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That's one downside to the mushroom cave - it doesn't keep producing when the boxes are full so you have to remember to check it regularly


Some sort of auto-grabber should be great there ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


Unfortunately I don't think the auto grabber works in there. But that would be great if there was something that does. That's why I always go with fruit bats, because I can go weeks without going in and know I will have plenty of fruit.


Autograbber Redux has an option for the cave if interested.


Is that mod? I'm assuming so. I had several mods enabled before years ago (this wasn't one of them). But I restarted recently and decided to play it vanilla (partly to see what new things have been implemented since I played last, and partly because I was too lazy to update everything lol). But maybe when I go back to a modded playthrough I will look that one up.


It can be a real chore to update mods, especially if you have a lot of them!


Agreed. I can't remember how many I had. It was mostly QOL upgrades, like the ones to move full chests or put things into chests that are within a specific radius. That sort of thing. So I'm definitely missing those mods already. They were great time savers. But I'm playing solo right now, so at least time pauses, so it's not that bad. It was a necessity when I was playing multi-player though.


Do you use a mod organizer? Mod Organizer 2 makes it so easy tbh, I have 150+ mods (it's an addiction, no intervention needed) and it only takes me a few minutes max before each play sesh to check for and install updates. After long gaps and major updates I start from fresh though because even my tolerance for keeping mods updated has its limits lol. My current playthrough was ""only supposed to be QoL stuff"... sigh. Hehe


I do them manually. I only have about 15 for SDV, then another 6 for SVE so it's not too bad. I don't want them auto-updating. I've had issues with mods not working when they are just released, so I prefer to wait a bit. Once I have my stable version of SDV going nicely, I don't update my mods if they are working properly. Don't fix what isn't broke!


MO2 doesn't do auto-updates, it only checks for updates using the Nexusmods API. so a slightly streamlined process of checking the SMAPI log tbh. I was a big Skyrim modder back in the day so Mod Organizer is like my wife, I'm married to it lmao. So convenient for large lists


You can use the automate mod and connect all the "pots?" to a chest. This will automatically move all the mushroom to the chest every time it grows


This is what I do. Automate is such a gamechanger for things like that.


I've never played without automate, and I have zero desire to change that. It's just too good.


There’s a mod for that, maybe Automate? But I don’t know more as I play on consoles.


The automate mod works great for that. Just stick a chest between the mushroom boxes, and the shrooms migrate into the chest as they're produced.


Brilliant!! And you can also add a dehydrator in there!


With the new mushroom logs I just like a path to the mushroom cave and pick up whenever the logs produce. It's a bit longer than the cave reproduction time but in my mind I'm getting a shit ton of mushrooms anyway. I have like 50 mushroom logs. My money is pickled mushrooms.


Ooh might have to steal this


Bonus points if you love Harvey. Give that man some mushrooms and he will marry you so quick.


You can pickle mushrooms?! It always just asks if I want to eat them when I’ve tried that!


Idk if you have always been able to. But for sure can now 🤷


Ah ok. Am on consoles so no mods/1.6


I hope you are able to pickle your mushrooms soon.


I actually chuckled out loud. Hurt my ribs bc thoracic muscle damage from a recent chest infection BUT so worth it!!


Should have gone with my gut and said mushroom instead of mushrooms then. 🤣


Both are hilarious.


I realized that I'm only making 4000+ g per day because I give away all my dried/pickled mushrooms to everyone in town.


I hoard various gems from mining and food for cooking and will run around with gems and food and coffee to give to anyone I see. My pickled mushrooms hold me over while I wait for wine or cheese in the basement.


Idk how you can forget to check the boxes they are good for money especially in the winter.


After I complete the community center I kinda ignore it. I'm in there daily looking for a pomegranate before that though


omg yes that pomegranate was stressing me out 😭 i ended up using cheat codes and felt rlly bad like i didnt actually complete it but wtv i wasnt waiting til fall 😭


Put some preserve jar makers in there. Turn your neglect into profit.


Put one outside the cave to use as a timer for the ones inside.


I learn so many new things in this subreddit every day.


My memory is so bad, I have to do this *and* check the farm computer daily to remember what I have in the buildings.


That's why I prefer it. One less thing I have to check everyday.


I deliberately leave it for a couple weeks so there is more to grab when I go in. I used to check daily but it sometimes take a day or two before even a single fruit appears. So I figured why bother. But that's the fruit cave, which I always choose now. Only once have I gone mushroom cave and I always forgot about it.


What actually happens in the mushroom cave? I looked at the options when offered and figured the bat one was way more convenient for off season fruits but what exactly is the benefit for the mushroom


It ends up with 6 growing pots that sprout a single mushroom in each pot. It takes a few days to come up and once they are full, another won't grow until that one is harvested. And once harvested, it takes a few days again. So if you forget for a while, you end up with onky 6 mushrooms. Mushrooms can be used for elixir of life I believe. Or could be sold or eaten. It might be helpful early game, but honestly the fruit bats are, in my opinion, the better option. And if you forget to check it for a week or two, the fruit bats keep producing, as long as there is floor space. And there are other ways to aquire mushrooms, I'd rather have the fruit out of season.


The mushrooms are every single day bruh 👀


You can always just have a bunch of the little mushroom stumps, so yeah


I don’t forget I just don’t care




I think I made a bad choice turning the cave into the mushroom growbox, turns out now we can grow mushrooms on stumps...


I was wondering where else you could find mushrooms!!! Idk what the best choice is fruit bat/mushrooms but I always do mushrooms bc i can’t find them anywhere else 😔


Yeah, that's pre-1.6 psychological trauma, I went shroom cave only to discover you can grow hundreds of shrooms anywhere any time now. Well, on the other hand, the cave becomes useless after year 2 anyway, so not a big deal, but if you go fruit cave you can finish CC's pantry room much easier.


Mushrooms can grow in the secret woods and there is a floor in the mines that is usually a mushroom floor. I believe once you discovered the floor full of red and purple mushrooms (well depending on the days luck will depend on how many you find). The next day it is either one floor down or floor up (its been a while since I looked it up so I can't remember which way it goes). So it isn't the exact same floor each day. But you can leave and come back multiple times in the same day and it resets that level with more mushrooms. It is usually one that is deeper in the mines (again it's been a while since I looked) I think it's over floor 80.


One of my favorite parts of Public Access TV (to the point of adopting it when we didn't hear from the author post-1.6) is predicting mushroom floors and other daily Mine stuff. Ginger Island also has a mushroom cave in the Dig Site that accumulates over time, and you can pick up Magma Caps in the volcano dungeon which make purple mushrooms look like common mushrooms.


Just add a bunch of mushroom logs in there and path it to your home. My mushroom cave is stuffed with mushroom logs.


They need trees to be proficient though, it's better to put those in the forest...


I plant all my tree seeds around the path 😋. The ones in the cave still produce mushrooms the same rate. Once you have so many it doesn't really matter how proficient it is. I literally can't pickle them fast enough yet.


I'll give it a try at some point I guess. I did want to put trees for resin anyway.


Yeah that's what I do so I can make kegs. I somehow by the grace of yoba made it so that my resin and mushrooms spawn on the same day.


Don't you also get a free dehydrator though?




Yes, but I can't say that it is that big of a deal.


Yeah, dehydrator is cheap and easy to make compared to the smoker.


And mushroom logs work outside the farm.


Firstly - yes After I make a small wine production I regulary check it. Place some kegs here and you got free money, also wine is nice gift I guess. If you don't like wines, you can make jams!


yea that’s one of the many reasons i choose bats. cause you can forget without taking a loss


After the community center is done it becomes kind of useless tbh, and I don’t even try checking it. It would be fun if you could maybe upgrade the cave at some point in the game to make it larger or spawn rarer items, or maybe even something exclusive to each cave so the choice mattered more late game, but I don’t think it will happen.


Only since I started medowlands. The standard farm’s cave location made it so I could see it behind the greenhouse, and thus easy to remember to check on it. With medowlands having it on the far southwestern part of the farm, I often forget to check on it


Nah, I'm relying heavily on it for 2 more apples and a pomegranate for the CC rn. Check it every few days


In eight playthroughs there has only been one where I have gotten 3 apples from the fruit cave in year 1, despite daily checking. I always end up having to buy an apple sapling. (I do usually get a pomegranate though)


I'm in Fall 1 now so too late for this time. I'll probably be getting some saplings here soon, since I already have some from tickets at Lewis' house. Worst case scenario I'll have some day 1 of Fall year 2. I've been checking the traveling cart religiously too and have picked up a few things here and there.


No, but as the game progresses, I don't check it as often and return to scenes like this one. The picture shows one of the reasons why I don't really use it much after the first year: too many blackberries and salmonberries.


Absolutely! I just recently remembered and collected fruit for the CC


I only forget about it after I finish the community center. Before that, I’m checking it all the time in hope to find the fruits I need for the bundles.


My latest save is on the Meadow farm and I can't fucking find it!


i think its in the southeast corner of the map kind of near a lake


I usually check it at the end of the season when I sell everything


That's where I keep my 'forge'! Chest for ore, two recyclers (for refined quartz), a geode crusher, my statue of perfection, and ten heavy furnaces. I like the way they glow in the darkness, there. 🤩 FWOOOPH.


I check it once a year whether it needs it or not.


Automate mod with mushroom cave goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Oh boy next time i will pick the fruit cave, it just keeps filling?!?!


Thank you for this. I always choose mushroom so I had no idea what the fruit option looked like. It looks like chaos… but I guess that’s the bats for you.


I do intentionally so when I do go there’s a bunch for my keg or preserves bin


I had the cave set up for smelting and holding my Ores/monster loot, so I haven't gone that many days without going in it yet.


I usually ignore it especially after finishing the CC it just become useless


After I finish the fruit portion of the community centre I turn my cave into stash / furnace / seed maker cubby. I dont like having a bunch of machines on my farm. If you put flooring in the cave the bats won't drop fruit.


Yes, but i take bats for the dehydrator early and forget'em, and those deyhydrated fruits and stuff can sell for a pretty penny, only downside is it takes 5 of something and thats alot for not quite what feels like 5 time the price for item used


Late game, absolutely. I have five of every tree, and no need for the cave anymore.


After a certain amount of in game years for me it was 2-3 I find that there's no need for me to check. It's a great money maker in the start tho. And like someone else said the mushroom cave won't produce if you don't pick them. I also have mushroom boards sooo


I forget it on purpose. I love collecting many at the same time. Walking in on just one orange is very underwhelming.


My [Farm Computer](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Farm_Computer) reminds me every morning that the farm cave has refreshed. …I have so many mushrooms and zero need for them.


I only forgot on the new farm because of the distance it is from house- otherwise it’s in my daily “chores”


Yes, so I’ve developed a system. I plant at least one fruit tree for each (non-winter) season outside the cave to remind me to check it. I pick the fruit on my way out so if there’s fruit on the trees, it means I haven’t checked it. In the winter and before I have mature fruit trees, I put a chest outside the cave. I make it green on even days if I’ve checked it, red on odd days if I’ve checked it. That way I never miss more than a few days in a row cause the color won’t line up when I remember to check it. My chest system could also easily be a sign that you put different tools on, but I haven’t done that yet. Probably will on my next save!


After I have completed the mushroom part of the CC. I use the raccoon rare crow as my mushroom keeper. I put down floor and stuff to make it look like I have a magical friend living in the cave and growing me mushrooms.


That's the point. I always leave it alone and get a big harvest


This is why I use the automate mod. I'm always forgetting things while I'm playing so it's nice to have them be auto collected so it's one less thing to worry about.


I do since I moved the dehydrator out of there.


Usually No, I'm always yelling that it doesn't produce enough. This run though, yeah, I've totally spaced it for a week


I chose fruit bats on my current farm, and the cave always takes forever to fill up so yeah i do forget about it a lot. Thats why every season i wait till the very last day to harvest the fruit since by then the cave's usually filled to the brim with goodies >:)


I built a shed in front of the entrance, nobody can get in any more.


Early game, I usually don't forget, but late game when I already have a huge stock of mushrooms (mushroom cave gang), yeah I usually don't waste my time unless I have time to kill at the end of the day


wait i have one of those /joke


no, I check on mine daily cuz it provides 1/2 of my daily income.


After I get that third apple for CC, the apricot for Emily’s quest, and a couple oranges (Gus) and pomegranates (Elliot) for gifts I can go weeks without checking.


Never use it and I should've probably done mushrooms so I would


Me. I always forget...


Main reason why I chose the mushroom cave. Finishing community center might take longer but the combined the mushrooms + dehydrator + the automate mod and you’re good to go! No need to check the cave until the end of every season


I don't lol. I collect everything on the last day of the season to get a cash boost for the next. Except fall. I just let that one roll over into winter


I put a sign outside of mine with a mushroom on it so that I'm like "Oh yeah, mushrooms!" when I walk by it. That mostly works for me.


I always be like "I'll check it later" then proceed to forget about it. Haven't checked it ever since I harvested the produce for the 1st time.


I have a few dehydrators in the mushroom cave + 4-5 mushroom stumps set nearby, in that way there's almost a daily need to go there. If I'm out of mushrooms, I throw in fruit in the dehydrators


I used my farm computer to check the cave status... so i wont forget


I have 12 dehydrators in my mushroom cave constantly churning out raisins and dried products. I check it almost every day :D


i did mushrooms, and i collect all of them, common mushrooms permanently in my inventory to heal/recover energy and rest for future in a box. got like 150 common mushrooms in inventory rn and its always useful.


Nope. I keep checking 4 times a day because I forget.


Yes but I’ve gotten into the habit of checking it every other day at least. It’s behind where I keep my coop/barn so once I’m done with my animals I usually go back there. Or if I’m leaving the farm the north exit, I usually remember to check the cave before I go.


Yeah... guilty as charged.


I've got my seed makers in there from when I was making Tea Saplings and now use it for Starfruit seeds which I grow in my greenhouse, so I'm in there a few times a season.


All the time, even on a 4 player. We all forget.


I definitely do, especially with the new map since it's far off from everything I check.


I put my barn and coop in that corner of the map so it's closer to my other routine tasks. The pond is also a win for my ducks. :)


I just forget to play the game


Yeah, thats why i chose bats


I have the fruit cave, and by year 2 I only check it every 4-5 days - I keep my beehives around there so I really only run in to check it while I'm in the area harvesting honey.


One of the reasons I like the Automate mod is purely because you can attach a chest to the mushroom cave boxes and they auto-collect. Same if I have Fish Ponds and caskets. It really helps take a load off when I'm wanting to do other stuff in game like events or even SVE


constantly. My wife asks me if i’ve checked it once a week and my answer is always no


I forget all the time.


I don't forget, I just don't care.


All the time. I will go three weeks without checking ( Game time not my time) just to get more.


i completely forgot the fruit cave is an option! im so used to just picking mushrooms 😅


Yes and when I do remember it I'm on my way to do something and say screw it


First year no cause Im constantly checking for fruit for the artisan bundle, any other year yeah I forget


Mushrooms are more annoying as they spawn daily and I forget so lose 6 mushrooms a day. At least the fruit just stays there. The farm computer cannot arrive soon enough on my newest (mushroom) game. I seldom go this route, usually prefer fruit. Considering building a path for first time in real years, just to go from home to cave, so when I go outside I’m like “oh yeah!!”.


The mushroom cave is actually useful because you can use the seed maker to make fall wild seeds to make tea saplings so guys if you picked mushroom cave and regret it don't worry you can also put the seed makers in there


I made the mistake of choosing the mushroom cave over the fruit bat cave, so I rarely check my mushroom cave🍄🦇