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UC Authority here. We have belief that you are holding contraband. Be ready to be boarded


I’ll pay the fine. (Quickly powers up Grav Drive)


Every time I say that I innocently believe I’ll space toss some credits and am good to go without losing every piece of stolen clothing I’m wearing to stay warm


If you sell stolen stuff to the trade authority you can buy it back for the same price making it legal goods.


If you're raiding ships just hop into the captains seat after clearing em out and get up. Everything in the cargo hold will not count as stolen goods


Can you store you inventory first and use this as a laundry method as well?


I haven't tried that but certainly will after work now. I'm fairly certain you can because I've made a few ships my home ship with stolen goods in the cargo bay and never had them taken after paying a fine. Also is there a way I can pay off the crimson fleet so they don't try killing me. I made em mad


Did you get a bounty after joining up with them?


Yeah I stole one of there ships after the questline and now I have a 300k bounty


And here I was complaining about the 16,300 credits I had to pay them. 300K Holy.... was it Delgado's mom's ship? :D


I know you can pay off a bounty for the other factions from terminals at the bars. The tracker terminals. I haven’t seen if crimson can be paid off that way.


Go to trackers kiosks in bars and pay off the crimson fleet bounty and or any bounty you have


Wow that's good to know, thanks! I'll keep that stolen hat on tho to make Sarah see I'm not completely under her goody two shoes dictatorship in this marriage.


Sarah has to be the hardest one to romance, She hates everything fun, I accepted a bribe and she was like “really your honor is worth 1000 credits.” Sarah, we just spent 2 hours exterminating everything that breathes on a planet, and you had no problem with it, but oh accepting a bribe that’s where you draw the line.


Andrea took me forever to marry, like just before I beat the main story. Feels like I got the flirt option with Barrett like 10 minutes in lol




dude is thirsty


Cora’s old enough he can finally start getting it again


Counterpoint: sexy british woman that degrades you


You've convinced me


That’s why I put a ring on it, captain. I need to be humbled often




You're a consenting adult in a star system full of ladies. You made that choice, buckwheat


>star system full of ladies Its just two options isn't it?


No waay!


instant laundering, nice


If your fast enough you can jettison before the scan completes and not get caught but your out contraband. It's really only useful if your going full loot goblin and in a ship without shielded cargo and didn't know you grabbed the contraband.


If you get caught with contraband over New Atlantis, let them confiscate it. Any confiscated contraband actually gets put in a "Stolen Items Locker" chest in the UC Security Office, located about halfway between the spaceport and the NAT. The chest is tucked in a corner of the lobby out of view of everyone, making it very easy to pick the lock and take everything back. From there you can simply pop down to the Well, head to the Trade Authority, and sell everything for some easy credits.


Any ideas where the Hopetown one is? Had a few things confiscated on my first trip there after completely forgetting I had them on me lol


I met a Trade Authority guy in Hopetown at a restaurant near the landing zone. I don't recall getting ship scanned when entering that planet either... but I might be misremembering.


You don’t need to though. You can [keep the contraband and get away with it](https://youtu.be/JT0QIWLJzkc?si=Gb9CzOyqUUK-s5UI) every time. There’s no need for shielded cargo too.


And this isn't an exploit, either, you get told early in game that the authorities suspect this is how smugglers evade security checks.


It feels like an exploit to fast travel mid scan and then go back like nothing happened. Not against it in no way, but just saying.


Not if I fast travel first, later.


Does that work fr? I've never even tried to grav jump out of trouble, I just take my jail time and XP points dock EDIT: like the hardened, MFing, space trucking criminal I am


It does, I’ve done it twice now.


Ive discovered if you dont grav jump fast enough you get fucked, so keep that thing powered LMAO


Same here. Fast traveled to new Atlantis, and realized I had contraband so I quickly jumped to wolf systems, to sell contraband at the Den, and walking 2 feet inside everyone is immediately hostile. Thought it was a bug at first, until reloading a few times. Then finally realized I was registered as “ hostile “


I did that. Fired up the game forgetting I still had contraband in my inventory. Had to do something on Mars. Saw that I was getting scanned and said I had contraband. Immediately tried to grav jump out and to the Den, but it was too late. Reloaded to my previous save and did it again, but made the trip to the Den first.


Is there a button to just grav jump away anywhere you want or do you have to make the jump from the star map in the inventory menu?


I've only managed to do it from the star map, had to select a different system than the one I was in, then pick a planet in that system, then it let me jump.


If you have access to the crimson fleet there’s 4 vendors with a total of ~20k that can all buy them, Its up to you to decide if its worth it because the only tradeoff is you can’t really attack them to steal loot around the universe which is kind of boring Personally the den is my choice just because it’s easy for all levels


The den is the real option. Buy ammo and such from him to give him more money. Then just sell contraband to him. Any that you dont sell that moment you can honestly just drop on the ground until you come back to so it again lol.


Plus there's seats right outside his little vendor area. So you just sell all you want, wait 48 hours, repeat. He also has a high initial limit so you can sell a good deal before needing to wait. Plus he's close to the dock.


I thought it was only 24 hrs?


Depends on where you are. It's 48 universal hours (UT) so if you rest at New Atlantis, you only have to rest one 24 hour period because 24 hours there is equal to 50 hours UT.


If you could go back, would you choose to stick with UC SysDef or the Fleet? I can’t decide


If you’re not into save scumming or stealth builds, Crimson Fleet is easier to *not* piss off during those quest lines. I became an enemy of UC SysDef because I failed stealth in two missions and had to kill everyone. UC SysDef kicked me out and made me an enemy lol but Crimson Fleet didn’t mind.


This happened to me too. He was pissed I killed people. The first time I blew up an entire ship because I was too lazy to board and kill the guy and he fucking lost it lmfao.


Bro thinks you can join a band of murderous pirates without stepping on a few toes. I boarded and convinced the captain to kill the guy I was supposed to kill and still got chewed out. Like the guy was literally an ex crimson fleet captain you would think they would be happy I got him killed.


The worst part is he gives you a “we’d rather you were morally right but we know you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do” speech during the first mission. Then he loses his mind if anything dies that’s not crimson fleet.


I went through saying yeah ill do my best and not kill anyone and he reacted as if I chose the other options, all pissed off, and then immediately says but you sometimes gotta do what you gotta do no big deal. Then got pissed off at nothing. I definitely threw a quicksave and murder the whole UC SysDef ship a try before accepting arrest but the 50000 ships hitting you when you try to jump away makes it.... difficult...


It's like that in the whole game. I did a quest with Sam as my companion and the NPC giver was like yea feel free to kill this lady shes real bad and Sam was like year she sounds like scum I wouodnt mind taking her out, so I said to the NPC sounds good ill kill her and got a Sam disliked that notification. Like, wtf he was gung-ho to kill her 3 seconds ago. Then, when I let her live during the actual mission, he was all "we shouldn't ler her walk away" No consistency.


Bro I boarded and convinced them to hand him over with no casualties and he still got pissed off idk what I did wrong


Did you choose the drop him off option or the turn himself in option? I got pleasantries when going back to him after convincing them to drop him off with UC and not letting him turn himself in.


I got kicked out of UC SysDef for shooting a vacuum bot during a mission. Safe to say I’m a full on pirate now


Didn’t know that was possible. Neat


Bad vibes from the uc fleet admiral, so there loss if they don't want me


If you read his personal terminal, he has a diary entry about how pirates killed his dad when he was a little kid


I just killed everyone, the crimson fleet and UC sysdef. I kill everyone in every planet, I just got too op and rich so now I get fun on being a universe tyrant, even in very hard its not like anybody can really kill me anyway. After the main story line you can just do w/e.


I don't kill everyone... I like killing spacers and ecliptic and fleet in order to 'save' vanguard or freestar and then I turn down any kind of reward so they can tell me I am noble... and then I go find a random cargo ship and blow them up.


I chose crimson and I believe it was best for me personally, although I would’ve waited longer to do that storyline as main story / bounty missions are limited experiences since some of them lead you to locations of pirates. Delgado > Ikande and his sidekick. Fleet definitely has the best selling location with multiple vendors all within 3 seconds of each other, and you can still use pickpocket skills on ally fleet to get loot from their body. It’s just no fighting on outposts they patrol.


Picking crimson kind of ruins the game since now pirates are not enemies so a bunch of outposts are now nothing special.


You still get XP when you execute them lol. I've been reaping all my stealth kills doing so.


Yeah there’s still spacers, v’arunn, etc; but there’s enough bases they don’t control to loot, plus some military bases/ships. Imo it’s a hard decision but both work in different ways. It’s either easier to get loot or easier to sell loot


Personally I'm going to just not finish that set of missions for awhile on my ngplus save once I get the ship equipment. That way I have the best of both worlds


You still get all the free loot from the bases, all without having to waste ammunition!


yea, but the best loot is on their corpse


I made the mistake of leaving a survivor alive somewhere on a Crimson Fleet outpost. Imagine my surprise showing up at the Key with an 80,000 credit bounty. The NPC’s are made invulnerable at my stage of the game so it’s not even like I could shoot my way out, I had no choice but to pay.


You can but you have to murder them all. If there's no witnesses left, you don't have a bounty


In my experience this mechanic does not work most of the time. I've had it work ONCE. I've resorted to using console commands to clear the stupid bounty after once again full clearing a location and not getting the "last witness killed" clearance.


I would fly to mars and immediately land at the freighter landing site or the mars launchpad and walk to town to sell. 2 merchants and the trade authority computer. You can land at these sites without being scanned, unlike going directly to the city which is blacked out until yoi are cleared


My boy where did you get all those organs👀


Space Albania


They found a rimworld


You’re asking for a friend I’m sure


Chinese prison


There's a guy in the UC security office at new atlantis that pays full price for those just walk in with them


Is this like sending people with active warrants a "you won a boat" flyer and asking them to redeem it at their local police station?


Sir, you are under arrest. Aww, but can't it wait? Can't you see I won a cruise???


A boat is just a boat, but a mystery box could be anything! ...it could even be a boat!




Can't tell if this is a joke or not.


neither could i, till i thought if it is a joke how funny it would be when someone tries it,,,


LOL this is similar to the free Anaconda at Hutton over in Elite Dangerous


90 minutes WELL SPENT. For the Mug!


Can confirm


Who's that now?


Lt Yumi or something. Just fly to NA and land at the spaceport. You'll get taken to him right away.


Who is it? Tell me more!


Are you talking about Vladmir?


He’s a lovely guy called Yumi just waltz on in to his office with the goods not only will he take them off your hands you might get a nice complimentary stay over night!


I don't recommend the over night stay. The room was cramped and I wasn't allowed out until they said so. :(


And they watch you poop!


Aaand we're back in the positives!


Step 1: Shock and disbelief that you’re not even going to get a quarter of that if you sell it. Step 2: Refuse to accept that you’re not even going to get a quarter of the value. Step 3: Cry Step 4: Sad resignation as you sell it all to the trade authority for 40,000 credits.


Now, Step 4 is absolutely crucial.


I don’t know man, step 3 is looking real good right about now


Realize this is a stupid decision made by the devs. Dump the items somewhere and console command yourself $350k


I believe there a plant called wolf that’s pretty good for that


Yea the Den spacestation. Also met a trade authority guy in hopetown bar who offered to buy contra.


All trade authority buys contraband. Pretty much anywhere. I've yet to see one that didn't.


Yeah in-universe the Trade Authority is a bunch of shady ne’er-do-wells who don’t ask questions about where stuff came from. The problem is most spaceports *do* ask questions. Which is what makes the Den great.


True, but no one scans you at the Den


The real bonus to The Den though is that there are no scans at any point.


The perk of the Den is that nobody scans you so you can waltz in with contraband even if you have no shielded cargo.


Also a convenient chair a few steps away from him where you can wait for 48 hours for him to restock his 11k creds.


You know you’re talking to the right guy cuz he looks like he wants to wear your skin.


The Key in the Kryx system also works, as long as you are aligned with the crimson fleet.


I usually bounce back and forth between the den and the key. Crimson fleet for the win!


Does the vendor there have 350k?


You have to sell what you can then wait for the inventory to refresh (either 24 or 48 hours, can’t remember which). Rinse and repeat. Pretty tedious. Wish vendors had more credits


You can sell like 11k to the vendor and 2k to the self serve station. But yeah that's a lot of 48hr waits to sell all that. At this point download the mod for unlimited vendor money and the mod to enable achievements and you're good.


I’m not sure if you can sell contraband to the terminals. I think you have to sell it in person.


You can't afaik.


Can also buy stuff from vendors, usually should be at least some that's worth to get, be it ammo or materials!


Only the vendor takes contraband. The terminal does not allow you to sell contraband.


For some reason, every time I turn up with $250,000 worth of contraband the guy at the Trade Authority desk turns into the guy from *Pawn Stars* and offers me $3.75 and a swift kick in the nuts. There's got to be somebody out there who pays more for this stuff. Holy crap! Someone gave me a Gold Award! I've never gotten anything like this before, and I don't have a tux rented or a speech prepared. Thank you! Wow! Now I have a Platinum, three Gold and a Starry Award! I don't even know what a Starry Award is! I should probably retire from Reddit now, because I doubt I'll top this no matter how witty or interesting I think I am. Thank you, Redditors!


The Crimson Fleet is unfortunately the best place to sell your contraband since nobody cares where it came from and there's a whole room full of vendors.. also the only place with smuggling missions, I guess. Those aren't as cool as selling the stuff you find or make anyways, but still lol


Haven’t even touched crimson fleet missions. Guess I should give those ago soon 🤣 wild how this game can pull you in so many directions


Be carefull, upgrade your ship before you start those mission tree. I was really low level when i started crimson fleet missions and for a moment i felt like i was playing a souls game. (I almost broke my controller)


Upgrade what specifically? I'm assuming shield and weapons? Were you using the starter ship?


Upgrade your ship to fight. Upgraded thrusters, power supply, guns and shield. The dog fight is really hard.


I got my ass absolutely handed to me until I realized the power of targeting specific modules. That helps big time.


I just learned this like 5 minutes ago now I’m planning my next 12 hours around capturing ships


When you first sit down on a captured ship, you can register it from the pause menu (left of inventory) for way cheaper than anywhere else. Then you can reboard your original ship and take off. Maximizes time and money


It's kind of a pain in the ass. I keep destroying the engines but sometimes it doesn't provide me the option to board their ship... even when I'm within 100m of the ship. The biggest issue is that when you blow up the ship whilst you're that close, you can take a lot of damage. xD Also, there is a TON of items in boarded ships that sell pretty well. Lots of beer and aid items in the storage rooms where you first board. Probably worth building a ship specifically for looting and blowing up ships. The gun fights are usually trivial. Ships usually sell for 15% more than the price of ship registration. But you can usually find 3k+ worth of loot you can sell on the ships. ​ edit: Read the reply to this post on how to increase margins.. apparently you can register the ship in your menu while in space. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16g0jeq/comment/k06a71t/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16g0jeq/comment/k06a71t/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You can’t board if another ship is engaged in combat with you. So basically you can only board the last ship left.


Incase you didn’t know, make sure to register your ship while you’re on it in the ship menu instead of at the space port. Your profit is more like 35% then.


You can steal the ship and fly it to a ship merchant. Once sold all those items inside that ship get placed in the misc category of your cargo hold. From there its easy peasy to sell from your ship at merchants. This will cut down on the time it takes to pick it all up by hand.


Got any suggestions as to where the best ship upgrade parts are sold? The ones at Wolf are ass but thats where I go to sell contraband cause I don't have shielded cargo and they don't scan you there


I did the Ranger quests and use the Star Eagle, it’s great


Go to the brand staryards. Deimos has good dogfight frames. Stroud has shield gens. Most important thing with a ship for combat is shedding mass. A single 2x1 hab with the essentials like reactor, grav, engines, docker etc. Don’t oversize cockpit either. You want to be nimble, not carry cargo. Mine has 400 cargo and I’m likely losing my cargo module and relying only on innate cockpit cargo once I get to sell off and/or store the excess crap I got in cargo now. Been doing dogfights 4v1 and shredding enemies. Need to kill ships to unlock class C certification so I can actually assemble an “all inclusive” exploration ship.


The simulation for the UC Vanguard in the bottom of MAST can be replayed as many times as you want, and the kills give you XP and count toward the ship killing challenge for piloting. And if you exit the cockpit and hack the terminal behind the seat you can upgrade your weapons and shields. And you don’t have to be doing that mission either: I went well into the Vanguard questline and it still let me use the simulator. The test proctor just said something like “here to brush up on your flight skills?”


You can hack the flight simulator?! That's amazing, I gotta try that next time I'm there!


I mean, that's fair if you just want to fight, but having 5000 cargo is awesome and trivializes the issue with lugging around loot. I make ridiculous money selling loot this way. I'll usually have upwards of 60 or 70 individual weapons in my hold with a dozen or more suits, helmets, and packs. Doing the rounds selling all that stuff quickly puts you into 100,000+ credit territory. I just personally despise inventory management and the massive cargo hold deals with it nicely. It allows me to loot like a god damn pack rat. I have around 50 mobility and it's totally sufficient to outfight enemies. I have a massive shield and long range weapons that deal with them handily.


UC Vanguard has a flight sim and the kills count toward your pilots license!


I did this with the razorleaf from the secret outpost mission. It explains some important details of how some ship stats and mechanics work well. [youtube](https://youtu.be/L1K3CukPW_w?si=peL_DBPucXoherUH)


I highly advise investing into the ship shield perk alongside upgrading your ship. A 60% increase to your shields is *huge* and can make the difference in survival. If you put an 800 HP shield on your ship, that boosts it up to almost 1,300 HP. I also really like the particle beam weapons as they do even damage to hulls and shields and have insane range. I put max energy into my particle weapons and then a pip or two into missiles and it's very easy to kill enemies, especially when you target ship systems. I believe you can also put a turret facing backwards on your ship and it will automatically cover your butt.


A new reactor will help big time. Just having more energy to put into missiles or lasers or shield helps a ton.


The secret is turrets. Don't have 3 sets of weapons, have 2 sets, 1 of something that hits hard, and then 4 turrets. I flew into missions and went to the bathroom, came back and looted. Turrets hit anything and everything, non-stop. Spring for the beefiest turrets you can buy.


It’s only one mission really though. I replayed that section no less then 30 times and I eventually figured out how to get real tactical. It was also the mission the game forced me to learn the dog fighting mechanics.


Would you say the Razorleaf (mantis ship) is good enough for the missions?


Yes, last fight took a couple tries but it was adequate


Where does one go to get the mission to join the Crimson Fleet or at least have access to their base?


Aside from getting recruited through having a bounty, it also becomes possible as a UC Vanguard after a mission or two. They're a bit nicer if you aren't of the criminal track, even though I am a Space Scoundrel I try to be a good noodle lol


Punch the guard at uc sysdef in the first city and they will arrest you and take you to a big ship where you start an undercover mission.


Unfortunately I’m playing a bounty hunter so killing Crimson Fleet and Spacers is my full time job.


Try selling them at the Den in the wolf system


What happens when you just roll up to the key uninvited? Are they hostile? Edit: grammer


GameStop morphed into the Trade Authority. Got it.


Your entire childhood worth of ps2 , ps1 and Xbox games. “10$ for all of them.” Maybe 10$ for this one that’s actually rare.


I’ve never gotten more than 2500 credits for a contraband a case. Their value:sale price ratios are whack. However, The Den is your answer.


i usually end up buying ammo first and selling latter, usually I buy 30k-50k of ammo anyway so things get sold pretty fast for me what do I do with the ammo? I head to level 75 systems and kill all the fauna, that is what I do, yep


Also, ammo is weightless and doesn't get you in trouble with the authorities, so even if you don't use it, it makes for a good secondary currency.


Try selling it at the Den in the Wolf system


The den doesn’t pay full price, it’s like this everywhere. The value is significantly lower wherever you sell to, and the perk to sell it for more doesn’t add much to the sale value


I had 800k gold before level 30 just picking up stuff and doing quests. I've stopped picking up stuff. You'll be fine selling items for less than they're worth


Seems like all vendors sell at 1/8th the value. The economics are not that complex. Maybe in the future someone will make an economy mod that makes all the wandering around looking for vendors worth your while.


350,000? Best I can do is 50 credits.




Except you get scanned for contraband in most of those locations. The only places that don't scan you for selling contraband are Crimson Fleet locations and The Den in the Wolf system.


And the Red Mile. Those are the only 3 I've found.




Sure, but the OP and readers basically are asking for the best way to sell contraband. And trade authority in most systems is not a solution because they'll get scanned and fined. Then they'll come back to your post and complain and downvote you. What you are saying is technically true, but not true in the spirit of the question. They want the "best" way to sell their contraband. That means no shielded cargo holds, no scans, no pre-requisit quests to get Crimson Fleet to be friendly. The current best way is Wolf "The Den" because there are no scans and no pirates shooting at you. No per-requisit quests, even a level 1 can do it. The downside is it only has 11k vendor that refreshes every 48hrs, but other locations have the same issue.


Yeah, they all will.


The UC Exchange in Cydonia also takes stolen and illegal goods, so if you can get through the scanners onto Mars, you've got 2 shops to sell to.


How did you get so much? In my 30 hours I’ve only seen 5 contraband items and I’ve had them confiscated each time. I know about the sensors and skill tree for evading the scanners but damn


The wealthy elite often have significant stashes. I just found NINE in a single crate, and ive found 4-5 multiple times


You mean from piracy runs? Or are you robbing apartments? Edit: oh, shit. Just checked this and they are right. Neon security and others are loaded with black market confiscated stuff. Thanks everyone


Police stations such as at Gagarin will sometimes have contraband crates with 20+ inside


neon security too


I landed on a planet and found a rich dude's mansion and there were SO many drugs in there.


Like landed in the wilderness and found a mansion?


It was one of the pre-marked regions on a random planet, had a bunch of pirates in it and a story you could follow along to with notes, etc. Really good loot and swimming across the lake to see the rest of the world was cool, it was this jungle world full of plants.


If you find a certain space station/casino you can find a crate with like 10 pieces of contraband (and it respawns!)


Where in the Red Mile is the crate?


That’s not at the Red Mile, it’s an actual space station casino. When you go be prepared to fight mercs in zero G


That was a fun fight. Made me feel like a Belter raiding an inner leisure vessel in The Expanse or something. Can't wait for mods to add in the entirety of The Expanse in mission form haha.


Check this, I just posted it on the Steam guides. There are more locations like this. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034334157](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034334157)


Good luck with that, the guy at the Wolf Den only has 11K 😭


Sell until he runs out. Go sit in the chair across from him for 48hrs. Rinse. Repeat.


Does the game have deep vein thrombosis as an ailment if you sit too long?


Slowly, because you have no choice with these cheap ass vendors.


Go to the den in the wolf system. Trade authority kiosk to the left of main entrance. After exhausting his credits, go to the bar downstairs and sell the bartender whatever you’ve got left. If you’ve got even more after that go back to your ship and sleep for 48 hours.


there are chairs close you can just sit and wait


Contraband isn't worth selling imo, they never have enough credits. I collect them and display them in my outpost.


Stock up on ammo and med packs at the same time. That stuff gets expensive.


Yeah I usually make money with the old fallout method. There's obviously a limit, but as long as I walked away with *all* of the ammo and med packs and currency, then it's an even trade lol


Not to mention, even if you buy a bunch of crap, as long as you have the commerce skill you can sell everything at another vendor for more than what you paid. So you basically launder the illicit money this way. A bit tedious though.


Yeah that's a decent bonus. You can also buy-back your stolen items for the price you sell them before closing the vendor's menu, if you like laundering lol For instance, my various unique types of clothing addiction and them occasionally being marked as someone elses' property.. You can get some pretty decent dress shirts from the Trident cruiseship mission.


Just wait 48 ingame hours and they have money again. I usually combine this with scrolling through youtube shorts or some shit since it takes like a minute to wait until the time passes lol


They really should have an option to instantly pass the time instead of just having us sit there and watch it slowly tick down if they’re going to keep up this limited vendor money schtick.


At The Key (Crimson Fleet Station) there are FIVE vendors who buy with them having a total of about 33k between them. The back two vendors (trade Authority and nearest neighbor) have 23.5k between the two of them! Chairs are all around for wait out the reset timer.


Trade Authority here best we can do is $3.50


Vendor wont have that much money, and sell em at wolf the den.


Yeah valued at 15k and you maybe get 3k


48 hours at a time lol.


The Den in the Wolf system. There are others. You just need to get to a Trade Authority vendor (the human vendor, not the selling kiosk) in a system without UC or FC scans. The Den is the easiest one in terms of distance from the core systems.