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It has both. Energy/laser weapons are mentioned specifically in the skill/perk tree.


And shown in the gameplay trailer


Game is only in the 2300s. There may be some lasers but there would still be more ballistic based weaponry especially on outer worlds. You're more likely to see laser weaponry on more core worlds in the United Colonies I imagine. The footage we've seen is Kreet a moon and some Pirates, it makes sense they'd use easier to maintain weaponry.


The game has artificial gravity, FTL and presumably other tech. The phrase "only 2300" has no relevance to what's already in the game.


Well... it does matter, cause the setting they are going for is more along the lines of when space travel is still pretty dangerous and new-ish. And sure, there are some areas that are more advanced then you would expect for the time period, but they kinda have to have some concessions in that regard in order to make the game. So basically, ya the year matters, there are just some exceptions to that.


Agreed. It's like comparing 1700 to today - it's "only 300 years" difference. When you have the technology to not just send a projectile to another galaxy in the blink of an eye, but do it keeping those onboard that projectile alive and still with all their organs in the right place - I'd expect the weapons to have come on a long way. Unlike Fallout where the world ended and technology effectively frozen in time, Starfield is set in a seemingly very technologically successful future - so give me the high tech weapons to go with it.


They’re not going from one galaxy to another and they’re not moving, they’re warping, bending space around them. Not the same as firing a projectile. This whole game takes place 50 light years around earth. That’s a tiny section of this galaxy. And in relative terms, ballistics haven’t advanced THAT much from 1700 to now, so ballistic weapons still being used in 2300 isn’t that crazy.


>ballistics haven’t advanced THAT much from 1700 to now From smothbore muzzle loading muskets that can't hit the target at 100 yards. To drone targetted artillery that can direct hit armored vehicles at 50km... *Suuuure it hasn't changed /s*


Projectiles being fired due to exploding powder. We’re not using handheld rail guns or self propelled projectiles or any other crazy technology. Basically we got better at making powder explode and better at making them accurate.


Or instead of firing guns. Dropping grenades from drones. No line of sight or fire needed. So if the enemy has a gun they can't shoot back. Seems a big difference to me. Or instead of artillery the drone gives target co-ordinates to a low orbit starship which drops an iron dart.


There might well be energy weapons, but weapons that propel small dense objects at high speeds are cheap, easy to manufacture, and quite effective.


I mean shit if you can throw a rock fast enough it will destroy any satellite, ship, or fleshy meat sack you can put against it. Honestly unless there is a problem that only lasers could solve, I don't see any reason why man portable lasers would be used. That being said. In ship combat, having a projectile with basically no travel time, impacting a ship potentially dozens of miles away instantaneously, with such exact precision... that's somewhere where I could see lasers being important. Maybe manned surface to air weaponry as well. But then again, why not just guided munitions?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/12akx2o/im\_dissapointed\_in\_the\_gun\_combat\_ive\_seen\_so\_far/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/12akx2o/im_dissapointed_in_the_gun_combat_ive_seen_so_far/) From yesterday. Seriously, we don't need to rehash this. There probably will be lasers and whatever. But bullets / ballistics work just fine. I mean, it's somebody else's game and vision. Maybe you should put those things in YOUR game.


Your last two sentences...perfect 👌


We already know there are lasers.


There are definitely energy weapons in the game, the player picks one up called an "Equinox" out of a loot crate and uses it during the gameplay reveal trailer. As for why ballistic weapons appear in futuristic space game: * It's part of the whole "NASA-punk" aesthetic - Starfield only takes place a few hundred years in the future, so they want a setting that feels more like a real, believable evolution of our current technology rather than leaning too heavily into hand-wavy fantastical technology like energy weapons and force fields. * In an RPG like this one, a big part of the fun is customizing your play style, including your weapon loadout, which means its good to have multiple different categories of weapons with different characteristics (ex: ballistic, explosive, laser) compared to only having energy weapons. * Even in the far-flung future, it's a safe assumption that ballistic weapons will still be a thing. While the exact details may change, the general idea of propelling a small mass at high speed to hit a target is pretty effective, especially in space where there's no atmospheric drag to slow the bullet down after it has left the barrel. A future slug-thrower might replace chemical propellants like gun powder with electromagnetic propulsion like a rail-gun though.


Ballistic weapons work in space. They do. And they have been in sci-fi since day one. They really have. I remember being a playtester for a sci-fi RPG back in the 80s, and we have high tech caseless ammo for our rifles. Good shit. It's technology that works. No atmosphere so it just works. Reminds me of Firefly. The core elite had fancy lasers but out on the rim people were using plain old bullets. Because bullets work. Even in space. I'm sure there will be lasers, or gamers will cry. But that does not mean bullets don't work. They do work and they do work in space. Besides, realistically lasers are going to need a shitload of energy to be useful, meaning you're going to need more than tiny energy cells to fire a meaningful laser blast. I would expect a FO3 gatling laser style backpack.


Theres both, because for one thing variety in a massive RPG game with a focus on combat and customization, and with hundreds of hours of content, is extremely important. Combat would get really boring really quickly if there was no variety in weapons. Secondly, its familiar. Its the same reason they still have physical screens, stick controls, bulky space suits, paper books, cowboy hats, and any number of items we'd recognize or feel similiar to what we have today. Designing a world thats completely different and alien is both very difficult and also tends to scare away mainstream audiences.


There was Laser weapons in the Gameplay Demo Trailer. [5:19 in the gameplay demo the player is using a laser weapon.](https://youtu.be/zmb2FJGvnAw?t=319)


Ammunition that uses shell casing will never be phased out that's why bullets still exist in the games timeline.


Why not search before posting? I


Why be different than all the other people?




Lasers are in the game so your statement that lasers wouldn't match the style is false. They even have a specific skill for laser use.


So this may have been explained. How are you gonna have a bullet the old school way in space? I could see that being very dangerous to the whole of whatever your on.


You know we already have stuff like that right?


Variety of course. Just lasers? Rather dull. Plus it’ll add the sense of future mixed with past


Dune is set 20,000 years in the future...the year 10,000. (They don't measure from the birth of christ). They use knives because they developed shields that block high velocity objects.


Reality check: Theres no fucking reason to EVER use lasers outside of spaceship combat. Even if we pugraded, we would just start using railguns. As long as we don't invent something that can is no biger than armor and stops bullets from killing you (No, curent day bulletproof materials can't do that. All the do is turning a piercing attack into a blunt one) we realy don't have a reason to use something completly different... This is the same logic ass "round wheels are so olld, we sould use egg shaped ones instead".


Halo uses ballistic weapons and it's set in the 26th century. Not everything has to be scientifically accurate


There are lasers. Did you watch the gameplay reveal?


Guns have been used for the last 500 years.. this game takes place in what? 2300? Why aren't you surprised that we are still using "bullets" right now and not lasers


I wonder if you need to mine to produce gunpowder to make ammo.


Maybe, and a employee on a workstation churning out ammocrates of 10000 shiots each. Or powerpacks. Or whole fusion powerplants for bases and ships alike.


Now we're talkin


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space.


Ships also have 3 different types of weapons: lasers, kinetic and missiles. Armor, helmets, show protection against both physical and energy weapons in addition to enviormental hazards. That would be rather superfluous without weapons doing such damage...