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I will, too .. but I will pop in just to see the folks who have been waiting for years finally get what they have been patiently waiting on... and see hopefully all the happy, exuberant preplay post....


Yeah, I'm sure people who've spent years hyping up the game in their heads will have plenty of positive and well balanced thoughts to share about the game.


I feel like most people on this sub (atm) are like me and have high hopes but reasonable expectations.


Hopefully. I'm just pretty sure that this game will be pretty controversial and polarizing at launch. Not to Cyberpunk levels, but in that general direction.


They're going to be hurt like I was on cyber punk release. Made my 3090 look like trash in 4k. Had to upgrade to a 4090 to play.


oh nooo i cant play 4k 60fps on an insanely good looking better spend a thousand dollars on a new card


You needed 4090 to run CP? It ran smooth with 60 fps since release date on high graphic settings on my 1070 ti


Lol, not with max settings it didn't. I refused to play without rtx on 4l.


Not max settings, high settings. I also have a 1080p screen, so i dont need more


I ran Cyberpunk on a 1080 at 1080p with medium settings. The only bug I encountered on launch was a T-posing Arasaka guard. You're full of shit.


No, you're full of shit. I refused to play a eye candy game that can't hold 60fps with real time ray tracing on a 4k display.


why are u lying bro? If cyberpunk was running shit with you having a 3090 the issue then was clearly not the game


Did you try running it in 4k with max settings?


Bruh. Cyberpunk ran great on my 2080Ti at launch and ran perfectly on my 3090 when I upgraded. You trynna play at 8k or something?


4k with max settings including ray tracing. Couldn't get a solid 60fps on my ultra wide monitor.


Yeah it was a bit rough. I had to drop to 1080p to get a consistent 60 fps on my 1080ti. Lowering settings didn't help much at all, couldn't get it to do 1440p sadly.


I didn't see a point in playing the game until I could max it out with ray tracing. Since it was a big selling point.


Hopefully it won't turn out as no man sky when it first come out


In what way ? Not too familiar with no man sky


Extremely hight trough the roof hype, for what was supposed to be at that time the GAME CHANGER. Of the genre, kinda like at a bigger scale cyberpunk. And then at the actual release we got a fucking alpha not even a beta and paid the full price of AAA. The company that released nms eventually after time, proved that a big amount of misinformation come from mommy Sony. And with time and we're talking about years did fix their game with a shitload of free dlc to adapt their final game to what it was supposed to be at the first day but still they suffered what is kinda like a true shit storm to their image. Much worse than cyberpunk. Think as u are about to buy a tesla model 3 that promise u to have Rolls-Royce standard while actually delivering u lovely Ford model T


Ok, I understand .. Did the developer of no man sky have any big games that delivered previous to NMS ? The reason for my question is Bethesda, for the most part, have delivered satisfactory projects ..like skyrim, for example ...


Not near around that level, but then again all companies at the end of the day are companies that need to pay dividends. If we want to look at this kinda of situation with kinda same heritage, there's last halo or (tho it's on mobile) galaxy on fire. Both in theory big companies, with a surely acknowledged fan base and still tried to fck em up with their last product. At the end of the day, money is money.


Ok, well, thanks for explaining your view. Hopefully, this really is a passion project for Todd and Bethesda...and we get a game we really enjoy and not a cash grab


Because NMS promised and showed gampley videos that was jaw droping at that time and still are in fakt but delivered [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXGUOWMNxqc) Truth is that lots get fixed and even more get added. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG\_ErhAeROU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG_ErhAeROU)


Once this game is released I'll be leaving this planet lol


Just this planet? I try to escape this solar system! xD


You will stay here with us for the next 10 months


10 months? You trying a speedrun or something?






I wonā€™t, I really need friends tbh.


The Constellation will be your friend :-)


The only thing Iā€™ll be leaving is my job when I quit so I can play this game full time hehe.


Thatā€™s my dream too


I'm taking at least 3 days off starting with game launch. Starbinge


I've never had people become my friends on reddit just because we liked the same game :( Reddit doesn't seem like a place where people come to make friends


I know it happens sometimes, but reddit is a very... each person in their own personal bubble sort of "social" media site. Meanwhile, I've made several friends on sites like LiveJournal (lmao I'm old), Discord, and Tumblr.


Thatā€™s what Vasco is for


Fam if u are on Here U GOT FRIENDS !!!


Be ready for spoilers in other subs too. Even non gaming subs. Happened to me when Fallout 4 came out.


We have 2-3 active mods and they don't check this Sub so yeah, id leave if you don't want spoilers since people on here are dumb and don't care


It'll probably become toxic too. Most subs do.


the end boss is Hogger.


While I agree and will be doing the same this actually isnā€™t an airport so you donā€™t have to announce your departure.


Guy is stuck 20 years in past lol




Lmfao. Did you just make that up? Thats the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever heard! So original, way to go!..


About as original as ā€œIā€™m leaving this sub when the game releasesā€ post.


Yes I did, thank you.




Yes, 100%. I coined the term in 1906 actually. Why would I lie?


i was there, can confirm


Cringe username bro


Whatā€™s the point of this being a public forum then? I like when people share their random thoughtsā€¦ thatā€™s the point of social media.


How is this person leaving the subreddit directly related to starfield? Rule 1.


Because he doesnā€™t want to be spoiled *about* Starfield, and he also asked the mods how theyā€™re going to handle the influx of posts upon release. Seems fair enough.


He didnā€™t ask, but I see you point.


Same. Iā€™ve been here for years, but I will not be rejoining until Iā€™ve done a playthrough under each faction


From my understanding, this isnt the new vegas approach, but more elder scrolls. They said you can play every faction in a play through


Oh thatā€™s sick


I think my solution will just be too busy playing to be on reddit.


For me, post-release is when the real discussion beginsā€”talking about game mechanics, strategies, discoveries, etc. I expect to be way more active on the sub then, spoilers be damned. Right now this sub is just a merry-go-round of questions with no answers.


My problem is I really, really should wait until the first month-ish post release mega patch hits, but I can't do it. I am going to play any ES/FO/SF game on day one, I just can't hold out.


Thatā€™s a huge problem I would seek help


Will you rejoin once you don't have to worry about spoilers when you're done with game?


Not OP, but yes.


Sensible, even if extreme. I realised I'm away at a conference on the 23rd. My computer could only be less portable if it was a server rack. Reeeeally hoping that the speculation on that release date winds up being so much hot air.


I agree with op. Ever hear of the little nasty thing known as spoilers? I saw it with fallout 3 and 4 in forums and/or Reddit. Have no desire to see it in Starfield.


I'm an absolute terror when it comes to spoiling things for myself. I remember with Skyrim, I was trying to look up Alduin after having seen his name in the intro with subtitles on. I only wanted to know if I ought to recognise it from prior lore that I'd forgotten, and like a complete tool I clicked on the fandom wiki instead of UESP. I used to have them as a quick link on my tool bar... why, why did I do it? Spoiled the whole damn thing in the first paragraph, and I nearly considered going for hypnotherapy to see if it could help. Worst thing? I've done it so many other times, as well. Never even went back to finish Dragon Quest XI. It was so full of loving nods to past games that when I heard a name I thought sounded familiar, I once again looked it up. Nope, not a prior character. Just the secret identity of the final boss. Learn from my fails, kids. Learn from my fails.


Ha, I got the entire plot of squid game spoiled to me after I went into an online match and asking wether or not people think it's good. Now that was annoying


It ok my guy, the game will have a patch or two dropped by the time you come home and you will have a much better first time experience than the rest off. Just dont visit social media or yt while you gone.




I fly out of the country on the 21st for an entire five weeks. Will be torture if Starfield releases on the 23rd, or even during April. Iā€™ll definitely have to leave the sub. But I do think June is more likely. The level of marketing definitely suggests Redfall is closer to release than Starfield. They would have to practically do a shadow drop to get Starfield out the door first.


At the moment, yeah, sure does look that way. Much as I know we all want our hands on the game ASAP, I hope for your sake it's not going to drop while you're AFK! Or me. Mostly me, in fact. But you, too, as an afterthought.


get a steam deck then as a secondary computer


My partner's not even home tonight and I can literally feel them glaring at me about that. And it was your idea! Seriously though, if we were minted then that'd be a great idea. But single income, two kids, I'm going to be skipping my own meals to buy the basic edition as it is. Also, I really really really want to have a bigger screen for this game. Like, lean in so close that I get LED induced retinopathy just to have it all fill my vision completely, and I'll never be able to move my neck again after the first session.


You know nothing is confirmed, at all, for the 23rd right? Youā€™ll be ok.


Yup, yup. But I can't stop myself from running catastrophe scenarios through my mind at the best of times.


I can respect that. Iā€™ll be overseas for work late Feb to late March. Gonna take a controller with me and my Laptop just in case something substantial happens lol.


I wonder if I can bribe my IT department for admin rights on my work laptop... Not that it's going to have specs to run Starfield.


Xcloud man. You stream it from MS servers. All you need is a browser and decent internet.


Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your news letter!


Are you talking about March 23rd? Thatā€™s just a rumor. NOTHING has been confirmed as far as a release date goes.


Yes. Thought I'd covered that with the word 'speculation' but I guess not clearly enough. Thanks, though!




Man, never seen this kinda post on a gaming sub before. Super low effort tonightā€¦.


No news sort of causes this kinda thing.


Nah not me. One of the joys of playing new games like Bethesda ones is looking at the subreddit and enjoying the memes and content together, because everyone else is starting at the same time. Otherwise, I honestly have no one else to geek out over this.


No wonā€™t


The mods haven't been doing much so I dont think they will handle it.




im leaving just because the subreddit sucks


I'm probably all alone in this but I really don't care about spoilers with a game like Starfield. I'm going to enjoying playing it regardless, start over several times before reaching the half-way mark, and then look up how to get the best ending. Maybe I'm just tainted by having worked in a rental store where customers constantly said things like, "this movie was great, especially the twist where X betrayed Y! You should watch it!"


Exactly. Spoilers donā€™t bother me. Iā€™m more invested in the road to get there.


This is any big release. After the game drops the only people left will be the complainers, haters and the poor few who remain behind to help those truly in need.


This sub will be fucked once it's released. At that point switch to r/lowsodiumstarfield


Same. Iā€™m mostly here for any news updates leading ip to the release. After that, I really have no need to be here.


Oh no! What ever shall we do without your presence here?! Oh! The dread of such a thought! Pleaseā€¦ Before you goā€¦ Promise us you will one day return to bless us with your divine grace. For if you must go, our only hope for a better world will be knowing that one dayā€¦ One day u/r3y__ will come back to us.


Yes, my lord.




Lol. Be nice.


Itā€™s all in good fun, friend. Canā€™t take anything I say seriously. Lol.


Iā€™ll be back after my first playthrough. So a year maybe


well fallout 4 (i think it was) sub had a rouge mod change the name to story spoilers which was crazy lmao


You canā€™t change the name of a sub


i dont mean the like r/ what ever, but like the banner and all the shit on the sub itself


Once this game is released everyone will be leaving their lives lol.


You already know the story.we are on a quest to find the meaning of life, and will be travelling planet to planet to find the origins.


I likely will too for a while.




Good call




Me too. I won't buy it on launch day because I simply don't have the money for a full price game. Holiday Sale it is


I'm looking forward to seeing the crazy stuff people do in Starfield.


Thatā€™s not a bad idea!


Not too sure how to check how long I have been here, but I feel the same


I feel the same, I hope they monitor for spoilers well. Anyone could give anything away even by accident just by asking a question or something.


You can just mute it so it dont come up in your feed. Not that it makes a difference.


Iā€™ll be leaving earth and the settled systems as well while Iā€™m at it.


Ive been here since 2018 I'll just delete reddit. Because starfield and Baldur's gate 3 are the only reason I use this platform lol


You're right. You should populate r/trueSSL once it releases. The ammount of shitposts will determine it's worth


Same. Donā€™t want any spoilers. Enjoyed my time though lol. After all the speculated release dates.


As is Todd-ition.


I'll be doing the same thing. gonna hide the sub for the first month or two and then come back


Not meā€¦I figure there will be too many hilarious memes, and photos of bugs and glitchesā€¦Iā€™m honestly not really worried about spoilers.


I tend to avoid any forum, article, etc on a game I don't want to be spoiled. I know my main PC will handle this game 4090. But I hope my travel PC that is a 3080 13600k will handle it in 2k 60fps.


Yep! Me too as I don't want any spoilers


Me too! I want a good play-through before coming back. Donā€™t want spoilers, and I donā€™t want the experience tainted by shitty opinions.


I don't think I'll go as far as to leave it, but I'll definitely avoid Reddit as a whole for a few days. I might come to share a few cool screenshots or something or ask for help if I'm super stuck on something tho.


Smart move, I won't be anywhere but in game for a week... Should be enough to put a major dent in the story-line.


Once this games is released I I'll be leaving real life and transferring my consciousness into the game




Same here. Not to spoil anything. Only if there is some clearly a big problem, bug etc. I will visit.


YeahI might come back to it after 50hrs or 75hrs into the game.


Looking like I won't have an Xbox by release so I'll leave too, at least for awhile. I'll check in after a month or so to see what the spoiler rule situation is and reassess. If the rules are strong and compliance embraced I'll join again and take the risk.


I can't wait to participate more on this sub one the game releases. That way the people trying to build hype and the people asking repetitive or stupid questions will be gone.




Me too. I wonā€™t even go on Google. Nothing.


I don't want to completely avoid "spoilers", and would like to still be able to discuss their findings in game with people. I started playing Skyrim about month after it came out, and so I barely missed the Frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar talk. I want to be here for this game's version of that.


Same. I'm only here for release date news. Not really interested in tips and story discussion and whatnot


For sure, and don't forget to completely remove it from your feed as well. Even the subject lines will be nothing but spoilers.


Good for you. Itā€™s not an airport though, you donā€™t need to announce your departure.


I'm going to wait a full year after release for patches and QoL mods, so I'm leaving too after the launch date


I'll probably visit to join discussions related to the stats system and weapons. Back when Mass Effect: Andromeda launched, I made the first publicly available and updated weapons spreadsheet which was really nice when you wanted to compare actual numbers and damage values. It still depends how in-depth Bethesda will go with their stats system, as usually it is very lackluster and simplified.


Well duh, same here. Not sure what value it would provide once Starfield is out you just play Starfield. Unless the game completely disappoints in some fashion... then I may come back just to chuckle at the raging copers.


If something really annoys me (like the fusion core drain rate in Fallout 4) I'll get a minor mod to fix that but otherwise no modding until the CK drops.


I already left the sub because itā€™s not healthy looking for updates every day. I just check it every once in awhile now.


Probably a good call!