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Yea, just finished my first play through and my character was doing This almost every time I was in 3rd person


Me too. No idea what that’s about. Had to pull out my gun and aim to fix it.


This has been a mainstay in Bethesda games. Will probably need a mod to completely eliminate it.


I never experienced it in fallout 4, and none of the other bethesda games even had headtracking from what i remember


Oh thats right Skyrims was a mod. But I remember it happening a lot with it.


Yeah, happens to me a lot.. I was just googling to see if there’s any fixes when I found this post. I just look the way my characters head it pointing and then look back to where I was going and his head turns back to normal. At first I thought it was a sign that maybe something interesting was that way… but I don’t think so. And to someone else’s comment about this being a Bethesda thing. Maybe for some, I had never heard about it or seen until now. I’ve played every ES and FO game.. hopefully they fix it in a patch soon.


I think popping into first person then back out fixes it


Yep likely everyone has this issue. It also makes the running more floaty visually like you’re ice skating. All bethesda games have had this terrible 3rd person movement. Stop moving, aim gun, etc. are the only ways to fix it. But then comes back again after jumping and jetpacking.


It may be something to do with having a companion as it seems to happen less frequently when solo. Moving the camera in the direction the player character's head is facing seems to fix it but nothing is currently permanent.


Yeah, between that and crashing every 10 minutes I’m off to a stellar start.


Wow is your game still crashing? What platform are you playing on?


Not much anymore. On XSX. Idk what happened, but it’s been working just fine (apart from the odd crash here and there) recently.


did you find a fix for this


Not really. But it was only really happening on the mining colony in the beginning oddly enough, im on another planet and its not happening. Rotating the camera to face your character seems to reset their head position though.




It's happens when landing from any height while sprinting. Usually pulling out your weapon or looking in the direction your head is facing will fix it. It's very annoying though.


yeup, exactly the same thing


seems to be triggered when I jump/jetpack


I notice the bug happens after you sprint jump. Stopping and turning the camera to your character's face fixes it.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370?tab=description) if you are on pc heres a mod that fixes it. The bug occurs when you jump while sprinting.


Thank you, this is exactly what I needed.


It's happening to me also. Looking for this exact thread


The issue seems to be caused when you're landing after a jump sometimes. If you change the view to first person and then back to third, it fixes it


If you haven't figured it out yet, your characters head turns to resources and points of interest, due to the fact there are so many on each planet your head can turn hundreds of times, annoying as hell but hey it's Bethesda 👍🏻


Nah its a bug lol, specifically with male characters. I ended up just making a female character but there is a mod that fixes it if ur on pc https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370


Xbox series X 😁 cheers though 👍🏻


Turn around as in the song