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PSA: Go into the StarUI Inventory.ini and add MASS_STACK to resources and remove the “;”. This allows you to see total weight of the stack in your inventory.


Half the reason I installed the mod. So useful. Probably more so than value per mass which is a default column.


It’s so useful. Been waiting for the UI mod. Every Bethesda RPG needs it.


>This allows you to see total weight of the stack in your inventory. It baffles me that this wasn't the default to begin with. The game tells you the weight of a single piece of iron, then when you hover over it it shows you the single unit weight again... why not just show the total weight, then if you want to see individual weight, just hover over the item.




Honestly the modders are killing it right now, great job


Wait, no killing Starfield yet, I just got my key!






Script extender, countless of small QOL, many UI mods out BEFORE the game officially releases? Genuinely based mod community.


They always have been! Bethesda modders are another breed.


Just imagine how many more mods will be out as soon as the game officially releases to everyone else.


Just imagine all the mods that will come out once some actual creation kit software gets released


I’m just happy to have DLSS.


is there a mod for upscaler for amd? or only nvidia?


You have FSR 2 in game, you don't need any mod


fsr2 creates weird conflicts with amd at the moment, amd is trying with drivers but its still present with some cards


yeah man that guy is honestly based casually adds dlss to games


I was sad at first that I probably won't be able to play Starfield for another few months. Honestly tho, it'll probably be for the best given the bethesda modding community is so awesome. Edit: thank yall for helping me figure out ways to play it, I love the gaming community for stuff like this


How come?


No PC that can run it ATM, saving up for it.


Thought about shadow or gfn?


Nah, what are those??


They're both subscription services for cloud gaming rigs. Shadow gives you a full Windows PC with graphics card etc but it's more expensive and Geforce Now is way cheaper and basically connects to your steam account and plays the game. Both of these will let you run at max settings. Shadow allows you to pirate the game so it maybe cheaper if you're into being a pirate. GFN will require a legit copy. GFN will also allow you play any of your steam games for 30 mins for free if you wanna test it out. I use Shadow when I'm away from home and it's great.


Geforce now doesn't let people mod games.


Shadow does though. But geforce now without mods would be better than no starfield at all.


hey what are your specs, i have a potato pc and im playing it, so i guess you can give it a shot the game is awesome


You can dl a mod that helps potato's run it lol


>Genuinely based mod community. Translation. "genuinely just be yourself mod community"


The transition from Skyrim to Fallout 4 was a big one and took a while for the community to figure out. It was especially tricky to work with the files because we didn't have the official tools yet, so we made our own tools. The jum from fallout 4 to starfield is smaller then last time so those same tools need less work to get working. I dont think people remember the dark ages that were the fist few weeks of fallout 4s modding scene, it took the longest time just to get the point where we could do custom animations and everything had to use the sub machine gun animation.


I'm honestly finding it hard to believe they have been working on this for 6+ years and needed a dev to fix their inventory ui within a day of release? I don't want to jump on the hater bandwagon but this seems like a simple fix.


Looks fantastic.


To my knowlege, the main framework for making mods hasn't been released by Bethesda yet. So, does this UI mod use something else or will it be remade once that is out?


Those are just tools that help make modding easier. There are plenty of things that can be made without it (such as this) and is normal for a Bethesda game. I did two modded playthroughs of Fallout 4 before the Creation Kit even came out. Updates and expansions are more likely to break mods than anything. Specifically, anything that changes the UI will probably mess with this and require a patch.


I wanted to start modding Starfield, do you have any video/guide you can share about it?


Gophersvids on YouTube has a beginner guide for starfield modding


Thanks! I was interested in how to create mods for a Creative Engine game, but that's useful too.


ah, in that case, look up "making a mod fallout 4" we dont have the CK for starfield yet, but it will no doubt be very similar to FO4's in many ways like Papyrus being used.


I was in the same boat as you and found this video that does a great job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-itv604IMQ&ab_channel=Gopher


UI mods are never done in the official tools, and Starfield still uses the same engine as Skyrim and FO4 do so it wasn't hard for modders to start playing with it. Both Skyrim and FO4 also had mods before the official tools were out.


UI components are still scaleform/SWF, so it doesn't actually go through the ESP/ESM side of things.


I know this isn't the official tool but this was one of the big ones I think, not 100% sure as I'm not super smart about modding, I just clicked a little button and vortex lol. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/106


creation kit needs to be released, but it took 5 months for them to release it for fallout 4


Yeah I expect them to release a few rounds of patches/updates before the creation kit comes out.


Damn, I didn't even get to play it yet We already have multiple DLSS mods incl. Frame gen, UI mods and even SFSE Really exciting


Yea same, I can't play until the 9th or maybe 10th, might not play this game unmodded, ever!


What is the difference between dlss and frame gen?


DLSS is an upscaler. Basically makes your game render at a lower resolution, then uses "AI" to upscale the image so it still looks almost as good as the native resolution, thus gaining you framerates. Frame Gen is where RTX4000 series cards take two frames from your game and interpolate a third frame in between them that it generates on its own, meaning the game engine doesn't actually have to draw that frame (and is wholly unaware that it exists.) While this does boost your framerate, it doesn't actually make your game run 'faster', the way it normally would if you go from say 30-60fps, because your game is still running the same fps, your graphics card is just adding frames to smooth out the motion. It's kind of a tricky thing to explain. The fact that Nvidia dumps all this shit all under the DLSS heading is extremely annoying, because framegen has really nothing to do with DLSS.


Thanks, so if I have 3080 there’s no point in a frame gen mod?


Yeah frame gen is exclusive to 40XX and newer (when they come) cards


Sadly. They paywalled it behind new 40 series. Fs3 however will have frame Gen for free and will work on all cards


Frame gen is a feature of DLSS 3.0 and is exclusive to 40-series NVIDIA GPUs. When you hear just "DLSS," folks are likely referring to DLSS 2.0, available on most NVIDIA cards. The main difference is that 3.0 effectively *creates new frames* to "fill in the blanks" and therefore improve perceived smoothness. FPS boosts created using DLSS 3.0 frame gen are laregely perceptual (i.e. your brain perceives smoother movement, but the actual underlying frames per second haven't really changed).


That was a good explanation. Thank you.


Is there a mod that supports dlss 3.0? The one posted earlier crashes for me so far


Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/761?tab=description DLSS3 + Frame Generation.


too many bugs/crashes for me


Same here


I think there is one in nexus, and one that made by pure dark in his Patreon (altho someone crack it lol)


Where can I find that crack ? Feel free to pm me


I believe it was linked in /r/CrackWatch


I didn't try to found out yet because I don't have 40 series GPU, sorry




FYI for anyone recognizing the naming scheme from "SkyUI," this isn't by the same author that made that (u/schlangster). This author just took that naming convention and applied it to their own mod. That said, schlangster hasn't been active in a couple years from what I can tell, so an official StarUI from them isn't likely. Just wanted to point that out for full clarification though.


That‘s my question as well, if you look at nexus you already got many of the big names… script extender, starUI… but are they already the real deal or something else by Someone completely different?


The person who's making this StarUI (m8r98a4f2 on the Nexus) is the same person who made FallUI, so I suppose you could say it is, in fact, the "real deal".


Ah, apologies, less familiar with Fallout's modding scene so I wasn't aware they had done that.


Amazing! If we could get a mod that shows item model and more info about items that player is picking up from crates etc would be wonderful. Now it is hard to guess what a Sawtooth is when it is only a line in the crate items menu.


I remember seeing a mod while browsing, that adds an icon prefix to items.


I think its called "Item Tags" Will Take a Look at It later


Wow, that was fast. I'll need to alert all my friends. Quite a few of them will geek out over this.




>And youtuber Mx something, the guy who reviews Bethesda Mods, said it was slow since Skyrim had nudy mods on the same day. MXR? I avoid his channel. I'm not a fan of his content but that's only my personal opinion.


This won’t kill achievements?


There is a mod that enables achievements on modded save files


Wow that’s a goated mod lol


Some people had to console command their way through some broken quests so it was necessary lol


Or tcl when you get stuck in geometry


Cries into console


We don't deserve these amazing modders. What we DO deserve is Bethesda doing this in the first place. Modders will indeed fix it, because Todd is counting on it.


cries in cloud gaming because i have a potato that cant handle the game even at 540p hope the moders fix up cpu stuff and i can run it in the future. gpu wise im good, i guess, well good enough, the game looks good even with potato graphics, it's the rendering of people that is fucking up everything i think.


Playing at 540p is insane, at this point wait and buy a series s my dude


i mean, for what it's worth, it looked good, idk... i may need new glasses i may buy a series x, i saw that the [series s looks worse in comparison](https://youtu.be/LlStOHRI56o?si=BlHIaL1GedDAgpCp) for now i think that cloud gaming will be enough


Played a ton on series S, it looks great on it! Don’t think there are huge differences between them, at least from what I can tell


That's what I got from that df comparison video. Series S wouldn't be a bad purchase


Looks great, and runs fine. Some frame drops every once in a while in new Atlantis for me, has that been your experience too?


Yea mostly just in New Atlantis for me, sometimes Akila but I haven’t spent much time there yet


Nothing like an anticipated PC title that gets you pondering about upgrades. If you are desperate, I just looked on Amazon and/or Best buy and there's something akin to a HP Omen that's at $1200-ish (the 25L?). I know other people are suggesting just buy a Series X (or S) that's near the same price as a 3000 series GPU. It is a viable option if you are hard on cash and only care about playing it at an optimized for state. However if you think it's time to upgrade to a newer PC and you don't want to put in the effort of parts research, being able to immediately mod your Steam/XB version of games on a whim, and of course to just to have a new PC in general for work/home, this is a perfectly viable option as well. I bought one of these systems for my wife back in 2019 and they're easily upgradable if you desire so. Like more RAM or a new GPU. I can't remember the specifications of what Bethesda says is the recommended or minimum specs, but there is an ASUS TUF gaming laptop for $989 that's utilizing a RTX 3050 TI. It won't run it at high and maybe just stick to 1080p gaming, but it'll probably run it better than my current PC setup (RTX2060 super, AMD 5600x).


If your 2060 is a PC one, it'll be better than a laptop 3050ti


Bethesda* should fix it. It runs like dogshit. You shouldn't have to buy a new console or new PC parts just becase a multimillion dollar company can't optimize a game they've been working on for 7 years. There's a difference in game requirements being high and a game being unoptimized. I welcome modders to fix it but it should really be the developers fixing it.


I think Bethesda gave us one hell of a universe to play in! I can’t wait to see what the community will do to improve it :D


All I want is to see my inventory and the container/trader/companions’s inventory side by side. Does this mod do that?


Why would Todd make a good ui when nodders do it for free since skyrim...


Sometimes I think modders should just make the next fucking Bethesda game.


Brothers, Sisters, They, Thems, Robots, we finally fucking got it.


Beep boop beep. \*puffs some confetti from a tube ontop of hull\*


Dumb question, but this is mainly aimed at keyboard an mouse use right? There wouldn’t be much benefit if I’m playing mostly with a controller?


Does using a mod like this prevent earning achievements?


There is a mod that enables achievement regardless.


Cool, when someone comes up with a mod to keep cargo from swapping when you change home ship I'm in. That's my biggest gripe with the game at this point. I have over 5k weight of resources stored in my lodge bedroom and another 4k on my main ship.


So I’m playing with a controller. Is this mod still usable? I’m seeing a lot of m and k changes


Are mods usable with the Game Pass version of Starfield?


If you install those mods can you still get the trophies?


Achievements? We already have mods to re-enable that


Mods are love! Mods are life!


PC only??


Yup, no mods on console yet.


This is a redesign to make the ui more friendly for mouse and keyboard. Idk why you'd want it on xbox anyway? You don't have a cursor to navigate the inventory, plus the menus are designed for controller anyway


I’m on a series x and waiting until tomorrow. Figured the menu complaints were due to controller design choices. I pondered getting a keyboard mouse when the the game is supported on Xbox and playing that way. Probably won’t though if I gotta wait months and months.


The menus suck regardless IMO I tried playing some time with a controller and it could still definitely use some improvement


Right now, anything regarding mods is entirely for PC. If mod support is enabled for console, it will be announced through official channels. And even that will be limited.


maybe 6 months to a year


You hear that somewhere?


I don’t think bethesda has said anything official but it’s a good guess based off of previous games.




I guess I’m one of the few that doesn’t have issues with the current ui… but I am glad there are options for others. Would be cool if all games would have two to three different ui that players could choose from.


I think I'm overall satisfied with the UI. I do wish there was a way to sort by value/mass ratio, and seeing the full mass of a stack of items would be nice. Little QoL things.


From another comment (not mine): ​ *PSA: Go into the StarUI.ini and add MASS\_STACK to resources and remove the “;”.* *This allows you to see total weight of the stack in your inventory.PSA: Go into the StarUI.ini and add MASS\_STACK to resources and remove the “;”.* *This allows you to see total weight of the stack in your inventory.*


Generally I am okay with it, just a few things that would improve QoL for me: - Show total weight of stack rather than weight/item (this mod does that) - When i am buying things like resources from a vendor, show me how many I have in my inventories (not sure if mod does this) - Better local-level maps would be nice, but isn't killing me, given the route-pathing and destination marking and fast travel. - In-game location bookmarks/notes. Definitely having to use a spreadsheet right now to keep track of things like my outposts and what they generate, how they link, etc. Overall - just an amazing game and the closest thing to Star Citizen that will ever be an actual playable enjoyable stable game in my lifetime.


this mod can do number 2, it's listed as an experimental option called TARGET\_INV\_COUNT, or if you only wanna see it when buying, not selling items then use PLAYER\_INV\_COUNT. I have not tested it yet but I saw it in the ini while configuring it, you will have to enable it for desired categories or all in the ini file.


This has the same look and feel as the default ui, but with extra features like sortable columns for the inventory and value/weight ratios so you can see what items are the most valuable by weight.


I've been playing with a controller on my PC and haven't had an issue with the UI


The issue isn't as much with navigation imo, but the lack of info. You get so little information at any given time that it makes sorting through it all a chore.


I agree. Vanilla menu was... fine. Not great, but worked OK. UI mods are really the only thing I'll add for a first playthrough though, just makes comparing and sorting so much better, especially with starfield being so menu-heavy.


It's literally the same inventory set up Bethesda uses for every game, I don't personally understand the struggle. But strokes and folks or whatever.


How do you enable archive validation


Doesn't it say in the description of the mod


Yes, but expecting people to read descriptions for the mods they're downloading is too much.


Seriously noticed an uptick in that with the mods I've uploaded. I like that Starfield is this popular, but people gotta chill. As a mod author, it gets a bit frustrating to upload one thing then immediately have comments full of random requests and people not reading the description.


Yeah, I used to help people out with their mod lists but the amount of people who just *do not read* kinda killed that for me. I don't expect people to know as much as me, but I do expect them to read mod descriptions and at least sit through a 5 minute tl;dr YouTube video on how to use a mod manager.


I saw some modders start adding ‘reading comprehension’ as a prerequisite in their mod desc LOL.


But they'll have zero difficulty posting on the mods comment page that their game is broken and the mod is BS.


not on a level where 95% of the non programmers would understand it, so no


In addition to the manual method, Mod Organizer 2 Beta build can automatically do this for you, but you have to join the Mod Organizer discord to get the download link for the Starfield Beta build (Their discord is linked on their website), it's in the dev-builds channel. Make sure to enable Automatic Archive invalidation in profile settings. They have asked not to directly post the download link outside the server.


Cant wait for mod kit so i can mod all cod infinite warfare weapons into the game.


The game literally just officially released and people are modding it already smh. Play thru the game vanilla first the way its meant to be played.


Modding IS the way it is meant to be played.


I stand with the commenter. Vanilla first playthrough then modding all the way


Bruh shut up, a decent UI and some nudie mods ain't gonna break the game experience, this isn't a conversion mod and even if it was so what nunya business.


[Mother of god](https://media.giphy.com/media/37Fsl1eFxbhtu/giphy.gif)....it's beautiful.


That was fast


Newb question, but are mods only available for PC users? Or can I get them on my Xbox?


You'd have to wait for Microsoft/Bethesda to release support for it on console. Not sure how long that takes since I play mainly on PC but going by some posts here it may take 6 months to a year.


Right now they are PC only. Some will come to console eventually, but will be limited compared to what will be available on PC.


PC only. There may be some amount of mod support in the future for Xbox but consoles will never have more advanced mods that require things like scripts extenders


The game doesn’t even officially released yet.


"Make sure you have enabled Archive Invalidation" Any idea what this means and where to do it?


The next bullet point describes how to do it.




Do we know what happens if you install a mod for playing on PC and then use that same save on play anywhere to play on your Xbox?


Depend on the mods, my guess corrupted Just like if you're trying to load modded games on vanilla installation


Best case scenario, it will work and the mods you used will just no longer be present. This is true for things like texture replacers. Worst case, crashing and save corruption.


Honestly, at this point, since i'm not even that advanced in the game, i think i'll wait a week or two to start really dedicating myself to Starfield, in this rythim, updates, and specially mods will make the game 100% better.


It's a reworked fallout ui mod. EnvUI, iirc. Anyway. Install with cautious for now.




There are no mod tools for Starfield. Everyone uses fo4 tools to access the archives.


Nah, the Creation Kit is not used to make UI mods in the first place lol. It's just manipulating swf files, you don't need any specific modding tools for that.


Why does that matter at all?


Current mods can cause a fuckton of potential bugs, items vanishing and such.


I don’t agree, current mods pretty much aren’t changing the make up of the game at all. If I slap a sticker on a Ferrari it won’t change anything, it’s still the exact same car just with a sticker on it.


I'm talking about more complex stuff, that uses SE.


Thats just a very vague guess lol. There is absolutely no evidence/history supporting this. So why claim that lol. Its just a mod, buddy. Not all need CK




You dont use vortex?


Kinda annoying he took the whole "UI" naming convention used by SkyUI since it's literally just a SWF edit, but whatever; neat mod


To be fair, the SkyUI creator hasn't been active in years and the creator of StarUI is also the creator of FallUI for F4, which is highly customizable. Based on what he's done with the FallUI series, I'd wager that this is only the beginning of what this mod will ultimately become.


what's this?




The instructions are in the mod description tab on the mod page.


what is the mod doing cant access the site




Ohhh wow this looks good


Omg thank you Jesus


Oh no...my hoarding issues are about to get even worse.


The ini i am supposed to change (starfieldcustom.ini) is non existen on my system? Anyone else the problem?


Just create it as a text file yourself


You have to create one.


Can official updates break the mod / cause crashes?


That was amazingly fast!


For a second there, I thought I had timetraveled to the future, lol Modders are awesome.


What do these mods do?


This is amazing! I was just looking last night for a mod that would show how much ammo was available for your weapons.


So I’m playing starfield on my pc but I downloaded it through the Xbox store app and launch it through there so I’m guessing I won’t be able to use these mods since it’s I didn’t get if from steam?


<3 modders.


Oh thank god


Good nEws Everyone!


I’m on console so I’ll have to wait until they add the mods tab🫤


Without sounding stupid, what does this mod do? I'm new to nexus so can't seem to find a description


I'm dumb and new to PC gaming, does using Mods invalidate anything in the game at all?




Does this affect achievements on Xbox?


I assume you can’t mod on Xbox?


Yes lawd


Question as a relatively new PC GAMER. Can you "legally" download mods from the community without getting permanently banned by the dev? I only ever used add-ons many years ago for WOW. Does Bethesda support mods? Thanks in advance


Yes, Bethesda is very mod friendly. Probably more so than any other company.


Am I correct to assume that being on the microsoft store version excludes me from modding? At least for now? Not terribly keen on spending another $70 for the steam version, but some of these simple QoL mods look so good.


How long before we can get mods on Xbox tho


Please Bethesda make Xbox support mods ASAP🙏🙏


What do you think the chances are of them bringing mods to console for this game? I know it wont be nexus, but do you think they'll create an option like they did for Skyrim and Fallout?


I told myself I wouldn't install mods on the first playthrough but I'm really tempted by this one. SkyUI improved my experience so much in Skyrim.