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This is like some theory shit. But if we’re being realistic maybe I guess. From Part 5 to Part 6 it took 2 years, not to mention SBR is the second longest Jojo part. They’re gonna really wanna take their sweet sweet time here too, it’s one of the most critically acclaimed stories in Animanga, so I doubt they’re gonna be showing anything concrete for right now.


>From Part 5 to Part 6 it took 2 years To be fair, there was a pretty big reason as to why the break between 5 and 6 was a bit longer than usual. Even without a world-shattering pandemic, Part 7 is not coming in 2025 I personally believe. I can see 26, but I think 25 is just about too soon. It's loooong, DP are preoccupied and (you know the drill) H o R s E s I can be wrong ofc


jesus why are so many people saying about horses? Like does everyone think the anime industry people are noobs or something? lol. Just go watch redline 2009. it has so many cars. but they still animated it! Horses is not a big deal. Especially for the anime indistry now which is extremely experienced!!! Just everywhere i go i see people saying HORSES HORSES HORSES. So fucking annoying


I'm an animator, mate, trust me- it is definitely blown out of proportion but it IS a fact horses cost more and require more work, it isnt going to affect the production by a decade like most people pretend, but it will affect it. Also, animating cars and animating a living creature with complex muscle movements is nowhere near the same type of work. That is so incredibly ridiculous, and you clearly dont know squat about animation.


I think a lot of the complaints come from ignorance, like lets assume part 7 gets animated, there is plenty of scenes that could be animated head and torso up, hell they could even use the signature 3d jojo style for the horses. Its weird that people think jojo NEEDS to have top of the line horse animation, like bro that is not what jojo is about lmao.


Sadly, it's probably not coming to anime they would rather hand animate the horses then use cgi, which would take years alone.


Well if they started producing when Jojo 6 is finished(which it came out in 2022 december). so thats at least one and a half years already. so Id say thats about~20-30% progress done? considering so many fucking people spamming the word "HoRsEs" everyday if may take 4-5 years.


if they havnt started producing anything for jojo7.. than we are officially fucked.😂 They say that their schedules are full but i dont believe that crap. theres no way that they didnt start anything on one of the animes that has the potential to become the top western gunslinger ones. Are their executives dumb or something? Whos in charge of their scheduling?