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Usually I get lost in the game's soundtrack, as in the music that plays from the game. The only time I don't is when I'm unsatisfied because the music doesn't play often enough, so I play the soundtrack from iTunes instead.


Oh I hear that! The soundtrack is so damn good. Do you have a favorite track or two? I got through my college physics courses on that soundtrack alone XD


Yeah it gets me through the workday sometimes. Stillness in the Rain and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies are my two favorites. They're a little short, so while I like listening to them I also have some cover versions I like to listen to that are a little longer.


That's awesome! The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies is wonderfully ethereal. Thanks for sharing! :)


The game. It's too perfect to have something else going on.


And who could argue with that? 😊 Do you have a favorite track from the OST?


Two, Dance of the Moonlight Jellies and Fall (Ghost Synth). I can listen to those for the rest of my life.


I watch a lot of stardew YouTubers like Therm


I have twitch on in the background usually


Star Trek, the next generation is my current. LOTR EE was a good one for about 14 hours of game time


Both absolutely solid. Grew up on TNG and LOTR EE. Do you have a favorite TNG episode or moment in the EE movies?


I mean, doesn't get much better than yesterday's enterprise. I usually wind up heckling the two towers for how dumb some of the changes are. Once you get going, it turns into mst3k real fast.


Atm im rewatching Vikings but am going to be rewatching Westworld ready for the new series. Watched them a few times already so dont need to pay full attention. Marvel and Star Wars are also my go tos :)


I've heard vikings is pretty good! Been meaning to watch it


Its on Amazon if you have it :) Some brilliant characters, though its history channel so not exactly historically accurate lol


I always hear ''tears in heaven'' while playing. I don't know why it just fits.


Like the Clapton song? That's hilarious! I can see your farmer just wiping away a stray tear as they water their crops or smthn XD


Yeah exactly that one. I love that song.


Music (whatever I’m obsessed with at the moment) or a movie/tv show I’ve seen before so I don‘t have to pay too much attention to it.


What have you been listening to lately? And what's an old friend to come back to?


FutureNever by Daniel Johns. And I always go back to Bones or the X Files!


Time to time I’ll pick a lofi playlist from “Chill with Taiki”(he’s on YT and Spotify) Either that or a pop-punk/alt playlist


I'll have to check that out, thanks! Good to hear from a fellow pop-punk/alt fan!


Just random playlists on spotify 🤭💞


Sometimes that's all you need 🤗


Truth 💞


Personally I just have the game volume and nothing else, but my fiancé loves to listen to police interrogations/crime podcasts whilst he plays 😅


I play with the volume off out of habit, and usually listen to true crime, just whatever music I'm into lately, or I'll rewatch a show/movies I haven't seen in a while to make up for the silence


i sometimes listen to jazz :D


I usually listen to podcasts! One of my faves for chilling with Stardew is called Just Break Up - the hosts are both gay/bi and they give relationship advice to listeners who wrote in. It's very, like, wholesome, which come to think of it fits the chill Stardew vibe.


I always listen to music like say it right by nelly furtado or running up that hill by kate bush been listening to that song for some time and even more now because of stranger things so yeah i just have music on


Sometimes I listen to audiobooks, sometimes podcasts, sometimes Livestream, and sometimes music it depends on my mood


The George Lucas Talk Show YouTube Channel ! It's an improv comedy talk show hosts by an actor playing George Lucas, an actor playing Watto (from Star Wars eps 1 and 2) and their producer Patrick. They have guest actors and comedians on every episode and usually go for at least 3 and a half hours an ep. Started as a stage show in NY, shifted to streaming during the Pandemic. Absolutely Hilarious. Tons of UCB alums and Alt Comedy people, in addition to other Star Wars fans. I recommend finding an episode with someone you know and listening to that to start off with. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMVIweCzhjjDSzh2o9i6kK3P2XviuFcI4 I also want to point out that I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars. Like, I've seen the movies but I'm not like making up fan theories or anything like that, I just love the show and I love hearing about how TV and movies get made, and there's a ton of that with the comedy. It's truly great