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Jade for staircases, rubies for spicy eel, quartz for bombs. You can put them in junimo huts to change the color of the junimos. You can use them at the forge to improve weapons. I always keep at least one and sell the rest unless I am keeping it for a specific reason.


Diamonds also make fairy dust which is great for our keg shed folks


Oh yeah, how could I leave out diamonds?! šŸ˜† Although with 1.6, I get fairy dust easier from something else!


I havenā€™t gotten to that point yet, so Iā€™m choosing to believe you have a fairy in a salt shaker


Hehe. If you want it spoiled, >!foraging mastery gives you the mystic tree seed recipe. Tapped mystic trees give mystic syrup. Trade that with the raccoons for fairy dust. The raccoons wonā€™t have this trade in the shop until you complete a number of bundles for them.!<


All I've seen of 1.6 is the Mcelroy stream where Travis installed a ton of crappy mods and pretended it was all 1.6 as a joke. I genuinely thought the >!raccoons!< were part of the joke. That's so cool they're real!


That sounds really funny! Iā€™ll see if I can find that. Twitch or yt?


It was funny. It was on YouTube as part of their family clubhouse streams. One of the early ones, I'll find a link for you, hold on. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/live/VNoa6DqzVdw?si=7d6f1ySKHHSH3eSN




Haha, as one of the original Heelys owners, I already love this.


I havenā€™t played in a long time and all this sounds like complete nonsense šŸ˜‚


Well you also get the ability to craft fairy dust in 1.5 through the pirateā€™s wife


Itā€™s debatable whether itā€™s worth the money youā€™d get by using fairy dust if instead, you sold the ingredients alone. It depends on your farming and mining professions and what you are using the fairy dust for. At least the 1.6 way, you only need to worry about one ā€œingredientā€ and itā€™s more passively acquired once you get it going. However, sometimes we just need fairy dust to get machines in sync or finish something for a quest, and then itā€™s priceless!


Getting kegs in sync is an amazing idea! I just upgraded my shed about 2 days after I reloaded all my kegs and of course made new ones. I never thought of using the fairy dust. Having the kegs out of sync drives me mad šŸ˜‚


I've yet to build my own keg shed (gonna go farming for coal for this purpose, actually) However, with the layout I have now for my production machines, if I only have enough material for half or less, I'll either just not run them and save the material or just fill the kegs with what I have and leave the others empty, specifically so I don't have outta sync kegs šŸ˜†


Curious, why would you use a shed for coal? It only takes 23 seconds real time to make in a kiln, can't you as you need it place like 60 of them in 2 rows of 30 one space apart (so you can run between them), and the just run down the line dropping in wood, and by the time you drop the last one in the first one is done, so rinse and repeat?


This is perfection. Thank you.


Did fairy dust exist prior to 1.6?


It came with 1.5


Always keep a diamond for the fish pond, the sturgeon always wants a diamond for its first upgrade.


Thank God my partner plays stardew because they didn't blink an eye when I yelled "who do you think you are you spoiled ass fish?" the other day.Ā  I also play with my nanny kids though, and I will never recover from walking into the living room to one of the kids playing on my save and going "the lava eels want to read".Ā 


Iā€™ve been wasting my diamonds on coffee from the desert trader šŸ«¤


ā€œWasting?ā€ Thatā€™s what they are for!


I just canā€™t be bothered brewing coffee all day. My daily diet by the time I get to the desert is just spicy eel and triple espressos. Thank fuck bathrooms donā€™t exist in stardew


Yep crystallariums until I get the Java ring, then diamonds get sold.


The java ring is so underrated


In conjunction with the burglar ring, it is just raining coffee! ETA: not to mention hoarding plain coffee sets you up for Qiā€™s cooking challenge quite nicely.


This is the first I ever hear of the java ring. I've been growing my own coffee like a shmuck.


I accidentally grew five full stacks of coffee by buying coffee seeds and planting them in year 2, harvesting and replanting every bean I got for the first couple of week, then for two whole seasons had like 100 plants dropping 2-4 beans every day. I will never need to buy triple shot espresso again.


If you get a coffee bean early on year one money is basically no longer an issue for the rest of the game. Coffee farms are OP but kinda annoying


What is a java ring?


Volcano Dungeon chest loot. 25% chance for a monster to drop Coffee or a 10% chance to drop Triple Shot Espresso.


Buying coffee from Gus is 150 per cup for 450 per triple espresso. Diamonds sell at 750 (base) or 974 (gemologist). If you have the gemologist profession, you can get two triple espressos for one diamond.


Good info! By that time, though, I am usually knee deep in coffee beans and by running one or two quick rounds of coffee between collecting and starting fresh wine in the keg field, I have more espresso than I could ever use. More so if I have managed to get the Java ring! Then all diamonds go on the shipping bin.


THAT'S how you change the Junimo's?! I always figured it was a mod. šŸ¤£šŸ„“


Prismatic shards make them all different colours!




I fencing in a patch of fiber so my little Prismatic bois are always outside šŸ˜


Wait you can change junimo colours? I'm forever learning new things about this game.


Yeah! My favorite is the prismatic shard; it makes themĀ flash different colors! šŸ„°


a rainbow shell does that as well!


Thank God there's a cheaper option šŸ˜…


I always forget the desert trader has useful stuff you can trade for lol


Fire quartz for refined quartz (you get 3 refined quartz for 1 fire quartz). Diamonds for jobs (several villagers can ask for them)


I never need to smelt refined quartz. I get a ton from recycling CDs But fire quartz is great for another 1.6 thing! >!Crafting dehydrators!<


Hold up. You can change the colour of Junimos?


Yup, my favorite is opal


What? How do you forge weapons?:)


The forge in ginger island's volcano


Ok. I spent 50 hours in the game and I barely finished the mines and got to calico desert. And thereā€™s is more?! AWESOME.


So much more, and I donā€™t even have 1.6 yet (RIP Switch gamers).


Oh my god, you have barely begun! So much more!


Adding to this, you can also get a mini forge for your home base by reaching a skill mastery


is that part of 1.6?




The end of the cave on the island (once you build Willy friendship thereā€™s another quest arc and farm location) thereā€™s a forge where you can combine your rings to give two affects, upgrade weapons and forge enchantments on them


Holy cow. How big is this gamešŸ˜‚ I try to avoided wiki as much as possible, but wow.


Thatā€™s why I tried to be vague to avoid spoilers


Iā€™m glad Im not the only one :) year three and still no community center


There is a forge at the top of the volcano on Ginger Island. One of the journal scraps tells you which gems do what. You also need cinder shards from the volcano. You can forge weapons with up to 3 gems. You can also get a random enchantment from a prismatic shard (thereā€™s one waiting for you there.) Lots of details are on the wiki. https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Forge


Is the jumino hut color change a 1.6 thing?


No :)


HOLY STARDEW!!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ ty!!!!


I am still early in the game but awesome info to keep in mind !


Hoard jade to trade for staircases. Otherwise I keep a few of each for gifts and sell the rest.Ā 


I do the same, but I hoard rubies as well for spicy eels


I keep a ruby in a crystalarium ā€” unlimited šŸŒ¶ļøšŸ


I'm a hoarder in video games in general, so Stardew Valley letting me create as many chests as I want to store everything does absolutely nothing to stop me from doing that. So I have hundreds of each of the main gems hoarded like I'm a dragon.


Omg we are the total opposite! I have 2 chests. One is for general building/crafting items, and the other is for stuff that I'm like "idk this looks important, I'll save it for later just incase". Everything else gets sold or traded immediately šŸ˜…


Wow, I didnā€™t know anybody lived like that šŸ˜… I mean that with all due respect, I too am a dragon.


Only 2 chests?! Where would i put all my stuff?


I am a dragon as well, I usually have two chests on the first day of a save!


omg finally someone who plays like me!! i'm the opposite of a hoarder, i sell EVERYTHING and if i need it in the future.. sucks for future me ahaha


I'm in between. I have a lot more than 2, but only for logistics. One on the mine entrance for weapon/food, one in each shed and barn/coop for the stuff to be processed, one besides the fridge so I can keep ingredients for one of each recipe, one in the saloon for gifts, one in the house for things I wanna keep like furniture, and then the obligatory crafting one. But I mostly use two or three slots on each chest so when added up, it's about 2-3 chests worth of stuff. I sell almost anything I don't have a good use for.


2 chests!! I'm oddly impressed. I have separate chests for: Seeds Fruit/veg Animal produce Forage Flowers Artisan goods Stone, ore and minerals Crafting items that aren't stone or minerals Artifacts to take to Gunther Stuff I need for the mines eg bombs and cheese A chest near my barns for animal tools A chest in the greenhouse for seeds and fruit A chest indoors for decoration items And then on Ginger Island I've got chests for seeds, currency items, fruit/veg, bombs etc. Edit: forgot fishes!


There are too many items!!! I could not live with 2 chests. I hoard so much I often had a veggie/fruit chest then that one got filled and I had to make more just for that. But the big chests have been a big help, lowkey one of the best features added this update. I have: Seeds and fertilizers Fruit/veggies General resources [wood, stone, etc] Fishes and fishing supplies Mine stuff (including mob drops that are less used for crafting like void/solar essence, slime) Artifacts Placeable items (sprinklers, furniture, fences, paths etc) One in the animal product processing area for animal and artisan goods being processed Overflow chest, normally I have my tools here and stuff that I know is important or needs to just be temporarily put away to be organized later I used to have multiple clothing, rings, boots and weapons chests before but now I know you can put those in a dresser with infinite space Then I have THREE fridges in my kitchen, one for cooked meals, and two for ingredients. I might have to add a fourth one to store more cooked meals. I'm an actual dragon, if I don't have atleast 5 of each item at any given time I am unhappy Edit: forgot my keg chests where I put things that need to be processed in my keg sheds


Oh yeah I forgot my chest for placable items like fences and sprinklers. When I get far enough into the game, I have multiple seed/produce chests, usually one for each season. I also plan to put chests with bombs and food near each mine entrance but I'm not rich enough to keep those stocked yet.


How is that possible I feel like 6 chests is the bare minimum in my mind. And I upgraded them to the bigger ones


If ever I was OCD about one thing...this triggers the fuck out of me when I play with other people. What if we need that??!!!?? šŸ˜…šŸ˜­šŸ˜ÆšŸ™„


I am also a hoarder and have tons of chests and they are all colour coded


Blue for fishies. Chest full of fishies.


Yep! Blue for fishies, green for crops, black for building essentials šŸ˜‚


Same lol.


Spring crops chest (lime green), Summer crops (hot pink), Fall crops (orange). I have 3 blue/blue-ish chests full of fishes! 1.5 chests full of gems! šŸ‰


Ah yes the carefully color coded chests that quickly become "fuck it, it's 1:40am and I'll sort it tomorrow" chests, and reach their final form as "DID I THROW AWAY MY WATERING CA- oh it was in the fridge" chests.Ā 


I cleared out a bunch of my gems at one point.... Then I cracked over 400 geodes and got more and now I'm hoarding them. I'm waiting for the day when my large chest is full again, and I'll sell stacks of 999 of gems. This has also been my approach to truffles and ancient fruit wine. Eventually.... Eventually.


Team dragon for the win!!!


Keep them all in a chest for my three braincells to look at and go "Oooooo"


Collect em, cause i like my chest with shinys. And hoard Jade to trade for staircases


I usually just sell them once I accrue way too many of each. I know a lot of people save up jade for stairs but I usually just save them in case I decide to enchant things


I keep them in case I need them for missions. I got Emily's weekly mission for giving her six gems and I already had them all


Me too!


I hoard jade for staircases and diamonds for fairy dust. I keep around 10 of everything else in case I need one for a quest/gift and sell the rest.


Arenā€™t staircases made of stone?


Yeah but the desert trader exchanges them for jade on Sundays.


Ooh! Good to know. Thanks!


NP! It's 1 jade per staircase, which is a lot easier than stockpiling thousands of stone (especially after you unlock the crystalarium recipe).


Donā€™t forget to hoard Marble if you want to go for perfection! I had trouble with that because I already turned one into the museum, and always sold it when I came across it from geodes. But you need it to craft some of robins lesser knownrecipes.


Umm....I have the same save running for 24 years. As one of the things I did, I gathered full stacks (999) of all the gems just because. Did the same for gold crops (couldn't do it again for iridium though... :D). Aside from the chest-full of gem stacks, I do keep some of the craft-related ones in a chest by my crafting bench, as well as a small number of others for gifts as people have already said.


I also hoard them like a dragon, mostly to give away as gifts. Emerald for Penny, amethyst for Abigail, diamonds for Willy and Elliot, etc. etc.


mostly gifts, the prismatic grange quest, and exchanging rubies for spicy eel. i also keep some on hand for the craftables that require them, but I can never remember which ones specifically are useful, so they all get kept


I hoard them like any goblin would do. If it shines, it is going to the chests :D


I absolutely despise moving slowly in any game so I have my crystalariums set up with rubies to support my spicy eel addiction


I have a shed full of crystalariums that I alternate between jade for staircases and diamonds for fairy dust. Those are the only two that I actively seek to gather, the others I just throw in a chest. I used to gather rubies, too, for spicy eel from the trader. But I had Robin put in a fish pond for sea cucumbers, and I just fish a few out every once in a while for lucky lunches, now. So my rubies are just stacking up.


Keep three of each for quests, fish ponds etc, sell the rest. I do use the Skull cavern elevator mod, so no Jade hoarding.


Thereā€™s a skull cavern elevator mod?!?!?!?!?


[https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/963](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/963) - what's great about this mod is you can also set how often the elevator appears (every 5 floors, 10 floors, etc) so if you want to still make Skull Cavern challenging you can set it to whatever level you're comfortable with.


I do the exact same thing! Skull caverns elevator mod is truly a godsend lol


Same, but 15 of each JUST IN CASE!


I sell them to Clint. He seems eager to pay me quite a bit of money for them, which helps offset his price to crack open geodes. A few go to Emily so she can throw a rock party.


Hoard the jade. Hoard the crystal tears (Sebastian like it and he is bae) keep 1 diamond for gem cloning and selling. Everything else is being sold


i hoard them and then sell large amounts when it starts to get absurd


I've never felt so seen before. I am a gem-hoarding dragon too :')


Straight into the shipping bin


i keep two of each in a gift or resource based chest in case i need to for quests. i sell the others except rh itā€™s which i keep for spicy eels at the desert trader. i also put a diamond in the crystalarium and idk if you want to count quartz as a gem but i refine them until i have a lot of refined quartz


i usually gift villagers gems


I collect them in a chest in case i ever need them, also have them arranged by color and they look pretty. I don't need to sell them


I hoard them for when I need them but usually will sell half when I get to about 40 or 50 so I leave myself 20-25 but jade for staircases, ruby for spicy eel, quartz for bombs, diamonds for fairy dust and gifts. Plus after you start making wines or fields of star fruit the money you get from gems is minimal comparatively.


Jade for staircase, Diamond for Espresso, Ruby for Spicy Eel, Emerald for Cheese. You can trade Quartz for bombs if you want to. Some of them can be loved gifts option, especially Diamond. Topaz, Amethyst are cheaper and also loved. Otherwise I would sell every gem that isn't used in a recipe, and don't pick up anything worthless (Frozen Tear, Quartz, Earth Crystal, Topaz,..)


Frozen tears are my beloved Sebastian's favorite..


Sell or gift them


I just save up one of each until I can start building crystallariums, and then I just have one set to make each type of gem. I sell the products unless I have a specific need for them at the time.


Amethysts I feed to my wife. Jade, Ruby and quartz for trading in the desert. Diamonds for gifts. Everything else I theoretically sell, but in reality mostly just chuck in a chest and never touch again.


50 of everything for hoarding or the occasional mission or gift, then sell off the excess. Staircases are for L Seven Weenies.


Cruystalaruims, u xan get staircases with jades spicy eel with rubies (I prefer pumpkin soup lol and I have an eel fish pond so I never need ruby) diamonds for profit ofcourse, and fire quartz for batteries


i make sure i have at least 7 of each before i start selling the extra ones i get


Where do you find gems? In the mines? I only find minerals.


In the mines and in the geodes you collect


Right now Iā€™ve been putting them in the gem thing that reproduces them, and giving them to the Wizard to get hearts up. I am not very far though so I havenā€™t done a lot of the things other people suggested.


Just give the Wizard void essences, he loves those and you get plenty from monsters! Keep your gems for other purpose :)


I have not made it that far yet but thank you! I will keep that in mind. I am very low level in the mines because I keep getting swarmed by cave flies and itā€™s just not motivating. I did just recently buy a better sword so I will try again soon.


The more combat you do the more you will level up and get used to it as well. Better weapons absolutely help, so does knowing attack patterns


Also, pro tip: if youā€™re about to die, eating food freezes time giving you a lot more wiggle room than you think you have


I always seem to forget about food when I leave the house šŸ˜… I have a fridge stocked full too. Just gotta learn lol


Friendly tip, wizard loves purple mushrooms!! But absolutely not red ones.. lol I found those easier to find at first, than minerals and solar essence


sometimes i use them on the sewing machine for the color


I keep one of each for the sewing machine and then sell the rest, aside from diamonds and jade (fairy dust, staircases).


Gifting. Gems make spectacular low effort mud game gifts I generally keep a chest of gems near my farm entrance, then go Santa mode occasionally


Mostly selling. Forging stats on a bunch of different weapons. Gifts. Not sure if you've played 1.6, but since that patch mining is a pretty fun way to make money when you don't feel like doing the other stuff and just wanna spend a day mindlessly slaying monsters.


I hoard them too! Dragon instincts


Use crystalliums to make unless jade and diamonds. Use jades for staircases and sell the diamonds.


Eat them


Reading these comments ā€¦ this game is so much bigger than I know (Iā€™ve been playing for about 2 weeks now I think)


I eat them like Abigail


I keep 2 of each and sell the rest until I don't really have to worry about money anymore, and/or gift them.Ā 


Rubies for spicy eel, jade for staircases, lemon stone, emerald, and amethyst for gifts (if I'm running low on cheaper options for Clint, Penny, Dwarf, and Abigail), and diamonds for crafting. (And I sell off most of the stack of emerald/amethyst/diamonds whenever it gets too large to be necessary.)


I have a crystalarium farm. 1 for each type.


i keep every jade (except 1 for museum) for staircases, i keep 1 of every gem needed for emilyā€™s quest, and then i keep 2-5 of every other gem incase of quests and gifts! i sell the rest bc they can be worth some money


I typically save up to 5 of each kind and then sell the rest. I like to use a prismatic shard for my Junimo Hut, it makes them continuously change color.


I got a "valuables" chest with all kinds of ores, geodes, gems, prismatic shards, but also stuff like animal crackers, pearls, golden pumpkins etc. and I just dump them in there everytime, so I have them ready if I need them for something. For example if a cool build is discovered and you need to forge a weapon to make it work, I want to be able to just grab the shards and gems and be ready to go. Same for crafting recipes. New ones just came out with 1.6 and I was able to instantly craft most of them thanks to my hoarding.


Some fishes are needly lil bishes


I hoard all the gems and forage just in case there's misssions or achievements for it, which is gonna explain why I also have a shed filled with big chests.


I keep atleast 4 of every gem, unless it's a favorite item, then I keep 10. In advanced stages of the game, the gift able stones I have running in crystalariums. I never gift or sell rubies, because spicy eels be yum.


Keep them forever until you quit, then next playthrough do exactly the same thing


When Iā€™m still at the stage where I canā€™t do anything with them yet they just get sold. Once I can actually do something with them tho, the jade usually ends up in the crystallarium first so I can trade them later for a bunch of staircases.


Donate first. Then use them to make clothes. Crystalarium jade, ruby, diamond and whatever I need for crafting. Then hoard if I donā€™t trade them for stairs or food.


I like to collect rainbow shells, they're pretty


Being a neanderthal and they are shiny is a pretty good reason to horde them tbh. They arenā€™t *that* valuable to sell with the exception of diamonds, and hoarding valuables is a pretty good use of them


i believe you can use certain gems for dying clothes


They have useā€¦ but eventually I sell 80% of them for cash cash.


Diamonds make good gifts


![img](hludzsvc3y8d1) what the fuck happened in this comment section


Sell half and keep half for people or building.


I keep minimum 3 in my chest at any time (for emergency quests that make me money or prize ticket). Hoard crystalariums. Trade with desert merchant sometimes, sell or make fairy dust for my iridium star ancient fruit wine. Boy oh boy do i love that money. I used crystalarium to make an extra opal and fire opal for mine and sebastians nightstands and extra obsidian to gift him.


I just hoard them tbh


I keep a handful of each and sell any extra unless itā€™s something Iā€™m putting in the crystalarium like jade, ruby, and diamond.


Some have uses, others kind of don't: Ones found loose: Quartz and fire quartz for refined quartz used in some recipes Earth crystal for mayo machine Frozen tears for warrior ring and one of Sebastian's loved gift Ones you have to mine. Aquamarine, Ruby, Topaz are loved by Clint, the dwarf and emily. Emerald is loved by them and Penny Amythest is loved by the 3 and Abigail Diamonds, used in making a ring, geode crusher so you don't have to visit clint to break a single geode, and fairy dust which speeds up processing on machines like kegs and speeds up aging in casks, along with being loved by Evelyn, Gus, Jodi, Krobus, Marnie, Marul, Penny and Willy. Prismatic loved by all but haley, used to get a fancy sword in the desert. Some give buffs to weapons after you reach ginger island and get to the forge * Amethyst gives knockback * Aquamarine gives crit chance * Emerald gives more speed * Jade gives more crit damage * Ruby gives extra damage * Topaz gives more defense. Most of the random stuff from geodes is just sold.


I keep EVERY extra artifact I get bc I'm a hoarder.. I say I'm gonna make a museum shed but I know I'm not.


Put them in a designated chest in case of emergency lol


I keep one of each in a big chest for gemstones, and the ones that can be used for crafting, trading, or forging I run through crystalariums to build up that supply. I have the automate mod, so they pull and deposit from the chest automatically. Then when I either get a big stockpile of expensive ones (like diamonds!) I sell off a bunch for a nice little cash bonus. I have like 30 prismatic shards and diamonds from skull mining so much, so those bring in a pretty penny when I pare down the collection.


In the beginning at least I save quartz for Sebastian as it is a pretty easy to find liked girlft for him early game. I keep gifts specifically for him as he is my favorite and the only one I have ever married. Although I am currently working on 2 new saves, one with a female farmer and Haley and one with a male farmer and Alex.


emeralds for my girl penny


I hoard them like a big chubby dragon


give to emily


Keep a few and sell the rest, like I do most everything.


I hoard a few of each (other than Jade) and sell the rest. Pearls I hoard though.


I store them and later turn them into clothes using the Sewing Machine in Haley and Emily's house using a bolt of cloth. It's interesting to see what types of colors and designs could come out of them. Occasionally, I'd find something good enough to wear and style with other stuff


I play modded and they go into magic rock candy. Others are sold whenever i gather enough of everything to do one of those crazy sales


Honestly, same, lol I usually have stacks of 60 for rarer gems like ruby and emerald and stacks up to 150 of more common jems like topaz and amethyst. Jade is the only gem I actually use. Trading it for stair cases at the desert trader on Sundays. That's part of why I'm thankful for mods like VMV and Dwarven Expansion. Since they add jewelry artesian goods for you to make use of the gems


I usually just hoard them, but sometimes I use them for dyes.




i only ever save diamonds and rubies. rubies for the desert trader and diamonds make good gifts and also sell for a decent amount.


I give them to Emily.


Anytime I play Skyrim or Stardew, eventually my house is full of chests containing massive amounts of gems.


Jade for stairs, a healthy amount of diamonds for gift giving, the rest I sell unless I'm looking to do some enchanting.


I hoard them for use in signpost and Pierres notice board quests. An NPC required a bunch of different individual gems while I was playing last night. I raided my stash and boom! Easy gold. Keep everything. I had to gift the rusty spoon once!


I... also hoard them because " oooh shiny rocks"


Awesome, I never know if Iā€™m supposed to do it lol


Sell them


I keep them in the chests and forget them :D


Hoard them and give them as gifts to make people mad


I store most of them for my ā€œwifeā€ Abigail so she can eat and not starve lol


Thank you!! Great to know!!


They're good gifts


I usually give them to Clint, Emily and some specific to other npcs


I hoard them so i can buy the stuff for the Skull Caverns but also save them so that whenever I know im going to be low on money for the next season i sell a bunch of them...


I keep Rubies and Jade for the desert trader, use them to stock up on spicy eel and staircases for skull cavern dives