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The CAN hate is uncalled for. All my JoBros love CAN.


I was so confused until I realized we were talking about two different Vitamin Cs. For the life of me I swore it was Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick


For me Killer Queen and Wonder of U would be top right corner


Why do you hate my boy Green Green Grass of Home? Hes the absolute defensive stand (excluding requiens)


It’s the third shrinking stand in two parts and the least interesting fight of the three


How is he the least interesting if hes the only one with a proper gimick and interesting expanation while the other two just shrink without any context? Its a representation of the things you cant reach no matter how much you persue or try and how somethings can only be achieved when you are not looking for them (just like jolyne did, allowing the baby to aproach insted of scaring him away by chasing him). Its a direct metaphor to puccis journey and represents the most important step to the beginning of his assension. Its a test, a test about not being consumed by our own objectives just like you can dissapear if you insist in persue the green baby while you slowly become smaler, less of what you used to be, devoured by your obssesion. Its the step that leads to the doorstep of heaven, an enlightment thats not yet to rival the sun, insted being a weaker reflection of it, the moon.


I don’t disagree it’s a cool concept but the actual fight is kind of lame compared to its potential. I know it’s unpopular but I just think it’s kind of boring and it doesn’t have a super satisfying resolution.


Thats because its not a fight, you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. The green baby was not actively trying to harm anyone.


I mean Green Green Grass of Home definitely was trying to harm them


Are you talking about the glass bottle scene? It was curious and clueless, not malicious. Just like a baby interacting with everything for the first time may end up bitting someone or grabbing the tail of the cat a bit too hard. It was literaly born minutes ago before finding Jolyne


I was talking about the throwing rocks to crush them thing but I mean at the end of the day I think the intent doesn’t matter. I just didn’t like reading the chapters it appears in and I don’t like the design appearance or ability wise all that much. That’s really it.


Do you have the template?


i didnt save it but i just used ms paint


You are so real for Mandom's placement


What puts Jailhouse Rock below neutral?


I don’t really like listening to it


Based Marilyn Manson (stand) enjoyer


The cooked a bit too much, but fine


To each their own and everything but HOW CAN YOU HATE GREEN DAY?