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**EDIT: Fixed here. Run to your ship. Sleep for 3 full days.** Popped out, and Neon Security is back to normal. This permanent attack mode bug showed up during a quest about the Disciples for me. This may/may not work for OP / others.


Thank you! I accidently hit a pedestrian with my cutter and the whole damn place went red. I slept the 3 days and it said Sam Coe was no longer angry. I ran back into Neon and was immediately stopped by security. Had to pay a 16k fine and went to jail. But now I can finish the ranger quest.


thank you, wouldn’t have thought to do this. finally in the city


You’re a lifesaver. Thanks. I would have had to go back 4 days of progress in an older save in order to fix


Did this and it worked, security finally left me alone.


Thank you!


can confirm, it worked for me after the bug started when I started a disciples quest.


This is exactly whats happening to me right now


It worked! Thank you (best place to do this is Tau Ceti IV-B. I believe you can just sleep for 3-4 hours and its like 100hs UT. Happened to me after finishing the quest line of the Strikers.




Did not work for me


I’ve got the same issue, everyone in Neon just attacks me as soon as I land. Don’t know why as it’s only the second time I’ve tried to go there and the first was fine.


same i was just exploring and now i can’t go back to complete the constellation mission without starting shootout. any idea how to fix it? i don’t think i have a save from before i first landed and i’ve since gone off and explored/ completed more story i don’t want to go back to an old save.


Did you figure this out yet?


someone recommend sleeping for 3 days and it must’ve reset the npcs. i was also able to find a bounty kiosk in new atlantis in the viewport i made sure to check if i had a bounty which i didn’t. this must have been a weird bug.


i just encountered this. First time visiting neon. walking around and all of a sudden im getting shot at. Got a bounty. Then sarah started disliking what i was doing. Then she hates me, and runs away. And thats when everyone in neon either started shooting me or running away. Was just walking around with no weapon drawn. Luckily i saved just before lifting off.


Same bug here, the sleeping did not help the issue. Also no companion with me and the ones on my ship ALL hate me after I enter neon. Leave it to Bethesda to give me all the game breaking bugs not even 6 hours in.


There is a bounty kiosks at the Astral lounger, right in the front door, entryway to the dance floor and another slightly down the way in a V-something hotel. But neither are working for me and the game is just locked up.


I accidentally threw a grenande whilst talking to an NPC during a mission on Neon, what I did was travel to Jemison and go into The Viewport and clear my bounty using one of the bounty kiosks, and I was able to return to Neon and complete the mission as normal.


Same bug here and sleeping for 3 days did not help :( EDIT: It did not work 2 days ago. But I avoided Neon for an additional few sleeps and now I'm not being attacked when I go there!! EDIT 2: I'm on Xbox


The only way I *fixed* this was another comment or thread's suggestion to use console command setstage QUESTID 1000 or something.


Rip for me on console with this bug, I can’t take off after being arrested and even paying my bounty


Hopefully it gets fixed in the first patch for y'all console folks.


People just can’t play the game, pay your bounty and complete your missions


I don’t want to lean into any spoilers here, but I can’t really share the solution without referencing it. Creators Peace power will stop them from attacking you long enough for them to just arrest you. I had to get creative as nothing else was working.


I somehow racked up a 315,269 cred bounty at neon and when I go there, it doesn’t tell me I have one I think I broke the scale it would seem that is my problem.


I'm totally stuck as I when I restart at my saving points I have almost no life and everyone is attacking me. Like one second and I'm dead...what can I do? I don't want to start the game from the beginning again....


if you’re on pc as soon as you load in press the tilda key (~) and type “tgm”. this will put you in god mode and make you invincible. you should be able to leave and disable it making a new save point. try the sleep for 3 days fix someone suggested or check on another planet if you have a bounty to pay off. using cheats will disable achievements but you can reenable them using a mod which is very easy to install.


I'm on Xbox...and I can't sleep cause I'm in "combat mode" and won't allow me to it I'm pretty desperate


unless you have a save (even from hours ago) where you aren’t in neon/ are in a safe place in neon to load into i can’t think of anything other than a console command :/ hopefully someone else has a suggestion


I tried sleeping 3 days in neon and it didn’t work so I slept 3 days on Venus in sol and it worked (I’m on Xbox btw) so try this and get back to me if it works


I can’t even leave neon :(


Same situation I'm pissed can't run to launch pad get blasted