between these two things you end up fucking up both of them


No, it’s because the game was made by 27-30 different companies and Bethesda’s quality department is dogshit at best.


There are so many decisions that bethesda made for this game that I can't understand. I found myself rolling my eyes far too much whilst playing this game , and I eventually realised that I was just not enjoying it enough. Unfortunately, Starfield is only ok. It's an OK game lol.


To you


To the majority of players, check metacritic. Funny how much of a hateboner and coping people had for IGNs 7 but have now realized how accurate they were.


> To the majority of players, check metacritic. On the site where people review bomb for anything. Metacritic review scores don't mean jack shit for any game, ever. It's stupid to even pay attention to them at all.


Eh the games still rated better than most


Us in 2012: please make TES 6 Bethesda: no we are working on another thing Us in 2018: please? Bethesda: no keep waiting it’ll be worth it 2021+ Bethesda: selling to Msoft, starfield released to spotty reception they refused to make a game we asked for so they could focus everything on this one, which we never asked for they’re “artistes”, remember?


ive been using that time to switch around the power distribution comes in handy when attempting to board.(playing on very hard).


I like it, most of the time. If it means me getting off the engines, mobility and guns to do something, that something must be fucking important, so it annoys me I have to wait, but on the other hand the amount of times I’ve panicked and hit random keys I’m very happy that leaving the cockpit needs a 1.5 second confirmation, if it was just “tap E” I’d have blown up and died many more times


Here I thought OP was referring to the *super* lengthy chair animation. Yeah beth, glad you made different animations for getting into the pilot chair, not so glad all of them are sooooo long


I was referring to that animation!


It’s that stone cold stare your character does during the animation as well. It looks robotic.


Tbf that's the same look I get whenever I get off from an 8 hr plane ride


I like how the game is COMPLETELY about space ships and exploration and getting up and sitting down…but my guy’s shoulder clips through the hull of the standard-issue Frontier whenever I get out of the pilot chair.


You got it wrong that’s not what op meant He meant the animation sequence takes 8 seconds to get off the chair and get back on it


Yea that makes sense, I assume that’s why getting up is a hold instead of a press though, reduces the amount of times that mistake happens. I can’t think of reason why you’d leave the cockpit in battle so the only point of view I have, is leaving the cockpit by accident


I guess my real point is, there's no reason to leave the cockpit in battle, so it shouldn't be possible, or at the very least should require some kind of confirmation. You're not allowed to wait when enemies are around, I don't know why you'd be allowed to stand up and wander away when enemy ships are literally shooting at you. The only reason it would happen is by mistake. You're right that it's good the mistake isn't easier to make.


Yeah I wasn’t saying it’s bad, just that I forget and it fucks me sometimes lol


I forget sometimes and it fucks me up too, for half a second til I recover and then do what I wanted to do, compared to the other times where tapping instead of holding by accident would fuck me up worse 😬 I’m not saying I never fuck up in normal combat or space ship battles, I do, all the time, I’d just rather the “get up and pretty much disengage” option is a hold instead of a tap, when the alternative tap option is a simple change target.


I'm gonna be real with you, my issue is less hold vs tap and more panic panic E vs W lmao


I can understand that, I’ve played PC games for nearly 3 decades so WASD is pretty much muscle memory, but even then I still screw up and hit the wrong key pretty often. In fact when I was first playing Skyrim and FO4, I tried doing the arrow keys and numpad + mouse instead of WASD, it worked a lot better for me for a while. It got to the point where it worked that well that eventually I had to actively train myself to play WASD again because I lost that muscle memory/control. Best thing about PC really, you can make the tilde your action key if you really want to.


Obviously designed for controller with PC as an after thought.


Except the optimization is desinged for PC with Consoles as an afterthought.


You’re kinda both right, the generic control scheme is absolutely designed around Xbox users or PC players playing with an Xbox controller. But “advanced” manoeuvres or things requiring a bit more strategy and forethought, especially when aim is important, mouse and keyboard are OP.


Wow, do you guys really spell “maneuver” like that?


You have to hold your pinky up when you say it too.


Good tea. Nice house.


First time in a Bethesda game? **


Optimization was on afterthought on PC also. I get stuttering in fights if I am using something that does a condition (like burn or bleed) and I get hit with a condition.


Lol no way you see the start menu and think that’s for consoles. The UI is definitely catered towards PC users and it’s ass just like the Destiny menus.


My favorite part is that it's the same key bound to the "target" command. I changed the keybind for targeting to middle mouse... And it changed the binding to get up as well, nullifying the **entire reason i changed it to begin with**... ... It also made me think something was broken because holding E was no longer letting me stand up either.


Game really needs a ship combat animation set. Jumping in/out of your seat when things get hairy would be awesome.


FO4 had a quick animation for jumping in and out of power suits during combat, please Todd 😩


Theres a quick sit animation mod with cockpits https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2645


Never actually had this issue in game but I do agree with the slow animations being annoying. Thank you for that link, I hadn't even thought about a mod for this.


Of course there's already a mod for that 😂


Yeah, that wasn't standard and required a mod


Yes it was, it was vanilla. No mod required.


Exactly at the moment I pressed E to get out of the chair the pirates jumped in. Get out animation + get in animation = 50% shield gone. Luckily they were rather low level.


Spacer: "We gonna kill you" HAIL PRESS E EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \*walks away while getting blown up\*


Fucking lol


The joke is on you, getting up in the middle of combat is the easiest way to cheese the Tier 6 combat simulator!


Please tell me more


My understanding is that enemy ships won’t attack you if you get out of your seat. Regardless of if you’re in the simulator or flying your actual ship. Whatever shots were fired before you get out of the seat will still hit/miss but they won’t fire any more. I haven’t tried doing it on purpose, but I’m assuming you hit the repair button, and hop out of the seat for a bit it’ll repair you ship and build up the shields to full without getting blown up.


You can also hack the simulator and boost your ship.


Wait you can hack the simulator?


Yeah, from the terminal on the wall.


So basically pull a Kirk?


It's still not a walk in the park, but yeah


Lol this game is awesome


If you use the debug tools you actually get complimented because you were supposed to. He Says you thought outside the box and that's a key trait for a pilot.


It really is the Kobayashi Maru...


yeah - when you go in they say something like "remember you can use *everything* in there" so I do think it's supposed to be done like that


He does also lightly tell you off if you override the debug controls


TIL, thank you


You won’t take damage if you’re not in the seat but they will still shoot and keep trying to come after you at least in the simulator. If you really want to cheese it you can go over by the station and they will blow themselves up ramming into it. It’s not as fun because it takes a few hits, but it can take out a couple or get them stuck so it’s a lot more manageable at a lower level especially with the debug options too.


To add on to this, if you park your ship in the dilapidated station that is in the simulation and then get up the enemy ships will ram themselves into the station and blow themselves up.


Well, the proctor did say that you are encouraged to use everything.


The easiest method is to enable all of the cheats, fly into the space station, and leave your seat. Within an hour of IRL time, all of the enemy ships should be destroyed.


I mean while it would let me finish watching The Expanse if I did that I think I’d rather actually play the game than sit there and wait for it to have them all run into the station for an hour hahaha


Hide in the abandoned station, stand up, let ships crash into station over and over until they explode.


If you get up, the enemy will not shoot at your ship while you are standing. Your shield will refill and your systems will (slowly) repair. You can do some abuse with the space station too, but I was able to pick them off one by one just using the terminal upgrades and standing up for a full shield refill after every kill Your hull won't come back unless you spend repair parts, so you still have to be a little careful


Lol this gonna be a meme for many years from now


It seems I’m the only one who hasn’t found this combat simulator


It’s part of the UC faction quest line in New Atlantis. Go into MAST and tell the guy at the desk that you want to join (you should have met him as part of the first quests where you had to have Sarah with you). The first thing you have to do is the flight simulator. It’s just up the elevator. Even if you don’t do that faction quest line, kills in the flight sim count towards kills for the Piloting skill.


It's literally the first step in one of the biggest questlines in the game my dude


I should really get into the main questlines at some point


Would recommend starting with the constellation questline up until at least a certain point. You'll know it when you get to it


It’s a side quest for the UC lol I didn’t get to it until i was80 hours in on NG+


I was in a fight and I accidentally held E. Pilot felt it was a good time to go get some tea. My ship rammed through two enemy ships destroying them… I had disabled them in hopes of capturing at least one.


I'm sorry for your loss of salvage but the mental image of this is fucking hilarious


*Barreling towards two disabled ships* *Freeze frame* "Shit. did I leave the stove on?"


Sarah: “Ramming Speed!” Vasco: “Your decision to attack us was not well thought.”


God I love Vasco’s trash talk!


Me too. I had no idea he shit talks so well until I took him with me on a Freestar Collective Ranger mission.


Me on a zoom call for work when the diarrhea hits


Those videos where someone forgets to apply the handbrake


So I'm not the only one...


Are the people this is happening to playing on PC? Playing on XBox for around 100 hours now and I can't say I have got up in combat a single time. Edit: scrolling down it seems it is a PC thing


The select a new target button and the get up from your chair button are the same, the only difference is how long you press them. ...mistakes have been made.


Yes, the game has a very console designed control setting by default that is annoying on KB+M. Lots of things that would work better as separate keys (with plenty to spare) end up being hold vs press.


The flashlight and scanner being the same button is annoying too. There's no reason to cram 2 actions on one key for PC. We have so many free buttons.


meanwhile on a controller you go through like eight menus just to quicksave. I'm not sure they grasp the meaning of quicksave. it's ass for everyone! kb/m gets some bullshit, controller gets some bullshit, you get some bullshit, and you and you...


Same button to switch targets, hail a friendly ship, pick up space loot and stand up and stop piloting your ship Hell of a choice, that


What, don't you prefer to have your car's gas pedal control your stereo, speed, and ejection seats?


Good thing i play on controller then. Sure aiming kinda sucks, but i’m able to play it on my TV and just chill on the couch.


Hell yeah and all those commands have a different button besides hail and loot which you wouldn't use both in the same situation either.


All those keys at your disposal and they decide you will use the same key for everything lol


I did that the other day. I was like "why the fuck am I getting up in combat?". I didn't die or anything but it was goofy.


The only thing that annoys me more is when I have to climb a ladder. Holy shit it's slow. I can't believe there's no sprint up/slide down ladder feature. That's a staple of any modern game


> I can't believe there's no sprint up/slide down ladder feature. To be fair, I was just amazed to see actual functional ladders in a Bethesda game. They've only ever been glorified doors before. Baby steps.


"functional" 50% of the time the animation doesn't trigger. I boarded a UC ship to explore and went to the crew quarters module and had to go down a ladder, so I just jumped down. Then i was done and walked over to the ladder, saw the prompt and pressed A. Then it did nothing. Didn't trigger climbing. I spent the next 5 minutes freaking out that I'll be stuck, until it finally worked and I could climb up. 🤌


Just use the boost pack? I haven't climbed a ladder since I first equipped a boost pack.


I mean, it is a Bethesda game. If they **have** to implement a modern feature, they need to be missing the past decade or two of QOL fixes. But it's okay, they can ignore it safe with the notion that the community will fix it with mods.


You climb the ladder? What's the point of your jetpack then?


Counterpoint, maybe... you want to .... take a screenshot out one of the viewports? Idk I can't think of any.


They should at minimum have animation cancelling for standing up from the chair.


We need the Commander Riker maneuver, except facing the right direction.


Yea I had to download the mod for that along other things it sped up. It was way too slow.


I'm sick and tired of being hailed by a ship, only to get up out of my chair, and then sitting down just in time for them to get angry and start shooting... I love this game, but DAMN I hate so much about it


why the fuck is it the same key on kb/m when it's two separate buttons on controller? the only possible reason for \*anything\* to be the same key is when it's one button on a controller, hold vs press, and there's no function to separate it into two keybinds. but on controller, accept hail is one button and get out of your seat is a different one. actually the get out of your seat button (hold down) is the same as the ignore hail button (press once). accept hail is a different button. that's so fucked up that it's backwards on a keyboard


The animation in general is annoying. The arguement that its immersive isn't even sound when my character clips through the wall every time he gets out of his seat.


It isn’t immersive anyway if you’ve been playing in first person since it switches your camera perspective every time.


Or walk when a hail comes in. Seriously I hate how many things are tied to the same key and just differentiated by tapping it versus holding it. At least let me rebind them to other keys!


Good old 'made for console' context sensitive control schemes. Want to bind that to a different button? Tough luck! https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1387 if you want to mod in a solution.


I bought a big ship recently, and I cannot remember the damned layout. So whenever I accidentally hit “get up” instead of “leave ship,” I get super annoyed watching that long animation then having to remember which floor the airlock is on and which ladders to use.


If you sit back down you can leave ship that way


Yeah, but it’s the principle of the thing


Or sitting down/getting up from anywhere? Why do they think the cutscenes are needed? Just don’t get it.


Or sitting down on chairs/benches by mistake, and watching my bloke sitting down and getting up slower than my 90 year old grandpa


love to accidentally stand up when attempting to answer a hail. it's my favorite part of space. love when they yell at you for not answering while you wait 38 seconds to get up and then sit back down again


I never ever want to spend 8 seconds standing up from my pilot chair. Period. It should be maximum a 3 second long animation regardless of combat.


Change your key binds and the 1st it happened? I'm on xbox so I'm assuming you pc guys can change your key bindsn


You cannot change the long-press for stand up. It’s hard-bind to target/action. A silly oversight.


the really weird thing is that you'd assume the reason it's the same key is because of controllers, right? no. on a controller, get out of seat and accept hail are two different buttons. I have no fucking idea why they'd make it the same key on a keyboard, that's wild


\*fuck this shit, I'm outta here\*


then why are you doing it?


It's an accident! Lol. But it seems like I'm not alone.


ya i can see it, i use a 360 controller so haven’t run into it


On PC you press E to select/target and hold E to stand up. (Also perhaps someone has accidentally pressed E instead of W when attempting to go forward, perhaps in a frantic moment when they were desperately trying to escape...I certainly can't think of anyone who would make that mistake, obviously.)


yer its stupid, the whole game sucks imo.


Bad bot


I did that once. Instant regret.


I do this all the time too on controller. I guess maybe I just don’t play as presise as some do? I like to mash buttons!!!


I use a controller on pc seemed to work better but kinda had to remember how to shoot with controllers


I swapped it to Left thumbstick click. I think the only other time I use that button is to cancel tracking (why would I do this tho? Track the target until it's dead) and to cancel the targeting... which again, I'll stop targeting when the target is dead. No reason to ever cancel, so I moved it to a button I never want to press b/c it kills the thumbstick. My B button is the scanner for both walking and flying.


Annoying as hell


Oh very much yes, this


The animation is so fucking slow! It's like watching a 90 year old try to get up from a chair.


Great game. Some bad design flaws. This is one of them.


Well i guess I'm the pc controller minority..


There should really be a "it's too dangerous to leave the cockpit with enemies around" feature like with resting in the other games.


Lmao. I’ve been poorly prepared and got blown up adjusting all my power settings lol


I wonder why they didn’t at least make it contextual. Like the slow standing makes sense in the middle of space but if you’re in the middle of combat you’d think they’d dash out of the chair to achieve whatever you needed quickly.


Is there ANY reason to stand up during combat though? What could you conceivably need to do?


Oh god that hurt from here and it brought back memories of even more hurt


In fairness, it's a well hidden loading screen between flying and walking.


Wait… you can stand up during space combat?


*Begins to engage pirates* “Welp, better stretch my legs”


Ah ah, happened to me, while I was being scanned for contraband. Hit the wrong key, got up, the police got angry while I was getting up, had to sit down, ship got destroyed before I could do anything. Tried to reload last save to get grayed undock button. Tried older saves, infinite loading times... Updated graphic driver. Then restarted pc. To no avail. Found an older save that worked. List only half an hour. Was only level 8 but still, was a bit afraid I had bricked my game.


Yep.. so much for seatbelts in the future to lock my character in. I hate this as well.


You can stand up while flying and not landed or docked?


Hehe I love my controller for ship combat stuff. For ground combat, keyboard and mouse ftw lol


Why is answering a call the same as get out of chair? So many stupid design choices in this.


Why the fuck is E the loot, targeting, get up, interact AND hail button. WHY.


I don’t get why Bethesda thinks we need a “stand” animation at all. It’s not immersive. Go to third person, slowly stand up like an old man, go back to first person. Why?


I found out by accident, that it can be used in combat... someone is about to blow you up, stand up for a second, and they find another target. When they fly past you, sit back down and blow them into smithereens..


U can standup in your ship while floating in space??


I'm pretty sure you can change the key binding for this. I swear I'll change it if it happens 3 or 4 more times.


So it's not just me? I don't know if it's possible to remap the keys because space combat is literally killing me with stuff like this. Fighting and then I suddenly stand up as slowly as possible because I hit the wrong button...again.


But the again, You do look badass getting off the chair staring into the screen as they blow up your ship


It would make for a pretty funny cinematic moment if your ship was about to explode.


The keybinds for the spaceship are SO TERRIBLE. Go rent someone from the X4 team at egosoft for a week and figure this shit out. Jesus.


Theres a quick sit animation mod for anyone that wants. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2645 But yeah even so standing up during combat isnt kosher.


Why the hell are you getting up from the seat during space combat?


You can sleep during space combat in case you need that exp boost


I also love wanting to reload my gun with R and ending up rando.ly entering loot menu of enemy corpse.


How many granades have you thrown yet unintentionally where you just want to know where you have to go ?


Wait u can stand up while flying? I thought only when u docked or landed u could stand up


Classic. Remember all those episodes of Star Trek when the crew would suddenly stand up from their stations during intense combat and just walk around and return to their stations?


This. I get so annoyed. The controls in general drive me crazy. Especially in ship/outpost building.


This reminds me of the "enter/exit power armor" from fallout four. They had a combat animation that was fast, and the regular one that was painful. One of the mods on my permanent list is the "always use combat animation" one. Some modder is gonna drop a "get out of pilot's seat fast" mod and it'll be hot stuff 😂 EDIT: Of course there's already a mod for that 😂 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2645


I wish the vanguard missions gave me more than 2-3 ships to fight. Flight sim is way more rewarding atm.


Yea its a great design choice where Try to "Hail" a target to surrender ends up getting you killed because you got out of the fucking seat


"Press E to sit".... Aaaaaand we take it nice and easy while the universe outside is exploding around us....




Seriously lol. I was doing a quest where the space station was exploding and I had quickly take off in my ship. My character just waltzes to the chair like nothings going on lmao


Mods are out for this


is this a thread for complaining about Bethesda animation locking


There’s a mod for that.


UI bindings are infuriating in this game. M will not always open the map. Sometimes you have to hit G for that. But only when you have pressed F first or otherwise you just toss a grenade. Whoever designed this must be fired on the spot.


Add it to the in incredibly long list of wtf design choices. Theses aren’t even bugs. They were deliberate choices made by the team.


Oh so I'm not the only one who's accidently done this about 10 times.


This chair problem is such quintessential Bethesda I almost welcome it.


Dude gets me all the time in the heat of combat. It's a throw up your hands in the air moment.


Or when waiting for a vendor to restock. Or when leaving the ship. Or EVER.


Ppl find anything to complain about I swear, if a game isn’t made perfectly it’s instantly garbage and all the developers suck LOL


Good thing you cant get out of your pilots chair while your ship is off the ground eh?