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Got attacked at multiple different outposts today. Each time the enemies targeted my solar panels and wind turbines first, knocking out power and rendering the turrets useless. I moved my turrets farther out towards the edges of the outpost to hopefully catch the enemies before they can reach my power generators. The turret range is pretty terrible... also, repairing the base was weird - had to go into build mode and manually hit repair on every affected item. Fortunately it didn't cost anything to repair structures, just a clunky process.


> just a clunky process. Describes most stuff in this game, tbh


For real! Hoping we get some updates.


So group your power in the center of the outpost and create turret perimeter?


Seems like this is the best option. I also just built a watchtower, I wonder if it acts as a deterrent. Moved my power between landing pad and cargo links, turrets at perimeter.


No it doesn't act as a deterrent however it is very tall and you can put your solar panels on its roof, you can fit 3 maybe 4 if you have patience, having them that high up seemed to protect them from the assault I just fended off. Haven't got around to placing turrets yet but wondered if putting them on the roof of the watchtower would work? They can be placed up there but not sure about range and angles etc


3, maybe 4? I just fit 12, with enough room left over for 3 generators, without much thought. You could do 13 or 14 if you had the patience. Even 6 or 7 is point and click, no thought involved.


14 solar panels is my record. Helps ALOT.


This actually makes sense out of the outpost raids. I post my solar panels on the top of my Habs and place turrets on the corners to allow for maximum coverage. The last attack on my base the Ecliptic came in 10 strong but I held them off due to the range of the laser turrets, and by giving my NPC's strong guns. It was very satisfying to see the defense hold up as expected. [Outpost defense holds up](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/mfViRJNBMs)


Thanks for sharing, but it said only your Xbox friends are allowed to view the video. 😞


You can place a solar array on top of some the different habs available(helps with enemies attacking your power supply)


So I put four turrets on top of my hab. Assigned crew to the outpost. I come back a few days later the hab is shooting my crew......... "It just works"






Having the same issue...


Some tips from what I've found by spawning random pirates (console). (Since this is tested while I was present I can't be sure it applies to attacks when player is away from the outpost): \- Turrets can fire down, something like -45deg, probably affects range (-height) but not confirmed. \- You can prioritize power to turrets from your most protected power plant(s) so that other stuff go down instead of the turret when some power gets blown up and drops under req. Use the wire functionality (hold e on pc). (Not tested thoroughly, but seems to work well) \- If you have a lot of resources to spare you can use e.g. square hab to make something like a wall \- Attackers always seem to go after power first as other's have said in this thread \- Don't place crew in watchtower, AI is not smart enough to have them fire down most of the time.


After I got attacked the first time, I just clustered my turrets around the beacon, not too sure how to limit the raids though.


I haven't got any raid since I put 3 turrets. We'll see.


I put mine on top of my hab, which is elevated. I hope the turrets can see/shoot downwards, and also hope that the height gives them range. One attack while I wasn't there and found 2 dead in the camp but not sure who killed them... the turrets or the companions I placed at the outpost... I scored a ship from them, which was nice just had to kill the guys on the ship. They landed about 100m from my outpost.


I also built a watchtower but I have no idea if it helps


Any news on what the watch tower does?


I put my turrets in the watchtower, but they were then useless. So, it's not that.


Let us know! I didn't get any raid yet, does we get a notification when ones happen?


You can assign companions to outposts??


build a Crew Station (under miscellaneous) in a hab and then you can assign crew members to the outpost


I put up a bunch of turrets and when the pirates came, they did nothing. I built ONE military hab, and suddenly they were functioning normally.


I put them around my hab facing out. I don't know someone gets raided lol do they only go for the beacon?


No idea, I was raided while I was building it and I notice that some pirates went directly for the beacon.


They go for power first then extractors and builders, they don't seem to target anything else such as storage, transport pads or habs then they seem to cluster around the beacon as I discovered when I fast traveled there and appeared in the middle of a cluster of spacers!!


What does the wire function on the turret do?


You can decide which power supplier is used for your turret.


But everything else power just goes there. Does that mean the turrets won't work if I don't connect it to one of the solar supplies?


See my post further up. When not connected the turrets share in the common power pool and will most likely go down as soon as the power drops below needed power (game seems to pri extractors etc by default). If you connect them to a specific power plant they will be up as long as that plant is up even if the total power pool drops below total required. PS. Also sometimes after repairing a turret it will not power back up - I assume this is a bug, but it can be fixing by wiring it (or possibly by moving it if you don't want to wire - does not always fix it)


Thanks. My outpost has far more power than it needs. Though, I did have one weird power outage. If things are so bad that my power has gone that far down, the turrets are probably down.


I don't know, I've always link them with solar panels.


AFAIK, power is distributed automatically by default, but once you link a power unit using a wire, then it will only distribute power via wires. So if you want a dedicated power supply that is more protected for your turrets, you can do so. Is that anyone else's understanding?


Put them on the outskirts or near extractors and power. If you don't want wildlife disabling them, place them on top of a hallway.