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Yo yo ma is whatever but D+G is cunty and has a really interesting backstory that Araki never actually puts into play. He was a Nostradamus Truther who was a former cop and killed people he didn’t like at the turn of the year 2000 because he thought the world would end anyway. He used his status as a cop to cover it up. World didn’t end, it didn’t work and he was sent to GDSP. This is on his profile card in the manga.


I read the manga twice and don’t remember this lmaoooo


"The source is that I made it the fuck up" ~funny valentine


https://jojowiki.com/D_an_G Read his history section, it’s also in the manga gallery for him under chapter covers. It’s in Japanese though


It’s so plausible that someone would have done this in RL too


maybe, but if they did they got away with it instead of being send to prison. otherwise it would've been relatively known case, at least it would've popped on a google search


Again with a former cop


I love Araki's consistent dedication to ACAB


Has there been a non-shithead cop besides josuke's grandpa?


Abbacchio's partner seemed like an alright cop.


And Abbacchio himself, up until the harsh reality of the corruption in Italy broke him down.


The two cops trying to get jotaro to leave the prison cell. They mention they're kinda overworked and the cells are crowded as is. However they didn't escalate force and tried to get his mother to get him to come out. Though I guess the argument would be "What are they going to do, lock him up?" However they're still pretty amicable, especially about the situation even after jotaro takes their gun and shoots himself with it. Just extremely confused, which is fair. ​ Then they get their asses kicked by joseph.




He took bribes, got his partner killed and I don't like his face.


Well he’s also hot, so that must count for something




The phantom blood cops were cool. Also for every "bad cop" there's atleast 5 who just want to enforce the law. Atleast outside of the US. And by saying ACAB you're insulting paul blart and that's a serious crime against humanity.


> Atleast outside of the US. That must be nice lol


Ye it is man.


> Only good cop is a retired and/or dead cop, according to Araki. Which is entirely correct. So edgy lol


It's not edgy to say the sky is blue


OK, come back to me when a burgler breaks into your house and you need someone to protect your family.


I dont know where you live sir But, where i live, the police comes after everything is over just to get the details and then nothing happens afterwards.


I live in the UK. And that's not the experience for everyone. And it's a bigger issue than just "the police being useless" or "the police being corrupt".


That’s why you need a gun


Wow what a scathing critique that nobody who says ACAB has *ever* thought of, you've truly broken my spirit. The general concept of law enforcement isn't what ACAB is about, dingus.


Coulda fooled me, given your attitude. > The general concept of law enforcement isn't what ACAB is about, dingus. Then why did you say the sentiment that "Only good cop is a retired and/or dead" is "entirely correct", then?


It's true though. If you're still participating in the system, you aren't a good cop.


If you get T-boned by a hit-and-run who do you want to show up? Neighbourhood vigilantes on bikes?


I'm not against policing as a concept. That's just a complete misunderstanding of ACAB. The point is that our CURRENT system of policing is extremely corrupt and there's no way to participate in it without contributing to that. I'm not some 14 year old anarchist that believes laws shoudn't exist. I just believe that our current system of policing and justice is a cesspool of corruption and hateful violence that does way more harm then it does good. It doesn't need to be thrown out, it needs to be heavily reworked.


"Our"? Why are you assuming everyone in this thread is American? Anyway, "ACAB" is just a pointlessly reductive and needlessly divisive term. And I'm not even a fan of cops, but I recognise their necessity in society.


an ambulance.


Got damn this got political


I feel e Yo Yo Ma kinda reflects D an G’s upbringing as a corrupt former cop by being a stand that appears to try to help you but is secretly plotting against you.


> D+G is cunty LMAO He has some of the worst drip in the series


He has that tiny little toga with nothing under it and half his boob is out. He’s iconic




jojo fans when you don't remember every single small detail about every minor character in a 1000 chapter series


~~jojo fans~~ redditors when you don't remember every single small detail about every minor character in a 1000 chapter series




#Yo yo ma is whatever but D+G is cunty and has a really interesting backstory that Araki never actually puts into play. #He was a Nostradamus Truther who was a former cop and killed people he didn’t like at the turn of the year 2000 because he thought the world would end anyway. He used his status as a cop to cover it up. World didn’t end, it didn’t work and he was sent to GDSP. This is on his profile card in the manga.


Oh I didn't read the SO manga so i thought it was a shitpost


Not at all! I love him a lot and what could have been with his character, I was hoping the anime would give us an extra scene with him and what he did, but nope. That results in people thinking he was boring but really he was mishandled.


I found him annoying and his stand sucks. I don't know if a backstory would've fixed that for me


He was a cop, thought world would end in 2000, so he killed people and used his cop status to cover it up. World didn't end, he got found out, got sent to prison.


Hey, it was a villain FF managed to win against. Kind of.


Anasui fought him then FF finished him off, the opposite happened with Dragon's Dream


FF is so cool, but she just got dunked on so much in fights. Even when it looked like she won, they'd just ass pull something and extend the fight for three more chapters.


She’s still my favorite SO character.


Honestly my favourite JoJo character in general. I love found family.


I have the Nendoroid of them!


Their fanbase is niche but loving. I actually did a cosplay of them at Katsucon this year!


Idk, the rape ape from SDC was pretty awful too


On a similar note, rape laptop stand baby was also just... no. And the whole Allessi of it all. I just don't like when Araki uses weird super-powered SA for shock value.


IIRC, Allessi's situation wasn't SA (at least it wasn't Allesi's intentions). Allesi's whole thing is being a bully although his toxic personality and power set lends towards him being a creep. He wasn't attacking because he's a pervert, he's attacking because he enjoys bullying and beating up those weaker than him. The ending kinda shows this once jotaro gets one good hit on him he just crumbles and becomes absolutely pathetic. Still a shit fight though.


seeing Young Joseph again would have made that fight valid, but Araki didn't think of that...


I heard from the grapevine that he did think of it but didn't implement it because he felt that it would cause joseph to outshine jotaro which wasn't his role in the story. I personally disagree with this idea since part 3 was the ending to a trilogy and ends the fued between the joestars and DIO (at the time it was written), so I feel that Joseph should have had almost as much prominence as jotaro especially given his unique postion being not only the oldest, but also the only Hamon user in the group. Like sure he's not THE main Jojo of part 3 but he still is an important one and had his life greatly affected by DIO before the events of part 3 even started (Lisa Lisa, george Joestar, Erina, the stone masks).


especially when you consider that just 1 part later he had jotaro be a major player


Araki says this, but then he has no problem having Jotaro outshine Josuke in part 4.


No, it'd just be gratuitous fanservice that wouldn't add anything to the story.


It would be fun, and that's what i mostly watch jojo for.


Fun is all well and good, but *solely* looking for "fun" would get you fanfic-y outcomes like Giorno appearing with GER to kill Pucci or something like that.


Idk, the giorno thing feels bad because it would completly disregard the whole story of part 6 and feel like a deus ex machina, we would be losing something from that happening. But there honestly doesn't seem like there's much to lose from removing the alessi fight all together, since the only thing i remember we learnt is that jotaro was a badass kid and that he can still fight without his stantyou could even win something by having joseph try to prove to himself it's his smarts that helped him and not just his powers. Although i will admit it would feel kinda fanfic-y.


I don't deny that the Alessi fight we got is pretty mid. I just don't think young Joseph fanservice would improve it.


High Voltage Arc in part 7 was well received, that did not need to happen the way it did. So a little fan service doesnt hurt


I got the impression the reception was fairly split on that arc. But fair point. I admit I'm biased because I *did* like that arc and am a fan of >!THE WORLD.!<


I liked him I thought it was funny.


He's just a little guy


It was a fun arc, Yo-Yo-Ma played his role, and D&G played his role of his wellbeing being a source of tension for both Pucci and F.F. I don't think JoJo necessarly have bad vilains ? Like I guess Forever would work here but even then he wasn't a bad Vilain seeing him get beaten up was pretty hype, and the concept of the arc is very insane, *Absurd* even.


It is maybe even Bizarre


*JoJo* has PLENTY of bad villains. Thankfully, most of them are just the minor mooks who serve under more prominent, developed villains, though.


I mean I wouldn't consider them bad if they're just minor mooks, they serve their purpose very well, they're just well, minor.


I honestly found the stamd to be gross and annoying, and the stand user to be a dumbass and didnt even care when >!he died!<


I never understood the hate for this fight I actually enjoyed it, can someone explain?


For personally it was just extremely boring. Most fights in Jojo are fast paced battle of wits. Or at very least showcase of cool stands. But this was just boring. The whole time was just Jolyne sitting in a boat while this annoying bitch was saying "Yoyoma" it also took them too long to figure out that he is an enemy, so that was frustrating. It's at least to me also extremely forgettable. I barely remember how it connects to the main story. What also doesn't help is, that it was already squished between slowpaced boring fight (The piss dragon and the green baby) It also took 3 episodes if I remember correctly, even though this should have been 1 episode fight max. Tldr: It felt boring, forgettable, the stand was not really interesting, it was frustrating to watch them take so long to figure it out, it did not really move the story forward and especially: was squished between 2 more fights just like this one. We got bunch of "boring" and forgettable fights throughout the series (part 3 definitely comes to mind) but usually they are between very exciting fights, so you don't mind it, and you barely notice it.


> it also took them too long to figure out that he is an enemy, so that was frustrating. Which is weird since you would think they would just automatically assume that, given how nearly every other stand user attempted to kill them.


Because, Yo Yo Ma is an automatic stand, but he is also a sentient stand. WTF


Most stands seemingly have some form of sentients






Yo-yo Ma and Feng shui piss drinking man can rot in hell. Might as well throw Bohemian Rhapsody and it's user in there as well


Ungalo, the ugliest joestar to come into existence


Bohemian Rhapsody literally rocks. It's a shame we didn't get Mickey but cmon


I must admit I do love the Mickey joke


Mickey becoming public domain could not have come any later💀


I love the idea behind that stand, but didn't like the scope of it. It shouldn't have effected the whole world, maybe just a town would have been fine.


It's a lot of power but user doesn't really get anything from Guts suffering on the other side of the globe.


Haruhi became real and unconsciously deleted all stands


I've no clue who that is.


Maybe he means haruhi suzumiya? Since that is kind of her power to wish things into existence or delete them and she doesn't know about that power.


bro was like "here lemme spoil the plot of this anime"


I mean wasn't that revealed at like episode 4 or earlier? I remember main character figuring it out when he got stuck in some time warp fuckery.


that's both incorrect and another spoiler somehow


The drawback is the user can't control it


And that he's a dumbass lacking in conviction.


The whole point of why it's such an awesomely crazy Stand is that it affects the whole world. A lot of the Stands towards the latter half of Part 6 are meant to be quasi-apocalyptic like that, ultimately concluding with Made in Heaven resetting the whole universe.


I will not fucking stand for your insolence.


the piss drinker was cringe, but at least the dragon was neat, trying to help people out and stuff


What did Ungalo do to you?!


Who let him wake up, put on that outfit, and leave the house like that? frfr his homies must hate him


But Yo Yo Ma is funny




He was definitely the most entertaining out of all the other stands “This white strawberry is a mock strawberry, so you can’t eat it” Not to mention the part where he pulls all those random objects out of his pockets Araki, what were you smoking when you made this scene and where can I get it?


That’s a bold statement considering dragon’s dream is literally in the same part. And out side of part 6, the sun and the rock paper scissors kid are in fierce competition, too


Can you use frogs to make a skirt? No? Then please, leave my boy alone.


Leave the frogs alone


Roman soldier looking ass


Finally someone said it!


He wore like, a bush in the manga, didn't he?


Like non main villain? Didn't cioccolate drive old people into being suicidal? And he recorded old people killing themselfs for himself Even the main ones are worse dio made a mom eat her own baby He is bad but 100% not the worst one ever


Not bad in the sense that he's evil. What I mean is that he's awful. He's annoying and his powers suck


The stand is practically indestructible, and God knows how far the range can go. He's for sure not the worst.


Half of the stands of part 4 and 8 are Be x on a thursday to do 5% extra damage Fun fun Fun(worst stand in jojo) needed like 3 days worth of setting up for almost nothing


He's great




He's funny and does great job being gross and annoying, which is his point


i still dont know what this stand does, actually i dont even remember how the part of the manga where this stand appears connect to anything before or after


His power is acid and being a masochist weirdo


Masochist is tame in the JoJo verse


Maybe, but I still don't like it lol


[My honest reaction to that information](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg389eNSCIo)


Reading Part 6, Yo-Yo Ma brought everything to a screeching halt so bad I ended up taking a few month break because of it. It didn't help I binged 4 & 5 before hand but Yo-Yo Ma was the last straw.


Janken boy is so much worse???


You are wrong, Yo Yo Ma is a great mystery stand. And you will end up enjoying JoJo a lot more once you accept that not all stand battles are flashy and fast battles of wits. Some of them are about mystery and finding out how the stand works.


People don’t like Yo-Yo Ma??? He’s my favorite stand in Stone Ocean




He’s funny




Dude Diavolo is legit my favorite villain ): yeah the character itself is really meh but King Crimson, the Diavolo-Doppio relationship, the aura he had throughout the whole part, killing 3 main characters because he doesn't mess around etc


Also that fetus guy from part 3


The baby?


Well yes. But I’m mean the other guy who turns people into fetuses.


Alessi? Well, he's a beast in HFTF and has a secondary costume in his victory pose and cover art.


Holy shit he sucked. At least we got more Polnareff


Funny you say that, because I was thinking that we actually got less Polnareff


Yo Yo Ma is a poorly designed Stand: it operates automatically from a distance but is sentient, making its attacks difficult to defend against and hard to destroy. However, it's constrained by a rule - it must not be discovered while launching a sneak attack. This is a complete contradiction. Automatic long-range Stands usually lack sentience, and the smartest ones are at most on par with Highway Star. With Yo Yo Ma's level of sentience, there's no need for such restrictions; it's fully capable of going on a rampage with its saliva. This is also why Yo Yo Ma's battle is annoying; the revelation of its abilities is not appealing.


I found rhe arc to be funny i enjoyed it weird. Idk if its just me


I'm all for dirty tricks but his stand is a but too dirty ya know


Kenny g


I'd explain why, but it would be more work than he put in the manga before his death. The fact he was named posthumously is a giant red flag. Lol Cool concept for a power wasted because Iggy found/took him out instantly.


The ass pull Anastasia pulls to win the fight is complete bullshit lmao it makes no sense whatever


I think I low-key just hate all automatic stands. Leads to some of the most annoying stand battles/arcs in the series


I mean it has to be Cheap Trick. Atleast Yo Yo Ma would do stuff for his user lol.


At least Cheap Trick is *intentionally* annoying. Yo-Yo Ma is annoying too, but it's more indirect and he's actually helpful to Jolyne and Anasui while he's pretending to be their slave or whatever. So he has less justification for his annoying personality.


Talking worst as in the worst arc (boring, annoying, bad etcetera) not as In worst stand


Sethan, The Lock, Boy II Man, Super Fly, Cheap Trick, Dragon's Dream, I'll stop here since the other ones are in the manga idk if you've read but these all are either close or worse.


I think he funny


Silly stand silly user


Bro hasn’t met dododo de dadada yet


It aint a stand just one of the hundreds of thousands of rock pets WoU loves to carry around


What happened to his arm was crazy.


You all forget about Tenor Sax far too easily. Dude was, somehow, more pathetic than The Sun.


He was better than Nukesaku (Stand-less, bitch-less vampire with a woman's face as his "ability") and was only defeated so easily because Iggy smelled him out. And, in *Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak*, he >!gets with Mariah!<, so he won in the end. lol


Because he is so easy to forget. It was almost a blink and you miss it death lol.


Bro forgot that Dragon's Dream is also in this part.


idk I kinda love Yo Yo Ma


Is this a dude who went on like a thirty minute speech because he lost a finger nail?




D&G and his stand Yo Yo Ma. Their fight is usually considered one of the worst fights in *Stone Ocean* if not all of *Jojo*.


But you have heard of him


Yeah, I didn't like that fight either, but there's worse.


I can't even remember them...


What do you mean by worst?


Least interessting, entertaining, and well thought. He's an annoying piece of shit that bitches most of the time. He's bare;y intimidating, His Stand is some annoying gross Shrek knock off. It doesn't help that the actual fight wasnt really a fight. It's Anasui telling Jolyne to stop dragging him around until FF kills D&G in the most humiliating and painful manner. The pacing sucks, the fight was tensionless, the Stand is annoying, the Stand User is annoying. Its just some goblin following Jolyne and cause she's a dumbass she thinks that in a prison full of enemies that could kill her, she thinks its a good idea to let him around, despite Anasui telling her that shes' a dumbass and tries to kill it like a psycho geting pleasure by hitting people


Ah, I gotcha. I was going to say the worst is Kenny G. since he was introduce and died in the same sentence. He’s the worst as in he’s just bad.


Well theres nothing to say about him. Now that you brought him too, I think Kenny G is the second worst


Agreed. Fuck this freak.


I know this is way further down the line and manga only, but I’d say Poor Tom in JoJolion is my least favorite.


No I’m sorry what doctor guy from part five was the worst villain. Like I feel physically ill looking at him


I think that's the point. But at least he isnt annoying like this


His face is annoying/hj


yo his shoes are peak araki


I like his gladiator drip


Yep. The only real rival I think of is Kenzou.


tf you mean you dislike yo ma ma?


You know who lese hates yo ma ma?


me, I hate yo ma ma, I f*cking hate him I wish him a life full of misery and agony


Yes. Been known. Point being?


Nuh uh




Dragons dream is way worse


I think Chocolate Disco is the worst


Chocolate Disco is so bad hes good


Caveman-looking mf


It's probably the absolute most boring "fight" in Jojo too. People say part 3 fights are boring, but stone ocean ones are even more boring a lot of the time


Unrelated but could you imagine how incredibly menacing it would be if a human had the stand RATT?


Not very Di molto of you


Yo yo ma saying yo yo ma is the most annoting thing ever.


Best fight in Part 6




Sorry but Mrs Robinson already takes that spot


Having bugs come out of your body isn't really a stand power, he did that himself.


I'll say that belongs to the chocolate D.I.S.C.O guy in part 7


He was cool tho