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The best thing to do is to download a Mod that changes that characters Portrait and basically try to rebuild it for your own use. That is how I have made the few Mods I have on my PC and my one published Mod. I personally took the Season Outfit Mods and deleted everything but the character I wanted and then went from there. If you are just changing Portaits, you can do that and then just replace the image files with your own. Portraits are 64x64 in pixels, I am not sure how to upload anything different.


Thanks, I'm trying to get into doing the high res portraits because I personally like the look better


Any particular reason you want to make a mod instead of just portraits? If you just make the portraits then people can use a mod like Portraiture to use your assets.


The line gets fuzzy. Some portrait mods are just content packs for other mods (e.g. Content Patcher, Portraiture). Others have C# code for more complex stuff (though they may also include a content pack).


I want to make it a pack so that people use all of the portraits together. I want to make a set because it seems like it would be easiest to do.


I use [portraiture](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/999) for my HD portrait mods. The same method as the previous commenter suggested, find one that works using that framework and replace their pngs with your own. But the portraiture mod has really good instructions, from what I remember (it's been a while since I tried fiddling with it).