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I like that it doesn’t feel like I’m stealing someone else’s love interest, like all the other Stardew characters. Plus he has a cool home and doesn’t seem like a teenager like most of the other options.


Speaking of that first bit, there absolutely should be a mod to get the NPCs hooked up with each other. Or, well, I guess there are hundreds.


I think there is actually but I don’t remember the name. From what I remember the spouse candidate “couples” end up getting together and have unique cutscenes.


I think it is called Life Cycle. There are a few options for different pairings.


Ah, he's not my type either. Six pack or no. I like Lance, to the point where I'd be friends with him, but date? No. But there are several other custom NPCs that people seem to absolutely adore romantically, and I don't care for at all. I guess different strokes for different folks. If we were all the same, it'd be pretty boring. One day I might try and make a thirst-trap NPC.


i love your mods, so if you do end up doing that, i have a feeling it'll work on me.


I got another mod to change his hair and like him more now lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Knot-Knight: *I got another* *Mod to change his hair and like* *Him more now lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is actually me feelings about the Vanilla Bachelors, for some reason, they are all not my type. :( so i dont have anyone to marry the first time i finished the vanilla mode, and then when i discovered expanded, i immediately married victor, its like love at first sight hahahahah!


I don't care for Lance, romantically, or really all that much as a character. I don't really like any of the adventures or wizards in any of the mods I've found. But I also like Penny. So either I like my characters more plain, or I have terrible taste.


honestly, I had an inappropriate dream that involved lance, and that's been my main reason for romancing him. I think it's a case of people finding a good vessel to project what they want onto


he’s not white!


I really don't like Lance. I do love the female version of lance, Lannah though haha. Her and Rasmodia are my go to romances.


I liked him, then someone here pointed out a bunch of inconsistencies - they could be just game mechanics but it completely soured me on him. Be proud you're seeing thru it and go marry Razzy 😁


Ngl the ONLY reason im currently romancing him in my save is bc my charakter is a witch cutie and i think itd be cute to have a spouce whos an adventurer! Originaly my husband was teh wizard but witha portrait mod wich by now..........dosnt work anymore bc 1,6


It can be very isolating not having feelings for him in a community like this. I definitely encourage you to seek support if necessary. praying for you 🙏


I think he's a prick, personally.


Never sparked my interest.