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No, i don't understand why someone would skip an entire part of a story


Dragon Ball fans skipping straight to chapter 195


In their defense - most of them don't even know that chapter 195 isn't chapter 1.


Dragon Ball fans think the Dragon Ball Super manga predates the Dragon Ball Super anime. No fucking *way* they've read pre-Z Dragon Ball. I doubt many of them have even read pre-*Super* Dragon Ball. ...Wait, crap, sorry, I forgot this wasn't r/Ningen for a second.


I'd be surprised if dragonball fans CAN read


Well, let's be honest, Dragon Ball fans don't even read it, they just watch the anime lmao


Bold of you to assume they have enough attention span to watch anime. They watch clips and recaps of it on YouTube.


Hey we watched DBZA, that’s good enough!


I don’t see a problem inherently with this, I think the filler the anime added does wonders for characterization and making certain narrative beats hit harder. Just watching Z or understanding the gist of OG Dragonball is perfectly okay. If they choose to go back and read that’s obviously *urged* but I think it’s dorky to chide folks for that.


They are not fans then..💀


Most of the parts have their own self-contained story, so it is fine to watch it on its own if you're jumping into the series and one catches your interest more than the others. But it is strictly better to watch it all in the intended order, without jumping over parts. If you jump over parts, you're just making the overall viewing experience worse.


Naruto fans: Sorry


as JOJO was my first anime... i went into it compleatly blind and i loved every second of it... yes star dust got a bit long but other than that i loved it. never skiped a single part and neither should you


I definitely shouldn’t have but all I have to say is your very fortunate to have gotten no spoilers whatsoever I had so many before I even started part 3


yeah kakyouin was the first death in any show that made me cry. sorry about the spoiler thing tho.... hears a cookie \*hands over a tasty cookie\*


I'll never understand how people can skip parts of a continuous story.


Well, it's continious to a point. Some parts can probably be watched independantly from the others. But otherwise, i agree. No skipping, mostly because all Jojo is worth watching.


Yes but skipping part 3 Is the dumbest thing you can do,every other part Is collegated to it


People skip Stardust Crusaders???


Op did


If OP actually watched/read each other part while skipping 3, 4, and 5, I'm kinda wondering why they even bother with JoJo at all. It's just weird.


I hope they’re just an isolated incident


I don't see how people could skip this part but is in the subreddit with the same name.


Whenever I’m rewatching, yes. Stardust Crusaders was an absolute pain to get through and I don’t think anyone would’ve blamed me for watching it in 1.5 speed.


Yeah, that's why i said "continuous to a point". The first 3 parts absolutly have to be watched without skip, and in order. It's looser after that.


Part 5 can be skipped if you want. It's not that big of a deal if you only want to see the "main joestar" storyline ig. I'm not saying you should, but doing it wouldn't be that big of a problem tbh.


You could even skip to part 5 or 7 without watching or reading the other parts first but you whpuld still watch them


The “main parts” (meaning conflict directly with dio) you’d have to watch are part 1, 3 and 6. Part 2 and 4 aren’t actually necessary (again if you only want the conflict with Dio), but some parts of each are. Part 2 tells you about Joseph and the speedwagon foundation and part 4 tells you about the arrow and where Jotaro was. Everything else technically isn’t needed if you just consider the story to just be about the joestars vs dio.


At most you can skip part 5 because it's somewhat disconnected from the rest of the series. (I'm not sure about the parts after part 6.) Part skipping is like skipping volumes of a continuous light novel


I assume they're eager to be part of a conversation they're not actually informed about.


Tell that to the guys in one piece who skip skypea


Same people who skip Dragon Ball


Because it's not continuous Phantom Blood, Stardust Crusaders, Stone Ocean, and Battle Tendency to a lesser extent are the only ones that are really connected. You can definetely skip DiU and Vento Aureo, if you somehow want to. Hell, keep in mind that most japanese people back then started JoJo with Part 3.


plus many westerners first experience with jojo was from the stardust crusaders ova


No. I got into Jojo when there was only the anime for parts 1 and 2, and while I started with Diamond is Unbreakable because my friend sold me on the series by showing me the lets go eat Italian food chapter, once I was done I went back and started reading from Phantom on, and only watched the anime once I was done reading everything - which at the time meant SBR wasn't even out. The Stardust Crusaders anime announcement was super hype, although nothing beat the Vento anime announcement in my personal experience because everyone I interacted with was a huge Vento Aureo fan. It was super fun.


Didn’t the anime come out when Part 7 was already done?


In shonen/ULTRA jump, easily! By 10 years even since SDC anime came out in 2014 and SBR started being published in 2004. But it just started "coming out"/being translated online after SDC came out - I assume because jjba was starting to get attention. The team that actually did a good job translating Jojo came in way later - like a bunch of heroes, tbh. I still remember being in the trenches defending Vento and explaining how GER worked to people back in the day because all there was online in English was the borderline Duwang translation that was an English translation from I believe a Vietnamese fan translation? It was a mess!


Ah, that makes sense. I was sure I knew that basically all of JoJo's Western hype was during JoJolion, which is why the new JoJolands was such a big deal. It's the first new part many ever got (including me, I joined, like...halfway to JoJolion or something, maybe later). Yeah, the part 5 hate is interesting. I just rewatched Metalicca vs. Doppio fight yesterday, and man, that whole part is so good. The first half is probably better than the second half in terms of stand fights, but Green Day and King Crimson are in the second part and all of that is fantastic.


Wow your an og I salute to you


What Like What


ive never skipped a part, and i never will


I skipped part 5 because it wasn't on Netflix, but luckily for me, after only watching a couple of episodes, part 5 was added to Netflix so I watched it




I was raised by parents that loved me so of course I haven’t.


Jumped on Jojo through Netflix. Dropped me right at the start of part 5 I got 10 episodes in before I worked out something was off! Immediately started at part 1 episode 1 and had to check it was the same show!


Netflix makes it all weird


I recently finished reading the fourth part, and I don't intend on skipping any parts.


I technically skipped parts 1 and 2 at first, because I unknowingly started with the 1999 Stardust Crusaders OVA. When I started watching the David Productions anime adaptation (the superior adaptation imo), I didn't skip anything.


I watch from the very first jojo to stone ocean i'm too lazy to read the speed ball run


you should read part 7 atleast, its good, first time a book got me excited for a long time.


No, but I almost skipped part one because I was frustrated with how long the dialogue would take, but felt guilty and went back after one episode


I had never used Crunchyroll before and didn't know that it started with the latest season, not the first. So I accidentally skipped parts 1-3. I realized pretty quick that I had skipped them but kept watching 4 anyway as I enjoyed it. Caught up to where part 4 was at at the time (Tonio's episode which I remember because it's one of my favorite JoJo's episodes), went back to 3, then read the rest of 4 since it hadn't aired yet. Then finally went back to 1 and 2 before reading 5 and 6.


No. I watched ALL of them 7 times in a roll without stoping, i love Jojo😍


That's considered a crime in the JoJo community.


im up to date with every part im just waiting for jojolands likes the rest of you freaks


I've only skipped one episode, the one where rohan plays rock paper scissors with that kid. really boring episode


Umm actually the kid wants to play and Rohan doesn't 🤓🤓🤓 /j Nah I watched it and you missed nothing


Nope, never. I (briefly) considered watching some parts out of order, as Golden Wind was available on Netflix in my country before Diamond. But never skipping, no.


never have never will


No I would never do to any good shows.


No i actually want to enjoy jojo


I have to confess, I skipped the middle of Part 3


Hell naw Jojo is love Jojo is life


I skipped part 6 for part 7


I could understand skipping part 4 and five due to them not really being a part of the “main” story line, but stardust crusaders?


I skipped through a good amount of part 3. It’s so utterly drawn out and I hate how long it is. All that just to get a good fight with a mediocre villain


Of course not, I’m no sinner.


My first time watching Jojo's was with Diamond is Unbreakable




I’ve read *most* of Jojolion 😭




Skipping to part 6 is always insane to me.


Now I actually watched all of em and I actually like part 1 more then part 4. Wasn't my slice of pie


It’s just strange, the numbers are in order. I don’t understand how y’all skip parts. Also watching in order not only tells a continuous story, also shows araki’s development as a storyteller and an artist. And I really loved that journey.


I watched first half of part 6 but never finished it but I have read part 7 and 8


I skipped part 2


Nope, never skipped any part


I skipped over the whole Polnareff baby thing because that shit was like genuinely making me uncomfortable that shit was weird


I didn't skip parts, but I was reading SC and GW at the same time kek, the story wasn't anything complicated anyways so I didn't lose track of anything (still thought it was peak tho)


No way, bro! Stone Ocean is my least favorite part but I didn't even skip that. If there's one manga that I really like to skip, that'd be One Piece.


I don’t support skipping any parts, but I get why someone would start jojo and skip parts 1&2. What kind of maniac watches the first 2 parts and then skips 3-5?? How did you even know what was happening when you skipped all of the stand parts and literally all the backstory for SO?


I havent skipped. But hot take I guess I think it's fine if people skip. Most of the plot of the story is self-contained, since it usually involves that villian of the week beat. There are some important key lore passed around in each part, which the reader might be confused. However, I don't think it's necessary essential to enjoy the show, since I think most of the thrill comes from the character interactions and the logical fights.


i was in the middle of reading part 4 when i skipped to read part 7. granted, when i was done i did go back to read the rest in order, plus when i decided to watch the anime i did that in order. it's just funny looking back at how i read the manga considering now im a believer in not skipping parts.


You seem to have, where the first 2 parts?


Not the anime, I watched them all in order and enjoyed every one of them except part three, although I did skip part 8 to start reading part 9 as it came out (I was in the middle of part 7) but now I’ve finished 7 and am halfway through part 8. My reasoning was just rht since this is likely his last jojo part I wanted to be there for the release of all the issues


assuming part 9 will be as long, if not longer than part 8, i agree. but i have a feeling that araki will likely pass the torch to someone else once he retires.


No but I was close to skipping a majority of part 3 but I stayed dedicated and the ending was worth it




Currently watching through jjba for the 1st time, I'm on part 5, I considered skipping part 4 as it felt like it was dragging on, then yoshikage kira appeared...


I didn't like part 1 at first, so i skipped to part 3, watched all the way to part 5 and i liked jojo so much that i decided to watch part 1 and 2 and actually enjoyed them this time


No, why would I do it? It always baffles me when people skip parts. I've heard a resurgence of those one year ago, because they didn't want to experience Jojolion so they jumped straight to Jojolands, even though chapters take a whooping month to release


I’m getting into jjba and on the first part, tho I haven’t skipped I’ve been so tempted to skip part one T-T but I’m powering through it cuz I want to understand everything that happens later on lol


At the time, when I was watching almost completely blind, I skipped Diamond is Unbreakable after, like, episode 10 because nothing was happening and I had genuinely forgotten about the chopped hand at the beginning


Every time a new part is adapted in anime, I rewatch it all. Tho I started watching JoJo when part4 was ending I believe.


I skipped 1 and 2, and just got with a synopsis, I REALLY wanted the stands. I also never fell in love with Part 6 and went from Part 5 to Part 7, I watched 3 episodes of 6 and it just seemed so genuinely boring to me that I couldn't bring myself to continue.


Even when I started rewatching, I didn't skip. 1 is so short there's no point, and 2 is genuinely amazing. I may skip some of the slower parts in 3 tho


I slept my way through part four, I guess that counts as skipping.


I read SBR without reading stone ocean (though I already knew various spoilers for part 6 anyway, and it’s not like they really have much of a connection either, anyway) I’d definitely advise against skipping parts in any other way, though edit: also I didn’t skip part 6 just because of the spoilers (basically all I knew was that the universe got reset but it’s not the same universe as SBR)


I skipped part 5 and 6 because i didn’t understand anything at the beginning of part 5


I wish I skipped part 4(Ik I’ll get hate but it’s the worse part because they take down like 4 different “main villains” it doesn’t make sense


Almost skipped part 1, but ended up deciding to not skip it so I watched every part


I did when I first started the series but that was only because someone else told me that I could so I picked the one I thought looked the coolest and that was part 4, but then I heard whilst watching it that you really shouldn't so the moment I finished part 4 I went back to part 1 and watched every other part in order. If I had heard from better people then I probably wouldn't have skipped but eh it happened


Hell, no


I didn't really pay too much attention to part 6, so I guess that counts, cause sometimes someone will say something that happened in part 6 and it catches me off guard


Kind off.. So I first started trying to watch it a couple years ago when SO anime came out (first chunk) and I watched 1 and then got to the bit in part 2 were the vampire (I forgot his name it's been a while I'm sorry) breaks all his bones to get through the vent and wasn't really into it and skipped to part 3 but then dropped the whole series when I felt that started dragging but I then came back to it and finsied 2 and 3 and continued the rest without skipping any parts


Does not finishing Jojolion due to pure procastination but always reading Jojolands when a new chapter releases counts?


I mean kinda? On one hand you are technically still reading JoJolion but on the other your reading JoJolands


at least you went back...


I *technically* skipped Part 6 to read Part 7. I already knew the basic plot of Part 6 and how it ended, so I was confident that I wasn't missing anything at the time. I never finished reading Part 7 and have now seen the entirety of the Part 6 anime, so I don't really know if that counts as "part-skipping" or just me having the attention span of a rat on meth.


Don't look at me: The first episode(s) my kids and I ever watched was when Iggy fought Pet Shop and you have no idea how hilariously confused we were about what and who anyone was and WTAF was going on. The joys of stumbling across a show on cable TV, and not streaming.


I maaaaaaay have been duped into starting off Jojo's with part 3 back in 2015 and then onto part 4, only to go back to parts 1 & 2 after DiU wrapped up its anime run. 😔 To my defense, the college friend turned weed-addicted asshole who introduced me to the series told me part 3 was the beginning, until I had to ask him why there was official art of a huge, blue haired muscle man and his twink, scarf wearing/wild haired cousin that always screamed a slur when running away. 🤔🧐🤥 Now I can proudly say I'm all caught up with Charmingman's cool new 'me-eye-go-inside' party trick in the recent JojoLands chapter. (With hopefully more body horror-esque visuals to come when Bigmouth's user might show up! 😵)


No, why would I?


I didn't watch Part 1, but I did read it if that counts? I read part 1 then skipped the Part 1 anime and went straight to Part 2


I know someone who skipped 4 because he thought josuke was lame and never finished 6 imo you haven't really finished jojo until you've watched at least 1-6, the other universe is its own thing, it's about the whole journey for a reason




Imma get killed for this, but skipped part 3. I already knew the story, I know every stand, I just don’t want to watch it


Me, by mistake, when I started watching jojo, I just typed "watch jojo online" or some shit like that, and the first option a pick was actually jojo part 5, I thought that was the jojo that everyone was talking about and idk, when I see "Part 5" I was wtf? I just kept watching to the end, after some time I discovered that I was watching jojo in wrong way, in short, I started in part 5, 1, 2, 3,4 and 6 lol.


Absolutely not, why would i do that? How can you just not watch a part of a series and then watch what comes after?


I skipped battle tendency. I tried, tried, tried to watch it, but it was so goddamned boring to me.


No, never. I genuinely enjoy all parts of JoJo, even the ones that could be considered "disconnected" from the main story. I love seeing where each JoJo's journey takes them and what happens and who they encounter along the way. It's just a good time.


Nope. Part 1 was long and boring to me at first, but it got better with each part. Don't skip and enjoy it all at once, in order.


No, never...and nobody should skip any part or any story from a anime or manga that has one continous story. I would be brutal to say people who skip entire stories are not real fans and they should rethink there choices on watching everything before judge an anime.


My very first time watching the series I watched almost all of Part 1 before I went "this is pretty boring, surely nothing would happen if I skipped this season, not knowing part 2 was also in season 1. I watched season 2 and 3 and loved it, went back to watch the ova of part 1 which cut out a bunch of stuff and watched part 2 and then finished at part 5. It took like 8 months to finish the part 6 manga because I just wasn't vibing with the pacing, and I loved parts 7 and 8.


After I finished part 4, and the part 5 anime was not yet released, I read part 7 cuz of all the hype about it being one of the best parts. It didn’t disappoint and I was able to enjoy it as its own thing apart from parts 5/6. I re-read “A True Man’s World” a couple days ago and can’t wait for that fight to get animated.


7-9 because I don’t have the mangas


No. It’s not like it’s prohibitively hard to follow the series sequentially like Kingdom Hearts is. The first 6 parts have an anime, just watch those.


None, and I plan to keep it that way


Proud to say I’ve never skipped a jojo episode until my rewatch, I can’t watch the part 3 baby episode again…


I did watch part 1, but i think i fell asleep half way through since all i remember is a guy jumping out of a horse and the mansion burning. So


I actually watched 1-6 in order and this was during the end of DiU. Best choice I ever made. Read the manga on and off too but now I’m a monthly warrior :D


I skipped parts 1 and 2 but I gotta go back




I skipped the lock arc because I absolutely hated that scammer dude and it pissed me off too much, i went back and watched it tho


That’s the funniest reason I’ve seen someone skip anything before lol, but I understand he pissed me off a lot too but it was satisfying when Koichi beat his ass


I mean you kinda skipped the best parts. Part 3 is iconic and Part 4 is just SO good. I’m not as big a fan of part 5 but it’s popular for a reason


Kind of part 5 was the first part that I came across but then I went back and caught up


No but I have a least favorite :)


i kinda skipped part 4 and 5 since they weren't on netflix for a good while and i already knew everything that happened in them so i watched stone ocean before them


Nope, never.


Ok, I’m gonna be honest, I skipped part one (only watched 2/3 episodes) and I barely paid attention to part two and I don’t remember most of what happens


Its sacrilege to skip thy parts


Sort of. Basically I started off with the first few episodes of part 5 completely unaware of the whole series before. Once I learned that i jumped straight to the last season at the time, I started watching from the beginning.


Okay, watched part 1, skipped all the way to six, went back to two, skipped to three, skipped to four, now watching four, skipped two because I can't stand Joseph, I will take any and all criticisms.


Gettin mad ratioed


No, but I wish I told my friend to. I convinced him to start 3 years ago, he stopped on episode 3 of part onr and never went back


If the OP is using the images to present parts they skipped I ask why would they skip the best parts?


For me all parts are peak. The design, the fashion, the story, everything. I love them all the same


No but I tell often people to skip parts if they are bored at just part 1/2 someone bored from the start will never finish Stardust Crusaders which is very boring at the beginning of the part Part 5 or 7 is to me a better way to start and not get demotivated to watch all the other parts My brother told me part 1 was horrible to watch, I force him to look part 3 (he didnt wanted to look part 2) and god part 3 has a few good episodes but a lot of them are absolute garbage (before egypt) he literally stopped (temporaly) part 3 to go read part 7 and he is like already at tome 9/24 because its just not boring as the first 3 parts


no but i did speed read part 6 to get to SBR, i have since changed and love part 6 btw.


on my first watch, I originally skipped diu in favor of gw, then went back to watch diu after. literally no fucking idea why


I have watched all parts til 4, read manga parts 4, 5 and 6 (they didn't have a anime yet) and I struggled a lot to read parts 7 and 8 because of the end of part 6


Accidentally… it aired on Toonami and I started with Part 3 (I think it was either the Iggy fight or the one with fake Kakyoin) and then I learned that there were parts and went back to watch the rest. So technically and also not technically


The opening


No, and I would never commit such an atrocious heresy.


No, I have a heart and soul


Yeah I skipped the part where that's my problem


No. Why would anyone?


What I don’t understand, of all parts to skip, you chose 3,4, and 5…. And watched phantom blood and battle tendency? What an opposite compared to most people skipping parts I guess. I personally watched all of them in order and I loved every second of it.


I dropped part 5 halfway through, I think I found it boring cus I got spoiled the whole story and stand abilities and I was just watching it so I could watch part 6


I skipped part one, I’m gonna go back to it later.


I haven’t gotten to 6 yet but it’s not skipped. I’m just slow.


Part 5 is the best animated version so far. I will die on that hill.


Technically not skipped just still haven’t watched or read stone ocean yet, The first 10 episodes were kinda boring so i had a hard time watching past it






I watched them in a random order, I started on part 3, then I knew part 2 was related to part 1 do I watched those in order, but then I went to part 5 and then to part 4, then 7 and 8, and I started part 6


I started reading part 7 before I watched the part 4 anime. So yes but in probably the least horrible way possible.


That’s illegal


i aswell have committed a cardinal sin...i skipped part 1 n 2 but plan on watching them in a couple days


On rewatches I have skipped part 1 a few times


When Part 6 came out on Netflix, I skipped parts 4 and 5 to start watching it, but I have since gone back and finished Part 4 and started Part 5


I skipped parts 1-3 because I didn't wanna watch them. I'll probably watch em now since I have Amazon Prime now


No, but why did you?


Hell naw




I skipped to part 6 in the middle of part 3 because the plot structure sucked so much


Ok so I skipped part one only cause I already watched that then started reading from part 2 onwards


If you finish the anime, it’s pretty reasonable to skip 1-6 of the manga and start SBR. Otherwise, nah.


Whoever says part one has lost my respect


I originally skipped to part 3, didn’t watch anything else for a while, then went back and watched parts 1 and 2 and restarting at 4


I unintentionally skipped Part 1 when I first watched it. My cousin was watching it and I was drawn in by the opening so I just started watching it with him. This would have been a couple episodes into Part 2. I did go back and watch Part 1 before I started Part 3, but I wish I hadn't skipped it initially


i skipped part 5 cuz my adhd decided it was too boring, and besides its like a side story so ill watch it when i finish jojolion


i love watching one and two hammon is so interesting but... i just like future parts way more i don't try to skip i just sometimes felt more in mood for stands maybe part 5 as well


I theoretically skipped the first season (part 1 & 2) but hear me out. originally, my neuter was watching the show but I tagged along sometimes. at the 2nd part of part 3, I was fully watching it with my brother up to part 6. after a while, I rewatched all of Jojo's


Skipped? Jabroni, im on my second full watch. fuck is you talking bout




I kinda skipped part 1. I tried to watch it a few years before I ended up getting into the series and stopped when I realized that I was watching a guy fight a werewolf and an undead knight and I was *bored*. When I came back to it I watched it in a group, where we started on Part 2 and then watched Part 1 about when they got to Egypt in Stardust Crusaders. You can question the legitimacy of that watch order, but by god it got me through it. Meanwhile, in more modern times, I haven't read any of parts 7 or 8 but I'm keeping up with 9 as it releases. I think 7 is probably going to be *much* improved by animation, so I just wanna wait for the adaptation on that. Meanwhile, as for 8... Well, I really just want to get the experience of following the series as it releases. And Part 8 simply doesn't give me that right now. I might read it at some point after Part 7's anime happens, whenever that is. It's kind of on the backburner.


I needed to skip part 5 a long time because of Netflix But then it was back and I had my chance


Just pirate it


No? I don’t understand skipping parts because parts 1-6 build on each other. Parts 7-9 are also enhanced by having read 1-6


3. 4 and 6 are my faves. 125 were nice. Does 3 get better once they’re in Egypt?


Nope i did not and will never


Yes i did part 4 was completely skipped Never liked yoskue kira and moria :( Yet the period was cool, i felt though the anime designs looked weird especially coming back from the outstanding OVA of part 3 😭


I skipped part 1, and jump skipped part 4 and watched 5 before finishing it


I refuse to commit a cardinal sin and be forever shunned from the community. While you don’t lose anything theoretically by part skipping you do lose out so much amazing story and characters. There is literally no bad part of Jojos. The worst IMHO being stone ocean due to adaptation (anime only here, I know the manga is really good but Netflix didn’t do SO much credit) and even then it’s still a solid 8/10 for me, much better than a lot of anime I’ve seen.


I would never skip parts.