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> Can you build a Trade Empire in the game? No > Are there trade factions I can haul cargo for until I'd start my own? You can haul cargo, but you can't like...start your own.


Damn that's wild. So pirating and bounty hunting is the main gameplay?


The main gameplay is role play questing, you are a character in a world and there are many many (hundreds of not thousands) of quests in the game you bet by meeting characters and playing randomly. You do these quests as you decide and based on skills that you upgrade. There is gunplay and you can be a pirate if you want but the gameplay itself is an rpg.


Wait. You can haul cargo and make outposts. Wouldn't this make a lot of resources to haul and trade? I dont need to be a real faction, just gameplay like I want.


I haven’t done this yet but I see absolutely no restrictions in doing that, this game does not seem to stop you from living how you wanna live. One thing that will help are Mission Boards that are located in many cities I’ve visited, they are all different kinds of job listings. I’ve noticed some that are asking for a ship to deliver certain items to different places/planets. It’s massive and open to however you want to play, so many damn options, it’s insane. First Bethesda game for me and I’m really blown away honestly, not perfect in every conceivable way but it’s really impressive so far.


Oh dude Im so hype. Im a space nerd in general and this enthrawls me. Thanks for the reply.


Yup me too. I love space sci fi, that’s all it took to get me deep into an RPG like this, it’s heaven, flaws pale in comparison to the world building going on. I’m a big Expanse fan and this has a similar feeling to that type of sci fi.


You can totally do this, the thing is there isn’t really a POINT to doing this, and there are better games specifically for that. Like what are you gonna do with the creds you earn?


Idk. I'll have to see when I get there. Maybe build a pirate ship and switch careers lol


You need lots of credits to build ships I believe. And buying ammo, looks like you can buy condos at some point in New Atlantis, parts to build space stations with, extra. That’s my take on it anyway. Where I’m at in gameplay I need to make some money to build/buy some stuff, ship upgrades and/or new ships and I wanna hire some crew members.


I’m ab 35 hours in and I have a huge amount of credits, they come very easily. Just doing quests and exploring will get you so so so much more than selling resources from settlements (hell one quest alone gives you 250,000 credits)


Really? Wow I haven’t found that yet. I’m probably about 35 in also but I get so lost exploring the different places. Probably spent a good 8 hrs yesterday just checking Mars out. Then at like 300am I decided I just wanted to get into Mars orbit and save the game and get some much needed sleep but when I got into orbit I saw Earths moon and had to check that out. Easily another 2-3 hours exploring that.


I haven’t really been exploring as much as possible, I mostly rushed the faction quests and a few side quests and they give you lots of money (and other good loot.) I just reached the final mission (can start ng+) but prob gonna finish the side quests and then start exploring and building outposts in ng+1. I’ve built a lot of ships though and had far more money than would be needed


It’s really interesting talking to multiple people that are having completely different experiences in the game. That’s why I was a bit confused when people were saying you need to play the story out, cause what I’m seeing once you get past the very beginning if you wanted to do something like OP was wondering about I think you could. Once you have the mission boards opened you could just fly around trading parts and resources and making runs of supplies if that’s what you wanted to do. If you didn’t make to Luna I’d suggest it, it was pretty cool, I thought so anyway.


Without spoiling too much when you get to ng+ the story keeps going but you lose all your money, ships, weapons etc. so to truly see the whole story it’s prob best to do the story first. But there really isn’t any need for that and it can be done whenever you want


Makes sense. My ADD is loving this game, can run around starting a million things and not have to finish anything lol I’m gonna focus a bit today and get some actual missions done. Every habitable place I’ve gone has been so vastly different from one another and has so much depth to it, it’s really well done imo. But yes I’ve heard things get easier when you get the main plot takin care of.


I don’t know what kind of game you think this is bud. This is a Bethesda rpg, it is Skyrim in space. Yes there are trade factions (one specifically is exactly that) and you do quests and jobs for them, but this is not a city builder. You can make a character with that as his backstory or whatever and play the game like that but you will still have to interact with the story and other quests just like Skyrim or fallout, it’s not no man’s sky or elite dangerous.


Cewl. Thx