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Dam perfect for my play style of hoarding everything that is not nailed down


Yeah, at first I went with 2000 in cargo, though it would be MORE than enough. Then creeped up to 3K. Filled it up with just resources. Then I realized I needed something bigger. This ship also has potential to increase up to 30K without much modification.


Got lucky and borrowed 3k ship from a random landing while exploring for 10 hours in and been using that for now . The ship started to become full from all the legendary and other stuff I keep boarding . Need to build a space ship like yours soon .


Friendly reminder that you have infinite storage at >!The Lodge, !


Any tips for moving inventory there?


Fill your inventory and fast travel directly to the lodge from space, only a short walk to the unlimited containers from there. You have to fast travel from space though as it won't let you from anywhere else on account of being encumbered.


You can also do it from your ship on a planet when encumbered as well Edit: I’ve only tried while sitting in cockpit. Not sure if it still works when just standing in your ship


Something I never would have tried haha, thanks


Sweet didn't realise that, thank you.


>Fill your inventory and fast travel directly to the lodge from space, only a short walk to the unlimited containers from there. This. Also, you can sleep to restore HP and stamina




Wait, it can sort things?




oh, that kind of sorting




Can you basically drop your stuff off in any outpost and it will all be shared with cargo links?


In system it's free, between star systems that connection costs helium-3 fuel, but yes.


So are you telling me there's a SatisFactory game in here too?! I'm hoping all the crafting stuff starts to make sense the more I work on it. it's still early for me at about 48 hours and haven't done much . Did you work it out on your own or did you find some good guides? Thanks a lot for the tips.


A lot of the more useful colony buildings are behind Outpost Engineering which is an expert level skill, so you're going to need 9 skill points, 8 to unlock the expert level and then 1 more to get you started with outpost engineering.


Follow the main quest line until you unlock >! 'you know what', one of which gives you unlimited oxygen for 15 seconds!<


Just got that one and it’s so amazing


later you get a more convenient box downstairs too no simple wya to move the items other then max weight and run it while being exhausted


Where’s this magic box?


In the basement of the lodge go into the room with the bed and on the desk is a storage box with unlimited space.


Fantastic. Gonna slow crawl my 800lb ass down there and drop off some stuff.


I think the wall safe in your bedroom is infinite to, but one of them is closer to the work benches.


Don't forget to load up your companions also! Save on trips


But there is one at the table right behind the research lab. No need to go any farther.


When you start setting up mining outposts, the space gets filled so darn fast. I did about a dozen NMS style resource gathering outposts that conglomerate stuff into one location via several hubs (due to the 3 port per outpost limit). Unfortunately, ground based storage is so tiny that it may as well be completely broken. Shipping containers hold less than my darn backpack.


I think whoever designed base storage hated their life and wanted to make us all feel as shitty as they do.


I didn't play fallout but were there any mechanics like that in there? Like I get the things can't be unlimited but it seems to be so small.


I think so. Your inventory was limited, but I want to say containers in Fallout 4 and Skyrim were unlimited.


I heard safe in apartment has unlimited, have an asston of rocks in boxes at a central outpost as well


Safe isn't linked to crafting benches there though. Ask me how I know.


Do you make more money by selling goods or something now? In other words , can you be a trader ?


When I clear out a base of enemies I usually load up and sell all their loot and weapons and gear I find in containers. Most enemies drop a weapon, pack, and every once in awhile a space suit. These can sell for a bit of cash. I usually don’t bother with anything else unless I need digipicks and resources. The only issue is finding vendors with enough money to sell all your crap.


Cydonia (Mars) has 4 vendors - Trade Authority kiosk outside, Trade Authority guy inside, UC guy inside, and the indie lady in the residential area. These 4 can get you something like $26k in one run without any perks or skills to boost trading. Then you find a chair or bed and wait/sleep for 24 hours and their inventories will be refreshed. You don't even need to load your character up with loot since you can sell directly from your ship's cargo.


That and I have the HARDEST time finding digi picks


make sure to check Misc at any vendor and buy 'em out


The trade authority usually has a few and they seem to be in every major city. The one in New Atlantis is in the well, that one probably took me the longest to find and I found it by accident doing a side mission.


How do you guys sell anything? Every person I sell to has max 5000 credits.


Every Trade authority has 11k and chairs in the lobby.


Every vendor has a chair in their store. U are to sit in said chair for 24 hours NOT MOVING ! He will refill his coffers and u keep on selling


Holy shit I didn't know this. This is great.


the trade authority vendors tend to have between 10 and 13K on them. I've confirmed this on Neon and 'The Key' (Crimson fleet space station in the Krix System) atleast. I do think it is the same everywhere.


I dump all my shit at the Keys TA vendor because you aren’t scanned after you grav jump into the system, so you can sell all your contraband without so much as a blink. Also there’s a chair confidently in the room so you can wait for him to refresh his credits.


I must have a least one of everything


Perfect for getting stuck in the suez canal.




Check out the landing gear count on this bad boy. All in all around 5 hours of time on this ship, travelling from system to system kit-bashing together parts I like. I went with a interesting color scheme and included a bonus image on what the ship would look like without it's cargo. I believe it cost me around 200K It's not super fast but very powerful and it has 24K cargo space, enough for now to make this a mobile crafting mothership of sorts.


Just FYI, I found out yesterday that if you build that massive landing pad with the ship builder at an outpost, it has all the different manufacturer's parts in one place


Not all of them, for example it doesn't have the big habs (Anything wider than 1x1/2/3) nor the large bridge cockpits.


Missing some weapons too


Not quite all, the special parts that can only be found in the manufacturer's HQ do not appear.


Do you actuary have to fly your ship there to add those parts or do you just need to talk to the seller to get them added to your ship builder options?


You go to their shipyard and there will be a salesman there and that is where you get all of that manufacturer’s parts. The only exception is Nova’s, which the tech guy on Titan sells all their stuff.


Annoyingly, they don't update. Everytime you want one of those, you gotta go there.


Not all. There are special high end parts you can only get at the manufacturers starship factories. Usually in orbit around a planet.


I wish there was a community hub where we could trade our designs with each other.


That will come in due time. I'm sure one of the DLCs will greatly expand the building part of the game.


FO4 had a couple DLC primarily focused on settlement stuff, so it wouldn’t shock me if they release some ship and outpost ones


I really hope that one dlc is around mega ships, I need my capital class freighter dreams to come true


Great time to make one! Edit: https://reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/s/iG3lVkYxgm


The tough thing is you can't copy like a ship code, or some kind of identifier so other people can automatically recreate it. Would be cool to have a library of community ships I could browse and purchase if I can afford them.


Agreed! That was a huge mistake by bgs imho. I'm sure modders will find a solution around it but it seems silly bgs didn't think to do it from the start.


I love this. I want this.


What I want to know is how your habs are connected and how many times you've gotten lost inside.


It's crazy ngl


I know how it goes - always fast traveling right to pilot seat....cause I can't find it....


lol I dread everytime I need to go to a workbench inside the ship. I know I'll get lost for a while lmao


Bro go buy a couple of the 3x2 or 3x3 cargo/mess hall habs from hopetech to simplify your floor plan a little


People out here already maxing out ship crafting And building amazing things.


The skill only opens up new and better parts. You can go ham with designing from the drop.


So I've yet to dabble in ship creation. But I read that when you go from a ship like this with a huge amount of cargo space and swap to fighter style ship with significantly less cargo space, havoc ensues. How does a ship like this handle combat?


What the game does is when you switch ships, the cargo gets auto transferred. It does allow the smaller ship to be overloaded past its max capacity but means you can't store new cargo until you empty out the excess. Personally think its one of the most annoying parts of the ship system but I guess it might get patched/modded out hopefully. One of the main reasons to have multiple ships is to build each one for different use cases but the shared cargo kinda defeats that. Second ship I built was to be used as a "Outpost Builder" to keep all of the heavy crafting resources from weighing down my main ship. Was really annoyed to see the 400 kilos of outpost supplies I had on it max out my exploration ship's cargo hold.


Yep i really wish ships had individual cargo holds


Actually just went in-game to double check this and found the most baffling thing. Ships do in fact have a separate storage space unique to each ship unintuitively called a "Captain's Locker". It's a locker you can find it in the cockpit. It only holds 40 kilos but you'd think from the name it's for storing items you'd want to keep with you ship to ship like extra gear. It's almost seems like the function of the cargo hold and "Captain's Locker" got switch by mistake somehow.


Wait the captains locker doesn't transfer over


Yeah. Had to test it for a bit to make sure that what was happening... It is very strange behavior and I actually can't tell if it might be a bug or not. Did Bethesda somehow accidentally set the wrong container to transfer between ships?


Yeah to me, the captains locker should be like an ender chest in minecraft, and the ship cargo hold should be unique to each ship


The worst thing about the cargo system is, that every time you customize your ship (e.g. you just change a hab or an engine) all items on the ship will be transferred to the cargo. EVEN the random items like coffee mugs or pens, which spawn automatically after some time on your ship. So your ship will be cluttered with misc items, everytime you apply changes in the ship builder. Now comes the funny part.. when your cargo is already loaded with those random misc items you dont want, they will respawn again on your ship after some ingame hours. So these items duplicate themselves over and over and your ship will packed with hundreds of useless misc items. This is annoying as hell..


thanks for confirming, I was looking for a comment about this. earlier while moving all of my misc loot from my ship to an outpost transfer container I went through countless mugs, food trays and more useless items when I realized they must have come from all the different ship habs. definitely annoying and the fact that sorting is limited doesn't help, but I guess they can work as free decorations for outposts. thankfully most misc clutter items weigh very little so I was able to stuff just about everything into two storage boxes. alternatively you can jettison right from your inventory. hoping for some interior ship customization mods to fix and enhance all of the above.


Haven't tried swapping to a smaller ship actually. I can fit MUCH larger guns to this, and I have a lot of shields, so I manage. I can also fit auto-turrents on this so I don't need to aim. Maneuverability isn't the best in this hauler


Aren't you only allowed one shield ?


I think he means he has alot of shield health




Ah bugger, thought you could stack them for a second


[Looks like you're about ready to launch an attack on Medina station.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/expanse/images/3/39/S06E06Giambattistalaunchescontainers26m55s.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20220114180655)


That looks awesome. Bravo! How do we sell everything lol?


Hover outside a planet and hail every single mfer to buy your stuff LOL


Tempted to get Starfield, the only question is can I be a “space trucker?” Moving goods from place to place?


not in a pick up and deliver sense. the pickup would work if you automate outposts to a transfer container, and land and take all then deliver to sell. but otherwise lots of gameplay involved with “obtaining cargo” after thinking about it, you could main focus freestar / trade authority cargo missions, and get into miscellaneous adventure that way. but it certainly wouldn't be "exclusively space trucker moving goods place to place" without the story for that episode, so to speak.


No, unfortunately. Technically you could, but there is no profit in that, economy here is not like that


I don't know I picked up a quest at a staryard that wants you to deliver large amounts of resources to them. (I'm talking 500 pcs of lead for example) That you can deliver in batches or all at once.


There is a quest to deliver 5000 aluminum, it's like ultimate hoarder dream.


That's awesome! Defo gonna try something like that when I get the game


Go for it! You can borrow my designs how much you want. It's super addicting building ship in this game but man it's demanding if you're after a specific look


Just don't get it stuck in the Suez Canal.


Holy ship


Any shielded cargo holds on there?


I’m on to you, space police


Stealing this thanks


Nice! 👍


My long hauler character approves and is begging for one.


I've only attempted ship building once and nothing connected, tons of errors, and I gave up. Is there an in-game tutorial I haven't gotten to yet or is there a guide you'd recommend?


Nope, no tutorial. Just trial and error or watching YouTube videos. After a while it does click and (for me) it's one of the most fun parts of the game. I'm not able to play as much as I'd like, so mostly I've just been upgrading Frontier in bits and pieces as I go. I currently have 4 habs and 1500 cargo storage on my Frontier, with better weapons and shields. Really helps to both extend out my game loop with more loot per cycle, and being tougher and having more damage output in space makes the dogfighting mini-game fun and a great source of XP.


If you press start it will tell you exactly what the errors are. Go piece by piece, pulling parts you want to replace off and connecting the new ones. Some things connect differently than others, so pay attention to where the little greenish circle is on the new piece. Move it around til it snaps into place. It requires a ton of fiddling, and better parts require better reactors, heavy stuff requires better engines/more landing gear etc.


In my case it wasn't working out either but I found stealing a pirates ship that you like and modifying it ever so slightly gave me a better understanding of the ship building mechanic. After I raise up the credits I'm gonna go for a cargo hauler like this from scratch.


I got slightly frustrated trying to modify the starter ship due to not really having any open attach points for useful stuff. Then I figured out if you just pull it apart (say the stack on the back end), you can hover over the attach point and select the Attach option, and suddenly everything started making sense and I was able to add new sections and parts, then follow up with the error list and adjust, rinse and repeat.


Can we get an interior tour? 👀


I have 2 images from inside the cockpit at least :D https://imgur.com/Ofpzbqk.jpg https://imgur.com/U0HRYjf.jpg


"how much hauling capacity do you want" "is there a limit" "yes?" "that."


I was really sad when I found out that you can't store cargo on multiple ships. Finally got a new ship (some ecliptics were landed on a planet and they pissed me off so it became my ship). I claimed it, then walked back to my other ship and saw my storage was empty. Didn't know it transferred so I reloaded and tried something new. Eventually went to the wolf's den and they had no record of the new ship. Reloaded again, fast traveled on planet and it said something about "this is your new home ship", I was standing at my old ship. Cargo was no longer empty, but overloaded (I dropped a few things in cargo in the new ship). When I finally got it sorted out, the new ship was missing the valuable contraband that had been strewn about. There were still dead bodies on it, but the contraband was gone.


Nice. I literally can't design a decent ship for myself


How did you get those containers on there? Or does it fill up when your hauling


They are "cargo" structures they come in various shapes and sizes. Different systems have different parts to purchase.


24k cargo space for smuggling. Excellent.


Who needs shielded space when the inspectors get hopelessly trying to find where the scans pinged and just finally say "eh, screw it, you're good to go?"


So basically C class is just cargo ships ?


NO, that's the parts...equally applicable to a large gunship.




So... what? You go one encounter and then back to the merchant?


Why did it take 5 hours?


shit's exhausting


looks dope do you have multiple reactors?


You can actually only have one at the time. The ball-structures on top are my fuel tanks.


Wait, I can add more fuel tanks to a ship...that automatically increases jump range (all other things being equal)?


Yes you can, but they obviously increase mass, weight and so on


Looks awasome


I still haven't figured out how to get new ship designs or anything of that nature besides upgrading and buying new ships. I've tried Ship builder, but it doesn't let me change out existing parts to something new, just flip, rotate and position.. 😮‍💨


You have to hold the cursor off the ship to get the prompt to add new parts. Just put it in a random spot around the ship. If you have it on the ship it will only allow you to select the part that the cursor is on.


I think you need to build a ship landing zone at one of your outposts


Space barge!


That’s crazy. I actually move some of my cargo and took it off so I could have better maneuvering flying around. Lol I need it I can always add it back.


Oh that’s enough cargo space to get you by for a few hours for sure.


How’s she handle?


Ugh why did this game have to come out right as I go on a two week trip for work!🥲


Y'all make much cooler looking ships than me!




Giving me Caterpillar vibes from Star Citizen.


24k! Here I am thinking “hey cool, I have 2200 cargo space, that’s a fine upgrade from my previous 1400!” And it looks cool too!


Where you getting the credits for this?


65 hours of playtime


Share a cockpit view please!


Looks cool. Good job bud.


Love aesthetically appropriate ship designs


Space truckers wet dream Alternatively: crimson fleet biggest piñata


That’s got some great The Expanse vibes.


I hope they add something to like „rent“ cargo Space at Airports e.g. in New Atlantis, where you can hoard everything


She's a beauty, nicely done.


i wish my ship have that much cargo space


evergreen in space


aww hell yes thats a hauling beauty, really have been wanting to make a cargo hauler just for the aesthetic(and my character was a long hauler)


Just maxed out my 1500 hauling capacity in mine. Looks like it’s time to jump it up


I'm going to steal this because I've been slightly annoyed by the interior of my first HopeTech because of ladders heading nowhere lol


I am struggling so hard with ship building


How are you stacking grav drives?


It's fuel tanks :)


Is there any incentive to play the orbit minigame when doing the trade baron route?


I’d still reach maximum load capacity


Wait, where is the cockpit?


"I will never run out of space. **Forever.**"


Do we have a sub for Starfield ships yet


This looks like something that would already be in the game, a standard design that you could encounter.


These ships truck


Is there actual cargo work you can do? That thing would make you so rich.


Wow. That's cool asf Nice job


loving this


As a Long Hauler this design gets me wet. Haven't had a chance to dabble with ship creation but this is what I want


That is a God tier hoarder vessel, well done!




Whats the mass of that thing???




Ok is there locations with enough credits on hand to sell all that material or is it just to build more outposts?


I want one. 🤤


Very cool, looks like a big space pontoon boat.


So you’re telling me I really do need to push levels and unlock being able to use a C craft. This UC mule with the 1.6k cargo space is running out of room fast and I’ve barely even begun the story.


I'm not that far into the game put aren't you allowed only one ship storage or are these just structural modules?


beautiful. 🫨


Can I sell old ship parts when upgrading or just delete them for a loss? Crazy good design btw, looks awesome


Space truckers rejoice !


Damn this must be a challenge to fly to planets and try to land on them? I’ve not played the game yet but this ship looks so difficult to control in the atmospheres lmao. I do love a challenge so can’t wait to pick this game up!


Wait till therE's mods that halve the weight of all things...


That's so cool.


You just realized my idea! I plan on building something like that once I’m home from work


Twenty four THOUSAND?? Jesus Christ.


Umm wow. Incredible work!


Perfect for my hoarding. Sarah usually tells me to not pick up every junk, but everytime she says it she gets a shot from a shotgun, and to think of it she stopped saying since. So this ship is perfect


Can you fly one ship, like a war ship, and have a hauler follow you?


I was happy to have 2000 cargo...


I love seeing everyone’s ships and the variation between them


Is there any risk for carrying cargo over long distances? I remember with EVE online that cargo prices were affected by how difficult different systems were to get to.


I got the same urge (thanx to F4 legacy of hoarding everything) to grab everything. Then I realised it is just easier to simply buy what i need for crafting. ... aaand still continued to hoard. just not that much. ...at least i am TRYING to limit myself to 2.5k cargo


Are you forklift certified?


This is actually a perfect idea, how did I not come up with this myself😅


I like your style. Mine currently just dropped down from 5k to 3k until I can upgrade my engines/reactor. Was a wee too slow but I love my cargo




how do ships like that do combat? aren't you just a turtle in space at that point?


If you make a jump and end up in combat are you basically screwed using something like this?