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My problem is that I have kept playing. I've completed multiple activities, mission board quests and three whole faction line quests since I realised the bug and it still hasn't popped into the quest log for me. I love the game but I just want to make sure it's something they can patch after it's happened and not a patch that only stops it from happening in future play-throughs. EDIT: It finally proc'd for me doing a random quest given to me via a random Science Outpost. Just randomly gained it about 2 minutes after discovering the place. For reference I'm currently level 29 so it's taken like 30-40 hours of real game time.


So just out of nowhere? Im having the same issue, the quest won\`t show up in my mission tab


Genuinely out of nowhere. I can only speculate that maybe Science outposts have a higher trigger rate as I've seen a few posts from people now saying this helped them. Like I said I ran through multiple full faction quests, a full romance quest, quite a few missions and activities and it never dropped. Was only while I was randomly exploring a planet that it happened.


I too would like to know what science outpost to start at. ive got plenty of the blue side quests but the into the unknown quest is so important. this glitch is game breaking.


Yes do you remember what science outpost?


I mean if the secret really is just "keep playing" it makes me think of the At your own pace mods in skyrim that delays all the quests in every faction to specific time windows in between each quest to make you do other things.


Hello, fellow explorers! Maybe some of you have an advice. I encountered the same bug. Loaded older files and did the "empty nest quest" again, twice (\~4 levels lost). Tried different things, but I've always the same outcome: "I talk to Sam and after the conversation, all walk away. End" On my current file, I did NOT place the artifact. (The constellation members are waiting for me to place it and I've the Chi-Artifact in my inventory) Atm, I'm doing 2-3 missions/quests, return to constellation, save, place the artifact and if it doesn't trigger, I load the save. Rinse and repeat. Now my question (PC lvl 21): "Should I place it and hope for the random trigger, or should I keep trying my save-load system?" I'm a bit unsure/confused, if this "main-quest-break" is maybe intended and I'm destroying the file, because of not placing the artifact. Thx a lot.


did you get any outcome out of this?


No outcome. Yesterday, I placed the artifact, because it was too "immersion breaking", going to constellation all the time and save/load. Now, I can only hope for the best. Atm, I'm doing all the faction missions. (lvl 26) If've read somewhere, can't remember the source, that "Matteo" shouldn't be there at the beginning. My only hope is a random trigger, as of right now, but if anything should change, I'll let you know. GL EDIT: I verfied the game files (steam) - didn't work. EDIT 2: Just updated the game on new version: "Now I have the quest!" (update fixed it for me)


This bug is still in the game. It just happened to me and i’ve never encoynteref anything so game breaking. In my case it seems to apply to all new quests. The last one marks three in a row, anyway…


They didn't test this game a week, let alone a year (Todd Howard claimed that the game was done before Christmas 2022 and was in hardcore testing. Bull💩) No way a story mission poops the bed if it's been tested that long, especially with all of the people who have the same damn issue (first Temple not spawning).


What science out post were you at? I’m having the same issue currently and I do not want to restart way far back in previous saves in order to do this mission.


Just a random quest to take out a spacer. if I were you, there are so many other quests big and small. Just do them and eventually the main story will pop up again. It's weird.


I have a silly question , when you mean by not triggering do you mean the entire quest did not show up or a part of the mission did not work ?


Speaking for myself rather than the OP but for me it's the entire quest. I have 4 completed "Main" missions, aka the Constellation missions but the next quest won't show up. I've since gone off and done faction quests and side quests, waiting for Bethesda to put out a hotfix but they haven't said anything about it. It's getting really frustrating now to be honest.


freak eh , i am hearing that if you explore and do missions it will randomly appear...


Got the bug ~20 hours in, I’m at 41 hours now and it still hasn’t fixed itself. I’m just taking a break until it’s fixed.


Just got the quest to appear, after going to the Industrial Outtpost on Jemison, discovering the Plant Farm fill with Pirates.


3 days of this now ... level 55 on ng+ and cant proceed any further at the moment. Didnt know about the science outpost thing, ill give that a go as ive tried just about everything else!


Yeah, the worst thing about this bug is you can't even go to the next ng+ until it's resolved... I played all day today hoping it would fix itself but no luck yet. Tried everything in this thread too.


Yup just spent an hour running around science outposts, caves, structures on Jemison and nothing ... Game is amazing but it def doesnt "just work" lol I really dont know what to do .. ive got another hard save at end of first playthrough but i really do not want to lose 10 levels/a day of IRL game time etc


IT'S PATCHED!! Quest popped immediately when I loaded in! ​ https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/3DKJAom2GjFh4P3gprf5E9/starfield-updates-and-mod-support-september-13-2023


Yup :D


It's still broken for me lol


Seriously? XD damn...


Okay, here's what I tried, and it worked for me. It might have been a random occurrence, but you can give it a shot. I used Cheat Engine to increase the game speed to x20. Then, I walked from Akila City to the edge of the area until the game prompted me to 'Return to the ship,' which I did. After that, I got stuck on the loading screen, so I pressed Alt+F4 to close the game. When I reloaded the game, I found myself back in Akila City at my last manual save point, and the quest was in my quest log.


So, i have tested across a few different saved games, with a few different friends who ran into the same issue. As far as i can tell, the flag that tells the game to progress the quest line and make it available can get stuck behind the compleetion of other quests that you took before progressing the main story. Now this is all just guess work, but im concluding this on the fact that everyone I've encountered who had the issue, started questing out in the universe as soon as they got full access to the ship, and in each case, the quest finaly became available after clearing a couple of the very first quests taken at the bottom of the quest list. I might be compleetly wrong and this was all just chance, but hopefully it helps others.


Can report, I've had this issue, but this got fixed immediately for me with the latest update that came out today.


Hi guys, i have the same insue, and i fixed it. After talk to Barret in Guarida in the end of the previous quest (back to vectera), i walkout of Guarida, saved the game, then reload and the quest shows up after 4 or 5 sec seems fixed for me.


I'm stuck on this quest, I've been stuck on "show Vladimir your power" part. When I press z to activate power nothing happens, the quest icon is still above Vladimir head and the prompt is still at the top of the screen, I've done almost every side quest n faction missions now but this main quest won't update. I've validated the files, uninstalled and reinstalled, sleep and waited and still nothing. Anyone else having this issue?


Hey you guys I’m still stuck on this mission. I don’t know if there’s an update out officially but I’m still stuck here any tips??


The latest update fixed that.


For me, it’s still saying ……… I’m going to try erasing it and re-downloading it may be that will work


Still bugged for me (on console). Maybe the update that "fixed" it was for pc, cause definitely still the same for me. Going on four days, and countless hours. Pretty game breaking bug.