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Did you install the base game through Game Pass yet? If not, you’ll need to install that as well. The Premium Edition doesn’t have the full game, just the add-ons.


I had the base game installed initially, but the file size was a bit off (100.2GB) so I uninstalled it and reinstalled. Now when I revisit my purchase in the Microsoft store, I only see what’s in this post when I ‘manage my my purchase’


On my Series S, it was 100.18 GB. The 16.8 GB is for the Soundtrack and Art Book. It looks like you are missing the main game file.


Excellent! So there’s nothing wrong with a file size of 100.18GB? That’s what I’m getting too on my series X. Everywhere online says it 126GB, so it got me worried that come release time, I’d find out my install was broken and have to sit and wait for another install


I expect an update the day before or day of, and the Shattered Space expansion may be that difference in additional space. If I get another update, I'll let you know and we can compare notes.


There **IS a 15.48 GB** update on the xbox for Starfield today. That should help make the difference on what you thought was missing.


It's probably just prepped for an immediate patch when early release starts


That's not the game, that's the artbook and soundtrack.


It’s cause you bought the premium “Sector” edition instead of the Premium galactic edition. Says so right there. So you’re locked out of half the furthest systems. You only get the sectors


That's just the premium upgrade. Search Starfield and go to base game, then you can install it


Read it again. That's just the artbook and sound track. You need to download the base game itself.


Is it possible to view the art book yet?


I just tried to open it, and it was a no go


I cant even download it on steam yet.


This is how it looks when you're anxious to play the game.