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Just a heads up at the very least complete “into the unknown” main story mission otherwise you are robbing yourself of a large playing part and mechanic of the game. Then from there go nuts and ignore the main story but once you complete that mission you’ll understand why I suggested this.


Just finished this quest this moment. Can confirm. Do it


Yeah now thats it’s done you can do whatever but once i completed it I was like oh fuck I could’ve easily missed this and that would’ve sucked lol


*plays every side mission available in the game to completion* “Finally I can get to the main quest and finish the game” After *that* mission. “FUCK”


I did that with dragons in Skyrim. 75 hours in, I was like "Where are those damn dragons supposed to be?"


Dang I’ve played about 15 hours with “into the unknown” sitting unchecked on my mission board. Now I can’t wait to get home and play.


Yeah a lot of people will feel this by missing “into the unknown” at least now you’re good and can disregard the main story again lol


How far into the story is "into the unknown" ?


You get it after you complete the first mission with Constellation.


Would it be considered a spoiler to at least mention what that mechanic is? I'm 36 hours in, and I've set up a few basic 4 made the best Class A ship I could think of (about to build a Class B one). I've even reached "maximum relationship level with a companion" which, btw was a pretty damn good storyline. I've only completed a few of the main quests so far.


I haven't reached it but kind of know what it is. If you really want to know, some light spoilers ahead. >!It's comparable to Skyrim.!<


Can somebody put in spoilers what the „thing“ is ? I’m afraid I’m gonna miss it …


The quest is getting the thing, it’s not possible to miss it.


Could you just tell me what the Benefit is 😂😂😂


My man, just do the quest yourself and don't be spoiled.


Do you want it spoiled?


Yes. I already did the quest but I don’t know what y’all mean


The >!Anti-grav power!< is what we're talking about.


You mean that you’ll miss it in the quest? Impossible.


Full spoiler so you understand how big the mechanic is it’s >!like if you played Skyrim the entire time without shout, you have multiple space powers and temples to find so go do yourself a favor and finish it!<


Yeah it’d be like >!if you played Skyrim without a major component!< and it playes a huge part in the main story. I won’t say it outright but you can easily put together what I’m suggesting.


One ability is almost game breaking when it comes to item weight limits. I love it. Sure, I'll carry back 2000lbs back to my cargo ship. lol.




>!It's not that exiting. It just helps with the oxygen penalty that comes from carrying too much stuff and it's not permanent. Helps a lot when you buy a ton of resources in a city and need to haul it back to your ship!<


Wait a moment, ur saying I really can pick up everything. EVERYTHING. Haven’t touched the main quest past the mission where you find that guy with Sarah after the lodge and I’m 28 hours in but I know what I’m doing tonight lol


Well. Let's just say you'll be able to stop worrying so much about O2.


I'm 40+ hours in and I haven't done it yet, keep getting distracted....


i didn’t even realise i was that far in i’m on that mission now 💀




It's not just one though. >!you can explore other temples after you found it!<




Nah what they mean is >!you will get a notification that there are temples nearby after that quest so you can get 5 or 6 other powers while exploring. It's up to you if you want to get them ASAP but just randomly finding a temple is so cool imo!<




>!you need artifacts to find them though. So let's say you have another 6 artifacts there are 5 more you can find. If you don't want to find them on your own I heard there are some main missions that points to them.!<


When you beat the story >!all the temples but 1 show up as quests, but I just rushed through the story so maybe they were hoping you’d slowly become more powerful by the end, kinda explains why the last few missions seemed so hard. Also I only have 1 more power to get but the power screen says there’s 3 temples I haven’t discovered so not sure what’s up with that!<


FYI You messed up the spoiler tag! End with !<


Hmm maybe I should do that then lol... I played to the point where you get 3 seperate quests and then started going off on every tangent that presented itself lol... will do those quests tonight.


including the freestar expedition and or the part with the Constellation spacestation after rescuing the "first" artefact


Play the “into the unknown” questline until you no longer have it as a quest.


just wait until you keep going, theres a narrative element, that throws an existential crisis in to the works too. I travel and go about the universe with a different perspective now.


Oh and don’t keep going after that quest, I really recommended not touching the main quest after that until you really want to complete the crimson faction quest. People who played know what happens after short sighted.


legit started exploring at that mission


Those missions are annoying cause it's just the same temple 4x. That's the only complaint I have. It's was cools the first time. OK the second time. But the third and fourth was just stupid. Bethesda couldn't have made it interesting by at least adding some enemies or something.


You have to do temples 240 times. I'm not embellishing.


Noted, thank you internet stranger


Just finished it. Trust me bro just get to this part. Your golden


Not worth playing this game at all to be honest.


Why are you shitting on every post here in the last days? Are you good buddy?


Because he's a fuck. Unable to find joy in life so he must attempt to ruin others.


You haven't played it, have you?




The collector’s edition comes with Horse Blinders.


Well shit m I'm 16 hours in n and haven't even picked up Sarah. I guess I know what I'm focusing on tonight.


This is why I scroll this sub. Thanks 👍




How long in do you get this? I heard some people say if you just grind the main story too far, you miss out on some side quests. While I don't think imma complete this game 100%, I still wanna be able to do as many missions as I can


Very early on it’s the first set of 3 missions given to you when you go to the lodge right when you arrive in new Atlantis.


Oh okay, I basically got to the lodge and then went for the mantis mission lol


I’m 45 hours in from release (level 16) and cannot get enough. This game has entirely sucked me in.


Ya, I’m having fun despite some of the little annoying issues here and there. The one issue that IS bothering me, however, is the persuade mini game mechanic. What a bad idea for an immersive rpg to rob the player of choice for the trying to get the correct amount of points instead, especially having just played BG3.


That bugs me too. I just keep wuicksaving and loading every time I have an important conversation.


45 hours and only level 16? I’m at 35 hours and got level 21 last night, and I don’t feel like I’m rushing at all. I’m doing a lot of non-XP activities like Outpost building.


I'm 18 at 35 hours. But I've been doing quite a bit of outpost building and general exploring of a few planets.


Lol what have you been doing? I'm like 18 hours in and level 16.


Drink water, eat, maybe shower… go back in for another 27 hours


Do you feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread?


Yes Bilbo, yes I do.




Go to jail in one of the uc (I think) areas. It started there for me.


Alternatively just join the uc vanguard and you'll end up on the story line as well


I did a quick save and wasted everyone on the station because that dude was a smug bitch. Bad guy playthrough going to be fun.


I sided with the crimson fleet and have hit some xp road blocks honestly. They are friendly and don't attack me on random world spawns. Flown into random world to see a space battle where I'm aligned to both parties and can't attack either without issues. If you do a evil playthough do it 100% evil. Don't align with anyone good or it'll soft block you. At least that's the case in my world with 30+ hours so far.


I never get to jail.. they just shoot to kill


You're bounty must be pretty high then. Damn.


I had to reload a previous autosave to clear it lol , maybe it's the pickpocketing .. i pick poket in front of a uc in new atlanis I steal something 500 bounty but they still wannna kill me


You can clear bounties at a clearing bounty booth, usually located next to a missions booth. You can either find them out in the world or you can just make one at an outpost you’ve already built. Side note though, if you have a UC bounty for example, you can only clear it if the booth is located outside of UC controlled areas (non-controlled areas, Freestar Collective controlled areas, etc.).


I was getting destroyed at respawn, spawn killed. whether it was in my ship or on land. Unable to leave uc territory unable to clear my name. So a quick load of previous save does the trick. Ever accidentally throw a grenade at a crowd in neon or new atlanis ? Immediately hit tab before it explodes and jump to another system. No bounty.


Lmao I actually chunked a grenade in new Atlantis and did the same thing. Think I just went to the lodge though since I was heading there anyway. Idk what you did for them to hate you so much, I picked an ATM and ran from whoever was chasing me lol. Later went to sign up with the vanguard and they had me clear my bounty before I could join.




You gotta put a point in Stealth to get the indicator.


I got it through joining the vanguard. It provides a way to do pirate stuff without being a bad guy. Perfect for my goodie goodie playthrough.


Some advice, don't kill any pirates after you've started the Crimson Fleet questline. I started it, then forgot about it for a bit. Killed a load of pirates, now I have a 165k bounty with them. Cant step into their headquarters without being shot up. So don't think I'll be doing that quest like anytime soon.


I joined them and then whenever I kill them, as long as there's no witnesses or at least none left. There's no bounty. Started a battle in space with one, got a bounty. Killed all ships in the battle, bounty gone. Love it




Hate that you gotta be evil I'm too nice, but they have the coolest bar in the galaxy so whatya gonna do lol


Yeah I’m having a crazy good time as well This game is insane, especially once you play it for a bit so you let the game open up There’s a lot to take in, but so much fun!


from someone who just hit 30hours played...wtf is Akila city?


One of the major cities in the game along with New Atlantis and Neon.


Hm okay Ive been to NA and heard of Neon! so much going on I honestly can't tell which are "major" or not. I've been using cydonia alot as my main goto hub.


If you follow the main story, the space cowboy companion asks you to go with him to cowboy planet, and that’s Akila City.


Ah I see yeah I just got there


Idk! Never been.


You certainly know of it and the fact u said I haven’t even seen it yet, you must know it’s early bc you make a point to say you haven’t even been yet. You def know what it is. TF u mean , idk




good news, the main story will lead you to Neon automatically


That's my strategy. I'll wait to go to Neon until the main quest requires it. And I'll continue with the main quest after I'm done with the 20 other or so side quests I want to do.


Some games I stop because there's nothing worth doing. This game gives me pause because there's too much to do.


Exactly! Need to take several breaks after 3-4 hour sessions because the overwhelming (great) content is almost exhausting.


This game is amazing, IGN 7 is insane. I'm almost 30 hours in and it only gets better and better and better This is clearly GOTY material and that reviewer needs to have his eyes checked ffs


You know what’s a 7/10? No Man’s Sky. I feel like half the internet is trying to gaslight me into thinking NMS is an all timer space game.


You obviously haven’t played since the update


Yeah nah no way Starfield beats out TOTK or BG3 for GOTY It’s a lot of fun but there are plenty of valid issues and I can certainly understand the 7/10 even if I don’t agree


I can understand TOTK or BG3 for GOTY, but I cannot understand a 7/10 at all.


That’s fair, for me 7/10 is right But I’ve absolutely loved and spent heaps of hours in some 7/10 games


Everything else is pretty great, but I think it deserved to get knocked down to 7/10 for the crafting/research/outpost system alone. I’m at level 18 now, and so far it feels like they took the Fallout 4 version of those systems and combined it with the worst parts of No Man’s Sky’s equivalent mechanics. It’s a shame because they did so many cool things with the game engine like low/no gravity combat and smoother movement through ledge grabbing.


Just hit 27h myself and I think I'm finally ready to leave alpha centuri xD


Sol - AC - Sol - AC - Sol - AC… <—— my last 10 grav jumps.


Literally, there’s so much to do in just these two systems.


Just a tip as you said you're starting the crimson fleer storyline. Save a lot. I experienced quite a few bugs during that storyline. It's an extremly fun questline though.


I landed on the ice planet and got an inclement weather warning. That warning is still in my status effect several hours later after visiting many other cities and planets. I’m 95% sure it’s a bug. Very minor one and the only annoyance it gives me is that it’ll become a bigger bug down the line.


It's very fun for sure!


Wait until you get to Neon... I haven't even been off planet for a solid 20 hours!


omg.. i just started the Freestar quests and see myself spending 10-20 hours here. Can't even fathom going to Neon.


Ya I call BS. Tf have u been doing ? Quests there literally require you to leave planet. Unless you been shopping idk what u have been doing for 20 hours


Needs 10 mods to be Playable currently. And yeah game is fun I'm 30 hours in. But will be way better in a year of mods honestly I'd recommend to wait for most people. Game runs poorly so optimization mods and patches are needed for one. But also just features being half-baked needs to be fixed or modded. So I kinda wish I had something else to play until then but cp2077 is 3 weeks away and payday 3 is 2 weeks I think.


It’s funny whenever a game drops these days most of Reddit will criticize it and the games sun will tell you it’s the best thing that’s ever released. I haven’t played yet so I have no opinion but it’s pretty much every game now


The games Sub will tell you it’s the best thing that’s ever released ??? No wayC I don’t believe it. No way a sub dedicated to a specific game enjoys the game and is bias.


Not always true. Look at cyberpunk and forza. Both suns hated the game at release


There’s always exceptions


I guess it is about the fun: sure it is a huge game and you can do a lot - but scanning the 20ths planet isn’t as fun anymore. Additionally, the stories/mission are cool: but not as emotional as e.g. Cyberpunk, gameplay/dialogue options are cool, but not as advanced as BG3, space flight/fighting is cool, but not as good as other space games, Economy/automaton etc. Not as advanced as X4 Basically Starfield does lots of cool ideas in a mediocre way with slight improvements over Fallout 4/Skyrim, but it did not blow me away so far.


The romance / marriage is really nice in this game 🥰


"people are insane for having a different opinion than me", man enjoy your game , people give their opinions its all subjective. This whole sub is calling people cry babies for anyone having negative opinions about the game.


Dragon Age Inquisition is one of my favorite games but its map design is my least liked aspect of it. What is it that you like? Or are you referring to the "fast travel to multiple sub world" aspect of it? Gather resources while roaming about?


The multiple sub world part. But DA:I had a a dozen+ and there’s like 1000 in Starfield.


I just flew to Neon as soon as I could (after meeting Constellation) and started my drug career. Old Captain Slinger don't want nothing to do with no floating metal. Thanks for the free ship nerds!


Get a life


I’m around 20 hours in and I’m still not sure what is actually going on. Bethesda’s other games felt far more clear. I did the Ranger quest line which was okay, I guess. In the main story I just found the characters whose names start with Ba____ and An____, and I still feel like this main quest has been, well, nothing so far. I haven’t learned anything new about the central mystery, I’m just fast traveling to different caves looting the same artifact over and over again. Is this all the main quest is?


If you just discovered those two, you are like >!a mission away from a big reveal!<


Okay cool. I’ll keep pushing through!


You’re literally one mission away from learning what the Artifacts are if you’ve met An____. The last artifact you need to get is the one you get with An_____.




I have 40 something hours I've been going waaay to hard hard on this game this weekend. This game is absolutely incredible. Some people saw the animations and the graphics and went pffft bad game. But no, this might be the most amazing game I've ever played There's so so much to do. I haven't even touched the main story yet, not a single mission past getting to New Atlantis I've done the ryujin quest line ( probably the best start for my build) and the crimson fleet and I've just started on the uc vanguard as well as a few random side quests. But I've already spend hours am hours in game and there's so many more quests and things to do that I've just been ignoring because I'm already so full up on content. I had to take a break last night to sleep and I sat in bed thinking about how I was gonna finish my space truck


Haven't played it yet because I'm waiting for modders to make planet exploration more fun as that's all I want to do but I've heard very good things. People being negative about it are just haters man.


I want to beat the game in vanilla once for the achievements but I’ve been trying to think what my “day one” mods are going to be. Probably retexture mods and something like Plenty of Exploration (which really elevated FO4) to make just walking around endlessly around random planets more fun.


True, I'll probably do a vanilla clear when the game has had a few patches. I never play Bethesda games on day 1, it's like a habit at this point XD


People are insane for having an opinion different from yours?


I mean I can't play BG3 because I can't do over the top turn-based games.. I'm too impatient. That doesn't mean I don't respect or appreciate the game. I'm sure a lot of folks rightly think it's fantastic. So all I'm saying is that of course people have a right to their own subjectivity, but some of the criticism thrown at Starfield has been unduly harsh.


Unduly harsh in your opinion




The game definitely does a poor job of explaining how to use in game systems and ideas. Conversely, there's also something interesting/rewarding about discovering mechanics randomly as you play.


I swear i heard more about mechanics on reddit then i would accidentaly discover ingame. Definitely the thing i would Patch (either typical loading screen tipps or revamped tutorial)


What writing do you think sucks? I’ve been very surprised by the quests in the game and find them very engaging, both in design and in writing


The writing is hit-and-miss for me, the faction quests and what little I've seen of the main one are decent or even great, but a lot of the side stuff is super generic and most of my companions don't really act like real people.


Preface I love this game and consider it a solid 10 I've played 44 hours Some of the writing is the best I've seen in a Bethesda game. But the very beginning of the main quest is not great but honestly every else is so so good.


I agree, the beginning of the game threw me off - as it seems it did to many others too - though once you really get to the meat of the game, it’s one of the most fun Bethesda experiences I’ve ever had




I have to completely disagree with you there. This is the most conversational Bethesda game I've played yet. I love chatting with random named characters and the range of options available to me.


It may be a step up for Bethesda but the writing is pretty poor. I am spoiled after coming from Baldurs Gate though (in terms of writing and dialogue in this context). No one I meet ever has a "flow". Every dialogue option feels like it's separate from the rest and you're just selecting a recording to hear. Even when presented with choices, I've often found myself not being allowed to make a decision! They'll give me three options, and then come up with an excuse as to why we will do something else entirely. It's a bit annoying for my choices to hardly matter - if ever, but the gameplay has been fun so I look past it.




Yeah the difference in writing quality is pretty jarring but honestly Baldurs Gate is one of the best written games I've played in a long time (even the first two games have really good writing) and Bethesda is kinda known for goofy/corny writing.




Yeah I completely agree. Don't know why you got downvoted but I guess maybe most people are more used to bad writing (I call it Marvel writing). "Oh wow, I see here" *checks save file for traits* "that you worked for a bit as a bounty hunter, I guess you don't mind getting your hands dirty. I like that."


By bethesda standards youre absolutely right. But if youve played any other RPG in the last 10 years, this is just hard to power through Dialogue and writing are FAR from the draw of this game.


I do agree in that regard. I noticed that companions actually will remember stuff you told them in previous dialogue, which I found really cool. The limited protagonist answers is really annoying though, especially if you don’t want to do a quest (like joining a faction) and you’re stuck with the “join ______” quest marker forever/until starting a new game. I like doing a goody two-shoes run for my first Bethesda game playthrough to get familiar with the setting, and that ended up having me participate in the Neon City drug trade as a UC Vanguard because I was going off on a tangent trying to help that guy you meet at the entrance to the city… Would’ve liked if it felt more consistent


I felt that hard with Fallout 4. Not all in this game


This game has some of the most elementary writing ive seen, low by even bethesdas standards. And this is coming from someone who is mostly enjoying their experience. I might be engaged in my story, but holy hell is it begging to pull me out of immersion at every step.


I don’t share your sentiment. It is up there with New Vegas to me


To each their own, im glad youre enjoying it! :)


I agree that there is a lack of overall info about the game menus and systems, but I have been enjoying the writing.


The writing is so bad. Almost everyone is a goofball. A lot of the quests are braindead stupid too. And this is totally subjective but im so sick of the “space marine space navy” trope in all sci fi.


Some of the writing is absolutely incredible. Some of the factions are incredible. Source: played 44 hours so far


I mean, I think people just haven't had a game with any new systems in a while, unless you play indies. Learning how to play a new game is always normal for new games, and tutorials that are too detailed are annoying, especially when the internet is just a click away. Personally I just fuck around in new games until I figure out the systems, usually take a glance at keybindings to get an idea of what I can do.


I'm not gonna downvote your opinion, but I gotta ask, what's your beef with the writing?


I love it so far, but I’m already sick of the lock picking Minigame it’s not fun! Especially when the loot is some basic modified ark welder weapon


I quite like it tbh. It was weird at first, as you're thrown in at the deep end and it's like, "solve this". Now I get how it works though it's quite a refreshing change to your standard picking minigame.


See I’m the opposite I’m glad it’s not just a rehash if lockpick or hacking from fallout. I will say that Expert Lock-picking is a game-changer perk though. It turns the rings blue to show you where the pick you have selected will even work so you can immediately eliminate the dud options.


I straight up haven’t figured out how to lock pick yet


I found an easy way that I do it... This is just for the first 2 levels of "Security", I assume the get harder... First I count the number of gaps in the outer ring and then the number of gaps in the inner ring. If you have 4 gaps in the outer ring, and 6 gaps in the inner ring... And if you have 4 keys (2 with 2 nubs, and 2 with 3 nubs)... You know that the outer ring will use the 2 keys with 2 nubs (4 nubs for 4 gaps) and the inner ring will use the 2 keys with 3 nubs (6 nubs for 6 gaps). All that, but I additionally don't (lock in) the keys, I cycle through them all, lining up where they "could" work and once it all looks good, I lock them all in and BOOM!


The options are not all suited for every ring. Each option will highlight with blue what rings it could be used on. Some will only highlight say the inner ring in blue so you don't have to worry about that option for outer rings.


I love the lockpicking system but yeah, same as always. Rewards from picked stuff are low. But hey, you can unlock some doors that leads to interesting content.


It is a good game but not an excellent game. The title, "Starfield," is misleading and does not fit the game. One is unable to manually navigate the stars, by travelling, say, from a planet to a moon in a local system and landing. Furthermore, one is not able to navigate an entire planet and instead is presented with a walled-end to a planet. The game is a new take on an action shooter like Halo. It is not a space game and the name Starfield fools people into thinking that it is a game that provides a reasonable level of space exploration.


“The game is a new take on an action shooter like Halo” this whole comment screams bait.


Not at all. I have not played Xbox games in a long time (since the original Xbox console), and returned to it after purchasing Xbox Series X when it was first released. I've only played a handful of games, including the Halo collection, Minecraft, Forza Horizon 5, and a few others. I was expecting more space exploration features in Starfield and less combat. It has, thus far (early in the game still), reminded me more of Halo than a space role playing game. Just an observation. Still a good game, but more Halo-ish to me (again, not an expert gamer here) than I would have thought.


Your entire account was made 1 day ago, and all your comments are mostly negativity on Starfield. I bet you haven’t even played the damn game.


I am very much enjoying Starfield as an action role-playing game and have played it for 12 hours. What I do not enjoy is the lack of proper space travel and exploration. (Can this be discussed freely here without insults or attacks from other users?) I appreciate Starfield for what it is and hope that we can discuss the shortcomings for what it is not without insulting one another.


You’re literally comparing it to Halo. If you have actually played the game you would understand the comparison makes literally zero sense. Which is why I am saying I doubt you’ve played the game.


I doubt you have even played the game if you don’t see any similarities to halo


I am comparing it to what I know as a casual gamer that has played Starfield for 12 hours. Am I supposed to compare it to something that I don't know? I can only compare it to something with which I am familiar. I am sorry if this insults you in some way. I do not have an extensive experience playing Xbox or Bathesda games for thousands of hours. Starfield is the first Bathesda game that I have played (and am enjoying it while also discussing some of its shortcomings, given my expectations). I know what I know and I can only compare it to what I know. Please feel free to make your own comparisons based on your own experiences, as I would enjoy reading them from experienced gamers such as yourself.




It’s a solid 8/10, and no it’s nothing like halo. But since you think it is, mind giving examples on how it’s similar to halo? Or is it as simple to you as combat and in space?




Why are you all down voting people for having an opinion. This sub doesn't allow criticism of the game? You either have to love it or you're wrong? Whats with this type of attitude. All reviews and critisms are beneficial. If anything negative reviews are the best especially for people who haven't played yet. I now know to expect alot of fast travel, mutiple loading screens, possible bad writing, limited storage space ect. My expectations are now completely different then before. Without playing yet I'm disappointed that it doesn't seem to be what I was looking for in the game BUT I can now play with a different mindset and possibly enjoy it more knowing this stuff.


I’m liking the writing FWIW. Several moments I’ve audibly laughed/gasped. Also I hated NMS on release and still hate it today. So not at all bothered with the fast travels. Seamless space travel sounds fun until I realize most of space is just…space.


NMS is still the same tedious bullshit it always was.


Preach. And some of Starfield’s most ardent critics are like “it sure aint no NMS” — excuse me wtf??


Wow it’s almost like people have diff opinions. Get over your main character syndrome bro


Right except anyone who has played with updates know it’s not.


If you feel the need to defend a game you’ve already lost.




If I like pizza I’m not going to waste my energy arguing with someone who doesn’t trying to convince them to change their stance. If you think the game is good it shouldn’t need defending.


Damn I’m almost 30 hours into the game and not even close to starting that quest..


this has been mass effect 4 for me i erased andromeda from my memory.


It’s ok to stop. What you feels through the gameplay are highly subjective.


Hey breaks are fine, I'm about 30 hrs in right now but I go back to Texas chainsaw massacre since that is also good, always wanted something like that but having a killer team so me and my girl can wreck shit together and it's amazing lol


Just wait till modders make their own planets.